October 2016 Moms

August UO/Confessions

Re: August UO/Confessions

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    Any current events anybody would like to discuss? 
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    Is it bad that I try to stay oblivious to current events because I have enough bs at work I have to worry about. 
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    So I rack my brain for something every time we have this thread and I can never think of anything. This one is probably lame and tame. 

    I don't use a rectal thermometer. I just can't do it. I don't even own one. I use the digital on the forehead. I do have one that goes under the tongue which I'm guessing can also be used under the armpit. 
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    Nah, to each their own. I just have a personal interest in pretty much anything and everything.

    I have never used a rectal thermometer, and probably never will. I've honestly only ever seen a vet use one on my dog...

    The only possibly unpopular opinion I have lately is not being on board with parents and society allowing children under the age of 18 to begin gender transitioning. I think the transgender thing is getting a bit out of hand. Don't get me wrong, I believe everybody has a right to their own body and how they feel in that body, but adolescence is such a painful and confusing time on its own, I don't think it's safe to add more stress to that time. Especially before they're intellectually and emotionally developed enough to be able to cope with that stress and fully understand the implications of the process, and their resources afterwards. Just my thoughts.
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    My life motto is don't worry about me and I won't worry about you. So as long as something doesn't affect me, I don't really care what anyone does. But I do agree that a 12 year old going through so many changes in their body and brain shouldn't be given the opportunity to transition. That decision can affect the rest of their life and when they are an adult and they have had time to mature, may feel completely different. My mom wouldn't let me get a tattoo until I was 18 so same goes. She didn't want me blaming her for getting it if I ended up regretting it. 

    This may be an UO. I'm so over everyone's sensitivity. If someone has an opinion about transgenders, then let them have that opinion. We don't all think the same and they have that right to not agree with the way you live your life. I'm not talking about hate though. Someone can disagree with someone's lifestyle without hating them. My life is seen as "different" because I'm in an interracial relationship. I, on the other hand, could care less if someone doesn't agree and am not going to get pissed off and demand apologies. I live my life for me. 
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    I agree with both of those positions.
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    I have a confession guys. TMI Here but I shower way less then I used to. 
    I used to be every other day but have stretched it beyond that  too many times for my liking. I do wash the dirty bits every day with a washcloth and bath with V every other day but hair washing? I've went 4 days without a wash  :#:s
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    I have to wash the hair at minimum every other day or it's an oily mess.  I've always had oily hair but it's gotten worse pp. During pregnancy, I was able to go a few days which was awesome. 
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    Ohhh I have one that is similar. I slack so bad on brushing my teeth. I still manage to do it every day but sometimes it won't be untl I go to bed. H says that's the first thing I should do in the morning. I said no the first thing I do is go get your baby. 
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    I haven't brushed my teeth before bed in months. I definitely need to start though as I am a cavity prone person. I need to stop living that nasty lyfe! 
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    I just don't feel like I have time to do much of anything. I get home from work and play with S until her bed time. Then I cook or heat up left overs. I sit down and eat and give myself time to watch one tv show. Then I have to clean bottles and pump parts and do dishes. By the time I'm done it's 9:00 and I'm exhausted and ready for bed. I wouldn't be able to stay up much later because I'm such a light Sleeper and wake up so many times throughout the night that I need to go to bed as early as possible. And weekends, all my time is spent with S which don't get me wrong, I love,  just doesn't leave time for getting things done around the house. I need a housekeeper  :).
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    I wash my hair and brush my teeth regularly, but I don't brush my hair. Like, ever. It goes up in bun after my shower and stays there until my next. I have done that for so long that when I actually DO brush my hair and pull the curls and waves down after I shower, it looks like its an inch longer every time haha I'm even more amazed on the rare occasion I straighten it. It's just so brittle and thick that it hurts to brush it and it breaks off unless I brush it immediately after I shower while it's damp and conditioned :/ 
    This is such a first world problem. 

    OH, is either of your hair falling out? I have decently large clumps come out every time I shower, and my mom recently commented on it looking thinner. I hadn't noticed because I neglect my hair, but I think she's right.
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    The hair falling out has calmed down from a few months ago. I HATE brushing my hair. I have curly hair so I can only do it when it's wet. My hair is fine so it also tangles super easy. I even bought a silk pillow case in addition to sleeping with it in a bun and using detangler but it's always knotty. If I just put it up without brushing it, I'd be in a world of trouble. 

    I have another. I am on a roll lol. Shaving...does anyone do it??  I hardly ever shave and H always looks at me like I'm crazy. I walk around with hairy legs and armpits and just don't care. And If I'm not shaving those areas, nothing else is getting shaved either. 
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    I have been showering a lot more often in America.... hahah. But at first (pp) I was losing a lot of hair. Then I cut my hair short again and now I don't notice as much.

    i basically never shave in Tanzania but in America I've felt like I have to. Lol
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD January 2, 2025
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    I shave when Mikey starts making fun of me. That's about it... A 10-year-old dictates my shaving regiment haha
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    Confession: I think tere is something strangely sexy about Robert Stack's voice and demeanor on the original Unsolved Mysteries. It doesn't even matter that he was old... There. I got that off my chest.
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    @allythekid I love the mystery narrators voices ...Forensic Files and Keith Morrison from Dateline are my favorites. 
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    I'm a firm believer is the paranormal. That is my UO/Confession of the day. That being said- what do YOU think? Have you ever had any 'experiences'?
    (I think I may have asked this before, if so, here it is again.)
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    I am too @AllyTheKid. So much so that after a few instances I did away with watching scary movies. I used to be super into scary movies, ghost hunting, etc.. On a ghost hunt, we all saw what looked like 2 guys and a girl wearing "old time" clothes and carrying a lantern. This wasn't a tour but something that my friends and I did ourselves. A few years ago I started having weird dreams where I was paralyzed and couldn't move and I would feel a dark presence but never saw anything. When I was finally able to get up I would try to turn on the light but it wouldnt come on and I'd eventually run out of the house. If you look up the "devil sitting on your chest" you'll find several accounts of something similar to what I just explained happened to me. Those dreams scared me so bad that now I stay away from that type of stuff. H also has dreams like that. And One morning he woke up and his shirt next to the bed on the floor was completely soaked. No other water was around it and nothing could've leaked on it. It was like something stood wet right there next him. 
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    I had sleep paralysis before, at first I was horrified, but then I felt this weird, soothing peace. Like the feeling you get from the love of a child. This thing lived with my ex husband and I in my old house, and it gave hugs. It felt like freezing little arms wrapping around your waist. It seemed to be a little boy. He would unzip the couch cushions while I was laying on it, and always opened and closed the attic door. I never felt particularly threatened, but it was too much for me so I told him we're moving ASAP, and we did. He got the hugs too. That house made me a believer.
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    I seriously don't think I could emotionally or psychologically handle a situation like the ones your nd your H have experienced... An ominous feeling... I used to be all about paranormal horror movies, but now I can't handle THAT kind of stuff :/ I still love monsters and horror, but not paranormal movies.
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    I'm not a believer in the paranormal but am a firm believer in the Holy Spirit and God working in mysterious ways
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    I don't believe in "God" per se, but I do believe in the human spirit, and their belonging to one great "source" that they seek to return to. Similar concepts.
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    Anybody have any awesome Spooky shows to recommend on Amazon Prime, Hulu, or Lodi? 
    We finished LORE in 2 days and loved it.
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    That should have gone on the randoms thread.
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