January 2018 Moms

Long story about how my fear turned into a funny story - a little TMI due to female anatomy

So back story... first delivery was a home birth. Throughout labor I continuously had a mirror down there and midwife had me feel my cervix for dilation. (I say that to say this, I know what my lady parts look like from a close up angle and I KNOW what a cervix looks like!)

Now my story:
I started feeling a little sore down there whenever I wiped after using the restroom. Last night I was trying to be more aware of what was causing the soreness and I noticed that I could feel something inside me right at the opening. Today I constantly had the feeling that something was inside me. (Like how you can feel a tampon is inserted in you) so I squatted down with my camera phone and took some pictures. When I looked at the pictures I could see my cervix RIGHT THERE. At the tip of the opening of my vagina! Not only that but it looked dilated. I immediately start freaking out because I know your cervix should not be all the way down there until you are right about to push the baby out. So I call my nurse and I'm telling her my cervix is way too low. I'm assuring her that I know what a cervix looks like and I am POSITIVE that I can see/feel my cervix almost poking out. She has me come in immediately to make sure I'm not in labor. I crying to my husband and mom on the phone on my way to Dr's. I'm terrified of pre-term labor, if they stop my labor are they are going to put me on bed rest until January? I'm afraid I wont be able to pick up my son anymore, I won't be able to have sex, my mind is racing......

When I get to my doctors office my OB is asking me if I've had any cramping and says "So you think there's something prolapsed in you vagina" and I am adamant that it is my cervix. I know what a cervix looks like and I am positive mine is almost sticking out. I'm in tears just terrified. 

She takes a look down there and then tells the nurse to hand me a mirror.... I look at it and start pointing and saying "I see it! Do you see it?!" but my doctor does not looked concerned. She says "That... is your urethra. That is where your pee comes from. Sometimes during pregnancy it can become swollen and resembles your cervix" At this point I'm totally confused and shout "That's where my pee comes out of?"  I always thought girls pee out of the hole in your clitoris..... apparently I've been wrong for 30 years lol. I was laughing hysterically the rest of the visit saying "I feel so dumb"  Anyways, turns out it is perfectly normal for that to become swollen during pregnancy and my womb is still nice and high :)

Ladies my mind is BLOWN! How did I not know where I pee out of? And what the hell is the hole on the top of your lady bits for?? And why have I never seen my urethra before? How in the world do I have a third hole INSIDE MY VAGINA that I had no idea existed? I feel like my whole life has been a lie. lol

Sooo...... I learned something today :) Thought I might share ..... in case any other ladies run into this same issue. Fourth pregnancy , first time seeing it..... Who knew? 

Re: Long story about how my fear turned into a funny story - a little TMI due to female anatomy

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