December 2017 Moms

STM+ check in 8/2

How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green?

How old are your other kids? 

Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  

Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : 


GTKY: What is a habit other people have that you find annoying or what is your #1 pet peeve? (stole this from Nov 17; I am running out of creativity for GTKYs!)

Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017

Re: STM+ check in 8/2

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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green? 20w5d/team green

    How old are your other kids? 
    Twins - 13 months

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  Oh man one of my boys is going through something, teeth, leap, i'm not sure, but man is he whiny and clingy lately.  Just cries about everything.  Can't figure out what's up, but hopefully it passes soon... He also has a crib next to a light switch, he is pretty tall and figured out now if he can stand on his tip toes and reach real high he can flip the switches on and off. It's rather amusing, but I need to figure out how to prevent that... Tape might do the trick. lol.  

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Honestly, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed that we'll have a baby come December.  I'm not sure I'm ready yet. Maybe that's a good thing, because I nested around 29 weeks with the boys and they came at 31.  They say once you do that the baby comes within a couple weeks, soooo hoping it's a long time before that happens. 

    Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/ Anyone taking a babymoon? :)

    GTKY: What is a habit other people have that you find annoying or what is your #1 pet peeve? (stole this from Nov 17; I am running out of creativity for GTKYs!) I have quite a few.  I'd say personally with SO when he puts the dishes in the sink, next to the empty dishwasher, or his laundry on the floor next to the landry basket or bin.  Drives me bonkers. I have two toddlers, I don't need to clean up after you too.  
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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green?  22w 2d, boy

    How old are your other kids? 
    DS is 2y 10mo

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?    Still deep in the throes of potty training. My poor DS, I feel bad for him. He's become convinced that pooping in his diaper at school is bad, but he also does not want to poop on the potty, so he just holds it. and holds it. until his stomach hurts and he is super constipated. I'm working with my pediatrician, and with my son, as best I can. We don't pressure him. We have lots of talks. He's stuck in limbo between not wanting to be a baby and not wanting to go on the potty all the time. I have to hope he mentally gets over the hump soon. In the meantime, Miralax is added to the daily regimen, and I sincerely hope I don't have many more pediatric enemas to administer in the near future...

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : I can't wait to see them together, although I am sure there will be many moments of squabbling when I think, "Why did I think this was a good idea??"

    Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/  You know, I had one for you guys, but my short term memory has completely blown up again this pregnancy and I can't remember shit. 

    Oh and for real, anyone want to recap their double stroller or video monitor research or experiences?

    Anyone using reusable swim diapers for their toddlers? If you buy the disposables, anyone have good tips on where to find them the cheapest? They don't go on sale like the regular kind, it seems. 

    GTKY: What is a habit other people have that you find annoying or what is your #1 pet peeve? (stole this from Nov 17; I am running out of creativity for GTKYs!)
    I think I am easily annoyed, as I have a lot of pet peeves. Lol. 

    I hate people that can't drive. I know this is subjective. Learn how to merge. Learn how to park. Drive on your side of the road / alley / parking lot aisle. Do not drive below the speed limit in the left lane. Please find the line between timid and aggressive and stick to it. Learn the edges of your vehicle and how to reverse out of or into a parking space - shit, most cars come with cameras now, it's not even that hard. 

    Stop cutting your fingernails in public places like work or the metro.

    If you make a freaking mess in the bathroom, clean it the hell up. Ditto, the kitchen at work. This is not your house. 

    Be punctual. At the very least, inform people when you are running late. 

    Put the toilet paper roll on using waterfall style. Your only excuse is you have young toddlers or cats. Even then, it will bother me - a lot. 

    Please bathe and otherwise be hygienic but stop short of literally bathing in perfume or cologne. I can't breathe. (I wear perfume. My DH wears cologne. I'm talking about the people that think there can never be too much). Please wear deodorant. 

    Put your ding dang grocery cart in the collection corral or take it back to the store. 

    If you're in a store as busy / bananas as my Costco always is, don't be that person who insists they can go through the store backwards against the flow of traffic. All you're doing is creating a traffic jam of epic proportions. 
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green? 20 weeks Team Green

    How old are your other kids? 
    DD will be 1 tomorrow!

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  Not really. DD is over her ear infection (I hope--1 year check up on Friday, so we'll make sure) and seems to be doing well with the transition to the 1-year-old room. 

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : As DD approaches one, I've been looking back at a lot of her baby pics and I'm just ready to snuggle a little one again! We had some babies at my DD's birthday party over the weekend, and she seemed kind of interested/kind of "what the heck?" I think she had more fun with the bigger kids (understandable), but I am interested to see how she is with "her" baby


    GTKY: What is a habit other people have that you find annoying or what is your #1 pet peeve? (stole this from Nov 17; I am running out of creativity for GTKYs!) As the daughter of an English major and an English minor myself, grammar mistakes on signs and people's tattoos, etc., REALLY bug me. My NatalFit instructor has a tattoo that says "Gods Gift," and it takes all my willpower not to tell her she should really add an apostrophe to that. 

    Also, yes, the dirty socks everywhere courtesy of DH, and leaving a plate in the sink instead of sticking it in the dishwasher. I lived in an apt in college with 3 other girls and one of them had this habit of leaving dishes in the sink and the other 3 of us were always like, "GAHHHH! the dishwasher is right next to the sink!!! Put it in there!"

    @anewadventure my DH is with you on the drivers and the shopping carts!

    @tmk0325 I feel you on not being ready and we only have one to contend with so far! The image of your son switching the lights on and off is cracking me up. I am sure DD would do the same if she was near the light switch. 

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green? 20 weeks - Girl!

    How old are your other kids?
    16 months

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  I am in teething hell. DS is a late bloomer and only has 4. 

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : DS has been extra snuggly lately so that's been a pleasant surprise as it's out of character for him.

    Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/ At what age would you guys say a kid understands the concept of babies/having a sibling/etc? DS is too little now for sure, but I am wondering if he will be able to get it at all by the time baby girl arrives.

    GTKY: What is a habit other people have that you find annoying or what is your #1 pet peeve? (stole this from Nov 17; I am running out of creativity for GTKYs!) People that insist on phone calls. GTFO with that shit and send me a text. When people don't wave/acknowledge you when you do something courteous whether it's in traffic or holding a door, etc. People that misuse then and than - ughhhh nails on a chalkboard to me. The fact that DH considers doing laundry putting clothes in the washer and dryer - that's only half of it, boo! People that ignore social cues like headphones and try to talk to me when I don't want to talk. Basically I don't like to talk to people apparently lol.

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    @cait5413 My DS turns 2 tomorrow! They are birthday twins!

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    @anewadventure your peeves list killed me haha I agree with it all!
    @flowerpower5838 omg yes to the phone calls! I HATE talking on the phone. I get so excited when I can make appointments or stuff online!

    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green? 21 weeks, pink!

    How old are your other kids? DS is 18 months 

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  
    DS is insisting on waking up at 6-630 every morning lately... he used to sleep until 7 or 8... It is extra annoying since I am doing evening shifts now and getting to bed at midnight then getting up at 6 is no fun. We tried pushing back his bedtime from 7 to 7:30 or 8 but so far it hadn't made a difference. Any suggestions? Or am I just doomed to an early waker?
    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : 
    Finally feel like I am actually enjoying this pregnancy. The first tri was so hard with DS and lack of sleep. 
    DH will be going to work out of town in a week and a half so that should be a fun time while he's gone...

    GTKY: What is a habit other people have that you find annoying or what is your #1 pet peeve? (stole this from Nov 17; I am running out of creativity for GTKYs!)
    I honestly can't think of one... not because I don't have any... but because i worked last night and am so fucking tired lol

    I'm going to have a nap....
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    missphilmissphil member
    edited August 2017
    I just wrote this huge long thing and posted and only the first question got posted! Fml I'm not writing it again.

    tldr; Pet peeve: People, squeeze the water out of my dish sponge after using it, please and thank you.
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    i have another one, triggered just now, and every day, by walking into apparently any kitchen ever. WHY do people leave time on the microwave, but take the item out and close the door? so it always shows like a random 24 seconds? is it so hard to press cancel? or pick the amount of warming time you actually wanted? are you really saving so much personal time by not pressing one more key? 
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
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    sjissjis member
    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green?

    18w, 3 days, boy. I don't have my AS until aug 16 and am so anxious to see the little guy again. 

    How old are your other kids? 

    DD is 3.5 years. 

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  

    Like @tmk0325 said, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed too. Pretty much adulting is hard. Managing two kids, house, work, saving money and sanity is making me very insane.

    on a happy thought, DD is being extra snuggly and kissy. I love this age. Her new Big Girl bed arrives tomorrow and she starts preschool again on Tuesday.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : 

    DD is surprisingly keen on what having a baby/sibling means. She is looking forward to being a sister which makes me happy. 


    i cant wait until autumn gets here. I'm eager to bust out my colder weather maternity clothes and boots. Pumpkins get me excited!

    GTKY: What is a habit other people have that you find annoying or what is your #1 pet peeve? (stole this from Nov 17; I am running out of creativity for GTKYs!)

    like @anewadventure said, I hate bad drivers! Use your turn signals!

    I find carefully curated instagram feeds - followed by a million hashtags #blessed #livesimple, etc. - about one's life and kid's so annoying.
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    Oh my heck, @anewadventure, my heart hurts for y'all! We went through the EXACT same thing with our son at that age and it was awful. The suppository was torture for him and for us and I didn't think we were going to survive it while he was figuring it out. Fingers crossed your little guys finds his bathroom groove quickly!
    Me: 38 l DH: 41
    Gavin - 8/27/10
    Gabriel - 2nd tri loss 5/17/16 Trisomy 18 & 21
    Hope -  2nd tri loss 12/7/16 complications from pneumonia

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    @anewadventure I don't like time left on the microwave either, but what annoys me more is when DH leaves cabinets open. Close the cabinet!

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green? 20w2d, girl

    How old are your other kids? 
    DS1 is 5 and DS2 is 4

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  so my two boys have been sharing a room. And now they don't want to anymore. So on top of clearing out one of the guest room for little girl to turn into a nursery, we will probably be doing the same with another room. Not a huge deal, but I just like them sharing a room.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : my boys are finally getting easier, I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Sleep is getting better, they are both potty trained, they can feed and dress themselves. Parenting has been more enjoyable. I guess I get to start from square 1 with this little girl lol.

    Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/ School starts in two weeks. DS will be going to Kindergarten. I joined the bump when I found out I was pregnant with him in March 2011. I really have no idea how this time has passed so quickly. But it's making me really want to soak up all the joys again here this time around. :)

    GTKY: What is a habit other people have that you find annoying or what is your #1 pet peeve? (stole this from Nov 17; I am running out of creativity for GTKYs!)  when people stand in the middle of the isle with their shopping cart at the grocery store. I find people are so aloof when people are at the store and it drives me batty. I know it's easy to be distracted. And trust me I'm sure me and my two kids have been someone else's nightmare on occasion. But yeah I still get a little road ragey when I'm trying to get errands done
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    @anewadventure we use reusable swim diapers. I've been really happy with the iPlay brand (Amazon). I couldn't justify the cost of disposables and the pool we were going to required reusable diapers. 

    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green?
    19 weeks. We find out pink or green tomorrow, if baby cooperates. 

    How old are your other kids? 

    14 months
    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  
    Still pretty nervous about having a baby in December with a toddler. 
    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : 
    I know this seems silly, but dd finally let me brush her teeth today! 

    GTKY: What is a habit other people have that you find annoying or what is your #1 pet peeve? (stole this from Nov 17; I am running out of creativity for GTKYs!)
    People being slow at a checkout line. You know you are going to have to pay when it's your turn. Have your payment ready, get off your phone, and get in with it.
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    splsmama2016splsmama2016 member
    edited August 2017
    My phone isn't letting my copy/paste right now for some stupid reason. Ugh. 

    EDIT: this app will be the DEATH of me! It cut off half my response. 

    20+2; team PINK!! Super excited for a house of girls :) sorry DH!
    DD is 14 months. I had something cool written out but I forgot what it was. We all are sick, and she's learned about Toddler Tantrums and scratching/pulling hair. That's fun.
    GTKY: when someone insists on waiting for your parking spot even though more than half the parking lot is empty. Don't be a creeper, just go find another empty spot away from my car. 

    Sorry its boring. I'm having a toddler tantrum of my own because the app dumped half my post lol. 

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    @anewadventure we bought alvababy swim diapers from Amazon and they have worked well so far

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    thanks, i've used iplay and bummis when he was a smaller baby but don't have anything yet for toddler-hood. 
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
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    @splsmama2016 The same thing happened to my answer except it only posted the first question..
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    @splsmama2016 @missphil are you trying to use emoji's from your phone in your posts? Cause that makes everything after the emoji disappear when you post it!

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    How far along are you? 21 weeks tomorrow!  Team Surprise!  We know but we are not sharing.

    How old are your other kids?  
    DD will be 4.5 when BB2 comes.

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?    DD won't get all of the attention anymore so I am starting to feel guilty.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Excited to have another baby and experience all of the wonderful things that brings.  We had our anatomy scan earlier this week and the baby is wonderful.

    Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/  People being insensitive-making rude comments or jokes.  Don't people understand that pregnant people are extra sensitive???

    GTKY: What is a habit other people have that you find annoying or what is your #1 pet peeve? (stole this from Nov 17; I am running out of creativity for GTKYs!)  Not my #1 pet peeve but I can't stand it when people clip their finger nails at the office!  So nasty!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    Together since May 19, 2001

    Baby #1 was born in May 2013.

    Baby #2 was born in December 2017.

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    @mrsorigami Ya I had considered that so we have blankets hung behind his curtains so it's pretty dark in there. We recently stopped giving him his bedtime bottle so I wonder if maybe that's it? I dont know. 
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    @kvacmak it could very well be the bottle.  hmm!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    Together since May 19, 2001

    Baby #1 was born in May 2013.

    Baby #2 was born in December 2017.

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    @mrsorigami thanks!  Appointment was great. Baby GIRL looks healthy and is growing well. 
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    @kvacmak yes I probably did use a phone emoji- good to know!
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    Anyone nesting extra early this time around? I am going insane with cleaning and wanting to set up all newborn things lol
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    Yup @alyssaleighw I want it all set up yesterday! 
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    @kvacmak Lol! Good, glad I'm not the only one because DH seems annoyed with me hahaha
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    @kvacmak I didn't!! lol. I learned not to use phone emojis earlier on this pregnancy, but thank you for the reminder!!

    @alyssaleighw I don't exactly have the nesting bug yet, but I just want to get the girls' room set up, which means I need to get some of the larger toys DD1 has taken apart and put away in storage, and reorganize furniture too. Ugh.

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    @alyssaleighw I'm ready to set up the nursery too. But that involves cleaning out the first room and the closet that has become our dumping ground for things we aren't sure what to do with. Im not looking forward to that part, but I want to decorate and sort through baby clothes! Waiting for DH to be excited enough to help me with the clean out the closet part. 
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    sjissjis member
    In regards to giving the baby a bath in the tub with yourself, what about your other child? I imagine my DD would want to get in with me, and she loves to splash and play so I'm a little hesitant. 
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    @sjis I figure for this, since DD1 LOVES baths, is have to start her first, then do bathtime with DD2. Or just wait and do it once DD1 is in bed (we showered her for a few months because our tubs we had for her were still too big).

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