
Advice for FET

ashhoff15ashhoff15 member
edited August 2017 in Infertility
Hello! I'm Ashley and my husband Tyson and I have been TTC for 2.5 years. We are both 31 with male factor infertility. We've had 2 failed IUIs and are now starting our IVF journey. I had my egg retrieval in June and they retrieved 22 eggs. After doing ICSI 13 eggs fertilized and 9 made it to the blastocyst stage. We opted to do genetic testing and all 9 were genetically tested. After the testing was completed we had 1 healthy normal embryo, the remaining 8 had chromosomal abnormalities. We are scheduled for our FET on September 1st for our only embryo. I'm very nervous and scared that it's not going to implant. My doctor said he is very optimistic that it will but this journey is an emotional rollercoaster and I'm trying to find an outlet to help relieve some of the stress. I've been reading a lot about acupuncture in infertility about how it's supposed to reduce stress levels. Has anyone tried it or have any other advice to give that really helped you?! 

Re: Advice for FET

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    I did acupuncture. It did help with my stress level. My acupuncturist timed my treatments to my transfer and my cycle was successful. I'm not sure if the acupuncture really did anything, but it made me feel like I was doing everything I could.
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    @ashhoff15 Hi there. Regarding FET, I did acupuncture, and a natural cycle (I took Femara to "clear" any potential unfavorable uterine environment per clinical studies, especially helpful for endometriosis ladies, steroids to suppress immunity and a trigger shot around ovulation to stimulate natural progesterone). It worked great for me. 

    Also, given that you are so young, it's very curious you only had one PGS normal. As I mentioned in other threads, I was in a similar situation and had them retested, I got two more normals with a different lab. It was very puzzling. Some specialists don't think PGS is accurate/ too new. 
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