December 2017 Moms

Mommy maintenance products

can we talk about stuff for us for just a minute? I'm a third time mom and I still need help with this stuff lol. Can we post some product recommendations for mom for pregnancy care (and after birth care). 

Where and what brands are you all getting or have found that are must haves? Pregnancy pillow, belly band (I've never used one, are these helpful?), belly cream/balm (I'm getting itchy already!), pregnancy/nursing bras and tanks. Any good deals anywhere on on good nursing bras? Any other product for moms that you can think of that are helpful for pregnancy and/or post partum?

Re: Mommy maintenance products

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    I'm a FTM so have no idea what I'm doing (can't wait to see what others post here!), but I did splurge on some pricier belly oil and I LOVE it.  I think one bottle will last most of pregnancy, it smells so good, and I look forward to putting it on at night.  No idea if it will actually prevent stretch marks, but it's nice to use! It's this one:

    Also my Mom bought me the Snoogle pregnancy pillow and I have to say, it is amazing!! I don't even really need a pregnancy pillow yet and I love it, and think I will use it a ton after pregnancy too. I've seen some on used sites in my area so you might be able to find one for less there.

    I have 2 belly bands (nothing special about them, just cheap ones) and they've been a lifesaver with helping me wear my clothes longer, especially work pants. I don't have a specific recommendation, but definitely think they're helpful!
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    I want a snoogle. We have a queen size bed, so I'm not getting one (I don't think), but using all the pillows in the house last time around didn't work. 

    I got the Honest Co belly balm and nipple creams last time and my skin and nipples didn't itch or crack much. 

    Invest in a salon quality (read:pricey) conditioner. Most of that stuff you can buy at Empire Beauty or other salon shops. 

    Get a prenatal massage if you can swing it!! I didnt last time around, but I will this time. Also if you don't have a yoga ball, get one. Your back and hips will thank you in 3rd trimester. And a heating pad.

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    This is my 3rd. The belly bandit and shrinx hips were annoying, but really effective for me, even if it was just a psychosomatic thing.

    You can't do anything to prevent stretch marks, unfortunately. But pregnant skin can get really dry/itchy, so lotion is good, it's just not worth it to shell out more for something that claims to do something it can't.

    The Target nursing tanks did the job for me. When I was home I didn't bother with a bra, especially early on.
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    I've bought BioOil, Mama Bee Butter from Burts Bees, and my typical Jergens Skin Firming lotion.  The BioOil, to me, is weirdly expensive for the amount you get, so I haven't used any yet.  I used the Bee Butter a few times when my skin was more dry (sunburn) and it takes a while to absorb.  It's technically unscented but has a weird smell like a bandaid to me.  Sticking mostly with my Jergens thus far but may switch if additional stretch marks start to appear (I already have tons from puberty and gaining/losing 20 lbs every few years.)

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    sjissjis member
    edited July 2017
    I love Earth mama angel baby belly lotion. 

    Also the snoogle is everything! I hate sleeping on my side so this makes it bearable. 

    Like @oldersis said I lived in nursing tanks from target. I think I got two in each color. I slept in them as well and they were great with holding in the nursing pads. The nursing bras I used were ok but in the end it took too much fumbling around. 

    The nursing pillow from was great. It's small, convenient, and easy to wash. A friend gave me the Breast Friend pillow but it was unwieldy and just too much pillow.

    I think I used the lanolin lotion for a week and I didn't use it at all after.

    Also lots of fiber/Metamucil after took awhile for things to back to normal

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    For anyone who has or has grown larger breasts the bravado nursing bras and tanks are amazing. they are so supportive and comfortable. 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    kyrwynkyrwyn member
    I've been combatting the belly itch with some body butter from The Body Shop. It's what I've used on dry skin in the past, so I already know I'm not going to break out or itch more (thanks, super-sensitive skin).  I doubt it'll stop stretch marks, but it is helping me keep hydrated and therefore itching less. They come in all sorts of scents, but I prefer the shea butter one, and the 200mL size lasts me a long while.
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    Anyone have recommendations for nursing bras or tanks for very large chests? The nursing bras I used last time were 38H and they are getting too small and that was the largest size they make! So I'm looking for size 38 I/J that won't break the bank. 
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    @splsmama2016  I have a Snoogle on a queen size bed and so far it's working out well (I don't know if it will be when I'm huge!). I often sleep on my left side facing away from my husband, so the snoogle is on the outside of the bed and we all easily fit. Not sure if that's helpful at all, but I do love the thing!
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    I used the Anointment belly butter and didn't get marks... but like pps said, that doesn't mean anything. Regardless, it smells and feels delicious!

    The same brand of baby bum balm is awesome too and great for those first meconium poops!

    I bought a few La Isla Nursing Bras (looks like they're called Gratlin now) and loved them! 
    Plus they're like $20
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    I second the recommendations for the snoogle, bravado bras, and target tanks. I have a belly band to hold pants up, but did not get the belly bandit or anything last time for post-partum. I am considering one this time or some kind of post-c-section girdle. My hospital didn't give me one last time.

    This pumping bra worked pretty well and was more comfortable than the Medela one--that one is not great to wear all day, though it does work well for pumping: I think the one I got was a little too big, but it still works. Not super supportive, though.

    This tank was also comfy:

    These are also very inexpensive and pretty comfy, though not as supportive as the bravado:

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    As a TTM, my stomach is riddled with stretch marks. I used to be self conscious and tried literally ALL the things. The only thing that truly helped diminish (not prevent by any means- if you are going to get stretch marks, you're going to get them) is the Mederma cream specifically marketed for them. It's pricey but something to consider post partum if you're worried about it! 
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    *lurker from June*

    I second whoever said Earth Mama Angel Baby up there. So, I'm not a super natural/organic person. I don't buy organic products. I do some "crunchy" things, but not because I think it's better for you or something. I'm using cloth diapers because it's cheaper, not because of the environment. I use a menstrual cup because it leaks less, can be worn for longer and a million other reasons that it makes life easier than tampons/pads.

    So that's my background. I received EMAB Mama Bottom Balm, Postpartum Bath Herbs and Nipple Butter at my shower. So amazing! I tend to be somewhat skeptical about how much herbs and natural stuff actually work, but those things were great! Sorry in advance if this is TMI. A few days after birth, my crotch started hurting so much, I couldn't even sit - I was just lying down. So I decided it couldn't hurt to try the herbs. So I soaked it in water like it said and laid it in my pad and the pain was literally GONE (soreness still, of course, but not the same. It was back to the previous "normal" level of postpartum crotch) within half an hour or so. I couldn't believe it! And the balm feels so good down there, especially if you follow the recommendation to store it in the fridge. 
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    NME44NME44 member
    For immediate post birth my main needs were snacks on hand at all times. Nuts, cheeses, crackers, and prunes were really great. (Prunes taste a whole lot better than you may think.) And a big bottle of water.

    And I'm not sure if this qualifies on this thread but I don't want to forget to mention: for breastmilk storage bags, no matter what pump you get, the lansinoh bags are the best. I've not had any leaking issues and they lay super flat for freezing! I love my medela pump, but the bags were terrible.
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    @NME44 is right about the snacks. You're going to want snacks stashed everywhere you nurse/feed baby. Keep some in the nursery, some in your room, some in the living room. You want food and water within reach so that you don't have to worry about waking the baby who is finally sleeping on your chest!

    I had luck with Lanisoh bags and Up & Up bags, but I did have a few leaks. My tip is if you are defrosting in the freezer overnight, put the bag in a clean container. If it leaks, you've still got the milk! (I definitely ended up with milk all over my fridge shelf once or twice before doing this!)

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    This may be more of a confession than a good idea, but this thread along with another suggesting stocking up on newborn diapers at the hospital reminded me. I had both of my boys vaginally and after my first I learned that post partum care down there is a little uncomfortable and, well, messy. So second time around I stocked up on the hospital mesh underwear and pads (and a couple peri bottles). I plan to this time as well. To go along with that, dermaplast spray and witch hazel pads were my friends. 
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    @TigerCakes look into bravado. They are amazing but especially for those who are larger chested. I have worn mine for 2+ years and they are in great condition. still. 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    @wabash15 The ones I have are bravado! I love them, but they are borderline too small now and I'm in the largest size they make.  I guess I'll keep looking and hoping that my boobs don't grow anymore!
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    I really liked these nursing bras for sleeping (both before and after baby). My boobs were so huge and unmanageable that I needed a little support so they weren't too sore. They don't really provide enough support for daytime, but I found them a must for nighttime. I would just wear them with no shirt to bed when nursing.

    This is totally TMI, but for postpartum care, I ended up getting a really bad rash around my vaginal area due to the dampness of constantly wearing pads for so long after birth (about a month or so of light spotting/bleeding). I got some plain cotton liners to use at nighttime to let the area breathe and it allowed for things to dry out a little. I also found going pantless at times (like after a shower) for a bit also helped the irritation. I second the dermoplast and witch hazel. 

    Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21  <3
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    I'll second the Bravado nursing bras. Also if you're pumping, a hands free pumping bra is nice. Other things I loved ...ON foldover yoga pants and capris, so comfy! Also I had tearing, so Tucks pads and Dermaplast and the peri bottle from the hospital were my best friends early postpartum. 

    Me: 36  DH: 41
    DS: 07/03/11
    TTC #2: July 2016
    BFP: 4/19/17 EDD: 12/31/17
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    I could kiss you all for these bra/tank recommendations! I feel like my old bras are strangling me to death but have hesitated purchasing anything since God only knows how huge these things will get over the next several months.  +1 for Mean Girls reference. 

    I guess this falls under "mommy maintenance"-- has anyone here been dealing with insomnia/anxiety and found a good meditation or other coping strategy?  Prepregnancy I often listened to the "Sleep With Me" podcast which I highly recommend for general insomnia, but I'd love to do something pregnancy or motherhood specific if something like that exists.  I'd be into trying prenatal yoga or massage but haven't felt quite well enough yet.  

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    This is all super helpful info, thanks ladies!

    I bought Mama Mio brand belly, boob, and leg creams/lotions after a friend recommended the brand.  I do like them, but I think just one product would be much easier so I may switch as they make something like that too.  I also want to compare this brand to some others before I start swearing by it.  It definitely helps with the itching but I have a feeling lots of lotions would!

    I just bought my first maternity/nursing bras yesterday (I've been living with just bra extenders lately and that's been a sloppy fix).  I can't speak to how they feel after all day wear just yet, but they were super comfortable in the dressing room, provided my D/DDs enough support, and had a good shape to them.  I was surprised to realize they were Jessica Simpson brand, but whatever works!  So far I'd recommend them.
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    Regarding nursing bra/tank recs, I totally forgot about this yesterday, but I had saved it because I want to order for myself. I was doing lots of looking for something more supportive for myself (small band, large cups). It's always impossible to buy anything off the rack anywhere that I'm not falling out of. I came across a rec for Glamourmom Nursing bra tanks. They look awesome and seem like they will be more supportive.  Like I said, I've never tried these myself, so I can't speak for them yet, but they look promising!

    Me: 36  DH: 41
    DS: 07/03/11
    TTC #2: July 2016
    BFP: 4/19/17 EDD: 12/31/17
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    elcd458 said:
    I could kiss you all for these bra/tank recommendations! I feel like my old bras are strangling me to death but have hesitated purchasing anything since God only knows how huge these things will get over the next several months.  +1 for Mean Girls reference. 

    I guess this falls under "mommy maintenance"-- has anyone here been dealing with insomnia/anxiety and found a good meditation or other coping strategy?  Prepregnancy I often listened to the "Sleep With Me" podcast which I highly recommend for general insomnia, but I'd love to do something pregnancy or motherhood specific if something like that exists.  I'd be into trying prenatal yoga or massage but haven't felt quite well enough yet.  
    I don't really have any recommendations regarding safe meds or anything, I struggle with this as well. I just wanted to say I LOVE the Sleep with Me podcast... Scooter absolutely cracks me up. I also listen to the "Sleep Whispers" podcast, especially the Wikipedia reading episodes, I fall asleep faster to those than anything else.
    Me: 31 | DH: 31
    TTC #1 since 12/2015
    BFP 4/4/17, EDD 12/4/17

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    @shellac835 I move wayyyy too much to have a snoogle in bed with us lol. 

    For postpartum care, sitz/epsom salt baths with a drop or two of lavender. I took a bath every other night once I delivered DD. Between the baths, the dermoplast, tucks and peri bottle, I healed fairly easily, physically that is. I HIGHLY suggest stocking up on those hospital mesh undies, the perinatal ice pack/pad combos, and diapers. 

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    moonlady-2moonlady-2 member
    edited July 2017
    DH just ordered this for me on Amazon

    I am so excited to get it. We went to the beach yesterday and I wasn't really able to lay on my tummy comfortably (we were on grass). DH was like....I wonder if they make a floatie for pregnant women? So he did a search and this came up. Ordered one for our vacation in August. Lol
    31 years young
    from Seattle(ish)
    5 years married
    FTM and PGAL
    EDD is 12/23/17
    -- It's a BOY! ---

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    This is my second baby. I looooved the Leachco Back N Belly Countoured pillow. It helped support my belly and back soo much, I'm really looking forward to using it again. 

    Mama Bee Belly Butter by Burt's Bees is what I used my entire pregnancy, and I didn't get any stretch marks. Not sure if that's why, but going to use again. 

    Yoga ball - you NEED one. At the end of my pregnancy, I sat and bounced on that thing so much. I have heard it's good to open your hips up for hopefully a shorter labor. My labor was 4 hours. Again, not sure if that is why, but definitely using again just because it feels great. Also great to soothe your baby after birth. 

    Baths really were so relaxing for me all throughout my pregnancy, but especially when I got bigger. Epsom salts, essential oils, whatever you like. 

    Bath and Body Works was fun to pamper myself with throughout pregnancy. Sometimes it's hard to feel pretty when pregnant, but it just helped me knowing I smelled good. Lol
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    The Lansinoh lanolin is 100x better than the Medela one FYI
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    @elcd458 I am not much of a yoga person, but tried prenatal yoga for the first time last week. For me, it was relaxing while there and in the environment but not much afterwards. I did learn some handy hip circles which are supposed to help throughout, but that's really all I took away from it. Also, I found myself to be waaaaaay sore the next day, but once again I'm not a yoga person and was doing things all new to my body.

    Now, as far as prenatal massage... I LOVE doing this!! I have had really bad insomnia throughout pregnancy, and I haven't found this to help that. With that said though, I still have been going as often as I can for overall well being. I have really bad back problems and I these massages not only help with that, but I feel they also really help with circulation. The other day the massage therapist also stressed how good it is to relax mom, so baby feels the benefits from it!! 

    Thanks for the idea of the podcast!!! I've never even considered such a thing!! I'll have to try this.

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    kyrwynkyrwyn member
    I thought I was doing okay with sleep comfort (no maternity pillow or such so far), and then we spent a weekend with our friends in SF and I met the snake pillow (actually called Snoogle).  We could not fit Snake in our luggage to come home, despite our friends' offer to gift it to us.  (That's what I get for being so smarty-pants and combining all DH's & my stuff into one small check bag). 
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    sjissjis member
    @kyrwyn I held out my first pregnancy without a snoogle until the last trimester. This time I started asap, it's the best thing ever!
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    KathrynJ088KathrynJ088 member
    edited July 2017
    When we traveled I brought one carry on suitcase just for my Snoogle! I can't sleep even 1 night without it, and my DH sleeps with it when I get up for work!

    ETA: BONUS points bc you can spiral it up, leaving a small hole in the middle to comfortably lay on your stomach, or fold it in half and use it to sit up, or put the leg portion in front of you while you're sitting up and use it as a tray of sorts (maybe to eat ice cream in bed?)  :#
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    <3 my Snoogle! 
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    I did it right after that post!  My snoogle should be arriving todaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!
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    For those of you with a Snoogle, a queen size bed AND you move around a lot, how on earth does it work for you guys?!? I've been on the fence about one because of the lack of space in our bed and because I move a lot. 

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    balletnerdballetnerd member
    edited July 2017
    @splsmama2016 I have a king size bed- but also my DH and 3 dogs that share the bed and we all move around. My dogs hate it because they don't get to snuggle me as closely. (But love it when I go pee in the middle of the night and curl up in the pillow nook haha) But it still works great for me!
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    sjissjis member
    @splsmama2016 we have a queen size and it is a little snug with a snoogle but it's only for 6 more months. We like our queen and have been on the fence about a king, but we like sleeping closer together :) The snoogle kind of restricts your movement and with a bigger belly you won't be moving much later in your third. 
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