Pregnant after a Loss

PGAL Check-In: Week of July 10 - NEW LEADER NEEDED!!!!

Good morning PGAL mommies! Hope you're hanging in there. If you're new, always feel free to jump in, but you can also create your own intro thread for more info about yourself. Stay strong! 

How far along are you? 

How big is baby? 

Appointments coming up?

How are you feeling emotionally/physically?

What's the next milestone you're looking forward to?


GTKY: Do you have family close to you where you live or are they further away? How does this make you feel (because it has its positives/negatives both ways!)?

**NEW LEADER NEEDED** - I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow, who would like to take over this post starting next week?
*** TW**

Me: 37, DH:39
Met: 2002 | Married: 2004 | TTC since January 2014
July 2015: MMC @ 9 wks | August 2015: Chemical
March, April, May & June 2016: Medicated IUIs | BFN 
August 2016: Started Stims 8/22
September 2016: Egg Retrieval 9/4 | 13 Mature Eggs | 10 Fertilized | 3 Blastocytes | 1 PGS Normal Embaby 
November 7, 2016: FET - BFP!
EDD 7/25/17
Zoey Alexis born 7/25/17 @ 12:39 PM | 7lbs 14oz | 19 inches

Re: PGAL Check-In: Week of July 10 - NEW LEADER NEEDED!!!!

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    How far along are you? 10 weeks, 1 day

    How big is baby? The size of a Lego man, or a strawberry.

    Appointments coming up? Nothing until July 26th for my Nuchal Scan and a check up with my OB on Aug 1st. 

    How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally: I've been anxious, but for a few days in a great mood and excited for the pregnancy, until this morning. This morning I was weepy and feeling very alone because of my worrying.


    During my last pregnancy, I found out I had a MMC at 10 weeks. I'm feeling very nervous that it is going to happen again. My symptoms haven't been particularly strong this past weekend. I'm afraid of sitting here for two weeks thinking I'm pregnant and being excited only to find out that I'm not. I've thought about asking my OB to check me out this week, but I'm not sure if I have that option. I've only seen here 2 times and I don't know her very well. 

    TW Over

    Physically, the past few days have been me being tired, very little breast pain and hardly any nausea. Sometimes, I feel pregnant, sometimes I don't. Last Thursday, I laid in bed all day because of severe diarrhea and nausea. I couldn't keep anything down. (or up I guess... lol) On Friday, I was feeling particularly winded after grocery shopping and was having trouble breathing when I went to bed that evening. Since, then I've felt good. Ugh... Idk. I hate not knowing what's going on with baby or if the baby is still there.

    What's the next milestone you're looking forward to? I'm looking forward to the next ultrasound, the 12 week mark. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: Should I ask my OB to check me out this week? 

    GTKY: Do you have family close to you where you live or are they further away? How does this make you feel (because it has its positives/negatives both ways!)?  My family is close-ish. My sister lives about 10 miles away, my parents and in-laws live 25 miles away. So they're kind of close, but not super close. Everyone is within an hour from us. I'm alright with where they live. We moved out here because we wanted to kinda get away from everything, but not too far away. I love my family, but I know that I lived right by them, they would drive me insane. For example, my sister in law lives five houses away from my parents in law and she regrets it greatly. My MIL has practically decorated her house without permission, if that explains anything. lol 

    **NEW LEADER NEEDED** - I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow, who would like to take over this post starting next week?
    @byrneme I know my anxieties are large so I'm probably not the most positive and influential person on here lol, but I'd be willing to take over if you don't find someone else. 
    Me: 28 DH: 29
    Married: 4-25-2014
    TTC: March 2015
    BFP: 2-18-16
    Confirmed MMC: 3-31-16
    D&C: 4-2-16
    TTCAL: May 2016
    IUI: 5/13/17-Femara and Trigger, POAS 5/27/17 BFP 5/27/17

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    How far along are you? 37w6d

    How big is baby? Big enough to start to make me uncomfortable :) The app says a honeydew. 

    Appointments coming up? Weekly appointment Thursday. Yay for first cervix checks?

    How are you feeling emotionally/physically? I've very much loved being pregnant - even with PGAL brain - especially once I was in the second tri. So I'm sad for that to be over but anxiously awaiting meeting our little one! So I'm happy/sad/anxious all at the same time! Physically I feel like the Kool Aid Man - larger and slower. The baby has dropped for sure based on where I feel hiccups and his/her butt isn't jabbing into my ribcage. I will miss all those feelings from the inside though for sure (see previous happy/sad comment). 

    What's the next milestone you're looking forward to? So I'm scheduled for an induction on 7/24 which is both exciting and terrifying. Clearly I'm indecisive on how I should feel.That is the next milestone unless Baby B. decides to come early!

    Rants/Raves/Questions: So my in-laws informed us last week they will be coming up on 7/21 and staying until the baby comes. Um, really? Granted they are not staying with us (they are RV people so they'll camp) but don't most people wait for an invitation? I'm highly, highly annoyed by this. I'm more annoyed that my DH doesn't see WHY I'm annoyed. Sidenote: my DH's parents are divorced so this is just half of my in laws.

    GTKY: Do you have family close to you where you live or are they further away? How does this make you feel (because it has its positives/negatives both ways!)? My family, and DH's, are both 5 hours. I love that now, and always have, but I'm thinking it will be hard once the kiddo is here. Managing expectations of when we will come home/how often/how much time to spend with each is overwhelming to me. Not having family nearby when we need help is equally so. But we've had opportunities to move back home and I've turned them down - I really enjoy where we live.

    @nmd9168 - how understanding is your OB? At this point they'll tell you that bloodwork won't show anything of benefit but if they are wiling to get you in for another u/s it's worth the ask. Especially if they know of your MMC at 10 weeks. I always say it doesn't hurt to try :) Also, please know you aren't negative at all. This is just how our minds work. Sucks a lot of the joy right out of it. That's why this board is a godsend. I'd be happy for you to take this over!
    *** TW**

    Me: 37, DH:39
    Met: 2002 | Married: 2004 | TTC since January 2014
    July 2015: MMC @ 9 wks | August 2015: Chemical
    March, April, May & June 2016: Medicated IUIs | BFN 
    August 2016: Started Stims 8/22
    September 2016: Egg Retrieval 9/4 | 13 Mature Eggs | 10 Fertilized | 3 Blastocytes | 1 PGS Normal Embaby 
    November 7, 2016: FET - BFP!
    EDD 7/25/17
    Zoey Alexis born 7/25/17 @ 12:39 PM | 7lbs 14oz | 19 inches
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    @byrneme Thanks! I'm happy to take over =). I just spoke with my OB this afternoon, and she's getting me in on Thursday for a quick check. Hopefully, all goes well! 
    Also, I could not deal my in laws being that close by (especially for multiple days!!! :s ). lol I hope they are more helpful than annoying. Baby is coming so soon! That's really exciting!
    Me: 28 DH: 29
    Married: 4-25-2014
    TTC: March 2015
    BFP: 2-18-16
    Confirmed MMC: 3-31-16
    D&C: 4-2-16
    TTCAL: May 2016
    IUI: 5/13/17-Femara and Trigger, POAS 5/27/17 BFP 5/27/17

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    How far along are you? 7 Weeks

    How big is baby? blueberry

    Appointments coming up? I had an appointment yesterday.  We heard the heartbeat (157 bpm)--I could cry just typing that.  So. much. relief. 

    How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally--still anxious.  We told my parents last night, so it's like I feel this extra pressure.  I don't want to let anyone down--I know that sounds crazy.  Physically--as I sit here sipping my 7up this morning, I am thankful for feeling crappy (heartburn, queasy, tired, emotional). 

    What's the next milestone you're looking forward to? So my doctor is amazing and wants her patients (who have experiences loss) to come in every 2 weeks during first tri.  She told me yesterday that it's her job to make sure pregnancy goes smoothly and safe--and that a mother's mental health is important and she doesn't want me to worry.  So my next appointment is in 2 weeks--def looking forward to seeing that little squishy again!

    Rants/Raves/Questions: Nothing at the moment.

    GTKY: Do you have family close to you where you live or are they further away? How does this make you feel (because it has its positives/negatives both ways!)?  Girls, I can see my inlaws house from my my MIL/FIL, and my SIL.  We bought the "family" house that my IL's raised their family in--then they built a new house behind our house and by SIL's new house.   I call it our compound...  My MIL is very overbearing and doesn't have boundaries--which we have butted heads over more than once.  Luckily, my family is also close, (within 5 minutes close), so I can see them whenever I want! 

    @nmd9168  If you are worried, I would call your OB, just to see.  Also, don't feel bad about your worry--we all have moments where we need extra reassurance that everything is ok.  Luckily, we have each other!  

    @byrneme  I loved feeling DS move and really miss that feeling.  Enjoy these last few weeks.  I completely understand your annoyance with your IL's inviting themselves.  Do you think they will be helpful if they are visiting or be the people who just hold the baby?  My IL's just held my son and never did anything to help.  I found that irritating.  
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    HGRichHGRich member
    @nmd9168 Just wanted to pop in to say that it's your ob's job to calm your fears. You can certainly call. I lost a lot of symptoms at the same time I'd had mc mmc before, so I went in and all was well. Remember symptoms can come and go! 
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    CPR79CPR79 member
    @byrneme OMG you have an induction date, that's so exciting!  

    How far along are you? 

    How big is baby? I'm done with the comparisons, let's just go with 'big'

    Appointments coming up? Had my weekly appt this morning.  Baby has not dropped.  We talked about what happens if I go past my due date.  Apparently they won't induce without a medical reason before 41 weeks and won't let you go past 42 weeks.  So it's up to me when in that 41-42 week I get induced if I go that far. It seems so weird to be able to pick the day your baby will be born, although I'm hoping to not get to that point!  Still hoping baby comes around the due date, or before. 

    How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally I'm ok - trying to wrap my head around the idea that I'll have an outside baby soon - still doesn't seem real.  Physically - I'll just leave @byrneme's comment here larger and slower. 

    What's the next milestone you're looking forward to? Going into labor.  I'm an educated person who works somewhat in the medical field and I'm terrified I won't know I'm in labor and have the baby in the car or something.  Totally irrational, but it's there. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: Rave: I think we're finally ready to bring this baby home!  Nursery is done, car seats are installed, etc. I don't know what to do with myself in the evenings anymore without something to check off my to-do list.  

    GTKY: Do you have family close to you where you live or are they further away? How does this make you feel (because it has its positives/negatives both ways!)? Our families are both pretty close (about 30 min) and they only live about 5-10 minutes from each other, which makes going from one family to the other on holidays pretty easy.  It also makes it expected that we can easily go to both, which I'm not looking forward to with a baby. My mom has been great this whole pregnancy and we've always been close, so I'm excited to have her close, I know she'll be a big help (and only come over if we ask/she tells us beforehand).  My ILs I'm not so sure. I'm sure they'll want to come see the baby often, but I don't think they'll be much help. My H has 3 siblings that he is very close with and all live close (or still live with) my ILs.  One of them is great with kids and would be a help if we asked, the others, not so much. I should try harder not to have such negative expectations but experience tells me I'm probably not wrong.  Guess we'll see!
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    Thanks for making me feel like I'm not being a complete bitch about my IL's ladies :) They literally plan on being here until the baby is born, stopping in to see him/her and then taking off for their next destination so I won't have to deal with them much post-partum. I'm just easily annoyed by them I think.

    @CPR79 - eeeiiikkk! Having a true date is a weird feeling. I mean, it's a literal end in sight where you know your're going in for something that is LIFE CHANGING. Since I'm AMA and conceived via IVF they were very much against going past my due date b/c we know exactly when I conceived. I learned that your placenta is only made to 'last' for 40 weeks - who knew - and that stillborn risk increases with each week past 40 weeks. So, while I'm not thrilled, I am complying. They did offer to let me go to 41 and do 2 NSTs that week but, after all we've done to get to this point, I'm not willing to risk even the slight increase. 
    *** TW**

    Me: 37, DH:39
    Met: 2002 | Married: 2004 | TTC since January 2014
    July 2015: MMC @ 9 wks | August 2015: Chemical
    March, April, May & June 2016: Medicated IUIs | BFN 
    August 2016: Started Stims 8/22
    September 2016: Egg Retrieval 9/4 | 13 Mature Eggs | 10 Fertilized | 3 Blastocytes | 1 PGS Normal Embaby 
    November 7, 2016: FET - BFP!
    EDD 7/25/17
    Zoey Alexis born 7/25/17 @ 12:39 PM | 7lbs 14oz | 19 inches
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    edited July 2017
    @nmd9168  I would totally call the OB and explain that you are very anxious regarding getting past your MMC milestone. Odds are, even if you are new to her, she's really cool and eager to accommodate.

    I'm relieved that your IL's unannounced visit is only expected to last until the baby is born. If you are wanting to carve out time for yourself and baby, maybe wait until the day after baby is born to let them know, or heck... even after you're home to tell them. Stories like this make me want to tell everyone my due date is really at the 42 week mark.

    Hearing the HB is such a wonderful milestone!

    @CPR79  So close to the end now! I wouldn't stress the whole not knowing about labor starting thing unless your mom had precipitous labor. If you are that stressed about going past due and not wanting a hospital induction, I stumbled across the Mayo Clinic's website on the DHEA supplement to increase egg quality. Turns out it can be used to induce labor with no ill effects. It's available on Amazon. But anyone in this crowd should appreciate that the wait for natural labor is worth it after such a journey. I'd probably only use it as an absolute last resort if I was being forced into a hospital induction within 24-48hrs anyway.

    How far along are you? 4w2d from LMP, 14DPO

    How big is baby? poppy seed

    Appointments coming up? I had my 3rd 2-day beta drawn this morning, the timer on my phone estimates about 4hrs 10min until I can expect to look results up online.

    How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Insanely anxious. I was fairly confident despite my doc's lack of enthusiasm, until I wiped at 3am yesterday and the t.p. was covered in mauve progesterone suppository discharge (the medicine color is beige, spotting stopped to nothing almost immediately, and today it's like it never happened), then my wondfo didn't darken but stayed the same darkness yesterday, and was slightly lighter this morning. Total hit to my confidence. I'm pretty much paralyzed with fear until I can see if my result is at least 48hr doubling time (70) or if it kept the same pace as the last doubling time of 30.5hrs (90), or if it's just bad news (<52).

    I'm trying to hang on to my reassurances: my first +hpt was 9DPO which was sooner than all my losses (lower quality eggs take longer to implant), the spotting stopped, it wasn't red, my first doubling time was top of the normal 31-72hr window even if the actual numbers were low (12 @10DPO and 35 @12DPO), and I still felt gaggy this morning.

    What's the next milestone you're looking forward to? My results from today!

    Rants/Raves/Questions: Pretty much covered it.

    GTKY: Do you have family close to you where you live or are they further away? How does this make you feel (because it has its positives/negatives both ways!)? My IL's all live within a 10 mile radius. They used to hang out together all the time. Then MIL passed suddenly in 2009 and it's like they all just "quit" the family. FIL is like a toddler with money, he keeps sending it to Nigerian princes and stuff and then can't afford to keep his water on. My family is scattered all over the US and I cut my toxic mother off 2 years ago. But I've made my own family with a close circle of friends. I even have a healthy mother figure I adopted.
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    @GhanimaAtreides - FX for a great 3rd beta!!!!
    *** TW**

    Me: 37, DH:39
    Met: 2002 | Married: 2004 | TTC since January 2014
    July 2015: MMC @ 9 wks | August 2015: Chemical
    March, April, May & June 2016: Medicated IUIs | BFN 
    August 2016: Started Stims 8/22
    September 2016: Egg Retrieval 9/4 | 13 Mature Eggs | 10 Fertilized | 3 Blastocytes | 1 PGS Normal Embaby 
    November 7, 2016: FET - BFP!
    EDD 7/25/17
    Zoey Alexis born 7/25/17 @ 12:39 PM | 7lbs 14oz | 19 inches
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    It went down to 22.

    At least it's just another chemical and not the 5 months benched + 2 surgeries clusterfuck like last time.
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    Oh @GhanimaAtreides, I'm so sorry. Sending hugs and prayers your way. 
    *** TW**

    Me: 37, DH:39
    Met: 2002 | Married: 2004 | TTC since January 2014
    July 2015: MMC @ 9 wks | August 2015: Chemical
    March, April, May & June 2016: Medicated IUIs | BFN 
    August 2016: Started Stims 8/22
    September 2016: Egg Retrieval 9/4 | 13 Mature Eggs | 10 Fertilized | 3 Blastocytes | 1 PGS Normal Embaby 
    November 7, 2016: FET - BFP!
    EDD 7/25/17
    Zoey Alexis born 7/25/17 @ 12:39 PM | 7lbs 14oz | 19 inches
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    @GhanimaAtreides I'm sorry =( 
    Me: 28 DH: 29
    Married: 4-25-2014
    TTC: March 2015
    BFP: 2-18-16
    Confirmed MMC: 3-31-16
    D&C: 4-2-16
    TTCAL: May 2016
    IUI: 5/13/17-Femara and Trigger, POAS 5/27/17 BFP 5/27/17

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    My last post got cut off, here goes again: 

    How Far along? 35 Weeks

    How big is baby? 
    Pinapple but feels like a bowling ball or acrobatic gymnast baby. 

    How are you feeling? 
    I feel like I totally ran out of space. This baby is bigger than my last two and super active (which is good) but painful at times.  

    Appts coming up? 
    I have one at 37 weeks when I'm back from vacation. Strep B and all that great stuff. U/S at 38 weeks. 

     same as before, birth. I'm scared and can't picture it happening which makes me more scared. Anyone else have trouble conceptualizing and unreasonably nervous? 

    Rants / Raves? 
    I think I've become a whimp. I can't eat big meals or I feel like I can't breathe. It's like 10,000 degrees here so I haven't run in a week. I feel like I'm throwing in the towel early, hoping yoga tomorrow will help get me more energized and shake the worries away. 

    GTKY: Family close by or far away?
    Close by. Need family to babysit for hardcore peace of mind #1 and #2 you save a ton of money on paying people. Plus I'd miss them too much!! I'm on the east coast, had a ton of friends move to Cali. All the ladies have since moved back in the past year to have families.. I'm thinking my thought process isn't too far off most ladies? 
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    @KyCade3013 if you're a wimp, I'm right there with you. I made it to 36 weeks working out everyday and then it was like a switch went off and my body said no more. Of course, it coincided with a heat wave but the treadmill is just downstairs so that excuse is lame. My diet took a two week turn and I had to have a mental come to Jesus. This week my diet has been good but my energy is zapped and I'm valuing my sleep (which came back with ease at the same time, 36 weeks). It's bizarre but your body is busy making a human (mine is a twerking dancer these days to go with your acrobat) so don't be so hard on yourself
    *** TW**

    Me: 37, DH:39
    Met: 2002 | Married: 2004 | TTC since January 2014
    July 2015: MMC @ 9 wks | August 2015: Chemical
    March, April, May & June 2016: Medicated IUIs | BFN 
    August 2016: Started Stims 8/22
    September 2016: Egg Retrieval 9/4 | 13 Mature Eggs | 10 Fertilized | 3 Blastocytes | 1 PGS Normal Embaby 
    November 7, 2016: FET - BFP!
    EDD 7/25/17
    Zoey Alexis born 7/25/17 @ 12:39 PM | 7lbs 14oz | 19 inches
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    I had my appt with my OB today. She agreed to let me come in for a quick ultrasound and everything looked great! I was so relieved. My little guy or lady is really starting to look like a baby and it was wiggling around. Thanks ladies for all of the feedback! Now just 2 more weeks until the nuchal scan! lol
    Me: 28 DH: 29
    Married: 4-25-2014
    TTC: March 2015
    BFP: 2-18-16
    Confirmed MMC: 3-31-16
    D&C: 4-2-16
    TTCAL: May 2016
    IUI: 5/13/17-Femara and Trigger, POAS 5/27/17 BFP 5/27/17

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Options
    So glad they let you come in @nmd9168 . Peace of mind is truly key. Yay!
    *** TW**

    Me: 37, DH:39
    Met: 2002 | Married: 2004 | TTC since January 2014
    July 2015: MMC @ 9 wks | August 2015: Chemical
    March, April, May & June 2016: Medicated IUIs | BFN 
    August 2016: Started Stims 8/22
    September 2016: Egg Retrieval 9/4 | 13 Mature Eggs | 10 Fertilized | 3 Blastocytes | 1 PGS Normal Embaby 
    November 7, 2016: FET - BFP!
    EDD 7/25/17
    Zoey Alexis born 7/25/17 @ 12:39 PM | 7lbs 14oz | 19 inches
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    Hey all, I'm Renee. I love the idea of this board - especially since the culture of the BMBs can be too much when you're in a delicate position such as being pgal. I spent exactly a year (to the day) on the TTCAL board and the OG members of that board literally kept me alive as I learned to be a human again after my MMC. Unfortunately we struggled to conceive but luckily our first round of Clomid worked! I would like to be able to give what I can to keep this board alive during my last trimester because I think it has so much to offer in terms of camaraderie. 

    How far along are you?
    27 weeks today! FTM with a boy. :)

    How big is baby? A very active bunch of bananas.

    I actually hate the fruit comparisons; it's like the creators have never seen some of them/there is no one standard size for anything they use. I spend a lot of time with produce, yo. <3

    Appointments coming up? Pelvic floor physio just yesterday, massage on Monday. My joints are a hot mess. A few weeks away from my next prenatal visit.

    How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally, I've been on a cloud since finally getting KU'd. Sure, I had my moments but my doppler from 9 weeks forward kept me calm until movement. I am an incredibly anxious person, but feel like I ran out of worry somewhere along the way?? I did sob twice today because I was hungry, though but that's new .  :o  Physically, as I said above, I'm a hot mess. I actually couldn't walk really so had to start physio for a pelvic area that was totally lopsided and tilted forward.

    What's the next milestone you're looking forward to? 32 week viability milestone! But really just birth! My Hypnobabies course has got me pretty riled up to meet my babe.

    R: Lolol the random bursts of anguished crying. I sure hope that's not just third trimester Renee because she will be even more useless than first and second tri Renee.

    Went on a one day babymoon to a tourist theatre town last weekend. It was the least stressful time away I've ever had. DH and I are not good travellers. Randomly met the lead singer of one of our most beloved bands and chatted with him in the lobby of our inn :D

    Q: Anyone use a maternity belt for PGP?

    GTKY: Do you have family close to you where you live or are they further away? How does this make you feel (because it has its positives/negatives both ways!)? I live very far away from my family but I suppose everything is far apart in Canada (except the Golden Horseshoe)! I miss my Grandma and call her as much as possible but am extremely happy to be removed from the rest of them and their toxic nonsense. I haven't had a relationship with my mother since I was 19 and it's the reason I get to thrive. My ILs live in a city about an hour away from us in Toronto. We're not super close to them but the relationship is pleasant enough and they are generally supportive (except my snotty SIL who is not involved in our lives). We're very much chosen family people. 
    Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 <3
    TTC  09/15
    *TW Loss mentioned*
    BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
    MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
    TTCAL 3/2016
    Acupuncture 11/16
    Dx December 2016: unexplained 
    January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
    BFP #2 01/30/17  Please be a sticky baby!
    EDD: 10/15/17  Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 
    Ambrose born on his due date!

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    @nmd9168 Hey I remember you briefly from TTCAL. I even remember your first name, but I won't say it for fear of making you uncomfortable. So happy to see you here and that your pregnancy is going well. 
    Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 <3
    TTC  09/15
    *TW Loss mentioned*
    BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
    MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
    TTCAL 3/2016
    Acupuncture 11/16
    Dx December 2016: unexplained 
    January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
    BFP #2 01/30/17  Please be a sticky baby!
    EDD: 10/15/17  Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 
    Ambrose born on his due date!

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    @reneeannemm Hey! I remember you too! Looks like things are going well for you! Thank you =) It's cool to see you here too. It's okay to say my first name, I don't mind lol.
    Me: 28 DH: 29
    Married: 4-25-2014
    TTC: March 2015
    BFP: 2-18-16
    Confirmed MMC: 3-31-16
    D&C: 4-2-16
    TTCAL: May 2016
    IUI: 5/13/17-Femara and Trigger, POAS 5/27/17 BFP 5/27/17

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Hey @reneeannemm I remember you from TTCAL too! Congrats and so happy to see you here! 

    Thanks @byrneme ! LoL twerking baby!!  
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    Post got cut off, but it just said I love pre-natal yoga if anyone was curious about it- def worth it!! Fun, helps build birthing confidence, and you don't have to be good at yoga to enjoy! 
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    OMG @KyCade3013, I did pre-natal yoga from 16w to 36w and LOVED every minute of it!!
    *** TW**

    Me: 37, DH:39
    Met: 2002 | Married: 2004 | TTC since January 2014
    July 2015: MMC @ 9 wks | August 2015: Chemical
    March, April, May & June 2016: Medicated IUIs | BFN 
    August 2016: Started Stims 8/22
    September 2016: Egg Retrieval 9/4 | 13 Mature Eggs | 10 Fertilized | 3 Blastocytes | 1 PGS Normal Embaby 
    November 7, 2016: FET - BFP!
    EDD 7/25/17
    Zoey Alexis born 7/25/17 @ 12:39 PM | 7lbs 14oz | 19 inches
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    It's the best!! 
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    How far along are you? 

    How big is baby? 
    About the size of a navel orange, says The Bump. I don't love fruit comparisons either. Lol. 

    Appointments coming up?
    Not until next week.

    How are you feeling emotionally/physically?
    I keep having these "holy sh*t this is happening" moments. Like when I went and bought maternity shirts or my sister started talking about shower dates and food. So I'm doing well but there's still some lingering anxiety.

    What's the next milestone you're looking forward to?
    Feeling movement and the 20 week scan!

    Rant: weekends are hard. I've had one day of hell several weekends in a row now--like my body functions all week just fine and then crashes. 

    Rave: My appetite is coming back! I'm also hoping that the increased energy helps me get back to my prenatal yoga and pilates. Also? Maternity pants are awesome. 

    GTKY: Do you have family close to you where you live or are they further away? How does this make you feel (because it has its positives/negatives both ways!)?
    I have both. I have three siblings within an hour and lots of ILs within 2 hours. But the majority of my family lives 4 hours away and my parents are 19 hours away. I'm okay with it. It is what it is! 
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