February 2018 Moms

Pros VS Cons of Finding out the Gender

DH and I of course have different views on finding out the gender; I have had two babies prior with a different father, the first was a girl and I found out her gender but at 37 weeks she was stillborn, I then had a healthy son and I didn't find out the gender and I thought it was the best experience.  DH really wants to find out the gender and I am torn.

Re: Pros VS Cons of Finding out the Gender

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    I forgot to mention this is DH's first baby.
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    We found out before I even knew I was pregnant (yay IVF and PGS!) and wanted to know from day 1. We figure we're going to find out the sex eventually anyway, what does it matter when it happens?
    Me: late 30s | H: early 30s
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    RE Dx: Fibroids, surgery Jan 2016
    IUI #1 and #2, Nov/Dec 2016, BFN
    IVF March 2017: ER - 5R/3M/3F, 1 PGS normal
    Polyp removed May 2017
    FET May 2017 - BFP!
    Baby boy born 2/2/18

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    I have to know because i am so not a fan of suprises. I want to be prepared so i can make sire i have the clothing that o want and habe all the bedding and things match. Luckly DH and i agree on that because i want to be able to start calling LO by a name other than baby or it
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    Both DH and I want to find out the sex as soon as we can. I'm impatient and don't like referring to baby as 'it' and he thinks he'll bond better if he know the sex and can use the name we've picked. 
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    We haven't found out the gender either time and won't again with this one. That "its a girl" or "it's a boy" moment was so special to both of us. We wouldn't change it for anything. 
    The most common reason people give for finding out to me is "don't you want to have all the right "stuff"?" 
    But we wanted gender neautral items for things like bouncer chair, play mat, car seat, so it would be able to be used again hopefully, and as for clothes.... let's say our many excited family members took care of that with a single trip to the hospital. ;) 
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    We'll be finding out the sex when I opt for Harmony test. I like knowing ahead of time.
    G 12.04 | E 11.06 | D 11.08  | H 12.09 | R 11.14 | Expecting #6 2.16.18.

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    I loved not knowing last time. DH really wants to find out this time so we probably will but I loved the surprise/suspense.
    I'm kinda a minimalist so I didn't feel like I had a lot to do to get ready. I had a small handful of newborn baby boy and girl outfits washed and ready. We were given a lot of boy outfits at the hospital and soon after and I didn't have to buy any outfits for him for a long time. Most other things we used were gender neutral. 
    The moment in the hospital was so special learning he was a boy! 
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    ashhsaashhsa member
    We will find out-in my first pregnancy I found it very hard to comprehend there was a little human growing inside me, once I found out the sex it really made me think about the "baby" rather than just myself and the "pregnancy" if that makes sense. 
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    We didn't find out with our DS and I was happy to have that surprise! My husband was so excited to say "it's a boy!" Its definitely a personal choice and there is no right or wrong choice! I like the surprise at the end so we will not be finding out again this time around! 
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    I found out last time and definitely plan to find out again. I feel for me it does help me bond with the baby. I like to pick a name before birth as well. I also like how winnie put it, it's another milestone to look forward to.

    FYI I also prefer not to be told how to use the English language. Sorry if that's not PC enough for the internet.

    Oh thank you, I didn't think there was a difference but  I'm wrong apparently, I thought this was a place to express yourself without judgement
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    kbrinks2 said: no
    We didn't find out with our DS and I was happy to have that surprise! My husband was so excited to say "it's a boy!" Its definitely a personal choice and there is no right or wrong choice! I like the surprise at the end so we will not be finding out again this time around! 
    I had one pregnancy i was convinced i was having a boy,  even after i wad told otherwise at the sono and even at birth i was still pretty admit it was supposed to be a boy! Lol.
    BabyFruit Ticker
    older siblings: ds 16 dd 14 ds 13 dd 11 dd 7 
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    I have always found out at the sonogram.  My dh wants to know asap what it is, hee didn't want to wait for a gender reveal or any of that he wants them to tell him as soon as they can He's said boy or girl doesn't  matter,  he just wants to know. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
    older siblings: ds 16 dd 14 ds 13 dd 11 dd 7 
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    kbrinks2 said: no
    We didn't find out with our DS and I was happy to have that surprise! My husband was so excited to say "it's a boy!" Its definitely a personal choice and there is no right or wrong choice! I like the surprise at the end so we will not be finding out again this time around! 
    I had one pregnancy i was convinced i was having a boy,  even after i wad told otherwise at the sono and even at birth i was still pretty admit it was supposed to be a boy! Lol.
    I was actually convinced it was a girl!! We were even more surprised it was a boy, but I still have such an amazing bond with him! I ended up having a c-section 18 hours into labour and it was nice to have a little surprise left!
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    @the_other_mother that's fine I guess but it's just like saying I choose to call bananas apples bc I want to. But you do you!
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    NKF312NKF312 member
    We found out we were having a girl the first time and will find out at our first opportunity this time too, I'm just a need to know person :smile:
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    Anna_1021Anna_1021 member
    edited July 2017
    We would like to find out, but i guess this highly depends on your personality - we are "like to know and get 'prepared'" kind of people :D Someone above made a good point on the fact that a newborn does not necessary need too much gender specific preparation though. 
    I also have a feeling that I'd be able to bond better with my baby with finding out the sex. But it is just a feeling from a FTM. :) 
    Good luck and have fun with whatever choice you make!

    Me: 33, DH: 38
    Married: May 2015
    TTC since September 2015
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    Didn't find out with either of the first two. I'm impatient so i probably would have found out, but it was a lot of fun to be surprised. Baby #3, I was initially thinking of finding out because I have two boys and I would like to purge some boy stuff if it's a girl, but then I decided to hold off - I still have plenty of neutral stuff in newborn and 0-3 sizes...and there was just something about waiting that made the day more special
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    Something I like to mention, if you are a ftm and find the gender and tell people, you tend to get mostly gender specific clothes at your baby shower vs getting all of the things you NEED! Bottles, car seat, stroller, high chair, PNP, bottles, bath tub, swing, bouncy seat...you get what I mean. 

    Also, sometimes you don't always get the "It's a boy/girl" announcement after deliver, especially if there were complications. We didn't get it with DD and was kind of disappointed, but we understood making sure baby was healthy was the top priority. Just want OP to hear all sides. 
    I am a FTM and I appreciate this insight! I think we want to find out so we can nail down the names and feel prepared mentally. But this gives me the idea to not tell anyone else the sex! Just pretend we are waiting until birth. Whatever it is, I always hated the idea of baby girls in pink and baby blue for boys. I just don't like the colors. :/ I'd be happy if this baby wears grey onesies until it can dress itself. :D And I don't want a ton of clothes we don't need like you said, but would prefer the boring useful stuff if anyone gets a present for us.

    Have any of you found out the sex but just not told the rest of the world and kept it between you and DH?
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    @alice0218 we found out and didn't tell anyone until the shower. That way people weren't buying us a bunch of super girly stuff that either wasn't our taste or couldn't be reused if we had a boy in the future. We received a lot of good useful items as well as gender neutral items. It drove people crazy, but whatever, your baby your choice. I did a reveal at the shower, which was fun. I wouldn't have had an additional party just for that.
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    I did tell people the sex of DS and feel like I got almost everything on my registry.  I just registered for gender neutral items (which is more my style anyway).   I made sure I had a variety of items on my registry at several different price points, so there was something for everyone to purchase.  I actually didn't get that much clothes and only a few packs of diapers.  I feel like when people don't know what to get or things are too expensive--they get random clothing and diapers.  

    @the_other_mother  I like the idea of not sharing until the shower.  Super cute!
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    ^Same, I got very few clothes even though people knew I was having a boy. I had a lot of lower cost items on my registry so I think that helped. I put books on there and I was glad I did! Though I can see how people might go a little more clothes crazy with a girl? At least people I know, ha.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    sabriel1 said:
    I'm thinking about finding out this time but not letting people know that we found out. Not for gifts in our case but more for the comments

    We have one girl and then three boys and if this baby is another boy I know people are going to say rude stuff like "oh well, it's ok, DD will get used to another brother", or "are you going to try again for another girl" (I know these comments will come because they did last time as well). If it's a girl I'm sure the comments will be equally wierd " oh you finally got another girl, you must be done now"
    Oh man, I can't say enough how much it irks me that everyone thinks it's ok to have an opinion on your family dynamic. 
    And the whole: "are you going to try for a girl/boy now?" 
    As if you can try for one or the other. There is zero control people....duh. 
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    We were team green with the first two and it was a lot of fun. I was completely convinced DD1 was a boy, she was the first girl in 5 generations on my husband's side of the family. With DD2 I was pretty sure she was a girl. It was fun to find out at delivery and drive everyone crazy making them wait too. Like mentioned above, we got almost all useful things at our shower since nobody knew what we were having, and it was all neutral so we can keep using it for all the kiddos. That said, I feel like I didn't bond as much with them while I was pregnant because I didn't know "who" they were. It doesn't effect our bond after birth though. 
    This time we decided we're going to find out to help the girls bond with the baby ahead of time. Although, I'm not looking forward to the comments on family dynamic either. Though we're already getting the-are you hoping for a boy, are you going to be done if it's a boy, etc. I wish people would just not talk to me when I'm pregnant ...But that might not have anything to do with baby's sex.
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    We're still waiting on gender and he is almost three. Pretty sure he is all boy though. We found out the sex of our first at our 20 week ultrasound and that was fun, it was a surprise pregnancy so I liked being able to name the baby and kind of connect before birth. We were team green for the second and waited until birth to find out the sex. That surprise was a blast and we're doing the same this time as well. In my experience the sex of the baby makes little to no difference in what the baby needs. I don't gender objects, colors or clothing so I don't need to pink or blue wash the nursery based on the sex. We'll figure out the gender in a few years
    Can you explain how you'll find out the gender in a few years? I'm genuinely curious. 
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