July 2017 Moms

Monday Ticker Change 6/26

For anyone due 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31

How far along are you? / How old is baby?

How big is baby? 

Upcoming appointments this week?

Any new symptoms or changes?


GTKY: Anything interesting about yourself you want to share ( too tired to think of one)
Me:28 | DH: 28
Married: 07-2014
TTC #1: Since November 2015
Restarted TTC "count" Oct. 2016
     due to previous issues.
BFP: 11/4/2016
 BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Monday Ticker Change 6/26

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    How far along are you? / How old is baby? 39 weeks

    How big is baby? Watermelon

    Upcoming appointments this week? Just got home from midwife.  I'm being induced next Monday.

    Any new symptoms or changes? Just generally uncomfortable.  Sooo uncomfortable.


    GTKY: Anything interesting about yourself you want to share ( too tired to think of one). Im super excited for this baby but every so often I realize the magnitude of my whole life changing and it scares me.  
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    How far along are you? / How old is baby? 37 weeks

    How big is baby? A Winter Melon (ticker) or Romaine Lettuce (app) 

    Upcoming appointments this week? I have my weekly check in / check up appointment with my OB tomorrow AND the growth ultrasound at the Maternal Fetal Care center to make sure there isn't anything "wrong" or concerning with the baby since finding out about the GD didn't happen until 30 some weeks. I am a little worried about it and not sure what to expect but trying to tell myself it will be fine because my doctor didn't seem concerned or say I had to have the ultrasound done ASAP and was fine with me having to wait a few weeks for the ultrasound.

    Any new symptoms or changes? Possible TMI but the discharge / losing the plug has been with a vengeance lately (the past week). Going without a panty liner or light pad is NOT an option. I have t not really any too painful (unless my pain tolerance is higher than I think)but I have been wincing a few times a day when the baby moves so I am not sure what that's about.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Last night it hit me hard (not sure why) but I was having anxiety all night about how close I am and so now I am tired and dragging a$$ today   I ended up completely emptying out and redoing my hospital bag hoping that would help me calm down knowing that I have what I need ready to go.

    GTKY: Anything interesting about yourself you want to share ( too tired to think of one) I am both the oldest and youngest sibling. I am the oldest out of my biological family / siblings but since I was adopted, that makes me the youngest with my family.


    Me:28 | DH: 28
    Married: 07-2014
    TTC #1: Since November 2015
    Restarted TTC "count" Oct. 2016
         due to previous issues.
    BFP: 11/4/2016
     BabyFruit Ticker

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    How far along are you? 38 weeks!

    How big is baby? Winter melon or a Pomeranian (which cracks me up!)

    Upcoming appointments this week? Wednesday - u/s to confirm if baby is head down (my cervix is basically Ft Knox so dr couldn't tell that way) and another growth scan to see if baby is still estimated huge. Baby was estimated in 97th percentile last time so hopefully it's a little more reasonable this time as long as it hasn't dropped a worrisome amount. I'm still measuring 2-3 weeks behind though! 
    Why are all these measurements such a mindf*ck?! I know they aren't super accurate but I wish they'd make some sense 

    Any new symptoms or changes? Just soooo much pelvic pain! Lots of napping lately too. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I. Need. My. Husband. To. Do. Things. On. My. Schedule. I don't ask you to do something for you to just put it off for 3 days. Baby is coming soon bud!

    GTKY: Anything interesting about yourself you want to share ( too tired to think of one)? Hm. I don't know how interesting this is to anyone, but I've met all of the Backstreet Boys on a few occasions and had lunch with AJ at his mom's (former) house in Orlando as part of a charity fundraiser. 
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    @Itsnotyourturn - Can't wait for you to have an outside baby! Yay!! I know what you mean by getting scared thinking about how things will change after - I get that too 

    @ginger1228 - FX for the ultrasound! DH and I had a similar argument about him not doing things when I asked him to (in a reasonable amount of time). He's coming around though and he's even started doing things without me asking because he can assume that they will need to be done anyway. Also your GTKY is awesome!
    Me:28 | DH: 28
    Married: 07-2014
    TTC #1: Since November 2015
    Restarted TTC "count" Oct. 2016
         due to previous issues.
    BFP: 11/4/2016
     BabyFruit Ticker

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    @SaphireSweetie88 - yea for H! Tell me your secrets! ;)
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    @ginger1228 They send me in for an ultrasound every single week to "check" baby's position. I can tell where the baby is, I don't need an ultrasound to tell me she is head up. I have found the frequent US checking frustrating and time consuming (I miss so much work for doctor appointments). I guess since I haven't had to pay for any yet it's not THAT big of a deal but if my insurance didn't cover these I would probably refuse them at this point especially since I can tell where she is. They scheduled my C-section already for 7/12. Have they scheduled yours?
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @maribeth0721 - I'm not scheduled yet. Baby was head down at 32ish weeks so I'm hoping that's still the case! 
    Of course my dr is off this week so I'm just seeing her NP. I'm not sure if they'll schedule me for a c-section if baby is breech or wait to consult with the dr when she gets back. 
    They're also going to estimate baby's size again. I think I've decided I'm still going to try vaginal birth even if they guess baby is huge bc those measurements can be so off. Baby's belly measured bigger than her head and femur so I think that also skewed the results and makes baby estimate bigger. 

    I haven't received a bill for my first growth scan yet. I don't think my insurance covers all of it but I'm not sure. 

    What a pain in the butt to have to do an u/s every week (and maybe be paying for it!). It's nice to be able to see baby often but I get how it's also an inconvenience. 
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    @ginger1228 I'm finding I'm looking less and less forward to the ultrasounds because she is so big she's hard to see now! We can't even get a 3D pic of her because her umbilical cord is in front of her face. Her head takes up the entire screen lol. I miss being able to see feet and hands moving. I agree with you that those US measurements can be SO off. My SIL was told a week before my nephew was born that she was having a 6ish lb baby, he was almost 9 lbs. So I'm never sure what to think when they estimate her weight for me. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @maribeth0721 - I wondered how my u/s would look tomorrow. I'll be 38+2 so I figured I wouldn't get a very good pic. 

    Eek for your SIL! I'd much rather baby be estimated big and be small instead of the other way around!!
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    Hi... I've honestly been a lurker this pregnancy but am going to chime in because I'm going a little stir crazy with this pregnacy and need to talk to other Mamas. Hope that's Ok?! 

    How far along are you? / How old is baby? 36w 

    How big is baby? Papaya according to the app. 

    Upcoming appointments this week? I have an appoitment with my doctor Friday and my "birth planning" appointment with the hospital right beforehand to fill out paperwork and such. This is a new dr. for me, but I'm guessing she'll do the group B test and check me. Interested to see what she has to say. 

    Any new symptoms or changes? Having a TON of strong braxton hicks contractions... since it's my fourth I know they aren't real but they are getting super annoying. And when I'm not contracting it tends to feel like she's trying to rip her way out of me. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I really dislike this stage of pregnancy. I know I need to wait a few weeks, but the contractions are really good at messing with my mind. I'm not ready to leave work yet - there's SO MUCH to do before I'm gone for 6 weeks, BUT I'm also ridiculously over being pregnant. So I'm just a hot mess basically. And my husband is in his own little world altogether. Should probably pack a hospital bag tonight to give myself that peace of mind. 

    GTKY: Anything interesting about yourself you want to share ( too tired to think of one)... I don't feel so interesting right now so I'll just do a basic intro. I'm 32, married for 9 1/2 years and this is our fourth little girl.  
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    @ginger1228 - If I can figure out what it was I said / did that got him to change I will for sure let you know lol
    Me:28 | DH: 28
    Married: 07-2014
    TTC #1: Since November 2015
    Restarted TTC "count" Oct. 2016
         due to previous issues.
    BFP: 11/4/2016
     BabyFruit Ticker

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    @BuckeyeWife07 - I agree with packing your bag. Either that or making a list of what you want to bring / pack. It might help you feel better and be less annoyed with the BH contractions (even if just for a little while)
    Me:28 | DH: 28
    Married: 07-2014
    TTC #1: Since November 2015
    Restarted TTC "count" Oct. 2016
         due to previous issues.
    BFP: 11/4/2016
     BabyFruit Ticker

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    How far along are you? / How old is baby? 38w 2d

    How big is baby? A Pomeranian, which is ridiculous. 

    Upcoming appointments this week? Friday. Planning on asking about getting written out of work/inducing because I'm so so done. 

    Any new symptoms or changes? Acne, which I haven't had since week 8 or so? And definitely some contractions on Saturday, but nothing since other than some light cramping. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Ugh. I gotta rant. No one on my company seems to know our policy on using FMLA time. They change the way we use our time yearly and explain it to no one. This ended up with me bursting into tears yesterday and leaving early. I'm too emotional for something to change, AGAIN, less than 2 weeks before this baby comes. 

    GTKY: Anything interesting about yourself you want to share ( too tired to think of one). I'm an avid Bachelor watcher, and have a parody Twitter account to live tweet every episode. 

    @Itsnotyourturn I'm excited/terrified too. Husband doesn't get it. He's just excited, which I love. But I'm the one who worries in our relationship, so I guess it's my fate. 
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