Baby Names

Too similar?

SIL (DH's sister) and I are both due this summer with our third.  She's due less than 3 weeks before me with a boy.  We're Team Green, but since we already have 2 boys, I have a feeling we'll have another boy.  I plan to use a "C" first name for a boy to honor my grandmother who passed away last year. For a girl, I'm planning to use a "C" name as a middle name.  I'm Jewish (DH isn't) and it's common to name children after relatives who have passed away. DH doesn't like to seriously talk about names until the end.  The one conversation we've had, we only agreed on Chase.  We pretty much vetoed most of the names the other one suggested.  

I haven't spoken to SIL about names yet, but she's very into family names.  When our other SIL was visiting, I found out that DH's sister has chosen Charles, which is the name of their uncle.  When I mentioned it to DH, he confirmed that she has talked about that name previously and wanted to use the nickname Chaz.  I asked DH if he thinks Chase is too similar to Charles/Chaz and he said yes.  

If I could pick any name I wanted, I don't know that Chase would be my first choice, but with wanting to honor my grandmother, it's one of the "C" names I like best and has really grown on me.  So WDYT?  Are the names too similar and we should go back to the drawing board?  Of all of our siblings, DH's sister is probably the one we're closest with.
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Re: Too similar?

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    I say go for it. They are similiar but not so similiar that they sound the same. 
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    It's okay. There's always a chance Chaz doesn't stick as a nn,  and it's not the worst even if it does. 
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    Go for it. There are at least 10 men in my family named Charles and not a single one of them has gone by Chas/z since they were old enough to pick their own nickname (don't tell your SIL I said this, but they all think Chas sounds like a tool. Their words, not mine). There are also soooooo many nicknames for Charles that the kid might decide he likes better. They sound different enough to me that I wouldn't have a problem with it.
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    They are far too similar, esp when there are such good C names out there. 
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    I love Chase but I think it's a bit too similar. Have you thought of Cash, Cohen, Colby, Cody, Calvin?
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    @joforyoga I wouldn't feel comfortable using Cohen as a first name, Cash doesn't work with our last name and the others are NMS.  I've looked through a lot of lists and there really aren't many C names that I love.  DH has also pretty much vetoed some of the ones I'd consider.

    We're visiting SIL in a few weeks so I plan to talk with her and see how she feels.  I don't want to step on any toes although she's pretty easy going and may not care at all.  I appreciate the opinions.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Since it's a nn not an issue. Chase and Charles are totally different and I feel like a million other nicknames are more common for Charles and likelier to stick anyhow. 

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    I don't think they are similar enough not to use it. I would keep looking for "C" names since it isn't really a favorite anyways, but it could be your back-up. Like others said, he could end up being called Charles or even Charlie. 
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    NME44NME44 member
    I personally think they are too similar, but we also considered Charles with the nn Chase for a little while (It was a compromise Bc DH wanted Chase and I did not) so to me they seem like basically the same name.
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    NME44NME44 member
    That being said, my husband has the same name as his grandfather, uncle, cousin, and father (2 different sides of the family have used it) and it's never been a problem for any of them. So, do what makes you happy.  :)
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    I think it is okay, and I like Chase. Also, Carson, Casen, Cade, Caden, Camden, Cameron, Connor, Cole, Cooper, Cyrus, Cain, Caleb? 
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    I like Chase and I think it's different enough Callum was a c name on our list too.
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    Chase and Chaz are way too close. However, since Charles will be his name, there's a chance of them using a different nn. Chase and Charles are also really close, but if it's the only name you could agree on, I wouldn't let it stop me from using it.
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    @NME44 That sounds pretty similar to DH's family.  DH is a third and went by his nickname to everyone through college.  When I met him, he had been going by his given name, but his whole family and college friends only refer to him by his nickname.  FIL still goes by his nickname in his family.  Their given name can't be shortened and neither nickname is common for their name.  BIL is the only one whose nickname is a common one for his name and he only goes by that name.  MIL, SIL and niece also all have the same name.  SIL goes by her nickname (again, not a typical nickname for her name) to everyone as does her DD.  That's why I think whatever nickname she chooses, which seems to be Chaz at this point, will likely stick.

    Again, I appreciate the feedback from everyone.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    They're similar, but it's ok. 

    A very similar ghing thing happened with my SIL. Our daughters were born 3 weeks apart (they were team pink, we were team green and chosen a name until she was born). It didn't occur to me until later that both girls were named with E first names and were also named for their same great-grandmother (one used her first name, one used her middle name). Oops! But, it's all good!! 

    They're not the SAME name, so go for it!
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