
No let down. Period.....

here's my situation. I've a 2 1/2 month old. Nursing 90% of the time is painful. I've gone to a lactation nurse so many time and he latches  fine. He does not stay on for long, I've only had him once or twice drain a breast. He is never satisfied. I always have to bottle feed him after. It can range from a couple ounces to 5oz. 

I want to nurse but nothing is working. I've gone to the pump but stimulating let down is close to impossible and it takes 1/2 hour plus to get anywhere. Because of this, my work schedule and baby not cooperating to pump I've gradually lost much of my milk production. I drink lots of water. Eat oatmeal, and take fenugreek three times a day. (4500) in all. I use the warming pads on my breast when pumping which has in creased my results however I'm still not getting flow. It's mostly dripping. 

Once in a while I'll get spray from a couple ducts but it's rare. Feed/pump times are approximately 5am, 10:30am, 12, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm, and 1am. Mostly I'm frustrated with the inability to achieve let down in order to drain and promote more production. Anyone else have issues with let down that's prevented you from breastfeeding?

Re: No let down. Period.....

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    Have you tried a nipple shield to help with the pain? Have you tried hand expressing to see if you get the same result as you do with your pump?
    Have you taken your pump in with you to the lactation consultant to make sure the flanges fit correctly? Does it hurt to use the pump, too? 
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    Watch and listen to video on your phone of your baby crying while you pump. Also bring something that smells like them. 

    Massage your breasts before you start pumping.

    Try and talk a walk or take some deep breaths before your pump break. If you go into your pump break already stressed or anxious you'll have a harder time relaxing which is helpful for let down.
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    ksf13ksf13 member
    @nelson827& Also, while fenugreek may help some with supply, it can do the direct opposite for others and cause you to lose your supply.
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