March 2017 Moms

Post partum high BP

Has anyone experienced this? I'm still in the hospital after my c-section and all of a sudden, 3 days after the surgery, my typically perfect BP is fairly high. I'm supppsed to go home today and now it looks unlikely. They are trying to find the right dose of medication to manage it. 

Re: Post partum high BP

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    I was admitted back to the hospital a week after my first daughter was born because my BP was high. I just so happened to catch it myself at home and went to the hospital. I was already on medication for high BP during my pregnancy so they just monitored me for 2 days and sent me home continuing my meds they originally had me stop taking after delivery. 
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    Thanks @Burrberrymum.  Do you mind if I ask how long it took to resolve?  
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    I had high BP issues with my son. I had to go to the ER 2 days after I was discharged, but they never medicated me. They should be checking your liver to be sure you don't have post eclampsia.

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    Thanks @DrillSergeantCat- they did do labs and everything is ok there. BP is starting to come down with meds, hoping it will resolve soon. 
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    I had preeclampsia and still had high bp post partum. I had to take 100mg labetolol for six weeks postpartum and had to follow up twice with my ob following discharge about it. Now I'm 9 weeks postpartum and my blood pressure is back to normal. They only kept me an extra day to make sure the labetolol worked well and I went home then. 

    Hope you bust out of there soon! 
    Me: 32 DH: 34
    Baby #1 - January 2010
    Baby #2 - March 2017

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    It was years ago so I'm pretty foggy but I'm pretty sure all was good within a couple weeks. BP was stable on labetalol, I took it only until my prescription was done and never needed it refilled. 
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    A bit different but my bp has been up since around week 30 (they started monitoring it more closely then) at week 36 I was put on labetalol for it and bedrest. They told me it could take 6-12 weeks after delivery for it to come back down. I'll be 2 weeks postpartum on Monday and I'm now on 2 blood pressure meds for it :( Its frustrating bc i always had super low blood pressure before pregnancy. I'm just hopeful that this will control it and I can be taken off all the medicines eventually. I'm glad to hear that your labs came back okay- mine have everytime as well! Hope you get it all resolved soon! 
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    Thanks so much @ashley14598. I hope your BP evens out soon!  I'm going in tomorrow to the doctor for a check in to see how I'm doing on the meds. 
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    This happened to me! I have always had great blood pressure my whole life. The week before my c-section it went to 128/88.  No big deal I thought, not very high and I assumed it would go back down after I had him. After I had him not only did it not go down, it kept going up and up to very high levels! They kept me an extra day in the hospital and have had me checking my blood pressure regularly. I am now 5 weeks postpartum and it is still high. It is better than it was in the hospital. I hope it eventually will go back to normal. The whole thing really freaked me out!

    I never had any of the pre eclampsia signs like protein in urine or swelling. Did you guys? Did your doctor explain why this happens? I feel like I never got a good explanation. 
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    @carlyyo yes! This is so similar to me except mine started creeping up earlier than that. That is the thing they kept telling me that after I had him it would all go away (but could take 6-12 weeks after delivery) and it's been getting worse! I'm now seeing my family doctor for it and I'm only 2 weeks postpartum tomorrow. But Ive never had any symptoms of headaches, swelling, etc from it either. Since seeing my MD and getting put on a second bp med it's now going boarderline too low! My bp before all this always ran in the 110-120/60-79 and now it's in the 150-170/80-100. So it's really high for me. It's all so frustrating and I never got much of a good explanation either except that it's something they watch for in pregnancy and has to do with hormones. 

    @jenny0228 thank you! I hope you get good news from your doctor tomorrow and get back to normal soon too! 
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    @ashley14598 mine ended up being too low also! They took out one med to see if it inched back up to a normal range. One nurse in the hospital told me that 5-10 years ago they didn't see many cases of PP high BP, and that (at least in the hospital where I delivered) it's becoming more common each year. Strange. No one had an explanation for me either. 
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