March 2017 Moms

Weekly Bitch Fest 3/27

Well we are all either going through a hormonal crash or really reaaaaalllly pregnant so rage on!


Re: Weekly Bitch Fest 3/27

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    Mine is kind of a rant but mostly just disappointment- not even an hour after LO was born yesterday my in-inlaws showed up with my older kids and insisted they come see the baby while I am in the middle of trying to get her to latch and doing all that bonding and such. My husband was agreeing with them and saying I needed to get up and get dressed so they could come in but my legs were still numb from delivery! So I missed that first hour of her awareness being applied to the breast in exchange for being surrounded by four new people, but they were all perfectly polite and quiet and washed hands etc, just kind of surprised me that they insisted on coming in so early! Then, they left the older kids without warning so my husband got screwed into taking them home and staying there for the rest of the day and night! I love my inlaws but they can be very self centered at times, especially when it comes to the grandkids- watching them for a few hours or keeping them overnight is a huge problem apparently! Oh well! 
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    @motherofdragons-2 Oh hell no! Big fail on your DH's part.

    Team Green turned Pink!
    Samantha - 4/5/2017

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    My bitch is my aunt. So yesterday, my fiance finally made me leave the baby with her so he and I could go out and get away from the baby for a little while. Apparently the fact that my son is 17 days old and I had only left the house twice since getting home from the hospital was unacceptable to him. The moment we came home, she ran up to me with him, gave me this really bitchy look and started telling me about how he just ate and needed to be changed. Then she decided that it was appropriate to yell at me for not having him circumcised. Apparently the fact that he's going to have to take and extra 10 seconds to clean his junk when he's older is a huge deal. And the fact that my fiance and I are going to have to do this for him while he's little is an even bigger deal. God only knows why. It will literally take 10 seconds to do. Its just another part of his body. Its not weird. And then because this whole conversation wasn't insulting enough, she proceeded to tell me that I am going to have it done.

    I can't believe she actually had the audacity to yell at me about my son's penis. Its absolutely none of her business, and frankly I think circumcision is barbaric (no offense to those of you who did have your sons circumcised) and completely unnecessary. And then to tell me that I'm going to have it done when I've made it clear that I don't want to? What a bitch.

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    RunBooRun said:
    @motherofdragons-2 Oh hell no! Big fail on your DH's part.

    This. I'm so sorry!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @longliveregina I have a pooper too... I thought we were going to be ok with a box of 88 newborns and 2 bags of 32 diapers. NOPE. She's only 2 weeks old and I'm on my last 4 diapers right now. Now I don't know what size box of newborn diapers to go buy today.... 

    My bitch is that my SO helped with DD1's bedtime for a whole 4 days out 2 weeks. He thinks just letting her climb into my bed to fall asleep at whatever hour is ok. I need my space too, I'm awake every hour with LO yet up until midnight with my 3yo because he's busy doing house things. Things that do need to get done but would it kill him to take 2 hours to get her to bed at a reasonable hour then do the painting etc that needs to be done? (DD still needs someone there to help her fall asleep and she's still waking up 2-3 times a night at 3.5 years old) I'm exhausted!!! 
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    Mine is my parents.

    They moved across the country last year, so this is the first grandchild that they aren't around for the birth. So they kept asking me when to buy plane tickets to come out. I told them to wait until LO arrives so that they can come out when they are about a week old.

    They didn't listen to me. So they are coming on Wednesday. Worst case scenario, I'll still be pregnant and have to deal with my mom hovering and waiting for labor. I can't even deal with thinking about it, never mind with her actually being here. Best case scenario, I go into labor and have the baby today and they arrive on the same day we are coming home from the hospital. So not only will I have to deal with learning life with a newborn, I'm going to have to do it with an audience.

    Also, because my dad only has so much time off, he's flying back home next Wednesday. If I need to be induced (barring other issues popping up, of course), they won't do it until next Thursday. He could miss out on meeting LO altogether.

    So instead of listening to me, they are making my life incredibly stressful by doing whatever they wanted. It also means they basically invited themselves to stay at our house without asking (we have a guest room above the garage, so they won't be in the actual house, but they will be there constantly cause the guest room has no way to cook food).

    Hopefully, it won't be as bad as I'm imagining in my head. Maybe my mom won't be herself and overreact every time I make a sound if I'm still pregnant when they get here. Maybe they'll give us our space before/after. Real or imagined, I'm stressing.
    Team Green turned Pink!
    Samantha - 4/5/2017

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    @RunBooRun that is stressful, and the last thing you should have to worry about while super pregnant! Why can't parents listen to us!?!?

    @longliveregina and @Burrberrymum I hear you on the diapers! We only did 'sposies until the twins umbilical cord stumps fell off but we went through 3 bags of diapers from the hospital, a box of 108, and 4 bags of 30ish in a little over a week!!! Now I'm washing 20-30 cloth diapers once a day!

    my bitchfest: I'm 99% sure my period is starting at only 6 1/2 weeks postpartum! I'm not exclusively breastfeeding (low supply) but I'm nursing/pumping around 10-12 times a day at least. Life is so unfair.
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    Mine is DH right now. He's been great and so supportive, bu is he keeps making daily comments about how this is our last baby and he's going to get the big V. I'm not entirely sure if I want a third. I know it's not 100% practical given that i am 35 and the costs associated with kids are high and neither of us wants to stay at home, but it still makes me really sad to think this might be my last experience with pregnancy, birth and smelling a newborn head. Even if it is our last, I just wish he'd stop making comments because it's giving me anxiety and making me feel so sad!
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    Pooping is my BF.  I feel like a rabbit has invaded my body.  No amount of water or stool softeners seems to fix it. 

    Me: 39 DH: 40
    Married: 12/6/2014

    BFP#1: 1/20/15      MC: 2/14/15
    BFP#2: 10/28/15    MC: 11/24/15
    BFP#3:  3/20/16     MC: 4/26/16
    BFP#4:  7/15/16     DD: 3/18/17
    BFP#5:  5/1/18     EDD: 1/12/19
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

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    @Ivorytower2 similar situation here but the opposite - DH keeps making comments about maybe having another one! But this time around I'm trying to be conscious about each stage being the last time. His comments are messing with my grieving process! I'm going through a farewell process to childbearing and he keeps suggesting maybe we're not done.

    But come on, we have 3 kids, we both work full time demanding jobs, and I'm 36. We're done! Although I wish we weren't! So it's emotionally confusing.
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    @Ivorytower2  Your DH needs to cool it. This is so not the right time to be making any major life decisions. 
    Team Green turned Pink!
    Samantha - 4/5/2017

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    MrsBinPA said:
    Pooping is my BF.  I feel like a rabbit has invaded my body.  No amount of water or stool softeners seems to fix it. 
    Oh my gosh this was me - it was awful. I am just now starting to be "regular" 6 weeks PP.  i was getting really concerned. I added fiber to my diet started drinking more water and quit the stool softeners. Either that helped or my body just sorted itself out... it's the worst

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    MMC 8/11/15

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    My BF is my sister. She is plucking my nerves right now. She is going to be in the room taking pictures and I guess that makes her feel like she needs to know everything that goes on. We live in MD and use this app called Life360 to keep track of our kids. It's kinda a tracking device so every time I leave the house she calls within 5 minutes. So as I pick up the phone she's like where are you going. So yesterday morning I had to go get my fluid checked in VA well as soon as I get in the highway my phone goes off. I'm like I have an appt. I told her why do you keep calling no one is going to forget about you. She says well I'm just checking because you might be in pain and might not call. Even if I was in pain, who the hell is going to take pictures if you aren't there. So fast forward to a few hours later, I get a text asking how the appt went. My response is Fine. She says well what does that mean? I told her fine means everything is fine. She replies I feel like you are keeping me from knowing what's going on. After that I ignored her. I'm debating on blocking her because I Dj t feel like dealing with her and I know that this is really getting in my nerves because every time I asked her to do something she forgets and it pisses me off but whenever she needs something she wants me to do it. Had the nerve to say after the baby is born maybe you can pick the boys up from school since you'll be home. It can be your little outing each day.

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    @hisqueen78 My sister was also stalking me on Life360. Anytime I was near any hospital I got a text asking what I was doing. And there are a lot of hospitals where I live! I turned the app off but that just made things worse with all the questions.
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    @Cbeanz I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with the crazy sister. Lol

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    torndo warning last night at 2 am, so extra lost sleep on top of the usual. Thunderstorms were sooo loud, baby was making noises, i thought he was hungry, he ended up spitting up. I',m thinking he was more distressed over the loud thunderstorm.  Now he got all super fussy and I had to give him gripe water.  Here's hoping the rest of the day is better.
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    @disneybaby84 the storms kept us up too! Baby was super fussy and wouldn't calm down for a good amount of time. 
    Me: 28 DH: 29
    Married: 04/14/12
    DS: 10/15/13
    BFP #2: 7/22/16  EDD 3/25/17
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    kiyamurph said:
    My BF is people asking me how the baby is sleeping. Avery is 13 days old and he sleeps like a newborn baby. I don't know if people expect me to say that he's sleeping through the night already? I'm up about every 2 hours at night and I have no idea how much sleep I'm actually getting since I've fell asleep in the recliner for the last few days. The sleeping question has gotten old and I'm ready to rip the head off of anyone else who asks. 

    But I really think 99% of people ask just to have something to say. Like it's the go to question. So I tend to give a simple answer, like, "she sleeps like a baby." If people get really annoying about it I say something like "Well, I really want her to get as many calories as she needs so I'm happy she's waking to nurse every 2-3 hours." 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    So last night completely sucked, and I officially hate sharing a room with a newborn. In the rare event that he will sleep, he is ridiculously noisy. Last night, when we first put him down, he kept farting really loudly. And of course having gas made him fuss a lot (though he didn't wake up, so that was nice). Then there's all the grunting, startling, and sneezing.

    An hour after we put him down, he decided that he needed to eat. I made him a bottle, and burped him. He kept insisting that he was still hungry. So I had my fiance come into the room with the intention of sending him down to the kitchen to make another ounce. Despite the fact that I am the only one that gets up with our son at night, and the fact that my fiance keeps telling me to wake him up to help with the baby, I got a bit of an earful for waking up my fiance to ask him to go downstairs (putting on pants takes so much effort after all). So I handed the baby to my fiance, and went down to make the damn bottle myself. When I came back upstairs, my fiance was sitting at the head of my bed holding the baby. He didn't get up, so I assumed that meant he wanted to feed our son. Well I was wrong. He got irritated with me for handing him the bottle because he wanted to go back to bed (I hadn't gotten any sleep yet at this point in the night and it was about 2 am.) After my fiance fed him, I got to spend another 45 minutes trying to get the baby to go back to sleep. Apparently my fiance doesn't "rock very well" and rocking back and forth with the baby is the best way to get him back to sleep.

    Well, 2 hours later he woke up again and was hungry. So I made a bottle and once again he kept insisting he wanted more food after he finished the bottle. I opted not to wake up my fiance and made him another ounce again. He ate that and then decided that it would be better to cry for an hour and a half rather than going back to sleep. And after he stopped crying it took me another half hour to get him to calm down enough that I could put him back down.

    Two hours later (roughly 8 am), he woke up hungry again. So I got him up and changed his diaper and waited for a few minutes to see if my fiance would come in to offer help. Usually making the bottle for the first morning feeding is his job. Well, he didn't come to offer help (even though he was already up), so I went downstairs to make another bottle.  When I got down there, my fiance was sitting on the couch watching tv,  which means he heard the baby crying and opted to just let me deal with it again. Even after telling him that I was running on maybe an hour and a half of sleep, he for some reason couldn't understand why I was so irritated with him. We then went upstairs and he sat with me and watched while I fed the baby, and reassured me that this not sleeping through the night business was only temporary. I can't imagine why he thought I was irritated with the baby. He was just doing what babies do. Now I have the baby sound asleep again, and I'm too damn irritated to go back to sleep myself. 
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    MIL came over yesterday... she took my 2 year old to the park which was great. She then came back and I asked if she wanted to hold the baby and mentioned that he was very sleepy. 

    ::fast forward to 5 minutes later:: 

    I'm upstairs changing my toddlers diaper. I start to hear the baby fuss. My MIL is down there waking him up. I go back downstairs and now he's awake and just crying. Needless to say, I let her hold him a little bit longer than comfortable but didn't want to just fix the problem she caused and kept saying "Oh, I'm not sure this is what mommy wanted".. then looks at his diaper and it was poopy so attributed it to that.. only he was probably sleeping in it 5 minutes earlier and hasn't been a big complainer about it. I'm a huge schedule person and it just wasn't even time for him to be awake! 

    Ultimately, she left and asked if I was ok and I said "yes" because why would I want her to linger around any longer?

    Love her and that she was the mom who made my husband be as amazing as he is... but she drives me crazy. 
    For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him.
    1 Samuel 1:27
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    BabyFetus Ticker

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    @shines721 heck no! that is not right!
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    Husband is "groggy" and so "desperately needs more sleep" ::eye roll: clearly the one who's up every two hours for the past month with a newborn and home alone all day with two kids should do Saturday morning by herself too??  Mmmmmkay.  I'm trying to not stomp upstairs and pull him out of a comfy bed on a snowy day... "do unto others", right?  How can men sleep through so much crying and toddler tantruming anyway!?
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    @kjd291 I seriously wonder the same thing. This morning at 5:45 LO was crying and my DH just rolled over. Now during the week I let him sleep since he's working but weekends are fair game. Get your butt up and change a diaper. Ugh! 
    ME: 34
    DH: 37
    DD: 03/17/17
    DS: 12/06/19
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    @kjd291 AMEN. DH got up to change diapers while I got bottles last night, but I stayed up the hour to feed him and get him to sleep. And then got up with our older one and got both kids dressed and ready to go out with my mom while he stayed in bed. Now my mom's here and we're all ready except him. 
    married to M since 6.13.09
    T - 3.3.14
    A - 2.24.17
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    I'm glad this isn't just my husband. @kjd291 your morning sounds exactly like my typical daily struggle (ofcourse it does)
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    @datalover13 glad your DH is chipping in at night! That's the big con to breastfeeding for me... there's really no reason I should be waking him up to make him help. (Though he is such a bad night person I probably wouldn't let him help anyway-he never remembers anything the following morning)

    @marshmallowfarts hah. I feel ya! Luckily I was in a good mood and just let it slide.

     I Do figure I can now guilt him into anything for the remainder of the day ;) he slept in till 1030, ladies... that's a lot of dishes and foot rubs. Haha
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    And... using this thread again. Sorry not sorry. overprotective parent. I Admit it, I don't let my inlaws watch my DD. DH just informed me he told his parents they could watch DD1 next weekend. "He knew I would say no so he didn't ask me"  Grrrrrr.
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    Not ok @kjd291! Is your husband striving to be in the dog house?!
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    Not ok @kjd291! Is your husband striving to be in the dog house?!
    He says a few hours without DD1 will be so helpful for me. Umm? On a Saturday? The only day YOU are around and supposed to be being "helpful" and spending time as a family? Oh wait... you sleep in till 10:30. Ughhhh. So pissed. Need more coffee. Need more patience.
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    @Gators&BoSox ^^^perfect
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    I'm glad this isn't just my husband. @kjd291 your morning sounds exactly like my typical daily struggle (ofcourse it does)
    My life too.
    And my husband sleeps in tge guest room to get an unbroken nights sleep!!! #nosympathy
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm slowly going insane with the transition to two kids. Last night I get LO to sleep, then DD1 to sleep, then LO wakes up crying so I leave sleeping DD1 to tend to LO, then when she's asleep DD1 wakes up crying for me.. so I crawl my sleepy ass out of bed to tend to her, which is supposed to be SO's job but he was no where in sight.. so I lay with her and not even 15 minutes after I get her back to sleep.... LO crying again. This went on a few times and at 3am I'm losing my patience because middle of the night wake ups from DD1 are now SO's job. So I manage to find him passed out on the couch downstairs. Wake him up and tell him to get his butt upstairs to help me!! 

    Naturally I'm all sorts of cranky today.. my DD1 is absolutely not listening the past few days and SO doesn't get it because he's at work all day. He goes and tells me something along the lines of he doesn't want to hear it (the bitching and complaining from me) because he's working and I have a year off. Im completely grateful to have a year off but it is not all rainbows and sunshine. Today I was actually thinking of how much of a break it was to be back at work the first time around. 
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    @Burrberrymum that sounds like an awful nights sleep. My DH is also in charge of DD1. She wakes up maybe once before coming to sleep with one or both of us. If he fell asleep on couch and slacked on his job I'd be so screwed. Two kids is no friggin joke so far.
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