August 2017 Moms

Weekly Random 3/20


Re: Weekly Random 3/20

  • @mango517 I used the big diaper sized pads after DS.  I am sure closer to our due dates someone will recommend this. But I put aloe vera and witch hazel on mine and then froze them.  I will be doing it again because it was so soothing.  

    @secicc12 Mine was an hour and it took the whole time.  Baby was in a strange position which made it harder to take measurements and I still felt like the last 15 minutes were not really necessary.  So I think if you have a cooperative baby it could be done in 30 min.  

    I had my A/S yesterday and the first image that showed up on the screen was a very clear potty shot, so if you are team green you may want to look away until the technician tells you it is ok.

    I also found out I have an anterior placenta again.  At my first ultrasound my doctor told me she though I would have a posterior but apparently my body likes it to be anterior.  
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @secicc12 I agree with @shyviolet, We were able to tell way before they told us it was a boy.  There were about 5 different times, where I knew, even when she didnt say anything. But if you are finding out, then dont worry about it at all. 
    **TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned**
    Married: 7/21/12
    BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16
    BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
    BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
    BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
    BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
    Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
    IVF started Feb 2020
    retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
    Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
    Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy! 
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  • @shyviolet did you have any complications from having an anterior placenta the first go round?  Just curious because they think that I might have one this time  (I have not had my A/S yet) and my doctor said there could be some complications later on from it like an increased risk of preeclampsia  or even a C-section if its low enough. This is my third baby and I am a little apprehensive about having an increased risk for preeclampsia and also a C-section just because I have not had those in the past two pregnancies.
  • @littlebug2010 @shyviolet I can't even imagine staying team green during an A/S! We did the harmony blood test so have known it's a girl for some time now. Hopefully that will be confirmed on Friday! Thanks for your input.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @DeansGirl14 that is beyond important information, especially for DH and any visitors asking to bring anything! now I just need to try and not stop there on my way to deliver....dangerous!
    1 infant loss
    8/17: Our daughter was born
    8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
    2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old 
    4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
  • @DeansGirl14 Ohhh the post-birth meal... I hadn't even considered that!! Drooling now. I'll probably make DH go get us sushi. And/or a medium rare burger.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • SarahBethBRSarahBethBR member
    edited March 2017
    My H worked at a regional deli chain when we met, and we don't have any locations here so I can't get the sandwiches regularly (plus I can't eat my fave, a cold Italian sub, right now anyway).  I've already told my parents who will drive by a location on their way to our town that they are to bring me a large italian for the post birth meal.
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @DeansGirl14  That is important information! Plus those donuts sound like they'd make you popular with the nurses real quick.

    @secicc12 Ditto on the sushi!

    The next morning I want a good everything bagel covered in cream cheese, fresh jersey tomatoes (thankfully I'm delivering when they're in season) and all the lox piled high. I love lox and have been so sad not to have it. 

    Together: January 2002
    Married: May 2008
    Baby: August 2017

    Clearly we like to rush along at lightning speed...

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Jesus, I miss lox.
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I havent had any food that I have really missed eating, but boy do I wish I could drink a margarita! Its starting to get warm here (off and on) and I just want to sit on the patio with a giant margarita!  DH and I like to go to Mexican places and sit at the bar with margaritas and eat chips and dip, and we havent been able to do that! 
    I just went to a nice Mexican joint on Sunday night that specializes in jumbo margaritas. They made me a kiwi-flavored one, virgin. 
    I know it's not the same, but the placebo is nice! You feel festive, at least. 

    It's worth asking your favorite place if they make virgins!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @DeansGirl14 Its a good thought.  I might have to one time.  The problem is I like traditional lime ones, and with out the booze, its just lime juice  :/.  But maybe they will have a tasty virgin one.  There is a place here that has mocktails on their menu, and I had a virgin mojito and it was amazing! Something about getting a non-soda/water drink at a restaurant makes the meal so much better. 
    **TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned**
    Married: 7/21/12
    BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16
    BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
    BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
    BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
    BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
    Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
    IVF started Feb 2020
    retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
    Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
    Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy! 
  • I totally want a sub after delivering. I totally have been avoiding subs since I only like the cold deli meat and I really want wine too!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @littlebug2010 with my first pregnancy margaritas were my only craving the entire time. I feel like this go around it's going to be even worse, there is nothing like a margarita and chip and salsa in the summer! 
  • I didn't avoid deli meat while pregnant with my first (just heated before eating) but there was a subway inside the hospital and for some reason it tasted so dang good after I delivered I ate it every day for like a week. And I sent my husband for a large diet coke literally a half hour after she was born. Lol. Then if you breastfeed you'll eat and drink like a beast for months. Makes you so flipping hungry! I bet I ate 5000 cal a day. Ha!
  • I haven't eliminated subs from my life either time. Just limited. 

    I'd have real sushi, a hotdogs and a cider. 

    Yes to a bikini. 
  • @secicc12 yes sushi!! Raw tuna sushi.  That will hands down be my first post delivery meal!! And a glass of wine.  Everytime I see someone on TV drinking a glass of wine, I want to jump through the screen and take it from them haha.
    My sinuses are acting up hardcore lately, and I have been sneezing literally like 100x a day.  And I have to cross my legs every damn time otherwise I pee on myself a little.  Ummm, I'm at FTM, I'm pretty sure my pelvic floor muscles shouldn't be this weak already!!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @Kathryn0903 That was my first meal after my LO was born! I convinced my SIL to bring me a sub from my favorite local sub shop. I convinced my other SIL to bring me a sub from a different sub shop the next day. (we were in the hospital a few days.) One of my student's parents owns the shop and I keep dreaming they will give me a gift card as my end of the year gift. :) (I do not expect gifts from students, However I have had this family before and they do bring gifts.)
  • @bumpybump I'm late to the liner convo, but I recommend Lola. They're organic and they deliver them to your door. Maybe the chemicals in normal liners are aggravating? Anyway, I use Lola liners and tampons when I'm not pregnant because for the tampons (which are also organic) you can customize the sizing in a box of 18 depending on what you need for your flow. So you could get like 2 supers, 13 regulars, and 3 lights. Or literally any combination that equals 18. // I know you use the cup, but leaving the tampon info for anyone else! 
  • STMs did you use a toddler bed when transitioning your LO from a crib or did you go straight to a twin bed. DH is leaning towards a twin or full(he's crazy) for dd she will be 23 months when this LO is born and i want to transition her way before ds gets here. plus he will be using her crib when he is too big for our bassinet that we will keep in our room for a couple months. 
  • We just did a queen bed with  those toddler rails and haven' had any issues with it. We transitioned her around 24 months I believe. Two months before my second little one came.
  • @breanna428  We transitioned to a toddler bed and then twin just because of the size of his room. I know people who have transitioned directly to a queen, with no issues.
    DS1: 8/2012 <3 DS2  8/2017 <3 DS3 10/2018 

  • @jadkins2, are you sure your doctor mentioned those complications for an anterior placenta? I'd bet your placenta is low lying, which has nothing to do with anterior vs posterior. Anterior just means that the placenta is attached to the front side of your uterus. This I should my second time having an anterior placenta. Doesn't make much of a difference, except that some kicks feel muted. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    M/C #2 - October 2016
    MMC #1 - April 2016

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • @breanna428 we also have friends who have transitioned straight to full/queen. I don't see the difference in transitioning to a twin as opposed to a full/queen--they're equally high off the ground and the larger mattress gives more room for them to roll over. No issues with my friends, and it saved them money since the bed will be big enough until they're adults.
  • @a2003tiger Yes my doctor mentioned that it "could" give me an increased risk for preeclampsia and he does think its low lying. Will not know for sure until my A/S. Just curious as to other women that had an anterior that was also low lying and no complications with blood pressure and such.i am a little concerned that this could be an issue this time. Just unfamiliar territory and since @shyviolet said this was her second experience. I wanted to know if she had those risks. Sounds like it's not a big deal. 

  • @jadkins2 I have a high risk for preeclampsia and an anterior placenta (not low lying) but my doctor did not say they're related. 
    DS1: 8/2012 <3 DS2  8/2017 <3 DS3 10/2018 

  • I also have an anterior placenta and the midwife just said that it would take longer for me to feel the baby.
  • LSP87LSP87 member
    @secicc12 I think it just depends on if baby cooperates.  Mine would not roll over and the tech had to get the doctor to come in and see if they would wiggle him around enough to see the four chambers of his heart.  They had me lay on my side for a while, they wiggled my belly all over, it was nuts!  But if your kid cooperates, then it should be fine.  
    This ^ ! We had to go back for an additional scan after my DS refused to uncurl for an accurate assessment of his spine, I believe. With DD this time around, she was relatively uncooperative at the elective gender scan so I'm not confident she will be happy at the A/S either. I love seeing them on the monitor but I feel so guilty because they look so annoyed with the whole thing lol. I hope yours goes well. Maybe they can nudge baby into the right position in time or you can hop up and wiggle around or drink some water to get him or her moving.
  • a2003tigera2003tiger member
    edited March 2017
    @jadkins2, yeah, anterior and low lying are two completely separate things. So you can definitely have an anterior placenta with no added risks. Hopefully yours has moved up and there's no problems! My first was anterior. Second was posterior. This one is anterior again and was initially low lying early on (I was getting frequent scans by high risk for other reasons), but at my anatomy scan, it was no longer low lying, so no issues there. Good luck!
    Pregnancy Ticker

    M/C #2 - October 2016
    MMC #1 - April 2016

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • Ok thanks. I guess its just going to be that fun waiting game! A/S is not until April I do hope it has moved up or does before  the cut off when they decide whether or not a C-section is needed.@britvahok have you had pre-e before? 
  • LSP87 said:
    Does anyone else fantasize about the untimely death of loud eaters? Its driving me CRAZY!!!!
    All the time. They make me want to snap their necks like I'm in a mortal combat video game.

    I had an office mate once who was the loudest/grossest eater ever. I had to leave when she would eat at her desk because otherwise I think I would have lost my shit.

    ( i do have misophonia though...)

    Together: January 2002
    Married: May 2008
    Baby: August 2017

    Clearly we like to rush along at lightning speed...

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Late to the post-birth food discussion, but my husband and I noticed that they're putting in a poke restaurant close to the hospital and now all I want is a poke bowl for my first meal.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Mango517 said:
    LSP87 said:
    Does anyone else fantasize about the untimely death of loud eaters? Its driving me CRAZY!!!!
    All the time. They make me want to snap their necks like I'm in a mortal combat video game.

    I had an office mate once who was the loudest/grossest eater ever. I had to leave when she would eat at her desk because otherwise I think I would have lost my shit.

    ( i do have misophonia though...)
    My husband slurps. I'm like dude, you can place food in your mouth without sucking it into your mouth. And, when he sucks on breath mints he sucks in air instead of keeping his mouth totally closed. Drives me bonkers. But in the grand scheme of things his pros outweigh his cons.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • kvh22kvh22 member
    @DeansGirl14 DH asks me "how's baby" most days when he walks through the door if I'm already home. Coming from him, I take this as "how's the pregnancy today" but from co-workers, I think I'd have your reaction. 

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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