November 2017 Moms

PGAL Check-in Week of 3/21-3/27

This thread is for women who are pregnant after a loss and who have a history of loss.

This thread is one huge trigger warning so if you just came to read, please protect yourself if you are not comfortable reading about loss.  This is a place where women can talk freely about their loss history.

Hey PGAL ladies, "Today you are pregnant!"  3 

1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?

2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?

3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes?

4. How is your SO handling everything?

5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?

It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*

Me: 36 DH 35 
TTC  9/2016     BFP 12/9/16    EDD 8/21/17    NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
TTC  2/2017  BFP 3/6/17   EDD 11/17/17   DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
TTC 12/2018   BFP 6/2/19   EDD 2/12/20  NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
TTC 7/2019   BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
TTC 8/19    IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone  BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20

AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility

Re: PGAL Check-in Week of 3/21-3/27

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    Hello! I haven't yet introduced myself on the introductions thread because it still feels so early, but just lurking on last week's PGAL thread was good for me so I thought I'd participate here today. 

    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?
    4w  5d. Feeling okay- some symptoms, but they're faint and manageable. Very tired, but that might be due to the fact that I've cut down to a half cup of coffee/day. 

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones? I had 3 chemical pregnancies throughout 2016. They were such early losses, if I only make it to this Sunday, this will be my longest pregnancy so far. 

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes? What gives me hope this time around is how dark my hpt's have been. I took my first one the day before my period was due and it was already darker than it'd ever gotten in my previous cp's. Also, this is my first cycle taking progesterone since ovulation so maybe that is my schtick. 

    4. How is your SO handling everything? DH is taking things in stride. He tries to make me laugh a lot which I appreciate. I know things are a lot less real for him at this point, but he's supportive and present. 

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy? I just feel different this time. I feel more zen about things- I love the motto here 'today I am pregnant.' I know there are so many ways this could turn south, but right now, I feel solid.  
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    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?

    5 weeks 1 day; the tech did not give me an EDD during my ultrasound yesterday and that makes me a little nervous since I am confident I know when I ovulated and implanted. It says the DD that's based on my LMP, but that was a week early. I do have other appointments coming up

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?

    I had a NMC at almost 8 weeks in January. This baby is due right around when that one was conceived. 

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes?

    I am trying to ride the high of our ultrasound yesterday. I know I may not see a heartbeat for another week or so.

    4. How is your SO handling everything?
    He has been getting on me about everything I am eating and drinking. I am doing everything right, and he is driving me nuts. I'm sure he feels like he doesn't have much control and that's how his anxiety is showing. I thought he was as cool as a cucumber, but I guess not.

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?

    It just feels so different than the last one. It's early still, but overall my body is just calmer.
    It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*

    Me: 36 DH 35 
    TTC  9/2016     BFP 12/9/16    EDD 8/21/17    NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
    TTC  2/2017  BFP 3/6/17   EDD 11/17/17   DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
    TTC 12/2018   BFP 6/2/19   EDD 2/12/20  NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
    TTC 7/2019   BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
    TTC 8/19    IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone  BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
    IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20

    AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
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    @Cort1021 Welcome! You are almost there, mama! Just take baby steps (no pun intended).
    It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*

    Me: 36 DH 35 
    TTC  9/2016     BFP 12/9/16    EDD 8/21/17    NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
    TTC  2/2017  BFP 3/6/17   EDD 11/17/17   DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
    TTC 12/2018   BFP 6/2/19   EDD 2/12/20  NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
    TTC 7/2019   BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
    TTC 8/19    IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone  BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
    IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20

    AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
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    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling? I'm 4 +6.  I'm just a ball of nerves.

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?  I had an early mc last month and got pregnant the cycle right after it.  I just passed last months mark.

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes? I had just a little spotting this morning, hardly anything at all but  my brain is freaking out.  I'm waiting a little bit to see if it continues and if it does I'm calling the doctor this morning.  I'm trying to be positive that it's prob nothing but I always go to worst case scenario.

    4. How is your SO handling everything?  He always tries to be the positive one.  He's zen AF.  Unfortunately he doesn't tell me much about how he's feeling.

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?  I thought I just 'felt' different.  But only time will tell.
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    edited March 2017
    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling? 7+5, super nauseous unfortunately but I'm trying to see that as a good sign?   

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones? mc at 6w3d in October, the closer I get to my 8 week appointment the more excited and nervous I get, doing my best to keep busy so I don't just think about it 24/7 though

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes? feeling ok about things today, really hoping I can get some more food in me this morning

    4. How is your SO handling everything? He's amazing.  He's right there with me on being nervous about our appointment on Friday but he's been so amazing helping take care of things around the house and he has started packing my lunch for me because I've been feeling pretty awful in the mornings

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy? I'm surprised how calm I've been and that I haven't completely lost my mind waiting for this 1st appointment 
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    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?
    5+ 3. Tired and nauseous! But happy :)

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?
    Had a loss and D&C in August due to a "chromosomal issue not compatible with life". I honestly won't feel any better with this pregnancy until we do chromosomal testing.

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes?
    Nauseous! Some days are worse than others. Today so far is a "good" day. Bad days I rarely eat all day which I know is obviously not good. Today is my Bday though so hopefully I will be able to EAT ALL THE CAKE.

    4. How is your SO handling everything?
    He's always Mr. positive!

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?
    How different it is than my previous ones! 
    With my son it was a BREEEEEEZE. Some headaches at the beginning but that is it. With my loss, I had the headaches too but they were much worse and started right away. I wasn't really nauseous with either so this is all new! 
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    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?
    I'm 7+2 and I'm feeling terrible.  I'm really happy to be going through this, but it's really hard to feel sick all the time.  It's hard to eat and drink and I'm worried about baby getting enough of what they need.
    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?
    Molar pregnancy & D&C in May 2015, early miscarriage end of Sept/beginning Oct 2016, lots of waiting or struggling to get pregnant in there.  This pregnancy is almost on the exact same timeline as my molar, which is strange.
    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes?
    We saw the heartbeat last week after some scariness.  I was glad to see the heartbeat and it put me at ease, but it was low because it was so early.  The spotting messed with me pretty badly (and it was consistent spotting for maybe 6 days!), but it has stopped now so I'm feeling better about that.  I'm looking forward to our next ultrasound on Monday so we can ensure everything's progressing as it should.
    4. How is your SO handling everything?
    He is good.  He's a little scared, but mostly he's just concerned about what he can do for me.  Seeing me this sick is hard on him and he wants to do more for me, but he's so great and there's really not much more he can do.  <3
    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?
    It surprises me how much hope I still have.  Even with all the fears, my brain just automatically goes to the place of "we'll have a little to hold in Nov!"  I'm also a little surprised that I'm so sick.  I was really sick with my first pregnancy, which was the molar.  I thought maybe I had been so sick because of what was going on during that one, but maybe this is just how my body handles pregnancy.  I also have a secret fear that it's another molar because I'm so sick again.

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    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?
    7 weeks- Super nauseated 24/7, was put of Diglesis last week, it helps but I still get episodes. Fatigued and lately have had the WORST sour taste in my mouth that doesn't seem to go away. It's gross. 

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?
    M/C at 10 weeks in 2014 - U/S showed no fetus so they believe it was something chromosomal that caused the fetus from growing. We thought everything was going fine, I had pregnancy symptoms, and then I just started spotting. 

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes?
    We also saw a little fetus in the sac and a heartbeat (115bpm) at 6 weeks 2 days, it calmed me down a little to see our peanut. Every week is like a milestone to us, we just keep focusing week to week instead of looking too far ahead. This week we are looking for the heartbeat to beat at least 120bpm, we were told that is what will be considered on track at 7 weeks. 

    I told my boss on Friday about the news, he has been up to date with my IF appointments so sharing this news was a good thing. He is super supportive and understands I'm fighting major fatigue and nausea, I had to leave early from work yesterday and this morning he popped in to see how I was feeling and confirmed that if I'm ever feeling terrible that I can go home at anytime. I am very lucky to have his support. 

    4. How is your SO handling everything?
    SO is so cute, he is constantly aware of what I am eating and how much. (at least for dinner) I told him last night I was having milk to get the baby some calcium and he said, "That's great!" with a huge smile. What can I say, the man loves milk. 

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?
    How much GREAT care is really important for those who have suffered a loss. Like most, you have to wait until 8-10 weeks to even get into your OB and if you're lucky have an US. Because we had to go through a reproductive association they have monitored me every single week. First with blood work not only to see levels but to also see where I may need some vitamin supplements. The weekly US has been a blessing and have eased my anxiety a bit. We just moved to the area so I'm actually in the process of finding an OB that they will transfer me to by the end of the first trimester. I hope I can find one that meets these standards because the bar is set fairly high now.... I know the appointments wont be as frequent, I just want an OB that "gets" me. 
    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13 
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    @Laurie-- it won't let me tag you?!
    How awesome is your boss!! That's wonderful! 

    Good luck finding an OB!

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    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?
     5w1d. Nauseous on and off and extremely tired. 

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones? I had a MMC in December 2016. Found out at a ultrasound at 12 weeks that baby was only measuring 8, and no heartbeat. 

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes? pretty good actually. @NYTino24 that quote you started this thread out with has become my mantra. Struggles... trying to find a midwife. We are just moving and now live very rural and there are only a few midwives, so finding one who is available in November is looking like it might be a struggle. Successes, I'm not stressing out like I thought I might. I'm just happy to be pregnant right now, today. 

    4. How is your SO handling everything? DH is great, he's super excited and not nervous at all. He is of the mindset that whatever happens is meant to be, and so I don't think he is worried at all. 

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy? I feel a lot more nauseous and have much stronger symptoms than last time around. This helps me because I feel like so far this pregnancy has been very different from my loss. 

    @Cort1021 Welcome! Glad to have you on this board. 

    @NYTino24 glad to hear that this pregnancy is feeling different from the last, I know that has been a big encouragement for me this time around. Also, yay for ultrasounds, I saw yours in the thread and beautiful! So excited for when I can have my first one. 

    @mispanda keep us updated, nothing wrong with calling your Dr if you are worried. Keeping you in my thoughts. 

    @Laurie your boss and SO sound like they're being pretty amazing... that's awesome! 
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    NYTino24NYTino24 member
    edited March 2017
    @JDW0325 Happy birthday!! 
    @SweetMelissa4 I'm glad to hear the bleeding stopped.
    @Perfectypo I feel you on being tired all.the.time! When is your first U/S?
    @Laurie Sounds like a great boss! Don't you wish all pregnant women and those TTC were treated that way?!
    @mommawolff11 Glad you were able to see a heartbeat!
    @gipfish FX for a great first appointment for you!
    @mparmenter91 Only two more days for you?! Awesome!
    @mispanda Hooray for passing a milestone!!
    It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*

    Me: 36 DH 35 
    TTC  9/2016     BFP 12/9/16    EDD 8/21/17    NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
    TTC  2/2017  BFP 3/6/17   EDD 11/17/17   DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
    TTC 12/2018   BFP 6/2/19   EDD 2/12/20  NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
    TTC 7/2019   BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
    TTC 8/19    IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone  BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
    IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20

    AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
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    dragonfly87-2dragonfly87-2 member
    edited March 2017
    @JDW0325 Happy birthday!

    SweetMelissa4 I hope the sickness goes away soon. That's great you got to see the heartbeat, sorry for the scary situation. FX the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful and all is well.

    Perfectypo Love your username!

    NYTino24 That's great you go in an ultrasound, hopefully you can see the heartbeat at the next ultrasound.

    gipfish Hope your appointment went well!

    @mispanda Yay for passing the milestone! I just passed mine yesterday and there is a little sigh of relief.

    mommawolff11 Yay for seeing the baby! That's adorable that your 4 yo is so excited.

    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?

    4 weeks, 5 days (just passed previous CP milestone). I am feeling pretty good. Had some intense abdominal pressure this morning that felt like AF cramps, but they have subsided. Small waves of nausea, but nothing too consistent. Worst has been my sleeping patterns, but it seems to be improving, so no major complaints there.

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?
    Had a CP at 4 weeks, 4 days in December 2016. 

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes?

    Pretty good. I just got my hcg results back today from my OB.  13 dpo was 185, 15 dpo was 586. So everything seems on track at this point. She said at my first prenatal visit (6 weeks 5 days), they will do the routine check up/bloodwork and attempt to check baby's heart rate on a handheld fetal doppler...but I read that you can't really pick it up that early with dopplers. So I am not expecting much there. 

    4. How is your SO handling everything?
    He is still a bit aloof about it. I think he forgets because the news is so recent and obviously much hasn't happened. He did say he was cautiously nervous though.

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?

    Not a lot has happened so far, so not many surprised. I am a little surprised with how high my hcg levels are for this early...but then again, I know it doesn't  really mean anything and I have no real comparisons.

    Eta: grammar
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    @NYTino24 I don't know yet. I have to get back to New Zealand (I get back on April 4th) and I could either contact my previous midwife and get the scan the same week I get back, otherwise I have to wait until the next week at the earliest... and I still haven't heard back from anyone down where we are moving. But I can't do anything to hurry it up, and I guess an ultrasound doesn't change anything, just gives me peace of mind. At least now when I do get one it will be right around when I lost the previous one, so it will give me a lot of peace of mind to see a heartbeat after 8 weeks. I still wish I could have already been in though. 

    @dragonfly87 Haha, thanks. Glad to hear you just passed a milestone and your HCG levels are good. 
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    Hi all!  I have been lurking on the Nov 17 board but have been reluctant to introduce myself yet.  I think this thread is where I need to start until I pass 11 weeks (when I had my previous loss).  Then I will feel more comfortable posting on the regular board. (Also, I'm on mobile...Don't know how to copy/paste the questions!)

    1. I'm 5 weeks 3 days.  Feeling pretty good--complete exhaustion is my main symptom at this point!  I have a touch of nausea--more than with my loss, which I am taking as a good sign. Also--super dry/itchy skin. I've always had dry skin but this is another level!  No boob pain at all, which worries me a little.  

    2 MC at 11 weeks, apparently baby stopped growing shortly after seeing the hb @8 weeks.  

    3. Every day is different, some days I am filled with anxiety about every little thing. But today has been good.  I'm getting excited to plan, and keep envisioning that little baby in my arms. 

    4. He is cautious and doesn't talk much about it unless I bring it up. I think we will both get more confident after 12 weeks.  It feels a bit like a waiting game for both of us at this point. 

    5. How much PGAL messes with my mind and makes me second guess every decision!  How much I want to tell people (we've hardly told anyone yet)! 
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    @dragonfly87 Congrats on getting farther this time! Cramping could just be your uterus expanding, gas, constipation, or needing to drink more water. Good news on the HCG.
    @liz4382 Welcome! There are quite a few of us TTCAL grads. I have less / less intense symptoms and all seemed well on U/S. It doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing. 
    It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*

    Me: 36 DH 35 
    TTC  9/2016     BFP 12/9/16    EDD 8/21/17    NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
    TTC  2/2017  BFP 3/6/17   EDD 11/17/17   DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
    TTC 12/2018   BFP 6/2/19   EDD 2/12/20  NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
    TTC 7/2019   BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
    TTC 8/19    IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone  BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
    IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20

    AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
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    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?
    Based on LMP about 5w3d.  Feeling ok, I guess? Had some sore boobs a few days ago, but those have almost gone away - which scares me quite a bit. Boob pain disappearing was the first sign last time that something was wrong. Also having some cramping occasionally.

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?
    Had a MC at 7w on Sept 22. We had been to the OB earlier that day, saw a HB that afternoon, then MC that night.

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes?
    Mixed, I guess. I want to be really excited - but I just can't be yet.  Had betas done yesterday and I'm at 160 at 17dpo. That feels really low to me so now I'm super worried. Getting them redone tomorrow. No successes yet - I guess if the numbers are good tomorrow, that can count.

    4. How is your SO handling everything?
    Good. He's excited - but I think he's trying to keep it low key because he knows how worried about everything I am.  
    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?
    IDK? My boobs got sore earlier than last time...
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    @liz4382 welcome! Glad to hear you had a good day today, it is definitely different/hard being PAL. 

    @hezzer78 hope your numbers come back good FX
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    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?
    7 weeks.  Not fabulous.  The good news is that I haven't had any indications that things are not going well.  But having trouble keeping food and liquids down in a major way.

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?
    3 m/c.  We are passing the earliest loss milestone this week.  But since I haven't had an appt. yet, I don't feel like I can actually celebrate that in any way right now.  

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes?
    Struggling with anxiety.  Success for me is that I have not POAS in almost a week.  Still temping and temps are still high which gives me some relief for now.  Still struggling anxiety-wise with the fact that my u/s appointment got moved a week later - but not feeling overwhelmed by it so maybe that is a success in itself.  

    4. How is your SO handling everything?
    Amazing.  He truly is incredible right now.  He said early on - like the day of my BFP -  that because we have had several losses, he did not want to really connect to this pregnancy right now.  It hurt my feelings but I let it go at the time because I knew he had to struggle with his feelings on his own first before we could really talk through everything together.  He changed that attitude really fast and has been talking through things with me, which is super helpful, and has been giving me lots of time to rest and decompress and is just being the best partner.  I feel really lucky to be on this journey with him and we agree that this will mostly likely be our last.  If everything goes well then for sure the last.

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?
    I feel like I am such a downer this week!  The surprise for me is that even with DS and DD, PGAL still sucks the big one.  I don't feel more hopeful this pregnancy than I have before and I was really hoping that I would.  I am hopeful that will change later on.  I am so grateful to be pregnant without a doubt - it's just a bit of a rough week physically and mentally.
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    @kschref glad to hear you SO is being so good and helpful. That is awesome. Hope you are able to keep food and liquid down better in the next few days.
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    missrekaeaglemissrekaeagle member
    edited March 2017
    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?
    4 weeks 1 day. I've had sore breasts, lots of hunger, insomnia and waves of nausea for 5 days.

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?
    I experienced a MC at 6 weeks in Nov. 2015.

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes?
    I've been awake since 2 am, so I'm sure I'll be extremely tired at work today. Yesterday, I was an emotional wreck with lots of tears and hormones. I struggled to believe this was happening, and I've taken 6 tests in the last 2 days. However, I'm optimistic about this pregnancy. 

    4. How is your SO handling everything?
    He's handling it better than expected. He's not a big fan of surprises, but he seems to be looking forward to our rainbow baby. 

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?
    I've never gotten a positive pregnancy test or symptoms this early. 
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    1. Not too sure, maybe 3+4 weeks?

    2. I miscarried Feb 9th and never got a cycle before a BFP, vvvfbfp two days ago. 

    3. Feeling more hopefully after confirming with a digital last night. Lots of praying that this one sticks!
    4. He is starting to really believe it now but is always more excited after actually seeing a baby on am ultrasound.

    5. That I am pregnant less than two months after MC. I want it soooo badly so just lots of praying right now. GL to all you ladies!!! Happy and healthy nineminths for us all!!!
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    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling? 4 weeks 4 days . Feeling good :) 

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?
    Natural pregnancy March 2015 early MC 8 Weeks. Abnormal embryo. 5 failed IUS . Fresh IVF sept 16. early MC 8 1/2 weeks. Abnormal embryo . 

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes? Feeling good! Struggles just once you think it's your time it's not. Definitely feeling positive this time around! 

    4. How is your SO handling everything? So supportive . Literally my rock. 

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy? I think it's still super early to know! Happy to be on this journey with everyone!!
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    Syndal712Syndal712 member
    edited March 2017
    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?
    Sore boobs, tired, hungry but kinda urpy, craaazy dreams (last night I dreamt we got an ultrasound and the fetus had a full set of teeth!), and some intermittent cramping.  Hopefully these are all good signs.

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?
    3 miscarriages all around 7 weeks since 12/2015; most recent loss was in Nov '16.  This cycle we tried letrozole but we've been doing baby aspirin and progesterone suppositories for the last year.  And by 'we' I mean me :)
    Trying to make it to ultrasound on 4/3 then past the 7 week mark.

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes? 
     Nervous.  Things are much more reassuring this time around but I don't want to get my hopes up.
    With my past pregnancies betas started out really low and they're much better this time around. Hcg at 13dpo was 132 with progesterone of 68, and hcg at 16dpo 541.  

    4. How is your SO handling everything? 
    He is generally not a very anxious person and he is cautious but not worried. He is much better at being positive than I am.

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?
    This is my fourth pregnancy (with no living children) and this is the most pregnant I've felt out of all of them. Hopefully this is a good sign.
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    JDW0325JDW0325 member
    edited March 2017
    Want to give all you ladies the biggest hugs! I love what @NYTino24 says-- TODAY WE ARE PREGNANT! 

    Edit- posted something on the wrong discussion!
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    Yay @ktcakes87! So happy you are joining us! Congrats!!
    It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*

    Me: 36 DH 35 
    TTC  9/2016     BFP 12/9/16    EDD 8/21/17    NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
    TTC  2/2017  BFP 3/6/17   EDD 11/17/17   DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
    TTC 12/2018   BFP 6/2/19   EDD 2/12/20  NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
    TTC 7/2019   BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
    TTC 8/19    IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone  BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
    IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20

    AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
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    @NYTino24 Thank you! I am so excited to be a part of the BMB with so many cool TTGP grads  :D
    Me 29 I Him 26
    Married 4/22/16
    TTC 9/2015
    BFP 2/1/16 I MC 3/21/16 (11w)
    TTCAL 6/15/16
    BFP 3/23/2017 Team pink! Quinn Leigh EDD December 1, 2017
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling? 7 weeks 1 day today!

    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones? Two placental abruptions, one at 22w6d with the loss of DD, the other at 30w4d with preemie rainbow DS.

    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes? Pretty good. I had a scare over the weekend with a bit of light brown spotting, but thankfully that stopped. Nauseated AF after dinner more and more, so I'm glad for that symptom. I have my next appointment on Tuesday. 

    4. How is your SO handling everything? Good. I think as time goes on it gets more real for him. 

    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy? The symptoms. But I'm not sure why lol. My first pregnancy was the one I got morning sickness and food aversions in, and basically didn't eat dinner for two months. I thought that it started around 6 weeks but after thinking about it, I don't think the nausea started until 8. Continued until about 20 though. I was nauseated exactly once with DS, and didnt have many aversions, so it's been quite a while (early 2014) since I have felt these symptoms. 
    April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

    About me:
    29 y/o
    Married 6.26.11
    BFP 12.23.13, EDD 9.2.14 - baby girl, born too soon at 22w6d due to a placental abruption on 5.5.14
    BFP 8.4.14, EDD 4.15.15 - rainbow son, born at 30w4d due to a placental abruption on 2.8.15, healthy 3 y/o now!
    BFP 2.28.17, EDD 11.8.17 - baby girl, miscarried at 11 weeks on 4.21.17
    BFP 11.28.17, EDD 8.8.18, delivering in July - another rainbow baby boy!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    1. How far along are you today?  How are you feeling?
    8 weeks, 2 days - Feeling alright.  Headaches and really tired.  Took 2 naps yesterday, one at lunch and one when I got home.. Some sore boobs, but they really haven't been that bad this whole time.  
    2. Share any part of your loss history you feel comfortable sharing.  What are your loss milestones?
    Had 2 MC, one at 8 weeks and one pretty much right away... Seeing the heartbeat at my US was a huge milestone.  My last MC we went in and there was nothing there, so being able to know that a baby is growing was amazing...
    3. How are you feeling today?  Struggles?  Successes?
    Lots of anxiety... it hasn't stopped since I got my BFP.  It's been hard being excited because I know so much can happen still.  "I'm pregnant today" and that makes me happy. 
    4. How is your SO handling everything?
    He's AMAZING! Been doing dishes and laundry, lets me take naps.  He's been super positive whenever I tell him how nervous I am.  We decided on a girls name last night (we're team green) and that was really nice that we have something! 
    5. GTKY: What surprises you the most about this pregnancy?
    How tired I am... I wasn't this tired with my last one.

    It's really nice posting on here every week.. it gets all my emotions out and I feel like I'm not so alone.. there's another girl at my work who is pregnant, she'll be 13 weeks tomorrow.  She had 3 MC, but has 2 kids now so I can relate some, but not 100% because I don't have any kids that have been born...
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    @elsieisamoocow Glad it stopped!
    @Furmommy Have you had your iron checked? The actual test is for ferritin. I just found out I'm anemic (suspected for quite a while and family history) and headaches / extreme fatigue are symptoms.
    It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*

    Me: 36 DH 35 
    TTC  9/2016     BFP 12/9/16    EDD 8/21/17    NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
    TTC  2/2017  BFP 3/6/17   EDD 11/17/17   DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
    TTC 12/2018   BFP 6/2/19   EDD 2/12/20  NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
    TTC 7/2019   BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
    TTC 8/19    IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone  BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
    IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20

    AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
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    @NYTino24  For our health insurance at work we do yearly blood tests and my iron was actually super high.. I think that's bad, but no one said anything to me... 
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    @Furmommy maybe mention that at your appointment and ask what the OB thinks.
    It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*

    Me: 36 DH 35 
    TTC  9/2016     BFP 12/9/16    EDD 8/21/17    NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
    TTC  2/2017  BFP 3/6/17   EDD 11/17/17   DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
    TTC 12/2018   BFP 6/2/19   EDD 2/12/20  NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
    TTC 7/2019   BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
    TTC 8/19    IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone  BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
    IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20

    AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
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    I have my first appointment this afternoon, not sure if I'm more excited or nervous. I'm not going to be able to focus at all at work today ugh!
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    Hope the day flies by for you! 

    Having a hard PGAL day. My symptoms are coming and going and it is FREAKING ME OUT! I know this is normal. If it were one of you saying it I would immediately tell you not to worry. I can't help it though. Some days I don't feel pregnant AT ALL (besides being tired and thirsty). Other days I am super nauseous. I think my nausea is related to my estrogen patches though- seems like I am nauseous the day after I put a new one on. UGH. I just want to be able to enjoy my pregnancy and not be constantly worried something is wrong. Rant over. Sorry for being debbie downer ladies!
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    @JDW0325 - It's ok, hang in there!  I think a lot of us are existing at some sort of edge these days, analyzing every little thing.  When I'm getting too anxious, I find it helps to place my hands on my belly, close my eyes, and focus on breathing for even just 1 minute.  I just focus on the fact that I'm pregnant right now and send all this good energy to baby.  Sounds hokey, but it helps.  I hope your day gets better!

    @mparm91 - Let us know how it goes!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @JDW0325 - I'm sorry that you're having a rough day. PGAL is really hard. When do you get to go to the doctor/see the baby on ultrasound?
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    Thanks ladies!

    I've had 3 betas but no ultrasound until next Thursday. Hopefully the time flies by!
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