August 2017 Moms

Exercise and Fitness Check in 3/6


Re: Exercise and Fitness Check in 3/6

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    I follow them on Facebook. I used to be a magazine subscriber but after a few years the articles got repetitive. Actually right now they're doing this click-baity crap "I did [exercise/diet] for 30 days and this is what happened." But sometimes you get gems like pregnancy running advice! 

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    @KyCade3013 I haven't made anything yet. I am a little bummed the recipes don't include the nutritional content but I can always figure that out.
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    kvh22kvh22 member
    @Arogatch - (sorry for the delay. Just seeing this) It is totally not intentional!! My weight generally stayed pretty steady pre-pregnancy but I worked out so that I could eat what I wanted. I always try to eat healthy but I love food so I was probably consuming more calories than average. My focus was on healthy things but I love avocados, almonds, etc...foods with a lot of health benefits but not low in calories. Since I lost my appetite during the first trimester (and into the first few weeks of the second), I had to force myself to eat when I was hungry. I'm almost back at my pre-pregnancy weight so gaining as normal now that my appetite came back in the past two weeks.

    I will also say that wine, goat cheese and other soft cheeses, and few other pregnancy no-no's were staples so cutting those out and not replacing them with anything else might be contributing.

    I asked my doctor yesterday so for anyone who has lost weight, she said that your total weight gain goal should be from your pre-pregnancy weight, not your lowest weight.

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    @kvh22 thanks for the reply. I'm still one week out from seeing OB so I have no idea if I'm on track. Your situation sounds similar. I plan to ask ob the same questions. I hope she answers them for you. 
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    tova24tova24 member
    edited March 2017
    How far along are you?
    21 w 2 d

    How many times did you workout last week and what's your goal for this week?

    5 times last week. Goal is 5 times this week. 

    What exercises are you doing now?

    I was running. But Landon is sitting on my bladder now and makes need to per every mile. So now I'm using the elliptical and walking up stairs. 

    What are you healthy eating goals?

    I want to try to cut out junk food. 

    GTKY: What's your favorite health/fitness blog/website?

    I don't really have one :(
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