October 2016 Moms

Weekly Randoms 02.27.17


Re: Weekly Randoms 02.27.17

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    So why is it that I'm hormonal as hell now?  I didn't have any crying spells during pregnancy and only delt with a little bit of the baby blues right after LO but I just broke down. I didn't think going back to work would upset me so much. S will be with H but I'm still worried. How will I be able to focus at work?  Of course H was right next to me when I just started balling out of no where (I have just never busted out crying like this in my life) and was like wth is going on. I had always planned to be a SAHM when I had kids but unfortunately things don't always work out like how we imagined.  I'm sure it'll be ok but I know how I have felt being alone with S every day all day so I know it can be draining since she fights naps so badly.  And it doesn't help AF showed up today. 
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    Hugs @Ladybug2821

    Returning to work is a totally understandable meltdown factor. I've been back full time for a couple months and I struggle with guilt, resentment and fatigue daily. I was hoping it would get easier but I am secretly telling myself to work and save as much money as I can because come baby #2 I'm quitting.
    The only thing that bothers me is we wouldn't be able to afford nice family trips over the next few years but by the time my kids would remember the trip details I would be back to work. I plan on returning once they are in school.
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    @Ladybug2821 I just want to hug you so badly... I remember those feelings with DD, and I remember how nothing anybody said helped. It will get better eventually, I'm not going to lie and say it isn't a process though. My heart goes out to you working moms.
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    That's one thing I didn't realize would be so difficult.. is going back to work. It's awful! I'm right with y'all. I feel guilty and angry. Financially we could swing it to where I could stay at home but the problem is, I won't be able to find a job in my field once I start back when they are in school which sucks. So I've decided to keep working.
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    What is everyone putting their LOs to sleep in?  Now that S is out of the swaddle I've been putting her in sleepers (some thin, some a little thicker but not the winter type). We live in FL and its summer weather. I worry S might be too warm in those but then I worry if I put her in any less she'll get cold. She runs really hot. I've been keeping the thermo at 72 at night. Any cooler and our bill will be crazy high. The cool mist humidifier also makes the room a bit cooler. 
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    @Ladybug2821 Michigan mama here with temps in the 20's at night so not much to contribute for your question but for what it's worth I usually put V in a cotton short sleeve onesie with a fleece sleep sack or PJs over it. Also confessing here my baby wears zip up PJs all day everyday and even out in public at this point unlesss it's a special occasion. 
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    Annnnnd a completely random note: when I'm mad at H and want to give him a good dose of the silent treatment I talk to my baby in a cutesy voice and communicate directly to her what I know he can hear :p example: "mumma gonna draw your bath now" knowing that he usually does this task and I'm still expecting him to draw the bath.
    Petty and pointless I know but it works  so I'm going with it.
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    I just want to whine because I had to go back to work today. Starbucks messed up my order. I'm on a non dairy diet because we think S has a milk allergy. I specifically ordered with coconut milk and the jerk gave me non fat. I have no choice but to drink it because 1) it's expensive and 2) I'm tired as hell. Sorry Storm  :(.
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    Good luck on your first day back @Ladybug2821! Be prepared for lots of baby/l&d questions from co-workers and ooing and ahhing over the latest S photos :-) Also wishing you easy pumping sessions, hopefully with some privacy! I've definitely had 3 people walk in on me since I've been back :o
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    Ladybug2821Ladybug2821 member
    edited March 2017
    brzvice said:
    Good luck on your first day back @Ladybug2821! Be prepared for lots of baby/l&d questions from co-workers and ooing and ahhing over the latest S photos :-) Also wishing you easy pumping sessions, hopefully with some privacy! I've definitely had 3 people walk in on me since I've been back :o
    Thanks so much!  Luckily I have an office with a lock on it. FX that I'll be able to pump enough. I hear it can be different being away from LO and stress can effect output. I brought S to work last week so everyone could see her so hopefully I won't be bombarded.   How many times are you having to pump at work?  I'm going to start with 4 just in case but can hopefully get it down to 3. 
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    @Ladybug2821 my office door has a lock on it too -the dummies who barged in have a key (every office in my building is keyed the same) they were looking for something and the other person loves to knock and I  have to stop, zip up and see what they need. Ugh
    My first week back I pumped every 2-3 hours. Now I'm down to every 3-4 hours ( I work 10 hour shifts). Im not one to compare pump yield  because unfortunately my supply has always sucked. I usually go home with only one 5 ounce bottle for her big bottle we give her before bed. I have no freezer supply so she FF when I am at work.
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    @Ladybug2821 It sounds weird, but it worked for really well- when you're having to pump away from home and away from S, imagine her feeding. Imagine her face, the expressions and the sounds she makes, and just try to make it ad vivid as possible. It sounded way to hokey to me before, but I realized if I would think about DD (even if I wasn't intending to pump right then) or sometimes even about my paenter fondly, my milk would let down and be ready to rock and roll. It helped substantially when pumping away from home. Looking at pictures of her may help too, but I can't remember much difference with that uless I was really focusing on it hard.
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    @AllyTheKid I was looking at pics because I had heard that before. So far so good. 
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    @Ladybug2821 I hope you're having a great first day back!
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