July 2017 Moms

Registry Advice

crzyforbabiescrzyforbabies member
edited February 2017 in July 2017 Moms
Please let me know if this was discussed somewhere else. I did a search, but didn't find a dedicated thread. My mom and sister are going to send out invitations for my baby shower in March, and I wanted to know where to register. I heard that each place has its own benefits. I'm interested in BRU, Target, Amazon, and possibly Buy Buy Baby.    

Re: Registry Advice

  • Amazon has a gift package that they send you for free once you or someone else buy something from your registry that costs more than $10, so that's an incentive right there!

    I registered at Amazon and Target, so people who prefer shopping online have a few options, and those who prefer brick-and-mortar shopping can do that as well. I've not heard great things about the BRU return policy, and I don't like the name of "Buy Buy Baby" (just my own opinion). 

    I do all my registring online (we did this for our wedding too) so we could go at our own pace, go back and edit, and add a few of the same thing at once, then narrow down. Again, that's a personal choice. I had enough of a list of what I should include that I was able to go through and cross out as I added something.
  • Yes each place has its own benefits. But it's kind of your own choice, you don't have to register at only one place.
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  • I found amazon prices were cheaper on some stuff and they didn't have packages as well of some things so I did babies r us and amazon. But like the mattress was 50 more at babies r us.....so I guess a variety.

    Oh and, amazon lets you show what you have. You register then mark as purchased which I loved.
  • @PurplePumpernickel I always thought the same about Buy Buy Baby!! I guess its partially to the in with the other "BBB" - Bed Bath & Beyond. I went in there last week though and I liked it better than BRU. Unfortunately there isn't one in my town, only near my job. 

    So far I only have a registry going at Amazon,bc reviews on the other sites are pretty worthless. I plan to do maybe all 4 though just for the end discounts.
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    Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin' 
  • If you register at multiple places, just do your best to avoid duplicating the items on each list. To me one or two places seems like plenty (one online, one brick and mortar is great like PP mentioned). If you want the completion discount from more places, maybe you could make those registries too but keep them private. 
  • I have amazon and babies r us. I would probably only have amazon, but not everyone in my family can deal with shopping online. Unfortunately everyone has mostly bought the stuff at Babies R Us and so there are only two things even left at that store and I don't really need anything else. All the small stuff is on Amazon as well. I wanted more "specialty" stuff (eco friendly, organic, etc. etc) so the only place I could register for them was Amazon. I was thinking about Target, but the Targets in my area didn't carry a very wide array of things, so it was pointless anyways. Just keep your audience and your needs in mind. If you have a lot of older people, you should have at least one brick and mortar store so they don't have to go online. And don't double register for anything unless you really want double. People won't cross reference, if they even stick to buying off the registry in the first place.

    I actually have a question of my own. If I do get doubles of things, or things I don't need, how do I return them? Would I need a receipt from the person who bought it, or could I take it back sans receipt? Does it depend on the store? How do I even know where they got it from? Is there an easy way to sell or exchange things with other moms?  I'm just trying to be prepared for the eventuality of ending up with things I just don't need (and the bigger issue of needing stuff I don't have), and I haven't really dealt with this problem before.
    Hubby and Me
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    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • I am doing target and BRU and then possibly Amazon (haven't decided yet).  
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  • @kerils I didn't register at Target (I used a site called baby list) but got plenty of things from there since we have one in town. I just took my items there with and without receipts and that were great about accepting them and giving me store credit. I can't speak for how other stores work but it was great for duplicates of items Target carried! If they didn't carry it I then tried at WalMart. If they didn't carry it I donated it, but could probably have sold it cheaply on a mom's group on FB. 
  • @mamadcb Correct me if I'm wrong, but as long as a store carries it they will probably take it and give me store credit? That's awesome if that's true. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • I'm doing BRU for sure and probably Amazon. I'm so overwhelmed with registering that I keep avoiding it....
  • @kerils Target only lets you return a certain number of things without a receipt, I can't remember what the limit was but I was able to take my registry in with me and use that as a "receipt". Walmart I believe is the same way.

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  • cssme13 said:
    @kerils Target only lets you return a certain number of things without a receipt, I can't remember what the limit was but I was able to take my registry in with me and use that as a "receipt". Walmart I believe is the same way.
    I don't return enough to target to know the exact number but walmart is 3 a year without a reciept.
  • stokesm21stokesm21 member
    edited February 2017
    I never buy anything that isn't on sale so I like to extend the courtesy to my guests.  I've had tons of people register at Babies 'r' Us but usually you can find the exact same thing cheaper at Walmart.  But then you can't manually remove it from the registry so that causes problems.  When hosting my best friends shower we discovered www.myregistry.com  It allows you to sync other registries and add items from any store.  This gives your guests lots of options and the different stores are all in one space.  (It's generally US based but I've been able to use it in Canada) 

    In regards to receipts, the guests should probably be asking for a gift receipt for everything.  Do they offer those in the U.S?   
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
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  • @GlitterFish I liked Buy Buy Baby when my SIL was pregnant, but the store is a hike for me. The name is not great though!
  • I did Buy Buy Baby because I preferred their selection and the ability to use Bed Bath and Beyond coupons. I know a few people who used BRU because you get a certain percentage on a gift card so say people purchased $1000 worth of items from your registry you'd get a gift card with $100 or 10% of that number. But the 3 people I know who registered there had to fight for months to get it back. And 2 just gave up. The other had her baby in May and got the gift card on my birthday the very beginning of Jan (which I guess is why I remember this) so the customer service at the stores around me isn't nearly what it should be in my opinion. 
  • I've registered at Target and Amazon. I chose these two because:
    1) these are MY favorite places to shop. 
    2) there is online shopping options with both, and Target shoppers can enjoy going to the store in person if that's what they prefer. 
    3) I shop at Target a lot and never have an issue with returns (with or without a receipt) so I'm not worried about that. 
    4) I don't like Babies R Us, they don't have the variety of products that Amazon offers, anything I can get there I can also get at Target. 
    5) I checked out Buy Buy Baby, because I do like Bed Bath & Beyond, but the fact is that there just aren't very many stores around so I figured it would be a little harder for guests to get to one, so Target was a much better choice.
    6) I will never do a "universal" registry again, I tried that for my wedding and it was ridiculous. It got confusing for guests to find, even when giving them a direct link, and then they still couldn't figure out where to go to buy the items because it apparently wasn't clear which stores the items were available at! Don't ask me why, but things like this don't end up being more convenient... people will seriously surprise you with their stupidity so just keep it simple. 

    Also, I've purposely put all the exact same things on both registries for price comparisons. I am monitoring them both and checking what has been purchased. Obviously the Amazon registry has several additional items that aren't available at Target, but the majority of each registry is all the same items. If I get a duplicate I will just return it for something else. I'm not worried. 

    Honestly, I think choosing establishments that you like to shop at is the most important. But that's just me. Good luck  :)
    Vive Les Frasers
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  • @stokesm21 We have gift receipts in the US, but I honestly don't think I got them for anything from my wedding registry. In fact the only time I ever get gift receipts is for clothes... in case they don't fit. Maybe it's a regional thing here, but no one gives gift receipts even though the exist.... except for clothes. 
    Hubby and Me
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    R born: July 8th, 2017
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    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • My SIL and I (2.5 years apart) both had a terrible time with Target registries. Things didn't show as purchased after someone bought them, so we both ended up with lots of duplicates. I would recommend registering at whichever store would be most convenient for the shower guests to shop at. Then after the shower, you can register other places (or before, but keep them private) just to get the welcome gifts and completion discounts. 
  • @AdaByron that's what I'm doing, I'll have a private registry for myself just for the completion coupons. You also get a $25 gift card for signing up at Target and I'll buy a box of diapers with that. I still have most of everything from when DS was a baby except the big items like a swing, I have a pnp from DD but I'm buying a mattress for it instead of a bassinet, and bottles, swaddle blankets, that sort of things.
  • I did BRU last time because I lived 10 minutes from one so it was easy for me to pop in and make exchanges.  Several people texted me before my shower and said that they found the same item cheaper on Amazon so I would tell them to go for it and I just took the item off my registry.  This time I did a private registry for discounts on Amazon but so far we have about 5 things on it so it's really more of a shopping list for me and DH.
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  • I just did mine at BRU and they told us they do price matching, even from Amazon. Trying to think of the best way to communicate that to people that will be buying, bc I'm all about getting the best deals!
  • I did BBB and BRU for my first- mostly because I preferred BBB and liked that people could use 20 percent off coupons but there are many more BRU stores around. I had mostly internet illiterate relatives to think about so I needed stores. I did an amazon registry last time and this time because prices and selection are good and they give a 15 percent coupon 2 months before birth for a single order. It's worth it to make one even if you keep it private, you can use that on all the odds and ends at the end of pregnancy.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Sounds like BRU and/or Amazon is the consensus. I might do a private Target registry. 
  • Does anyone know if I can make an Amazon gift registry private?? 
  • I definitely like Amazon for registry, and I'm torn because personally I don't like BRU.  I think they're kind of the trashy baby store where we live.  I haven't been to a nice one really ever.  The conflict comes in that DH's cousin works for them and wants us to register there so she can get us a bunch of stuff which I guess isn't bad, but I really don't even want to take the time to register somewhere I don't like.  I had no idea you could use BBB coupons at Buy Buy Baby.  I've never been in one of those either.  At what point do you start doing the registry anyway???

    Me: 26  Him: 27
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  • I did BRU with my first.  I created another one for this LO just to get their completion bonus (10% of your total in the form of a gift card), since MIL got the double stroller and glider for us fro xmas.  I have one on Amazon, too, but it's mainly for me to remember what I like.  Target is difficult, even though it's my favorite place ever, because I feel like their inventory changes a lot.  That happened with a friend' wedding.  We don't have any Buy Buy Baby stores by me.

    @maybeitsmadeline You can start making it whenever you think you know what you like.  You don't have to share it with anyone until the shower invites or people ask.  Its unlikely anyone is going to seek it out unless they reeeeally want to get you something on the sly.  BRU has "Registry parties" which I have not attended tht are supposed to be good for figuring out what you want/need.
  • @chiquita928 I appreciate that!  I have no idea how early is too early.  I'm glad you guys pointed out that it can stay private because with my nosy family they'll be in it without my knowledge.  (they're avid googlers)  Or as my grandma says, "I asked The Google..."

    Me: 26  Him: 27
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    Mirena out/TTC: 02/2016

    BFP #1: 12/01/2016

    EDD: 07/24/2017

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  • One more thing, for any FTMs, I think going to an actual store and using the little radar gun scanners is a really fun thing to do with your significant other.  You can always add things online later but DH and I had a blast and made a date night out of putting together our registry with my first pregnancy.  Just a fun suggestion!
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  • One more thing, for any FTMs, I think going to an actual store and using the little radar gun scanners is a really fun thing to do with your significant other.  You can always add things online later but DH and I had a blast and made a date night out of putting together our registry with my first pregnancy.  Just a fun suggestion!
    OMG my hubby had so much fun registering for our first - a little too much fun. I had to go home and get online and remove like 100 items, but it made for some great memories!!!
    married 7.18.12   DS1 4.29.13   EDD 11.23.14


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  • OMG my hubby had so much fun registering for our first - a little too much fun. I had to go home and get online and remove like 100 items, but it made for some great memories!!!
    Yes, we had a blast doing that for our wedding stuff and our baby stuff!
  • @maybeitsmadeline we did ours when I finally decided I had the patience to walk around a store for 5 hours. Knowing DH loves to analyze EVERYTHING to make the best decision possible I knew what I was in for. But if you're like me; an oh that's cool, scan and move on kinda person it won't take nearly as long. 

    @mslynn2012 I had to do that for so many items on our wedding registry!! There's a reason they should only give 1 scan gun  :D
  • @maybeitsmadeline I would think you just needed to register once your invitations go out to your baby shower. I will let my sister and mom handle telling people about it. I can't remember if it's tacky to put the registry info on the shower invitation. For my job, I'll just tell the social committee people. 
  • I used Babylist as a place to consolidate my registries.  I have three: Amazon, BRU, and Target.  Problem is that a lot of that stuff is not sold at a store near me and doesn't ship for free.  Amazon is the primary one.  Target is private, and I have that for the 15% completion discount, plus additional 5% discount with my Redcard. 

    Oh and I have a Tula registered on Babylist because I can't find the mesh version anywhere except for Tula's website.

  • I love BuyBuyBaby- I felt they had a better selection than the other stores  (especially target and walmart). That being said I registered at both BBB and BRU. A couple of tips:
    1)BRU accepts BBB coupons if the store is within a certain distance. I'm not sure what the outer limit is because ours were less than a mile apart.
    2) if you or guests dont have. BBB, you/they can bring bed bath coupons into a bed bath, have them order and "ship to store" and will accept the coupons, and free shipping.
    3) both stores offer completion discounts- Ie 10% off entire purchase for you to get what you need at the very end, it is a good idea to front load your due date by a week so you have plenty of time to shop pre-arrival
    4) both stores match amazon but won't apply coupons to amazon rate
    5) I didn't have issues with returns at either store
    wow! this is all interesting and valuable info that I did not know!! thank you!! I may create a private registry at Buy Buy Baby to use on my own after all... cause I have a stash of BBB coupons!!
    Vive Les Frasers
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  • @Sassenach1743 just check with your local store to make sure this is still the case. This was 4 years ago with my dd1. 
  • I have to agree with those that want to go in-store too!  DH has been asking me when we're going to go do that because he's really looking forward to finding all the items we will need.  It was him, not me surprisingly, that was begging to buy the first clothes!  He found a onesie last weekend that said "Worth the wait" and he fell in love with it!  There was one more he wouldn't leave behind, "I can't baby today."  Lol.

    Me: 26  Him: 27
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  • For my first, I registered at BBB and BRU. I probably could have just stuck to BBB and been fine. I think they have more brands per section than BRU. I have also used expired coupons from bed, bath and beyond and they have taken them! I recently threw a party for my friend and she registered at BBB and Target and she said she had so many issues with her target registry and stuff not coming off. But that could be an isolated issue.
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