Pregnant after a Loss

7w PGAL - but ovulated and got pregnant without a period post loss

I had a MC right after Christmas.  It was an unanticipated (but not unwanted) pregnancy and ended in a loss.  The loss was early in the pregnancy, maybe 5-6 weeks along.  I had been patiently waiting to get my period back - anticipating that I could wait until then before DH and I decided whether we truly wanted another baby.  But ...

A few weeks ago, I started feeling pregnant again.  Sore breasts, nauseous, exhausted.  Not having gotten my period back though, I didn't think I could be pregnant, so I disregarded it.  One week ago, I got out one of the tests from the multi-pack I purchased for the pregnancy that ended in a loss.  The test was instantly positive, but I still had a vague thought that maybe my post-loss body was playing tricks on me.  This week I was at an out-of-town work event, and having most of the day to myself on Tuesday, I looked up a local women's clinic with walk-in hours and pregnancy testing.  I liked the semi-anonymity of it, especially because I felt like I was about to ask some really dumb questions.  The young woman running the test was preparing to explain that the pregnancy was unlikely given that I had not gotten my period, but after some discussion, she set me up for the clinical pregnancy test.  It came back positive, and given the unique situation, she got me in for an u/s immediately.  The u/s showed a healthy beating heart in a yolk sac, and the measurements put me at just shy of 7 weeks and my ovulation at 3 weeks after my miscarriage.  

And now I am PGAL without having a LMP to report.  
*Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections

Re: 7w PGAL - but ovulated and got pregnant without a period post loss

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    @aprilsarahjune your story is exactly like mine.  I had a MC in aug at around 6 weeks.  Found out about a month later after I went to the doc for what I thought was a UTI that I was pregnant again! I had ovulated about 2.5 weeks after my MC.  We had not idea.  To say we were shocked was a an understatement.  I am 27 weeks today and my little boy is perfectly healthy so far. I know how had it can be in the beginning since there is no LMP to go off of.  We had 3 dating scans before we found a HB and that is the EDD that we went off of.  Most docs will go off the EDD of when the HB is detected if there is no LMP.  Good luck and congrats!!!
    ****Siggy Warning***
    Me-35 Hubby-36

    BFP-06/2014-EDD 02/16/2015
    Valentine boy born 02/14/2015
    BFP-08/2016 MC 6wks
    Surprise BFP-09/13/16 EDD 5/26/17

    PitaPata Dog tickers

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    edited February 2017
    @aprilsarahjune congrats on your BFP and welcome to the board! I hope you stick around and contribute to our community :)
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    @aprilsarahjune congrats and welcome! Pregnancy without a period is not unheard of at all, and glad you got to see your little bean! Thoughts and prayers to your new little one and you. 
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    Congratulations and welcome! Like the others have posted, I've heard similar stories all the time! Glad it happened for you!
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    Thanks for your support!  I look forward to participating!
    *Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
    Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
    High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections
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    I recently found out I was pregnant again after my mc last month. I'm not excited more so bc I'm nervous of it happening again. I don't have any symptoms yet I'm 4 weeks and my hcg was drawn today at 156. Doctor said they won't be able to determine anything until my second round of blood work on Friday. 

    Is this normal?
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    @Tvisram I'm not sure exactly what you are asking is normal? Is it normal to have HCG levels of 156 at 4 weeks? Or, Is it normal for the doctor to say they won't be able to determine anything until the second round of blood work? 
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    Normal for hcg to be at 156 at 4 weeks 
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    I don't have any personal experience with having my HCG being tested that early. However, early HCG numbers vary wildly. I did a quick google search on it and it can be anywhere from 50-500, so yes 156 would be normal. Hope you get your second round results soon and that they help put you at ease. We all know it's hard in those early days, hang in there. 
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    @tvisram HCG numbers really vary so widely. It's not about the numbers themselves quite as much as whether they double the next time they're drawn. For example, my HCG the first draw was 270, and I was around 4w2d. Then it was around 600-something the next time so it slightly more than doubled. That's the important part. And even slightly less than doubling can still be fine. Let your doc worry about the numbers! As for yourself, hang in there! It's not easy getting through any part of PGAL but I'd say the earliest parts can be the hardest if you've had an early loss. I didn't get symptoms until at least six weeks other than some mild cramping so don't go by that. All women are different. Thinking of you! 
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    @HGRich and @BokBagok thank you, this makes me feel better. I'll have my blood drawn on Friday so hoping for the best! (fingers crossed) 

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    @tvisram my second draw was on a Friday too and I was like, "so not fair to have to wait until Monday!" Lol. But they were really nice and called me like the first thing Monday. Hang in there this weekend and keep us posted! 
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    @HGRich fortunately they will call me the same day to tell me :)
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    @tvisram that's good! I know some places have an in-house lab so I hoped it was the case for you but didn't want to assume! Good to hear!!
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    Congrats! ... I'm just lurking I suppose lol. I had my rainbow baby 6/17/16 but she was conceived after my second loss and no cycle between and literally 1 time we had sex. She was definitely meant to be!! Congrats and best wishes for a healthy momma and baby!! 
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    Congratulations! How are you doing?

    My story is so similar, miscarried Feb 9th and think I also ovulated around 3 weeks after. Got super fiant BFP last Sunday and prob shouldn't but have tested everyday since to make sure the lines kept getting darker. I'm so nervous but even more excited, even though I'm trying not to be until my appt April 12th. Seems soooo far away!
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    @kkappl87 I am 11 w, 4 days and doing well!  The first month was a little disconcerting to me - I felt like my body and mind were still too broken and that I wasn't ready quite yet.  Best wishes to you!  If you are curious or nervous, I would highly recommend the walk-in clinic experience.  But whatever you do, I would ask for a dating u/s so that you can get an accurate due date.  My ob was cool with the due date that I was given from my walk-in clinic u/s and we are trucking along like a normal pregnancy.
    *Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
    Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
    High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections
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    Fantastic news!! Best wishes <3
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    @aprilsarahjune thank you! And so glad to hear you are doing well! I did call the local clinic but they can't get me in until April 12th but that's sooner than my ob so I'll take it!
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