March 2017 Moms

Symptoms - Week of 1/23

sorry, didn't see it posted yet... how we feeling ladies??


Re: Symptoms - Week of 1/23

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    Clumsy and dropping everything!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Lots of pelvic pressure here- I haven't really experienced the lung crowding like I thought I would, its all centered in my downstairs apparently. Random muscle cramps in my stomach and lower abs- extreme nesting and organizing desires, but no energy for chores, or playing until like 2pm in the day and baby likes to cuddle up to one of my kidneys sometimes which is SO PAINFUL. Hormones getting a bit squirrely too and that "oh crap I'm in the home stretch" is hitting me hard! I keep looking at my two toddlers eating, or splashing in the tub or playing with their daddy and I just see a third tiny human, all round eyes and curly hair fitting in just perfectly. Can't wait to meet her!! 
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    @kjd291 what is it about that half hour window before you have to get up that makes you capable of sleeping like a champ. pregnancy has a twisted sense of humor
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    @kjd291 what is it about that half hour window before you have to get up that makes you capable of sleeping like a champ. pregnancy has a twisted sense of humor
    Right!? Pure torture :disappointed:    
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    Killer heartburn, insomnia and emotional roller coasters. I was driving, trying to change lanes in the fog and the person beside me came flying up and we almost collided. She was super nasty and like stopped and gave me angry faces and fingers and I couldn't help but cry to my poor DH, in the passenger seat. He said that all is well
    and no one was hurt... my thought were why do I at suck at driving.
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    Little burp vomits LOL! But yes.. I feel you. I was mid sentence talking to my grandparents and voila little burp vomit.. casually pretended nothing just happened and carried on but So gross and it's getting annoying dealing with it all day every day. 

    I'm having trouble breathing this week things are getting too crammed in there. 

    Apparently starting to faint too.. not cool. Hopefully it was a one time deal for the rest of the pregnancy. 
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    I feel like my stomach is super sore.. like I just did a killer ab workout (except I didn't). Not sure what to attribute it to. Anyone else?
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    @silverbulletband I couldn't have written it better myself. Been experiencing all of this. Hips sore, cramping in lower abdomen, and low energy. Although I seem to get these random "spurts" of energy through out the day that last like an hour. 

    Also, pelvic pain really hit me the last day or so. Hoping it's not here to stay. Makes it take forever to walk anywhere... which sucks when you live in a city where you walk everywhere. 
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    Also experiencing the burp-vomits.  Glad I'm not alone.  Heartburn has been back with a vengeance, and comes on so fast and unexpectedly no matter what I'm eating or drinking.

    Had my first severe back pain right before the weekend hit. I like to think I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so when I was thinking about going to the ER, I knew it was bad.  But my job makes us find our own coverage when we're sick or want to use vacation time, and I knew there was no way I'd find someone to cover my overnight shift with just a two hour notice, so I went into work that night and cried a lot!  So glad I work by myself...  Following morning, I came home and laid down, hoping that rest would help it go away but woke up a few hours later still in excruciating pain.  Called the OBGYN office and the nurse said it sounded like the baby was just pressing against my back and told me a stretch to try - HALLELUIAH, it worked!  No more tear-inducing pain, but I can't seem to lay down without my back hurting no matter how I position myself.  Moreover, if I lay on my left side, I get this stabbing pain in my side - OBGYN thinks the booger might be planting himself right against my kidney.  Thanks, baby!

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    @veemore i had that feeling in the second tri when i was having a belly growth spurt
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    Well, lower abdominal cramping got worse. Called the midwife and she asked me to go to the outpatient clinic at the maternity hospital just to be safe and be checked out. Turned out I had a UTI and baby was basically head butting my already sensitive bladder. Weird thing is I had NO other symptoms of a UTI. Oh well, starting antibiotics today so hopefully that'll help!
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    @npaulie With my first I had a UTI with no symptoms that ended me up in L&D! It's crazy how the symptoms mask themselves with all the other regular pregnancy symptoms. 
    married to M since 6.13.09
    T - 3.3.14
    A - 2.24.17
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    Vomit burps! I thought I was the only one. Randomly started the other day. Otherwise it feels like my symptoms are coming and going. I know I'm jinxing it right now, but I've been feeling at least mediocre. I do have a fun cold, but I've been sleeping better (which is ridiculous). I'm sore but not overly sore. Tired but making it through the day. I'm suspicious. My resting heart rate has been creeping up, not getting as low at night. 
    Also, it feels like LO is moving around all day. More of the rolling movements now that he's running out of room. 
    married to M since 6.13.09
    T - 3.3.14
    A - 2.24.17
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    VeeMoreVeeMore member
    edited January 2017
    Gators&BoSox said:
    @veemore i had that feeling in the second tri when i was having a belly growth spurt

    Ugh I hope that's not what it is. I'm 33w and feel like I can't possibly get bigger.
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    DH informed me I was snoring up a storm last night. :neutral:
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    Lighting crotch and nesting. I keep telling myself to be grateful because I know it could be so much worse.
    Team Green turned Pink!
    Samantha - 4/5/2017

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    Hideous lower back pain and I saw my reflection the other day and realized I have officially entered waddling phase. #sosexy
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    npaulie said:
    Well, lower abdominal cramping got worse. Called the midwife and she asked me to go to the outpatient clinic at the maternity hospital just to be safe and be checked out. Turned out I had a UTI and baby was basically head butting my already sensitive bladder. Weird thing is I had NO other symptoms of a UTI. Oh well, starting antibiotics today so hopefully that'll help!
    I'm so glad they caught it! A UTI can be serious during pregnancy. 
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    kjd291 said:
    DH informed me I was snoring up a storm last night. :neutral:

    My husband slept in the guest room last night because my snoring was so bad (i thought he was just being sweet to let me bring ds into bed with me)
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @longliveregina I didn't realize UTIs were so serious in pregnancy. Maybe just because I used to get recurrent ones before I got pregnant. Either way, agreed. Glad they caught it. 
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    npaulie said:
    @longliveregina I didn't realize UTIs were so serious in pregnancy. Maybe just because I used to get recurrent ones before I got pregnant. Either way, agreed. Glad they caught it. 
    I think because they can lead to bladder infections and from there preterm labor! 
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    i think LO is trying to crawl her way out of my ass! I know this is not possible, but I'm not so sure she does. What do you call lightning crotch in your butt? lol
    Lol! I feel SO much pressure on my rectum/perineum sometimes and baby isn't even low. 

    Is anyone else betting weird nausea? In not sure if it's heartburn causing nausea or lack of food causing nausea or something I'm eating....
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @longliveregina I'm back to the stage of first Tri--where if I don't eat often enough I feel nauseous :/
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    kjd291 said:
    @longliveregina I'm back to the stage of first Tri--where if I don't eat often enough I feel nauseous :/
    Interesting. Maybe I'll try to snack when I feel sick.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    VeeMore said:

    Ugh I hope that's not what it is. I'm 33w and feel like I can't possibly get bigger.
    I just said this. So DH pulled up photos of me at 37+ weeks with my other pregnancies to assure me I can, and will, get bigger.
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    Is anyone else betting weird nausea? In not sure if it's heartburn causing nausea or lack of food causing nausea or something I'm eating....
    I'm getting sick after eating. I throw up about every other day now. Poor DD runs and brings me water anytime she hears me gagging, I feel like I should be taking care of my 2 year old, not not the other way around! 
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    kjd291 said:
    @longliveregina I'm back to the stage of first Tri--where if I don't eat often enough I feel nauseous :/
    +1 to this
    Team Green turned Pink!
    Samantha - 4/5/2017

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    Add me to team without warning burp-voms!  it's usually straight up stomach acid with a hint of whatever I ate 4hrs before or water when I bend over and have been hydrating.

    Even non-straining & unconstipated pooping my hemerrhoids flare horribly.  I basically have to treat them at night and pray they shrink back some by morning.

    Swollen hands are a constant too.

    Overall I am still feeling really good.  If I can get another month like this I will be golden.  I can't even complain much yet.

    Me: 39 DH: 40
    Married: 12/6/2014

    BFP#1: 1/20/15      MC: 2/14/15
    BFP#2: 10/28/15    MC: 11/24/15
    BFP#3:  3/20/16     MC: 4/26/16
    BFP#4:  7/15/16     DD: 3/18/17
    BFP#5:  5/1/18     EDD: 1/12/19
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

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    OMG is anoyone beyond exhausted?? I freaking am!! I hope its normal
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    @MMaru what was that stretch for lower back pain? I've tried yoga "cat/cow" back arches, and it helps, but only for a bit. The back pain only just kicked in for me in the last couple of days.
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    The roids just kicked in yesterday.... ouchhhh. They have been pretty calm this entire pregnancy, not anymore. 
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    @canadianinthesouth OMG.  I am starting to become semi terrified what mine are going to be like after actually pushing a baby out.  They are already BAD......  I see a surgery on them in my future.

    Me: 39 DH: 40
    Married: 12/6/2014

    BFP#1: 1/20/15      MC: 2/14/15
    BFP#2: 10/28/15    MC: 11/24/15
    BFP#3:  3/20/16     MC: 4/26/16
    BFP#4:  7/15/16     DD: 3/18/17
    BFP#5:  5/1/18     EDD: 1/12/19
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

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    Having so much trouble breathing right now! Since I work from home I have been working from my couch but this morning I literally get half-breaths. Can't imagine this progressing over the next 7 weeks  :s
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    @MrsBinPA yeah mine were really bad after having DD (even a nurse said "whoa" as she was checking me in the hospital). I'm now terrified that they will be even worse since they have already been stretched out that much before. If it makes you feel any better, mine did heal pretty quickly after birth and were not a problem again until right now. 
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