July 2017 Moms

PGAL Check-In, 12/19

This thread is for July moms who have previously suffered a loss (miscarriage, stillbirth, etc).

Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 

How far along are you? 

How are you doing? 

When is your next appointment? 

Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:

GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017?
TTC #1: 4/16
BFP #1: 5/16
MMC at 8 weeks: 6/16
BFP #2: 10/16 
Sweet baby boy arrived 7/7/17!

Re: PGAL Check-In, 12/19

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    This thread is for July moms who have previously suffered a loss (miscarriage, stillbirth, etc).

    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! I'm an FTM, had an MMC/D&C in June of this year. 

    How far along are you? 10+4

    How are you doing? Knock on all the wood, but I think I'm through the worst of the nausea. Still exhausted - had an hour and a half nap yesterday and still passed out on the couch before 10pm. Emotionally, doing okay - more anxious than I'd like to be about EVERYTHING (doing my NIPT today, planning to announce on New Years, but also nervous because my NT scan is that Thursday - I'm terrified that something will have happened to the baby by then, but trying to remember that we've seen a super-strong heartbeat twice, so the odds are overwhelmingly in our favor).

    When is your next appointment? Going in for my NIPT blood test today, but the next real appointment is the NT scan on 1/5.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I thought you guys might appreciate the thing I'm trying to focus on: whatever is going to happen is going to happen and if it's something bad, it won't suck less because I didn't enjoy my pregnancy. Trying really hard to focus on enjoying (as much as possible with nausea and constipation!) each day I'm pregnant.

    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017? I want to get my movie made and sell at least one TV show.
    TTC #1: 4/16
    BFP #1: 5/16
    MMC at 8 weeks: 6/16
    BFP #2: 10/16 
    Sweet baby boy arrived 7/7/17!
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    This thread is for July moms who have previously suffered a loss (miscarriage, stillbirth, etc).

    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time!  Hi Ladies! Mom of 2 girls, 3 miscarriages (one a set of twins). 

    How far along are you? 9 weeks, 3 days 

    How are you doing? Freaking out. 

    When is your next appointment? Tomorrow with OB, I am going to ask for a scan this week because I am a nervous wreck.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: The weather is below freezing, brrrr. Looking forward to Christmas with my little ladies.

    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017? Oooh good one. To become more organized. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    4 losses- MC in 2006, MMC in February 2012 at 12 weeks and MMC (twins) August 2016 at 12 weeks. Pregnant again- 11/7/16. Another loss on December 28, 2016.

    BFP April 23, 2017.  Our triple rainbow baby! EDD: January 2, 2018. It's a boy!
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    @MrsN092714 YAY! So excited about your antibodies!!
    TTC #1: 4/16
    BFP #1: 5/16
    MMC at 8 weeks: 6/16
    BFP #2: 10/16 
    Sweet baby boy arrived 7/7/17!
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    @leilac Thanks!  I'm doing my best to stay optimistic but the nurse I was talking to seemed more confused than I did.  She said they were gone, and well .... that's impossible.  Hopefully they are right in saying they've dropped so much they are undetectable and we can just continue with monthly monitoring!
    Baby N-Born:10/29/15
    Our Angel: EDD: 05/11/17. MC at 6 weeks
    Baby #2- EDD: 07/18/17

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    Let's all do a little intro!
    Mmc and D&C in June
    How far along are you? 
    How are you doing? 
    Pretty well. Last week I had strep throat and that was awful. Now I am feeling better from that and my morning sickness might be gone or at least WAY better. As much as it is nice to be feeling better in a twisted way I kind of miss my morning reassurance that everything was ok. (Even though I know symptoms mean nothing)
    When is your next appointment? 
    Jan. 12, It seems so far away!!
    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    We heart the heartbeat on Doppler last Thursday. It was so great to hear!
    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017?
    Getting lots of home projects done!
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    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 

    My daughter unexpectedly passed away 28 hours after birth (35w6d) on 28 December 2012.  MMC in December 2015. 

    How far along are you? 

    12 weeks 1 day

    How are you doing? 

    Ok; tired.  My boys have been passing a stomach bug between them. 

    When is your next appointment? 

    NT scan and NIPT coming up on Wednesday

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:

    I go through waves.  The more time that passes after an appointment, the more I get concerned that something has gone wrong.  No rational reason.  Just PGAL brain, I guess.

    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017?

    I don't really know right now.  We're planning a big move right after LO is born, so I'd like to get through that as smoothly as possible.  But most of my goals are baby based; I'd like to avoid bed rest and make it to full term.  
    Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture 
     DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    this is my 7th pregnancy,  4 losses, 1dd 4yr, 1ds who will have a bday 12/28 yay! 

    How far along are you? 10+1

    How are you doing? I'm good. Still have enough energy to do a little working out and chase my kids. Nauseous but easy fix. 

    When is your next appointment? 12/30 for the first trimester screening 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: things are going well so far. Dr was able to get the hb on this past Friday with the Doppler so that's huge! She offered me to come back again before 12/30 but I think I am just going to skip it and enjoy Christmas with my family and have faith that it will all be fine. It will be right?! 

    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017?get ds sleeping in his own room lol!!! 

    Merry Christmas all!!!

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    @leilac- my Nt scan is also on the 5th! NIPT that day too... glad your nausea is improving- I think I'm over the worst too- although I forgot to take unisom/B6 last night and felt it today!
    i feel you on the anxiety. I have to get to 12 + 3 to reach the latest point my baby grew when I had my loss (11 weeks now) so I'm terrified for next few weeks. Ugh
    Also love your new outlook!

    @MrsN092714- what a rough time for DH to be gone! Hang in there.... my kids and I are on break and it's my husbands busiest week of the year. Brutal. Also happy to hear about your blood test results. 

    **** bumping on mobile! Sorry can't respond to everyone! So much easier on computer ******
    **** TW - kids and loss mentioned ****
    ~~ married 8.11.07
    ~~ DD1 1.16.11 ~~ DD2 1.3.14 ~~
    ~~ BFP3 12.22.15 MMC 2.29.16 @ 13 weeks ~~
    ~~ 2 D&Cs (3.1.16 and 3.10.16) for MMC
    ~~ BFP4 10.27.16  MMC 1.23.17 @ 16 weeks ~~ D&E 1.26.17 ~~
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    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    I'm 27 and DH is also 27; we've been married for 2 years. I have a stepson who is 8 years old and has been begging for a sibling. This is my second pregnancy. MMC in March 2016

    How far along are you? 

    How are you doing? 
    Doing good. Been more nervous this time around. We have already made it past my first pregnancy. Saw and heard a strong heartbeat at my previous appointment (which was something we didn't even get to experience with pregnancy #1). 

    When is your next appointment? 
    January 5th!

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    I've been SO TIRED. And so easily frustrated by things. I blame the hormones lol. I'm working towards my teaching credential and just finished up my second student teaching assignment in Kindergarten. The last 2 weeks were draining! All that's left is to wait for grades/scores to come out and pray for passing!

    I haven't had much morning sickness, but I do notice I feel nauseous with an empty tummy.

    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017?
    I was hoping to somehow find a way to land my first teaching job in 2017 (I can work as a substitute but  having a permanent job is pending my credential clearance through my university and state), but it's looking like the job hunt will have to revolve around baby! 
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    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    molar pregnant, c/p, beautiful daughter

    How far along are you? 

    How are you doing? 
    So much nausea all the time, it's getting old, very old. 

    When is your next appointment? 
    Jan 3 for NT scan and appt.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    MIL came to visit for the weekend, and as she left bought DD an iTouch. We don't really let her get that much screen time, and now she thinks she can have it all the time- and yells at me that it's hers and that she can make the rules. No. I guess the thought was nice, but now that damn thing will be the end of me. 

    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017?
    We're building a house, so goal is to be all moved in and decorated before baby gets here. 
    ***** TTCAL/Forever Buddy to Cour10e******
    -m/c at 11w2d due to partial molar 2008 -m/c #2 2009
    Beautiful daughter born February 2011
    **Ultimate TTCALer 2009**

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @leilac that is great that you are getting over the nausea. Mine has suddenly decided to get worse and I now get sick every morning. bleh. GL with the NIPT and the NT. I have mine on the 28th but I've decided to tell my parents about the pregnancy on christmas. I am so nervous for these tests, but I am hopeful things will turn out ok since I have never even gotten this far into a pregnancy before. 

    @MrsN092714 woohoo for your dropped levels. That is great news!!

    @runner313 How'd your appointment go?

    Intro- MC in march. Not sure of the cause. MC #2 in August, Trisomy 13. 

    How far along are you?   10w 5&6 days (one baby is measuring a day ahead of the other)

    How are you doing? I had a check in yesterday with the OB and we saw two HBs still going and they are growing right on track. I was SOOO nervous leading up to the appointment, and i didn't even expect and U/S (I was told it would just be the doppler), but the surprise scan (though very fast) really made DH&my day.

    When is your next appointment? 12/28 for the NT and NIPT (which my dr said will take 2-3 weeks to get results back. Are you kidding me!!? at least w the NT i will walk away with some info). 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: The NIPT is making me nervous. I read somewhere that the test can pick up traces of previous pregnancies so if that is the case then we will test + for T13. I am going to ask the Dr for more info on this blood work.
    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017?  I want to spend time volunteering.

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Finally have a chance to sit at my laptop after being with my girls who are on vacation....

    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    Laura - two girls age 6 and 3. Had a MMC at 13 weeks in March that required 2 D&Cs to resolve....

    How far along are you? 
    11 +1 !

    How are you doing? 
    Hanging in there.... I want to feel less anxious but as I approach the gestational age when miscarriage was discovered its getting worse - holidays are helping some because I'm busy with girls and all the other stuff. 
    My morning sickness is getting better - as long as I take unisom/B6 when I go to bed. Forgot sunday night and paid for it monday. yuck. 

    When is your next appointment? 
    December 28th with OB then NT scan and NIPT on Jan. 5. On Dec. 28th I'll be 12 weeks 2 days, most pg people would be ecstatic with a healthy looking scan or heartbeat on that date, but my loss measured 12 weeks 3 days (and had probably shrunk a bit before it was discovered at 13 weeks 1 day) so yeah, its not going to help much. the NT scan is going to be huge and I'm scared that it won't be my OB that discovers a loss and that is a Thursday, I start work back on Jan. 9 and my OB doesn't work on Fridays... so yeah, going to chat with her next week to see if she can see me before my NT scan because I just can't handle the news of a loss from anyone else. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    I don't even know. My husband is being a jerk. He's working his ass off and dealing with a terminally ill father (who is also his business partner) and its just not a fun time. I've done all the xmas stuff and its exhuasting. I have so many presents to wrap. and DH is mad at me because we don't have gifts for his parents yet - which is somehow my fault.
    On the positive - I got the sweetest email from my daughters' pediatrician today... she knew about my loss and that I'm pregnant again and just emailed me to check in on me. She's so amazing.

    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017?
    Hmmm - thats a hard one. We've had such a tough 2016 so its been difficult to look very far into the future. I'd like to pay off our CC debt - which should be easy after the new year. I'd like to get involved with non-profits - I actually have an interview with one in the beginning of January so hopefully that works out, and I'd like to get re-hired for my job.
    **** TW - kids and loss mentioned ****
    ~~ married 8.11.07
    ~~ DD1 1.16.11 ~~ DD2 1.3.14 ~~
    ~~ BFP3 12.22.15 MMC 2.29.16 @ 13 weeks ~~
    ~~ 2 D&Cs (3.1.16 and 3.10.16) for MMC
    ~~ BFP4 10.27.16  MMC 1.23.17 @ 16 weeks ~~ D&E 1.26.17 ~~
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    @irishrose54 Thanks for asking. It was not great, but my OB seems to think everything is going fine. He tried to use the doppler but couldn't find the hb (I was 9 weeks, 4 days yesterday). He said not to worry, we can probably find it next time. Since I am so anxious, I asked if there was any way I could get another scan since I have only had one so far, and given my history. He agreed but unfortunately I will have to wait one more week. The limbo continues....
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    4 losses- MC in 2006, MMC in February 2012 at 12 weeks and MMC (twins) August 2016 at 12 weeks. Pregnant again- 11/7/16. Another loss on December 28, 2016.

    BFP April 23, 2017.  Our triple rainbow baby! EDD: January 2, 2018. It's a boy!
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    @Runner313 oh no!' A week!!!? That's so frustrating, I'm sorry. Would it ease your mind to get an at home one? I don't have one myself but I think it helps some people. I also have heard 10w is the minimum for the Doppler and even then many doctors won't do it bc of exactly what happened to you. Will be thinking of you. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    MMC in July at 9w2d, passed naturally at what should have been 12w0d

    How far along are you? 

    How are you doing? 
    Nausea is letting up (still kicks in in the morning and ~5pm every day, but not as bad).  Also not quite so tired most days.  More restless sleep, though, with weird dreams. Also glad to have made it past the point of my previous loss and to hear HB on my doppler. 

    When is your next appointment? 
    Thursday!  An u/s and first appt with my doc (early appts were with her np's).

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    Insurance, ugh.  We are trying to fight to have the NT/NIPT covered, but they are refusing.  My due date is 3 days before my 35th b-day, the previous baby had unknown issues because the hospital goofed the testing, and my dh's relative won't tell us the specific name of her son's abnormality.  These all place us just a hair short of qualifying for the insurance to cover.  And it's $1400 out of pocket if they don't...

    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017?
    We have had a bunch of home improvement projects on the docket for awhile. The baby is serving as a great deadline to get the noisier and messier projects completed. So I am looking forward to having some updates around the house to make it feel more me. 
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    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    33 yo, married for 9 years (together for 16) with two kids ages 8 and 5. Lost a twin pregnancy at 15 weeks in 2010. 
    How far along are you? 
    How are you doing? 
    I'm doing well. No symptoms, just feeling like my normal self. Only issue is I am so irritated by the littlest of things so that's been challenging to handle!

    When is your next appointment? 
    January 3rd. It'll be my NT scan too. 
    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    I don't want to host Christmas this year, yet that is what we are doing. I'm feeling like such a grinch this year and just want a quiet Christmas with DH and the kids, but instead we have lots of family coming and I don't want to deal. Plus now I have to meticulously clean the house top to bottom because MIL is coming and she likes to point out anything she can that's not perfect...I once had four shirts in the kids laundry basket and she said, "Oh I see you don't have time to do laundry..."
    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017?
    I would like to become more assertive. I'm such a pushover and "nice" too much. I know people take advantage and I'm not stupid, I know when it's happening but I just don't say anything and give people excuses. Instead, I would like to stand up for myself in a respectful way and be more assertive about what I want and don't want to do. I have the biggest issue with my family, and I'm always the reliable one who will of course help or do whatever other crappy important thing that needs to be done that nobody else wants to do. I need to say no and just let people deal.  
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    @irishrose54 I know it's ridiculous. My OB has a more positive outlook about it than I did, but today I feel better. I go for my scan on 12/28. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    4 losses- MC in 2006, MMC in February 2012 at 12 weeks and MMC (twins) August 2016 at 12 weeks. Pregnant again- 11/7/16. Another loss on December 28, 2016.

    BFP April 23, 2017.  Our triple rainbow baby! EDD: January 2, 2018. It's a boy!
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    @Runner313  I have my next scan the 28th as well. Will be thinking of you!! And I am glad to hear you are feeling better!! 

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Hi ladies!  I have been really slacking either staying caught up and my DH took the ipad to work with him and I hate bumping on my phone but I wanted to update!
    I finally went for my dating scan today and they bumped me up 3 days.  Baby was measuring at 10w2d with a heart rate of 166!  I will happily take the jump in dates, mostly in hopes that once the second trimester hits I won't be sick anymore  (I'm completely aware that a 3 day difference really means nothing and hitting 13 weeks doesn't magically make the ms go away but one can dream)

    @RunRestRepeat @irishrose54 Good luck with your scans on the 28th.  
    @irishrose54 have you told your hubby it's twins yet?
    Baby N-Born:10/29/15
    Our Angel: EDD: 05/11/17. MC at 6 weeks
    Baby #2- EDD: 07/18/17

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    ** I am so behind, I'm sorry!! **

    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! Loss, almost 1 year old son, loss, current pregnancy. I also have a 5 yo daughter and a 3 yo son (step mother adoption)

    How far along are you? 10w5d

    How are you doing? Beyond lazy. The heartburn started today, so that sucks. 

    When is your next appointment? January 12th

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I'm on leave until the 3rd of January and I'm super lazy so I'm probably never going to be on time for these boards. I'm sorry :(

    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017? Find a job! I've had a couple job offers so far for once I get out of the military..so I guess we will see what happens!
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    RubyRedPirateRubyRedPirate member
    edited December 2016
    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    I'm Casey, FTM! I had a miscarriage December 2015 at 8w5d and another miscarriage in March of this year at 5w. I'm a veterinary technician and book addict. 

    How far along are you? 
    I'm 11w4d

    How are you doing? Sick as a dog, which is reassuring! My record is 2 days in a row without vomiting. I have no desire to eat and I cant sleep good at all. Im constantly flipping and flopping all night.

    When is your next appointment?  January 5th. Im upset that my husband cant come. I sort of have PTSD every time I get an ultrasound because I'm fearing the worst news. I get into the exam room and start to panick. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: It's so hard to go to work every day. All I want to do is sleep and do nothing. Work is so draining and my boss is making it obvious that me being pregnant is an inconvenience to her. 

    GTKY: What (aside from having a baby!) is your biggest goal for 2017? We want to look into/buy a house next year. We rent a 1 bedroom house and our lease isn't' up until october. In college we really messed up our credit with maxed out credit cards and have spent years trying to backtrack. 
    ME: 28 DH: 27
    Started Dating: 10/20/2006
     Married: 10/20/2013
    MMC @ 8w 12/15
    MC @ 5w 03/16

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @MrsN092714 yes DH knows! He's been to all my appointments with me so far since they've all been early ones. and yay for being three days ahead. That would probably make me so happy if that happened for us. It's the little things!

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    MrsN092714MrsN092714 member
    edited December 2016
    Wanting to wish you all a very Merry Christmas Eve today!  I hope Santa is good to you all!

    We have decided to share our news with more family and some close friends tomorrow using a Xmas card with the picture of our bug (wearing a Santa hat!) I will be 10w4d tomorrow and after a good scan and having no problems finding the heartbeat with my doppler I am feeling confident in sharing our news! These are the same people I would feel supported by if something were go to wrong.
    Are any of you sharing the news with family or friends over the holidays?  Any cute ways your going about it? 

    Merry Christmas to you and your families!  
    (Edited because the bump ate most my post!)
    Baby N-Born:10/29/15
    Our Angel: EDD: 05/11/17. MC at 6 weeks
    Baby #2- EDD: 07/18/17

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    Merry Christmas to all, and Happy Hannukah. 

    This time of year is pretty tough for me.  My daughter's birthday is coming up on Monday, and this is the time of year where I face that I haven't done enough over the year to honor her memory.  We wanted to do a special birthday dinner here for her, but it's also Boxing Day in the UK, so the restaurants that are open are already fully booked.  

    Every year I brace myself for the 26-28 to be really hard, but some how it's the days leading up that are the hardest, and by the time we get there I can find some sort of calm.  I had a total crying break-down in front of my kids today; not my finest moment.  
    Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture 
     DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I'm so sorry, @Xath. I'm thinking of you and sending thoughts for a peaceful season.
    TTC #1: 4/16
    BFP #1: 5/16
    MMC at 8 weeks: 6/16
    BFP #2: 10/16 
    Sweet baby boy arrived 7/7/17!
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    @xath Wishing you peace over the holidays <3 Lean on your family to get through the tough times and find joy in the little moments.  Hugs
    Baby N-Born:10/29/15
    Our Angel: EDD: 05/11/17. MC at 6 weeks
    Baby #2- EDD: 07/18/17

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    @MimoCa you may have already talked about this but I def missed it....what type of restaurant are you running? That's so cool!! I am sure it's exhausting but it'll be worth it :) 

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    MimoCaMimoCa member
    edited December 2016
    @irishrose54 it as a asian fusion foodtruck, but a couple months ago we got a great deal and moved into a restaurant space. Problem is we stretched our credit and savings to the brink opening this fast casual but hopefully it will go well lol.
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