December 2016 Moms

Saturday Ticker Change 12/10

Almost halfway through the month!

How far along are you (OR how old is baby)?

How big is baby?

How are you feeling?

What's going on this week?


GTKY: Any signs of approaching labor for those of you still enceinte? What about those of you who already have babe in arm - what were some interesting signs before you went into labor?
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Fur Baby Momma 4/2/2010

Re: Saturday Ticker Change 12/10

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    How far along are you (OR how old is baby)?  I am 41 weeks along...holla! I am hoping, just in case this is my last baby, to experience going into labor without medical help. Fingers crossed!

    How big is baby?  Not as big as her brother was-she moves like a CRAZY PERSON in there still. So here's hoping waiting her out won't make her massive like her bro.

    How are you feeling? Pretty ok considering-still doing all my normal shit. Maybe more than usual in hopes that it send me into labor!

    What's going on this week? NST on Tuesday. Hoping to have a baby by then. Today would be a good day. Other than that, I have a hair appt for me and DS on Thursday, which is the point at which I was induced with DS (41 +5)

    Rants/Raves/Questions: TOwards the end of the night, LO gets so super cervix/urethra punchy that I feel like I have to go CONSTANTLY, but its only a little trickle. I'm afraid I'm going to wet the bed.

    GTKY: Any signs of approaching labor for those of you still enceinte? What about those of you who already have babe in arm - what were some interesting signs before you went into labor 

    Baby is super low and my hips hurt all the time. I am having contractions outside the car that are regular and timeable, just not at all painful! So just waiting on that progression! I used to just get them when I was driving. 
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    How far along are you (OR how old is baby)?
    38 weeks

    How big is baby?
    Leek/winter melon

    How are you feeling?
    Sometimes good, sometimes lousy. depends on the time of day.

    What's going on this week?
    My last week of work before I go on vacation (and then hopefully that will lead into my leave). next appointment is Tuesday. I tested negative for GBS! woohoo!

    Just my usual ranting about my back. in spite of that, we need baby to stay put. the day care we picked has an opening for us in June. we can cobble together home care for baby into June if baby comes late by about a week.

    GTKY: Any signs of approaching labor for those of you still enceinte?
    Constant BH, more and more cervix prickles, less heartburn, and I did a self check on the cervix this morning - very low and probably about 1 cm dialated.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Visit The Nest 
    Fur Baby Momma 4/2/2010
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    @littlebirdie28 lets talk about that self cervix check. How in the world do you get up there? Lol! I am guessing I won't be able to get to mine, my midwife couldn't reach it a week and a half ago.
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    @SmashJam I was doing that before I got pregnant to help monitor my fertility, so I am pretty familiar with what I was looking for (I had/have very irregular cycles; I had to rely on tracking my CM, cervix, and temping to know when I was ovulating).

    As long as you have clean hands and aren't afraid to check, it's  easy to do. Plus, my cervix is pretty low right now, so it was easy to find. If yours is still way up there, labor is probably a ways off, but it also has been 10 days since your last check, it might be worth a try!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Visit The Nest 
    Fur Baby Momma 4/2/2010
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    How far along are you (OR how old is baby)? 38 weeks

    How big is baby? Winter melon

    How are you feeling? Pretty good overall

    What's going on this week? DDs Christmas/18 mo photos, actually packing my hospital bag

    Rants/Raves/Questions: Well, I am starting to get encouraged.  I haven't had any bp spikes or swelling, so maybe I can avoid pre-e this time and go natural.  On the other hand, I'm kind of scared about not getting the meds.

    GTKY: Any signs of approaching labor for those of you still enceinte? What about those of you who already have babe in arm - what were some interesting signs before you went into labor?
    Baby's head is in my pelvis and I am 50% effaced.  But not dialated, so I'm not holding my breath.  Which is totally OK, I'm really in rush given how I'm actually feeling OK.
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    How far along are you (OR how old is baby)?
    Baby is 5 days old!

    How big is baby?
    Right now he is 7lbs 13oz- he was 8lbs 6oz at birth

    How are you feeling?
    I just had a meltdown. I feel like I'm doing a horrible job balancing parenting DS2 and DS1. I miss DS1 and the simplicity that our old routine had. I miss being able to snuggle with him and having no other responsibilities (SD is 12).  I keep telling myself I've only been home 3 days so that it's still new but it hurts. He's testing every limit and my last bit Of patience. 
    And on the flip side, I feel guilty that I feel this way. DS2 doesn't deserve that. 
    And I'm in pain. A lot of pain. 
    What's going on this week?
    I have my OB appointment Monday to look at my incision

    GTKY: Any signs of approaching labor for those of you still enceinte? What about those of you who already have babe in arm - what were some interesting signs before you went into labor?
    I was having some contractions but nothing else before our RCS on 12/5
    BabyFruit Ticker  
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    How far along are you (OR how old is baby)?
    Baby is 3 days old :) 

    How big is baby?
    About 8 1/2 lbs. he gained up to 8 14, then lost to 7 14 before we left the hospital. But my milk is all the way in so I assume he is gaining now.

    How are you feeling?
    Like poop. Minus the poop. I haven't had a pp bm yet and stuff is getting backed up in there. I'm about to sent DH to store for gas meds, miralax, and oatmeal.
    I also feel like I've been getting a fever on and off, the thermometer says that I don't have a fever though. When my pain meds start to wear off, I feel awful, so much pain in my incision and intestines. 
    My boobs are also becoming engorged because he ate constantly at the hospital, but now we are home he is eating less. My boobs are overproducing = pumping time, before I get a clogged duct. 
    Emotionally, I feel insanely grateful that I have such a wonderful little baby. We worked so hard to conceive him, and he is our last, so I am over the moon that I finally get to snuggle him. 

    What's going on this week?
    I have a baby & mother wellness, pediatric, and birth certificate paperwork appointments on Monday. I also need to set an appointment to get my staples on my scar removed. My incision started bleeding quite a bit more on the 2nd day in the hospital, and has just stopped. We have to be super careful with it, it's folded over (thanks to fat) and we have to dry it with a blow drier a few times a day. 
    Other than that, resting, trying not to over do things when meds kick in, and snuggles with my Lucas! 

    Rant: I hate that my body has not been healing as it should, like it did with my other 2 c-sections. Rave: it's f*cking amazing to be able to sleep on my back again.
    Question: any other c-section moms have baby spitting up amniotic fluid after birth? 

    GTKY: Any signs of approaching labor for those of you still enceinte? What about those of you who already have babe in arm - what were some interesting signs before you went into labor?
    I was hungry, but nothing sounded good. Also, my back was hurting really badly. The most significant: the contractions were WAY more painful than Braxton hicks. I would like to say that I'm tough, but I was crying through them by the time they were 5 minutes apart. Also, my poop was not solid (sorry, tmi!). 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    @littlebirdie28 what?! You were able to do a self cervix check? You get props for that! My cervix is tilted back, so even the ob has a hard time getting to it. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    @yellingbanana it isn't happening here but my friend's little guy did that for about a week out after their csection. 
    And yes-sleeping on my back is the bomb. 
    BabyFruit Ticker  
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    @Gizmo1231and @yellingbanana thinking of you both during your transitions home. hoping everything smooths out for you soon! that's so awesome that you already get to hold your babies. 

    @Lexibizzel keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get the birth experience you really want this time around. my mom had pre-eclampsia when she had me, so I'm always worried it will suddenly appear. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Visit The Nest 
    Fur Baby Momma 4/2/2010
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    @littlebirdie28 Thanks for the well wishes! I am comforted by the fact that I did it before and got through, plus it usually indicates no problem with baby (rather it be me with the issues).
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    How far along are you (OR how old is baby)?
    38 weeks (and a day!) 

    How big is baby?
    Winter melon I think? They estimated her to be 6lb 9oz at my appointment last week. 

    How are you feeling?
    Ready to have a baby ;) generally uncomfortable, some pressure and lots of inconsistent BH with some back pain thrown in. 

    What's going on this week?
    DH's staff Christmas party is today and I'm expecting a lot of non-diabetic friendly foods. That bums me out more than it should. Appointment on Friday, and my mom is going to spend some time here to help with some preparations! And I think I'll finally finish packing my hospital bag ;) 

    At church this morning everyone that spoke to me gave me a really sympathetic look. I was like, "uhh do I really look that bad?" Haha!

    GTKY: Any signs of approaching labor for those of you still enceinte? What about those of you who already have babe in arm - what were some interesting signs before you went into labor?
    I have lost at least part of my MP, which could mean nothing or could mean something. I love the guessing game at this point in pregnancy (jk of course). Labor with DD started with lower back pain, which I was experiencing this morning. Again though, I know that's just part of life right now and could be a sign or maybe not. 

    June Siggy Challenge: Dad Fails

    Married 7.28.2012
    DD born 7.27.2014
    BFP 09.2015 - m/c 10.21.2015
    BFP 4.12.2016...EDD: Christmas Eve 2016!

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    @beff12 which one of us will go first? :-)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Visit The Nest 
    Fur Baby Momma 4/2/2010
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