March 2017 Moms

Fit Mama Check-In: Nov 21!

Hey ladies! Happy Monday! Happy Week of Thanksgiving! And last full week of November! 

1: How far along are you

2: What are your goals for the week ahead

3: How was last week?

4: Discovered any new challenges or needed modifications

5: How are/have you treated your self? Celebrate your body and its accomplishments

6: Questions, Concerns, Rants, Raves, Randoms?

7: GTKY: Which food is going to be your favorite this Thanksgiving?  How long do you give yourself before you start decorating for Christmas 

Anyone interested : 30day push-up challenge in addition to your normal workouts for the next month!  
Day 1 starts today! Do as many as you can on your toes, then swap to knees--or all knees is fine too! 


Re: Fit Mama Check-In: Nov 21!

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    @jenny0228 Exactly! "No stopping us now" :)<3  glad you get a nice short work week! --yes, totally do your push-ups in the dress! Haha.  AND I'm SO glad you found a potato donut on vaca. They are my absolute favorite!

    @serenity13  No Halloween candy... but I did some Christmas shopping and since 3 of the top to-do gifts on my list are stocking swaps for family members I already got piles of discount candies to stuff them with... bad bad bad idea because now I am already being tempted to raid the bags.  And--yes to the getting up part. Hahah. My usual HIT routine is lots of ups and downs off the floor and some of the time my attempts are pretty laughable. Also--thinking of you and your doctors appointment coming up! Praying you get good news of no change. Keep us updated! 

    @npaulie  I am the same way with my workouts/pressure. I take it easier for a day or two and feel great then the next day I think, "hey! I feel great! I'm gonna go hard again" then whoops. There's the pressure. I find the biggest change that helped was modifying to less bouncing. but I hope that the support belt can help you a bit!

    And I am SO excited that ALL of you ladies are so close to viability! Whoop whoop!!
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    Side note... push-ups done today! I totally did them from the knees. But I'm still counting it!
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    edited November 2016
    Hiya Everybody!! So excited to be kicking off yet another fab week with all of you!!! 

    1: How far along are you
    ? 24 weeks & 4 days

    2: What are your goals for the week ahead
    ? I'm only planning on 4 workouts this week, but will be OK if I only manage 3 due to the holiday and having to work this weekend.
    MON: CrossFit (DONE!)
    TUES: Cardio
    WED: Upper Body Weight Training
    THURS: Cardio
    FRI - SUN: Off

    3: How was last weekIt was pretty good!! I ended up with 4 total days of working out which included 3 CrossFit and 2 Cardio workouts. I didn't stick to tracking everything I ate but I think I made pretty good decisions. I weighed myself this morning and it seems I had lost 2 lbs that I had gained overnight when I weighed myself last week. Currently at 11lbs total weight gained (but I started my pregnancy at approx 10-15lbs heavier than what I like)

    4: Discovered any new challenges or needed modifications
    My back is starting to tighten up a lot more when I lift. I kept weights light during CrossFit today (45 - 55lbs for Front Squats / Push Presses) but my back still felt it. Bummer. Might have to start dropping down to very light soon. Not sure what the deal is with my back… oh wait, could it be that I'm pregnant ??? LOL…..

    5: How are/have you treated your self? Celebrate your body and its accomplishments
    ! I'm taking my Mom for a girls manicure today, and then tomorrow I get my eyelashes done. I was also supposed to get a pregnancy massage on Wednesday but had to cancel since we are now doing Thanksgiving on that day. Gotta make sure I reschedule that though!!

    6: Questions, Concerns, Rants, Raves, Randoms? OK, so I know I may be opening up a can of controversial worms here, but I feel comfortable doing that here with you Ladies. Last night my Hubby and I had one of our baby classes (we are doing the 12 week Bradley Method that officially starts Jan 8th, but because of my due date we had to do the last few classes with the current session this month). Anyhow, last night was the last class for the current session, which was Baby Care Basics and included vaccinations. To say that my Hubby and I were shocked to see that the vaccination schedule includes 33 vaccines in the first year of baby's life would be quite the understatement. WOW!! And then a speaker came in and spoke about how both of her kids were affected after getting the MMR vaccinations. I mean, really, seriously affected :(:(:( We then came home and watched the documentary "Vaxxed" … anyhow, now we are mortified of vaccinations. I already was leaning towards not fully complying with all vaccinations considering our baby does not have to be in day care (so grateful for this), and I myself have not had the flu vaccine in over 6 years, and still continue to say no when it's asked of me at my pre-natals. Curious if anyone would like to share their view on vaccines. I wouldn't post this on the board, but I feel "safe" here. 

    7: GTKY: Which food is going to be your favorite this Thanksgiving?  How long do you give yourself before you start decorating for Christmas 
    ? Hmmmm…. I think I'm most looking forward to the stuffing and the pecan pie!! Yum! Yum! 
    As for Christmas decorating, we've already started ;) Just the outside though, since we're having Thanksgiving here. My Dad put up all the outside lights that we will turn on Wednesday night when our guests are here for Thanksgiving dinner. Then on Thursday my Mom and I will switch out all the inside fall harvest decor for Christmas, and we'll also put up the tree. We have a fake one since I always like to get the tree up as soon as possible!! :):):) We'll also add the lit reindeer and such to the front lawn on Thanksgiving day. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

    @serenity13 … thinking of you and praying for you as you approach viability!!!!

    @npaulie … I hear you on that lower pressure. Really felt it today during CrossFit. I was doing manmakers, so maybe it was too much plank position for me today :(

    @jenny0228 …. where did you guys go for the babymoon? Sorry if you've already shared that and I missed it! How fun!!

    @kjd291 … WOOHOO!! Congrats Girl on starting 3rd Tri!!!! How super exciting!!! It really does feel like time is just going by so quickly. I can't believe how soon we'll all be in 3rd Tri. CRAZY!!!!

    Have an awesome day everyone!! I have today off so am going to run some last minute Thanksgiving day errands with my parents. My Dad is installing an awesome new chandelier in the dining room which I'm really excited about! Just need to pick up some additional supplies to finish that up later today, as well as pick up the rest of my Thanksgiving menu ingredients. PS I'll post a pic of the chandelier when it's up! Super excited about it :)
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    kjd291kjd291 member
    edited November 2016
    @npaulie totally counts! I am positive most of mine will be done that way too! Nice job!!  

    @triwellnessgirl - All I would say is to make sure and fully research both sides. It's easy to make a decision leaning toward not vaxing when you hear from two parties with an anti vax view. Especially arguments that are very fear based that get emotions involved. Ask questions of potential pediatricians you meet with for LO, do online --unbiased-- research, ask other medical family and friends.  
    Personally I went into my research for my DD thinking we'd also skip certain shots, or change the vax schedule her pedi office had, but I haven't done either of those things. I felt my research showed that the pros outway the cons. 
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    Monday workout complete! It wont let me share the video I posted today of some preggo burpees - but here's a screenshot :D with my low hanging bump. #pregnantNotPowerless!!

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    YEAH! nice job ladies!

    @serenity13 the sugar thing is SO hard... I've never craved sweets in my life the way I have through this pregnancy. At least you are killing it with the workouts, so it all balances out!! I hope you get some good news to reassure you about your cervix soon!

    @npaulie I hope the pressure lets up for you, or that your band helps! 

    @triwellnessgirl definitely no judging here, but as @kjd291 said, definitely look on both sides and learn as much as you can. I used to never get the flu shot, now I always do after learning some new information. I do plan to follow my pediatrician's vax schedule - my opinion is that the benefits (to my baby and to my community) outweigh any potential risks. I could go into more detail but I do strongly believe in it. 

    And I did go on a babymoon yes! We went up to Portland Maine and had a wonderful time together!!!!  <3

    @kjd291 - you GO fit mama! That is such a bad-a$$ picture with your belly bump! I need to get some blocks for push ups! Didn't do mine in my dress since someone ended up coming in, but I will do them later before crossfit! :)
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    kjd291kjd291 member
    edited November 2016
    @jenny0228 I'd definitely reccomend using something like this for all kinds of stuff! This is actually just a wooden step stool that I've had around my house ((it was made for me as a kid and my mom gave it to me to keep for my kids)). It's been great for burpees, push-ups, mountain climbers, planks, etc. as a way to keep doing those more challenging exercises, but have a little extra space for the bump, plus not so far to jump down to the ground if you're working them into a circuit or something. 
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    @kjd291 I accept the 30 day push up challenge! Gotta get those muscles ready for carrying baby around!

    1: How far along are you? 25 weeks tomorrow!

    2: What are your goals for the week ahead
    ? To eat really well Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week and to get to the gym at least three times

    3: How was last week? It wasn't bad. The weather here has been unseasonably warm so I got a few long outdoor walks in 

    4: Discovered any new challenges or needed modifications
    ? Bending is getting more and more awkward, and I'm still slower than normal, but other than that I'm still holding my own! 

    5: How are/have you treated your self? Celebrate your body and its accomplishments
    ! Baking for the holiday!

    6: Questions, Concerns, Rants, Raves, Randoms? I'm starting to freak out about weight gain and body image. I try to tell myself that baby and I are healthy and that's all that matters, but its getting difficult to watch myself get bigger and bigger.

    7: GTKY: Which food is going to be your favorite this Thanksgiving?  How long do you give yourself before you start decorating for Christmas 
    ? I love a good stuffing! I try to decorate for Christmas as soon as possible after Thanksgiving. Ideally I like to start over the weekend but the past few years I've been really busy and unable to start until the week after. We don't get our tree until the first or second weekend in December though.

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    @kjd291 Congrats on reaching the third trimester!

    @jenny0228 Hope you had a great time on your baby moon! (it sounds like you did!)

    @serenity13 T&P that your cervix is a non-issue.

    @triwellnessgirl I plan on getting my baby vaccinated. My thought is that I was vaccinated and so was my husband, so why wouldn't I do the same for my child. With all that said, I do plan to speak to my pediatrician about the possibility of spacing them out some. I've only looked into the schedule briefly but it looks like at times several vaccines are administered at once and I'm not sure how necessary that is.  

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    kjd291kjd291 member
    edited November 2016
    @gracie4400 I'm sorry you're freaking out about the weight gain. I actually meant to make a seporate check-in question about how we're all doing with this issue this week, but forgot. (Next week!)  I know each and every one of us struggle with it too, so you're not alone in feeling this way--totally normal to freak out about!  So feel free to rant away about it here or ask for friendly reminders/encouragement that it's a good thing to see the belly grow and the scale hop up, up, up!  You're doing a great job--keep up the good work!!

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    Push up challenge accepted although I'm a day behind. I'll go an extra day :)
    1: How far along are you
    ? 25w+2d
    2: What are your goals for the week ahead
    ? 18 miles/5 workouts, reduce carbs/replace with more meat and veggies. I was not a carb-loving person prepreg and I'm starting to get those tastebuds back, so I want to move back to that diet consciously rather than keeping the routine of PB&J, sandwiches, potatoes, etc. that I adopted throughout this pregnancy to ease my belly.
    3: How was last week? 17.4 miles/6 workouts. Eating was OK, but I did have a pack of swiss rolls almost every day! :D Crave of the week.
    4: Discovered any new challenges or needed modifications? Running hills. :'(
    5: How are/have you treated your self? Celebrate your body and its accomplishments! Um, swiss rolls. Also, a few new maternity items.
    6: Questions, Concerns, Rants, Raves, Randoms? While laying on the couch with DH and pup (Bo), Bo jumped off the couch randomly and barked. It must have scared LO because he immediately jumped in my belly. It made me feel so happy to know that he heard him and reacted!
    7: GTKY: Which food is going to be your favorite this Thanksgiving?  How long do you give yourself before you start decorating for Christmas 
    ? Mashed potatoes and gravy are always my favorite. Turkey is good too, but the rest I could do with out. I usually don't decorate much because I don't like *things* taking up space, but we do put up a tree. It will most likely go up next weekend :)

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    @Bradleerick nice job keeping up the miles!! And Welcome to the challenge :)

    thanks for being the best group ever ladies!  ::creepy internet hugs!!:: you all keep me so motivated! I didn't get my morning workout in, but took a nap instead after a 4am toddler wake up. But because of YOU I decided I WILL get one in later.  Also. I need to be DONE with sugar. I neeeeed help >:(  I want to swear off it completely for the next month to retrain my poor body to not crave it like crack! The holidays are going to be sooo hard, but it's becoming a problem. I feel so gross fueling my body with this crap, but I can't stop!

    16push ups today, ya'll! Happy Tuesday! 
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    @kjd291 - Congrats on the third trimester! I'm approaching and getting so excited! Question for you related to your picture (which is awesome, btw)- does your belly fall into a triangle shape when you are face down? Mine does and it freaks me out- like gravity pulls him to the center of my stomach and all the weight is concentrated in one area.
    @serenity13 - Yay for viability! <3
    @gracie4400 - Yes. For me, it's not so much about seeing myself get bigger, it's how I'm feeling as I get bigger. What freaks me out is that 3 years ago, I weighed about the same that I do now (pregnant) and I was so uncomfortable in my own skin. Now, this was before I exercised, ran, or cared the slightest about nutrition. I was out of shape, uncomfortable, and lazy so I changed my life completely. I'm having reoccurring bouts of uncomfort (expected) because of my body changes, but they feel very similar to those past times and it scares me. I know it's totally different this time and I'm reassured by DH every day, my sister's shape post baby, and this very active baby in my belly, but it's tough having those freaked out moments.
    @triwellnessgirl - I'm with you on the vaccinations. They scare me too. I need to update myself on the latest before this baby arrives!

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    @Bradleerick Yes! Whenever I do any core work and the muscles tighten my stomach shrinks up like that. Totally normal - kinda freaked me out last time around too--this time I just enjoy knowing my muscles are still strong despite the gut ;) 
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    @kjd291- I think we need to have a no/reduced sugar challenge. I've been eating it too. I think it's my way of trying to stay energized. I don't even love chocolate, but last night I had a small glass of chocolate milk and a small handful of chocolate chips before bed just for the kick to make it through an episode of Dexter. This AM, I had a small hot chocolate. I feel gross about it.

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    @Bradleerick I see your hot cocoa and raise you half an entire pan of brownies! :disappointed: haha. Yes ma'am! I'm definitely in for a sugar challenge!  Would ppl want to wait for post holidays? Or just allow for cheat days? Or? Open to suggestions! But I definitely need accountability on this! 
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    @kjd291 I think we should do it through the holidays. Personally, I'm going to do it anyways. I need to remember that sweets are OK, but one bite is enough!

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    I love reading all of your updates & am so grateful for this thread each week!

    Thank you guys for the T&P by the way, they're MUCH appreciated! 

    I was thinking of this this morning as I did my workout (which I seriously struggled through today, did my 16 push-ups & one of the more intense Barre3 routines and it kicked my butt) and this is probably gonna sound weird, but I wish we could coordinate our next pregnancies (for those wanting another after this one) so we can be on another monthly bump board together lol I feel really close with you all already & am glad we're all so motivated to have as healthy pregnancies as possible! *creepy internet hugs over here too*❤️
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    Aw, guys!!! Seriously all the feels in this thread!! 

    It's so great having you guys to chat and turn to. And @serenity13 that would be totally awesome if we were all pregnant again at the same time next time. 

    So.... I probably SHOULD do the sugar challenge. I'm legit addicted to sugar this pregnancy. But it's so hard!!! (Cue whiney toddler voice). 

    Didnt go go to the gym today, but got my push-ups in at work in between clients. Thank god they can't see me. Ha ha
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    kjd291kjd291 member
    edited November 2016
    @Bradleerick okay girl. I'm in!  No sugar for me. :scream: anyone else want to join?? NO pressure. I've just gotten to a point i need to control this craziness. If not -totally fine! Just at least pray for me ;) HAHA 

    about to press play on afternoon nap workout!!! Thanks for the motivation, ladies!
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    Thanks for the encouragement @kjd291. You're always so supportive of all of us, and I really appreciate it! It's nice to be reminded that I'm not alone in this :) Also, I'm down for a reduced sugar challenge! I have been sooooo into the sweets this pregnancy, and I never had much of a sweet tooth before. I'm curious since I've never done this before, what does a reduced sugar diet look like?  

    @bradleerick your story is so similar to mine. Three years ago I also was heavy and miserable, and it wasn't until two of my good friends had weight loss surgery that I was finally motivated to really get healthy. Now that I'm creeping back up to that number, I really have to remind myself that this is completely different then back then and that weight gain is a good thing now. It's just hard when you're wired to think the opposite!

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    @gracie4400 I don't have an exact "challenge layout" persay... whatever you think will work for you or want to challenge yourself to: whether that is to maybe limit yourself to a treat a day, treat per week, maybe vow cut all sugary drinks and just do water, maybe limit your daily sugar % and read labels. Whatever it is you can post it here to share your goal and post here for accountability!

    Personally I'm going to try and cut sugar completely because I'm an all or nothing girl. I can have nothing and be fine, but one bite of a sweet and I want The. Whole. Thing.  
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    kjd291kjd291 member
    edited November 2016
    I'm so so sad all our encouraging posts and updates from today are gone! :(

    Got my push-ups done! But took a much needed rest day. Plannng on getting my 3rd workout in on Friday! 

    Oh, and-day one sugar free was a success! 
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    Morning! Happy Thankgiving, mamas! Dont forget to get your 18pushups in somewhere ;) and have fun to those who are turkey trotting!  I'm so thankful for this group!! 
    Hope you all have a great day <3
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    @kjd291 about to get mine in now with my workout! Great job with the sugar free day one!!
    I was hoping overnight the glitches would work themselves out & all the posts would reappear but oh well, grateful that it seems to have been a onetime occurrence & hopefully it won't happen again! 
    Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!
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    Hey ladies! Happy Monday! Happy Week of Thanksgiving! And last full week of November! 

    1: How far along are you
    ? 24 weeks today!!

    2: What are your goals for the week ahead
    ? Still maintain mwf workouts and try for a morning workout on the weekend

    3: How was last week? Been ok this week and last averaging 3-4 workouts a week.

    4: Discovered any new challenges or needed modifications
    ? Running in general....makes me have to pee. My sciatica has been acting up too

    5: How are/have you treated your self? Celebrate your body and its accomplishments
    ! I haven't done anything for me. I really want a massage but my funds and energy have been put towards Christmas shopping for everyone else.

    6: Questions, Concerns, Rants, Raves, Randoms? Exhaustion....sheer exhaustion. And headaches.

    7: GTKY: Which food is going to be your favorite this Thanksgiving?  How long do you give yourself before you start decorating for Christmas 
    ? Im 100% looking forward to mashed potatoes, gravy and corn. I don't really want anything else.
    I already started decorating for xmas....mostly done. I am hosting Christmas this year for about 20 I anticipate more decorating in the future.
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    Happy thanksgiving! I was wondering what happened to so many posts, too bad they disappeared!!

    Got my pushups in this morning! Also went to crossfit and did the "fight gone bad" workout, and RX'd the weights! Only a few reps behind my pre-pregnancy score, so I must have had pie on my mind, because it was a really good workout! 

    Hope you all have a wonderful day with friends and family!  <3
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    kjd291kjd291 member
    edited November 2016
    just finished workout 3/3 for the holiday week!  And got my 19 push-ups in!  They are already much harder than I thought they'd be... haha. The added 20+ lbs of bump and plump helps aid in difficulty, I guess ;) 

    How was everyone's Thanksgiving!? Enjoying meals and family time? Hope you are all continuing to enjoy the holiday weekend! 
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    Nice going @kjd291! I need to do my pushups still today - but today is a rest day for me otherwise. Crossfit tomorrow morning before we leave for my mom's house, then a run Sunday morning before 2nd Thanksgiving dinner with my family! I'm having trouble completing the push-ups without doing the last few on my knees. Definitely true that the added weight is making it harder! But just think how much stronger we will be once the babies are out! YEAH! 

    We had a great day yesterday. The meal was... eh. But a good time with DH's family. Hope everyone is enjoying a nice post holiday relaxing Friday! :)
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    I just realized I totally forgot to do my push-ups yesterday!! Will def get them in today. 

    Had a check up yesterday, and the doc said that because I've had pressure in my abdomen he doesn't want me doing cardio anymore (other than walking). I can still do weights, but I was told to watch the intensity. So, am still going to try to get walks in, but it's just so hard because I feel like I'm barely doing anything when I'm just walking 
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    @jenny0228 Nice! Hope you enjoy your weekend workouts :) 

    @npaulie I'm sorry that was the Docs answer.  But, cutting the jogging and other jumping types of exercises has definitely helped me with the pressure issue. stationary bike an option?? Good sweat without the bouncing?  I know what you mean with barely feeling like you're doing anything though... I'm still quite green with envy when i see the ladies on here posting about their runs - but you absolutely ARE doing something. No harm in listening to your body and your babe. It'll help too as you get bigger and farther along, more easily tiring, and you'll start to enjoy a good quick paced walk ;)  
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    @npaulie at least you can still do other things (glad you can still do the push-up challenge!) and walking definitely is good for both you and baby! 

    I felt my baby kick this morning for the first time!!!!!! Coolest feeling ever, of course I started crying lol - he was so active and kicked several times for me!! :)

    Got my last workout of the week in yesterday morning and will get my 20/21 pushups in today/tomorrow. I had the most productive day yesterday between deep-cleaning my house, work, and shopping online - I LOVE black friday deals and Amazon prices dropped last night so I just bought all the "big" things off my registry because the deals were just too good...Chicco had a too good to pass up offer also on the stroller I wanted. My husband's gonna think I bought a whole store with how many boxes will be coming to us over the next few days. But I saved WAY more than I spent so i think it was all worth it. Now that all the big stuff is here or on it's way AND feeling him kick it's all feeling even more real!! 

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    @serenity13 aww, yayyy!! So happy for you to have hit that milestone! It really is the best :)  
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     @npaulie I'm sorry to hear about your doctor's recommendation since it wasn't what you wanted to hear. I wanted to share this because I think it's hilarious but it's also true!! Great job keeping up on the lifting! 

    @serenity13 YAY for feeling baby kick!!! I'm so happy you can feel it now! Great job with the shopping, too - such a satisfying feeling to save so much $$!

    I'm just back from my 4th workout of the week, good sweaty crossfit workout, now we are headed to see my mom for 2nd Thanksgiving on Sunday! OOf. I'm full already just thinking about it......

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    @jenny0228 haha, I love that quote!! Yeah, I'll still have other ways of getting other workouts in, what is good. Kudos to all you ladies getting your workouts in!! I'm also jealous of those of you getting two thanksgivings! 

    Anyway, hope everyone's having an awesome weekend!
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    edited November 2016
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I've been a bit MIA this week. I can't seem to post from iphone anymore? Hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving! I loved looking at all of your HDBD pics! Everyone is looking so fabulous!!! <3

    @npaulie Oh wow! Now I'm worried! I've been feeling pressure in my abdomen for about a month now :( My doc told me not to worry about it, but now your doc has me worried. I have my first appointment with a midwife on Thursday so will be sure to ask her about it as well. I have noticed that I really needed to take down my intensity this week because of the discomfort, so this week I've only walked or done the elliptical. I also did CrossFit on Monday but now can't remember what that workout was :/   Anyhow, thinking of you and praying all is well!! XOXO

    So on Wednesday (the day we celebrated Thanksgiving) I had MAJOR back spasms all day/night that got worse as the day progressed. I think it may have been because I was on my feet all day prepping and cooking and had been running around doing errands and prepping for the past week, I don't know?! They were terrible!! They lasted about 15-30 seconds and were paralyzing. As the day progressed the spasms were literally dropping me to my knees in pain.  :( The next day I laid on the couch all day in my PJs...... and then got up around 2pm to start the project of taking down all the Fall Harvest decor and putting up the Christmas tree and decorations. I ended up finishing it the next night. I haven't had any back spasms since Wednesday, thankfully... I hope they don't come back!! Oy!!

    Looking forward to reading everyone's new week posts tomorrow! I've missed you!
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