October 2016 Moms

Breech Baby Updates

I think there are quite a few of us who have stubborn li'l ones that we are desperately trying to get to turn!

Curious what's going on with everyone else or what methods you are trying in an attempt to get baby to turn.

I've been delving into some spinningbabies methods but thus far she still seems to be staying put. We go next week for the final U/S and to determine at that time if we will attempt ECV, or schedule C-section. @annabenanna - Weren't you supposed to have an ECV sometime this week? (I haven't been as active on TB as usual this week due to work, so could have missed it!)

Re: Breech Baby Updates

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    Just got home from my apt. Baby is STILL breech (37+3) though Dr didn't rush to schedule a c-section so I feel pretty good about that. He did a pelvic exam and said that I have a very good sized pelvis and he isn't entirely opposed to attempting a vaginal delivery even if the baby stays breech but that it comes with a lot of risks to consider, esp for a first baby. IF baby flips he will let me go til Oct 23 before inducing (due 10/10). 

    Mostly I've been laying with my pelvis lifted by a few pillows for at least 10 minutes a day. I should be doing it  at least twice a day but I keep forgetting. I was told this would help keep the baby's butt from descending too far into the pelvis and helping him stay free to flip. A good friend who is a midwife said that the baby's head is the heaviest part and so it will WANT to go down, as long as there is space to do it and that the baby has wedged itself into the pelvis. So that's what I am working with. I tried the thing (forgetting the name... inversion?) where you go partially upsidedown hanging off the edge of something but I felt really dizzy. Maybe will attempt again. 

    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024
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    Find out today if my baby boy is still transverse, my doctor seems to think if he hasn't moved in the last month since the last ultrasound that he probably won't and we might have to do the C-section, we have decided to opt out of the version.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @cassieleeanne Can I ask why you opted out? I'm still researching & am torn. Lots of contradicting info
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    Thanks for starting this @Kaessi!  I think you're right, there are a bunch of us with breech (stubborn) babies!  

    My ECV attempt got pushed to next Monday because of the doctor's schedule (of course).  So I'm going in next Monday at 3PM PST.  I'm nervous about it.  Last week at the scan, the tech hinted at the baby having no more room.  Way to make me more nervous and anxious---but right now I'm just trying to accept everything and take it day by day.

    I'm been doing pelvic tilts, but also doing inversions with the help of DH.  Of course, I can't tell if he's flipped or not. lol.  He's moving a lot though, I can certainly feel that.  

    If Monday's ECV doesn't work out, we are scheduled for the C-section on 10/6.  
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    Kaessi said:
    @cassieleeanne Can I ask why you opted out? I'm still researching & am torn. Lots of contradicting info

    We just felt that it wasn't worth it, you can try to turn them and then they go right back it seems a little unnatural to force them to turn. Because there is so much contradicting information we decided to let nature take its course and the baby will decide where he wants to go.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    At 34+1 Girlie has finally gone head down, at least occasionally. She won't stay there. It's so much more comfortable when she's head down and I can breathe better. I'm hoping that this means she will eventually go head down for good. I find walking gets her to turn for me but if I'm lying down she goes transverse again

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    Thanks for starting this.
    I am 38 weeks today and had an US at 32 weeks and 37. Baby is still complete breech and has not budged from her spot since that first US at 32. My Dr said it is worth a try to make baby flip by different positions, but she is not hopeful. She says baby seems really big and FTMs are not as loose on the inside and baby has a better chance of turning for repeat moms. I was trying kind of a cat pose and laying on my back with pelvis propped with pillows, but stopped. Now I am not trying to flip her at all. I did not want the ECV because of the pain and low success rate. I don't want baby to turn right back to where she is and I figure if she wanted to turn, she would have or will still. My CS is scheduled September 30 at 10am.
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    Yay @cassieleeanne that's great news!
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    36 weeks here, and still stubbornly breech. We tried the whole ice pack thing, but my baby girl apparently decided she wanted to head butt the ice pack to show her displeasure rather than move! I've been going to a chiropractor as well and trying the spinning baby exercises, but all they seem to do is cause headaches and heartburn! I'm curious to see how the ECV goes for you, let us know! @annabenanna
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    Good luck Monday @annabenanna - I'll be thinking about you!!
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    Thank you ladies!  I'll keep you posted!
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    Dr appt today and baby girl is still breech. Got to meet the Dr who will be performing my c-section next Friday. She was not very friendly and did not give me any information and was like, see you next Friday. 
    So I went to the front desk and said I have no info on this CS. She rolled her eyes becasue I guess this Dr does that. So she gave me some pamphlets, a paper for blood work and two pills - one I take the night before and one the morning of the surgery. Have to read this info and mentally prepare myself for the CS. I am nervous. 
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    serenaxo84serenaxo84 member
    edited September 2016
    @littlewillie2016 what are the pills for!? I remember having to get an body wash they wanted me to use twice before but I don't remember a pill so I'm curious! Maybe I am forgetting.

    and I am sorry your doctor has no bedside manner. Good for you for speaking up. 
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    I asked what they are for and the gal at the front desk said reflux ... I dunno. Never heard if it. I have heard of that wash but the booklet they gave said to just shower beforehand. 
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    @littlewillie2016 I'm sorry your doctor is so rude!!! Being a nice person is a lot easier than putting on a tough front... Not really sure why more people don't realize that! She should be putting you at ease, not being standoffish. But on the bright side, she is probably really really good at her job & just narcissistic. Not the worst thing when she's giving you a c-section ;) 
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    @annabenanna Such great news!!! I have never heard of curb walking - just googled! So is it really just walking with one foot on the ground, one on the curb? I'm not so graceful as it is, I'm pretty sure I would fall on my face, lol! But it might be worth it if it works!

    I go in for my last U/S Thursday and will know for sure if she's turned or not then, although I'm pretty sure she hasn't. Will discuss ECV at that time if not. I'm really 50/50 on it right now - it just sounds so dreadful from everything I've read/heard!
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    @Kaessi, girl the neighbors probably think i'm BSC every time they saw me curb-walking, but IDGAF.  Hahaha.  I'm gonna continue doing it to continue expanding my pelvis and hopefully bring him down lower so we can get things going already!  

    I'm cheering for your babies to turn!!!!  It can happen!!!!
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    Its super interesting to me that you didn't feel him flip @annabenanna . I'm 90% sure mine hasn't because I'm still quite certain his head is jabbing into my belly button but I've been wondering if I would feel it if he DID flip. 

    Did it also not feel any different that he apparently got lower? Like I would think head down would create more pressure down low than breech? 
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024
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    See the tricky part is @kmolleltz , is that I had been feeling a lot more pressure probably give or take 8 or 9 days ago.  I attributed it to him being lower, but not necessarily head down.  And now I don't know what came first?  head down creating more pressure, dilating me?  or him just getting lower?  I dunno!  

    I always thought his head was jabbing me in the ribs.... but then yday with the ultrasound I saw it was his butt.  I can see why they would feel the same. lol.  
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    hmmm interesting! @annabenanna guess I'll see come thursday! 
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024
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    Hoping your baby has turned @kmolleltz  and it's his little bum he's trying to push out through your belly button. :)
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    I bet putting on one taller shoe and walking around would mimic curb-walking (and then you could switch sides every once in a while). Haven't tried it (and I'm not breech, I'm just lurking this thread.)

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    I wish I could tell if my baby has flipped. I won't know till Friday when I go in for the CS. The suspense is killing me. 
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    @kmolletz I had a frank breech baby with my first pregnancy and I had a lot of pressure down low even though he was breech because his bum was down there! I also had  a lot of pressure in my rib cage from his head. So it's definitely possible to feel pressure down low and still be breech.

    this pregnancy baby is head down or almost head down and more transverse. It honestly feels like he is breech most of the time because I have so much pressure in my rib cage. 

    I feel like there is no way to tell because hands and feet feel the same to me and the bum and top of the head feel the same to me too! 

    At my last appointment my OB felt and though he was breech again but the MRI later that week showed he was head down. 

    I do hope baby flips for you!!!
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    @serenaxo84 thanks! it is SO hard to know. I feel like in the last day or so movements have been different and even pressure has felt different so I guess I'll see tomorrow at my apt! 
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024
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    I'm with you @kmolleltz! I feel she has been rolling & moving a lot more in the last week, and I feel more pressure on my bladder, but that could just be because she's running out of room! Still pretty sure that's a head burrowed into my ribs though.  I am so anxious to know for sure! Hope we both get good news tomorrow!
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    yes @kaessi fingers (and toes) crossed! 
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024
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    Fingers crossed and keep us posted ladies!!!!!!!

    I went on google yday and researched the chances of babies turning breech again at 38 weeks.  I shouldn't have googled.  Because now I'm paranoid AF.  
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    I forgot to ask  :|

    I was all panicky because my bp was 140/100 and Dr was concerned and my feet seemed swollen and so he was talking about 1000 different things and sent me off for urine sample and then I came back and I had completely forgotten to ask if he thought the baby had flipped...

    I guess I'm hanging til next week. 
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024
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    Yay @Kaessi!!!!!!  So happy to hear it!!!! :) 
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    @kaessi congrats on a flipped babe! Yay! 

    and @Schell2013 i half expect thats what my baby is doing hahaha

    Baby had hiccups this morning and so I'm 90% sure he's still breech judging on their positioning. I'm guessing he's just gonna stay this way.... 
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024
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    Well it looks like I belong here now. On Tuesday at my 39 week appt. the doctor *thought* baby was head down but wanted an U/S to confirm. Went for the U/S today and baby boy is breech. Im waiting for the dr to call to tell me what the plan is. I don't want to attempt an ECV, so I'm expecting to schedule a c-section when they call. I'm pretty upset because it's so late at this point that I'm pretty sure the only options are ECV or c-section. And the only reason why they sent me for the U/S was because I said something to the Dr about his position. If I hadn't said anything we wouldn't have known he's breech until I went into labor.

    im so anxious for the dr to call.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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