September 2016 Moms

EOTM (End Of The Month) Check In


Re: EOTM (End Of The Month) Check In

  • I'm pretty sure my toddler's activity he scaring the baby into staying put. Does their entrance into the world predict their personality? Seems true for DS1.


    BabyFruit Ticker

    November Siggy Challenge: Selfie Fails

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  • @raduprey
    i just Amazon Prime Now'd a yoga ball and am now bouncing! We will do this!!
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  • Ughhh my due dates the 25th but I have had no contractions and have not been dialated or effaced at any of my checkups this month. Like Hubby and I hiked 3 miles with our DD in the carrier on him this weekend and not a single cramp... I was induced at 41+1 with my first and looking like it will be the same for this one. That puts me in October!!! I was counting on being my second making it happen naturally mabye a little before 40 weeks. Now I'm loosing hope of anything but being induced. No medical problems and baby is healthy means they won't induce till a week past my due date. I remember being so mysriable that last week with my first and swelling like crazy and I just wanna not do that. 40 weeks is long enough! Get this baby out. I know it's awful to think that way because it's awesome that I am able to carry healthy to term and the longer she's in the better but I don't wanna wait anymore...
    Due on the 25th as well and NOTHING going on at any of my check ups. It really sucks not having any end in sight. 
  • Hey EOTMS how is everyone??? Anyone got anything going on? See the light at the tunnel? Or are we all equally done and frustrated? I'm 39 +1 weeks and pretty close to being the most pregnant I've ever been which is quite frustrating. I only have the one DS but on the blessed day when I was 39+1 with him my water broke. And today I had a sweep done to 'try to get things moving' as a midwife said. We shall see. What happens. Anyways, who's left here? Can we hear some encouraging words of progress from somebody??  :)
  • I'm here and still pregnant at 39 weeks. My light at the end of the tunnel is a RCS on Tuesday. Now I'm hoping he stays in because my OB is not on call this weekend. My last cervical check was yesterday and there is absolutely no progress. 


    BabyFruit Ticker

    November Siggy Challenge: Selfie Fails

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  • @SuperFudge00 Well at least that means withim the next few days you'll be meeting LO. Yay!!! Hope it goes well and you get your OB for it!
  • I'm here. My due date was the 20th. I've been having inconsistent contractions that are slightly uncomfortable all day. They don't seem to be progressing though, which is frustrating but it's something. Also a lot of watery discharge. I remember that from when I had my daughter so I'm not thinking it's my water.
  • @molosmiles good luck! I hope it's something! Do you have an induction planned or anything? 

    As for my sweep, I've been having weird more crampy period like contractions that spread all over the top of my belly and through my back. I refuse to time them at all but they seem fairly consistent. They just aren't getting more painful in the least so I'm not getting my hopes up. Gonna get some sleep and see what happens.
  • My due date is 9/29, but was supposed to be induced today for GD. I got up at 4:30 to shower and they called at 4:50 to tell me they were full and didn't have room for me and to check back at 10. No room for me at 10, told me to called back at 2. My OB called at 1 to tell me no room until Tuesday. I cried all day.... I feel stupid about it, but I am so disappointed and so ready to be done. I was 2 cm and 50% effaced yesterday... I have done everything to try to induce labor since last week, and nada. The other hospital in my town closed their OB floor, so now there's only one OB floor for all these women. I know it's not their fault but I'm so ready to meet my baby.
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  • @raduprey I thought my water had broken because I felt a small gush each time I stood up although contractions were never consistent or painful. I came in to get checked. The nurses thought for sure my water had broken too but it turns out it didn't. My doctor smartly said he wanted to observe me for an hour. About 20 minutes later my water definitely broke. About 2 hours later I had my beautiful baby girl! How are you progressing? It's so hard because you never know what is happening in there!
  • @racklerooo That must be so frustrating to have a date and then to have it pushed back especially all the way until Tuesday! I'm sure we would all cry. Sending you good vibes to get through the weekend
  • radupreyraduprey member
    edited September 2016
    Oh @racklerooo that's horrible!!! Hopefully Tuesday is it and nothing makes it be any later! 

    @molosmiles That's like my dream come true right there! Haha I'm dying for my water to break! Its the only way I've gotten a kid to come out so this contraction timing etc. Is weird to me haha Congrats on meeting LO!!!!  :)
    As for the weird stuff I was feeling last night, I just woke up but I'm definitely still feeling it all. My whole torso is sore. This has been how I've felt for a week and a half now but it felt different and weird last night. I know that literally means nothing in the end but oh well! They say sweeps typically work within 48 hours and I haven't even gotten to 24 hrs yet so maybe I'll be lucky! ****Prays her water breaks******
  • Hoping you get to meet your LO within the next 24hrs! @raduprey Our bodies seem like they aren't even ours during pregnancy and postartum.
  • I'm 39+3. Due date is 9/28. My doctor has been on vacation this past week, so I'm thankful nothing big has happened. I just started to have some contractions yesterday and am feeling very sore today. I have an appt on Monday. He told me at my last appt that if everything looked favorable on Monday he would induce on Wednesday.

    DS1-7/21/2011 @ 1:51am

    DD-5/29/2013 @ 2:40pm

    DS2-5/29/2013 @ 3:21pm

    #4 EDD- 9/28/2016

  • An end in sight is still something to look forward to @jennyshawn0808 !!!

    So I'm finally having regular contractions!! They're strong but not super painful so I'may not timing anything still. Once I realized what was happening while I was shopping this morning I purposefully stayed and walked but I was in Target so it wasn't that hard  ;) I'm praying this is it and maybe I'll get the added bonus of my water breaking to really seal the deal! 
  • Over here at 40+2 and absolutely nothing is going on. It's so frustrating. I also hate people at work saying "you're still here?" Yes, I am. 

  • Welp I'm still here  :s I've spent the last 36 hours with consistent and regular contractions. They got to six minutes apart and started to fizzle once I slowed down and stopped moving all day. They were still going but definitely slowed down a little. Usually rest is what I find helps them pick back up and I was still having them all last night, woke up had some more then like she's been doing to me for the last month, my lovely daughter flips sunny side up and I'm in serious awful back pain. I've spent two hours trying to flip her back into a good position and I think she finally is again. Hoping the contractions pick back up, this stinks!!! I've never  had this happen before obviously but any suggestions??? I mean if they pick back up and are six minutes again should I call my midwives? I'm pretty confident this is early labor crap and if I went in I'm so nervous I'd be sent home for not progressing  :'(

    @mjpatzwa I'm so sorry! I can understand how you feel, I don't work so I can't imagine that but I literally stopped going to church for the last two weeks because people's comments. I carry enormously so half the people think I'm overdue or that I must be in excruciating pain 24/7 and just give me these sad looks, as if any of that is helpful.
  • @raduprey it wouldn't hurt to call your midwives to tell them what you're experiencing. Each person is different. I called my OB when mine were 3 mins apart. They said to relax a bit more or try to sleep. I couldn't and they continued to get stronger and come sooner. So I called back and they said to go to the hospital. They may ask you to go in. Call if in doubt. Good luck! Hope your LO makes their appearance soon!!
  • Hmm that's a good point @rock1cherry I'm definitely in pain at the moment. Went for an almost two mile walk and FINALLY felt some contractions that if they stayed five minutes apart I'd totally want to go in for. But there were only two and now I'm back to searing back pain  :s
  • Loved it for support @raduprey do you have a heating pad? That was comforting for me in the beginning. Along with pressure applied to my lower back by my DH. I've heard about filling an old shampoo bottle with warm water and rolling that on your back as well. Is baby sunny side up? That may also explain the back pain. Hope you feel better / more comfortable soon!
  • @rock1cherry Yeah thanks I do have that stuff but I just know for some reason she keeps flipping sunny side up. I've tried everything and I get her to flip back face down and an hour later she's sunny side up again. I'm convinced that somehow her flipping is slowing things down each time. Since Friday night though the contractions never stopped at all. But having done this before I know what true pain can feel like and I'm barely getting close at all. I really really don't want to go to "get checked" just to go home or be told it's not labor. I mean it's GOT to be labor right?? Ahhhhh! Sorry I'm such a stress ball about it. I really appreciate the helpful advice and suggestions. I just need this girl to stay put and drop just a little more to get things really cranking and she just wants to hang out  :|
  • My LO was sunny side up as well. I didn't attempt flipping her or anything so I'm not sure if that can slow things down. I would leave your LO as is and see how you progress. I'm not sure of how your OB or midwife will do things but mine ended up having to use the vacuum as we got close. She pulled her down and manually turned her so she was facing the right way. Then two pushes and she was out. Maybe you will have the same luck? @raduprey
  • radupreyraduprey member
    edited September 2016
    @rock1cherry oh wow! Well by trying to flip her I'm mostly referring to pelvic tilts and walking. I just can't really tell if I'm having contractions that well with her sunny side up like this. It's just intense sharp back pain that gets stronger but doesn't feel like a real contraction to me. When I was in labor with DS he flipped sunny side but by then I was already admitted in the hospital so watching for contractions didn't matter. However at the moment I'm definitely still having the contractions (stopped timing) but sometimes I feel like I 'skip' one or two because she flips for a little then I start crying from the pain of her sunny side up and that's when I start moving or begging for a massage to stop the pain.  At this point, I'm definitely calling my midwives in the morning unless things get worse over night. Reading what I've said, I really should talk to them.
  • I had my preop appointment this morning. I go in at 5:30 tomorrow. Spending some last minute QT with DS1.


    BabyFruit Ticker

    November Siggy Challenge: Selfie Fails

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  • It's past midnight and I'm wired! I have less than 4 hours to sleep.


    BabyFruit Ticker

    November Siggy Challenge: Selfie Fails

    Hidden for the sake of your eyes!

  • Good luck today @SuperFudge00 will be thinking of you! Can't wait to see your LO :)
  • @SuperFudge00 I can't imagine all the feelings you must be having! glad you got to spend some QT with DS though! Good luck!! 
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