October 2016 Moms

Monday Ticker Change 09-19-16

How far along / or how many weeks PP?

How big is baby?

How are you feeling?

Upcoming appointments?


GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately?? (Stole from Sunday) 
Pregnancy Ticker

Married 11-11-11
TTC only since Dec 2015. I had some weight to get off. Been working hard in the gym for over a year.
BFP 02-15-16 with our first
IT'S A BOY!!! 

Re: Monday Ticker Change 09-19-16

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    edited September 2016
    How far along / or how many weeks PP? 35 weeks -- can't believe it. 5 weeks to go! 

    How big is baby? a pineapple or bunch of carrots

    How are you feeling? pretty good, can't complain or try not to, at least. Some days are better than others with being uncomfy or having pressure and cramps. But nothing horrible, which I'm thankful for. 

    Upcoming appointments? Dr appointment Thursday, TDAP shot and the lovely Strep B test.  :|

    Rants/Raves/Questions: Just getting more excited and anxious everyday. I can't believe how fast this is all coming to an end. Just trying to enjoy the last few weeks feeling my son move and being pregnant. And really trying to enjoy some quality time with DH just being the 2 of us. We have nothing planned till our due date so it'll be quiet time and relaxation. We have been NONSTOP since we found out we were having a baby, so we are welcoming the down time.  :)

    GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately?? (Stole from Sunday) On Saturday I went and got my nails done and decided to chop 5" of hair off my head and got a cute hair cut. I needed it so bad. My hair was so long and yucky. It's still long enough to pull back and braid but it was nice to get it done. In 2 weeks I have my pedicure appointment so I'm ready for delivery. And I did some shopping for some fall clothes, which I can wear now and PP and also purchased 2 pairs of cute shoes. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 11-11-11
    TTC only since Dec 2015. I had some weight to get off. Been working hard in the gym for over a year.
    BFP 02-15-16 with our first
    IT'S A BOY!!! 

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    How far along / or how many weeks PP? 36 weeks along! 

    How big is baby? Huge. That's all I know. 

    How are you feeling? Really good compared to the last few weeks. Baby seems low and that is making my legs super achy, anyone else having that?  I welcome any pain or discomfort that seems to hint that baby boy is moving down and getting ready to make his debuet!

    Upcoming appointments? Weekly today. Blood pressure check and GBS test. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: Not really. I'm so torn between "Get this baby out" and "hang in there buddy, we aren't ready to be parents."

    GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately?? I have a hair appointment today. I may try to get a pedi and my eye brows waxed before baby comes. 
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    How far along / or how many weeks PP? 
    37 weeks! Baby B can come whenever he wants! 

    How big is baby?
    Honeydew, Winter Melon, Skunk, Tackle Box 

    How are you feeling?
    Uncomfortable. No energy. I get tired just walking from one room to another. I also have apparently started snoring at night and DH wakes me up to make me stop. Last night I propped myself up on pillows because I felt like I couldn't breathe very well lying down. 

    Upcoming appointments?
    Tomorrow check up. 

    Can this baby just come on already? Besides feeling uncomfortable I'm also feeling very impatient for his arrival!! 

    GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately?? (Stole from Sunday) 
    Got a (blue!) pedicure on Saturday with some girlfriends. I need a haircut but haven't scheduled that yet. 
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    How far along / or how many weeks PP? 37 weeks!! Officially full term!!

    How big is baby? 
    Romaine lettuce

    How are you feeling? 
    Still fighting this cold but a nurse told me yesterday it might not be a cold it might be a symptom of the pregnancy which I had at the beginning as well.  @NicholeL16  I get the achy calfs almost like a Charlie horse is starting but then doesn't actually develop.

    Upcoming appointments? 
    I have my OB on Wednesday morning, and then family doc in the afternoon for DTAP, flu shot and hopefully put this cold to rest!

    @NicholeL16 you described my feelings exactly! One part of me wants this little guy to come already cause I want my snuggle buddy but then I think "OMG! I will be bringing home a baby and there is no turning back! What did I do?? THROW THE SHUTE!!" 

    GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately? (Stolen from Sunday)
     to be honest, not much.  I've been on official mat leave since August 13 so money is now on a budget and I've been getting to hang out all day watch tv and have naps, so I don't feel I really need a treat lol
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    Been a while since I've played along ... 

    How far along / or how many weeks PP?
    34 weeks

    How big is baby?
    Baseball glove

    How are you feeling?
    Meh. I start off feeling well in the morning, and by the end of the day I'm SO FREAKING PREGNANT. 

    Upcoming appointments?
    Today. Should be quick, but I'm excited because DH is able to come and we're going to go over our birth plan (which is super simple) with the doctor. I just want to be sure we're all on the same page. 

    Random person at the office this morning: "You're still here? I thought you'd have that baby by now!" Ummm, yeah. I have SIX WEEKS until my due date, biatch ... 

    GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately?? (Stole from Sunday) 
    I may regret this later, but I'm treating myself to a Dixie Chicks concert Friday night! The venue is pretty small, so there's no such thing as a bad seat. Pretty sure I will at least be able to see the video screens if I have to sit down (and I'm not too proud to sit down if I have to). My biggest worry is staying awake for the drive home - way past my normal 8:30 bedtime. :) 
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    @mommathoner I was at L&D yesterday for a NST and the nurse was like "oh big baby??" And I was completely oblivious was all "nope! I had a growth US 2 weeks ago and he was 5.5lbs" and she was all "oh"....only after she left did it dawn on me that she was assuming I was having a big baby because she thought I was huge  :|
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    How far along / or how many weeks PP?  36 weeks (it feels like a lifetime.)

    How big is baby?  A footlong sub or a papaya.

    How are you feeling? I'm so uncomfortable.  Can't sleep at night, wake up like every 2 hours with what I can only describe is restless legs...plus, the carpal tunnel is extreme.  I've pretty much lost feeling in my thumb and first two fingers.  So, that wakes me up all night...and makes doing anything during the day really difficult - just no strength in my grip!  Ugh, and for some reason I just hurt. Bottoms of my feet, back, legs, neck...I walk like I've just gotten off a horse.

    Upcoming appointments? Weekly appt. at the OB today...may discuss finally sucking it up and going out of work before my due date.  It's such a struggle getting here every morning lately!

    Rants/Raves/Questions: Trying to keep my salt/sodium intake low to hopefully ease some of the swelling/carpal tunnel in my hands, but EVERYTHING has salt!!  Trying to fill up on fruits and veggies and suck down more water...as I just don't have the energy to start planning meals and snacks....

    GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately?? (Stole from Sunday)  We went to the beach on Saturday, so just chilled near the ocean all day.  Also, planning to use a gift cert for a pedicure in the next week or two...and get my hair highlighted and cut before the baby comes!!

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    @mommathoner I went to the Dixie Chicks a couple weeks ago. I was about the same number of weeks you are. We were on the lawn and it was super hot. I had no ankles by the time it was over. They were amazing and I have zero regrets! 
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    Good to hear, @NicholeL16! I will be at an indoor arena, so hopefully I won't be too warm. Also, there is an attached parking garage, so hopefully I won't have far to walk! 
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    How far along / or how many weeks PP?
    How big is baby?
    Too lazy to look but pretty much baby sized at this point

    How are you feeling?

    Saturday was a good day.  Went outlet shopping with my mom and walked comfortably and had no pain. Sunday I hurt walking from my car to the restaurant.  Each day is diff but overall I'm ok.   
    Upcoming appointments?
    Weekly appt on Thursday 
    Behind on everything including the Bump.  I just wanna sleep until I go into labor.  My best work friend is moving back to Michigan, where her family lives, and I'm sad I won't get to drink with her before she goes.  I just want a glass of wine.  Even though I know one glass won't hurt anything at this point I'm too afraid of being judged to order it. 
    GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately?? (Stole from Sunday)    All my treats are food related lately.  I wanna do a labor induction massage, but it's $140 and I've had a lot of unexpected expenses lately.  I feel guilty spending that much but I also feel like I deserve it at the same time. 
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    How far along / or how many weeks PP? 36 weeks 

    How big is baby? Giant 7lbish 

    How are you feeling? Like I'm being ripped apart

    Upcoming appointments? Ultrasound today everything looks good, tomorrow I see my dr

    Rants/Raves/Questions: I've been having minor contractions for 3 days now on and off mostly on they don't get closer thn 10 minutes apart then subside now that I'm 36 weeks I'm not so worried but the baby.

    GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately?? (Stole from Sunday nothing really to tired and cranky 
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    @MKJeffrey2002 I hear ya on the glass of wine. I know I'm not going to give my baby fetal alcohol syndrome with a glass - or even just a sip - but I can't get past the judgement. I've waited this long ... so I think I will just wait a little while longer and truly enjoy a guilt-free glass when LO is on the outside. 
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    Sorry I'm late...yesterday was a tough one. 

    How far along / or how many weeks PP? 35 weeks

    How big is baby? Gigantic. Or at least that's how he feels resting in my bladder. 

    How are you feeling? Physically...meh. Mentally and emotionally spent. We had to put our dog down yesterday. This past month has just been horrible for me emotionally. I'm so done. Just done. 

    Upcoming appointments? Sitting in a waiting room right now. NST was ok. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: when can I lie in my bed under the covers all day and hide from everything? I'd like that to start now. And I'd like there to be pizza and desserts. 

    GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately?? (Stole from Sunday) I had a prenatal massage the other day. There was no way I could lie on the table to get comfortable though. We ended up skipping the pregnancy prop and going with side lying and lots of pillows. It was ok, but I can't wait for a nice, comfortable, relaxing massage. 
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     I didn't bump yesterday! 
    How far along / or how many weeks PP? 
    37 weeks !

    How big is baby? huge... almost baby sized? hah

    How are you feeling? Mostly okay. Tired. I had my worst night of sleep in a long time last night. Achey hips plus head cold plus waking up to pee is a terrible mix. 

    Upcoming appointments? Thursday! 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: I can tell baby is still breech which makes me crazy and I'm trying all sorts of things for him to flip. I have a feeling Dr is going to want to set a date for a c-section at my apt  :/

    GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately?? (Stole from Sunday) I just bought myself a pepsi. Hahah
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD January 2, 2025
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    SO Sorry to hear @ingoscj :'(
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 11-11-11
    TTC only since Dec 2015. I had some weight to get off. Been working hard in the gym for over a year.
    BFP 02-15-16 with our first
    IT'S A BOY!!! 

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    Thanks @sportiegrl1213 . I'm soooo tired of everything right now. First abnormal labs, then grandma passed away, then abnormal ultrasound, now the dog...all within the past month. And while everything was fine for my NST today, they had me do an extra one before I left so they could monitor contractions. Ugh. Luckily everything was ok and I was able to come home. Now I just need to decide if I should lay down or go to the store for my post partum supplies because contractions. 
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    So sorry about your dog and all the other stuff you've been dealing with, @ingoscj ... Hope things start looking up for you!

    @kmolleltz Holding out hope that LO flips for you! And, make that Pepsi a Diet, and you've got a win in my book. 
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    @ingoscj I'm sorry for you losses and really shitty month. I hope things start looking up for you

    How far along / or how many weeks PP? 2 weeks PP

    How big is baby? 5lb 13oz. Back at birthweight! 

    How are you feeling? Pretty good. We let her sleep up to 5 hours at night now so I'm much more rested. Her latch is good as long as I have a shield and this makes me very happy. 

    Upcoming appointments?  My pelvic exam and bc discussion appointment is in 3 weeks. Felicity has her next appointment in 2 weeks. 1 day after her due date. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions:  I'm so freaking glad to be home. First week was spent mostly in the hospital. Then we had almost a week at home before an electrician can to fix a few outlets and blew the breaker in the process. So we went to stay with in laws. Then while fixing those issuer the blower for the ac went out. So we spent 3 days with the in laws. I'm just so glad to be home and hope to stay here for the next 5 1/2 weeks 

    GTKY: What have you done to treat yourself lately?? (Stole from Sunday)  love on my sweet girl. Take naps. Not much but I'm perfectly happy snuggling lo 

    TTC #1 since August 2015
    BFP #1 January 28, 2016
    EDD October 3, 2016
    Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016
    My Chart
    TTC #2 Since August 2020
    BFP #2 September 11, 2020
    EDD May 23, 2021

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