April 2017 Moms

Moms with Chronic Migraines

I was diagnosed with migraines at around 1y years old. After years of suffering I finally found a neurologist who could help me. We made drastic diet changes and she put me on a daily migraine supplement. Treatment of my migraines has only been  (moderately) successful with Injectable immitrex. A drug I can not take while pregnant. I have had a migraine for the past 2 days, it's not as bad as some, but it's not good. I have tried everything with no relief. I'm looking for.other mom's in the same boat, maybe some suggestions on what might have worked for you. 

Re: Moms with Chronic Migraines

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    My migraines are hormone triggered on my period (mostly) so I'm lucky enough to have not had one yet this pregnancy.  I'm so so sorry you're going through this!

    First, I'd talk to your dr obviously but have you tried a chiro?  They can do tremendous work for headaches.  It's really helped me in the past. Peppermint oil is safe to use and I think helps (though it doesn't relieve a migraine). 

    Otherwise, I got nothing!  I take sumatriptan for mine so I'm with you on not being able to take the meds I need if one hits.  I hope you feel better soon!!!
    Me: 31
    DH: 36
    Married 5 years
    DD born 8/30/13
    #2 expected 4/25/17
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    I made an appointment with my Chiro for tomorrow, and I have an OB appointment tomorrow to discuss some options. I do have peppermint oil! I may try a little to see if I can get any relief. 
    I didn't have migraines at all with my 1st 2 pregnancies!! So, this is all new to me
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    I had them with my daughter horrible.. so far I've only had a few normal headaches this time around.. I'd stand (laying seemed to make them worse) with ice packs on my neck cold cloth on my eyes with the lights off.. I'd throw up they hurt so bad which only made it worse. I don't really have any new advice since I mostly just suffered though but it's horrible and I don't wish it on anyone!
    Abbygirl 5/2012
    Baby Boy due 04/07/17
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    Oh man. I'm so sorry. I didn't have any migraines with my last pregnancy either but I had several with increased symptoms all weekend. I usually get blurry and then massive headache. Now, I am getting blurry, parts of my body are going numb, then massive headache. So that freaked me out a little bit. I honestly don't have good advice. I can't take my meds either and just laid in pain while my husband took care of the baby. I know that my migraines are worse when I'm not working out which I haven't been. And part of my working out is stretching especially my hamstrings and back and neck. So I'm pretty convinced that's where mine are from. 

    I wish you luck. I'm a little nervous about mine and am thinking about seeing my neurologist. 
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    I had them terribly with my second and for several weeks after. They were able to prescribe something that was safe, I'll poke around and see if I can find the name of the medication for you. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this, it's absolutely unbearable :(
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    Peppermint oil and ice packs on the back of my neck were godsends with my first pregnancy. I would get ocular migraines first, and then BAM, 2-3 hours later the migraine would hit. I would lay on my left side in a dark room with the ice pack on my neck and a peppermint oil cloth (2-3 drops on a handkerchief) held under my nose was the only thing that would give me relief. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    My OB said I can continue taking my Fioricet for my migraines. Peppermint oil is good, too, just make sure to dilute it with avocado/grapeseed/olive oil so that it doesn't burn your skin. DH said he saw somewhere that putting your feet in warm water and a cold compress on your head/neck is supposed to help, too, but I'm not sure if it did anything for me when I tried it. 

    Definitely talk to your doc about other meds though because there are some out there that can be taken during pregnancy. At least be able to get something to help take the edge off. Hope you feel better soon. 
    BFP 9/13/2020 with Baby #3 <3  
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    Oh man. I'm so sorry. I didn't have any migraines with my last pregnancy either but I had several with increased symptoms all weekend. I usually get blurry and then massive headache. Now, I am getting blurry, parts of my body are going numb, then massive headache. So that freaked me out a little bit. I honestly don't have good advice. I can't take my meds either and just laid in pain while my husband took care of the baby. I know that my migraines are worse when I'm not working out which I haven't been. And part of my working out is stretching especially my hamstrings and back and neck. So I'm pretty convinced that's where mine are from. 

    I wish you luck. I'm a little nervous about mine and am thinking about seeing my neurologist. 
    Regular exercise and stretching definitely helps me, and I stopped the gym not long after my BFP because of previous m/c and just exhaustion.
    My OB told me I can try a baby aspirin in conjunction with Tylenol and that may help. 
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    I laid with ice packs and peppermint oil today, and took a baby aspirin and it didn't "cure" the migraine, but at least took the edge off so I wasn't vomiting and could actually open my eyes and tolerate some noise. 
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    Acupuncture has been a life saver

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    Peppermint oil and going back and forth between ice packs and heat pads. Once I get it to somewhat manageable, I usually add lavender oil, lay on a heat pad, put an eye pillow over my eyes, and crash. 
    Married: 10-2-2010
    Punk's birthday: 3-28-17
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    How are you feeling @firewife86?
    Me: 31
    DH: 36
    Married 5 years
    DD born 8/30/13
    #2 expected 4/25/17
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    This is a helpful thread. I wouldn't call mine chronic but I have had menstrual migraines and I've had two that I think are also hormonal since getting pregnant. I hope they don't become chronic but this info has been helpful in case they do. 
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    My OB said to take magnesium and B2 to try and prevent them and if they get bad she would prescribe Reglan.

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

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    @virginialeigh, that's exactly what my doctor told me yesterday. Didn't have a chance to get to the store last night but hoping to go pick those up this evening and get them started.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @mylittleirvz good luck. I had no problem finding the magnesium but I've been everywhere and no one has B2. I'm hoping just one will work.

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

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    Dotera has an essential oil called "past tense" which I take at night if I have a migraine just to sooth some of the pain. It's basically icy hot for your head/neck. Also, at other times, I put ice on my head and a heat pack (rice and lavender heated in a fabric pouch) on my shoulders to get the blood circulating away from my head. Some people recommend ice on the head and heat on your feet, but this method works better for me. These tricks don't usually end the migration for me, but they do provide a bit of relief. 
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