February 2017 Moms

Appointments Week of 9/12


Re: Appointments Week of 9/12

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    @AfKash My doc didn't say...she seemed to act like that was the normal timeframe for the scan.
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    I don't want to hijack the appointment board so someone tell me to gtfo and post this somewhere else if need be but - dumb question: How do you know if your office has a midwife? And can you request one if they have that option? And....ready for this?.... what is the difference between the midwife and the nurses that are there for delivery? Sorry for being so FTM-y
    Good questions! sorry this is long, I love this subject.

    A midwife has different training than a nurse and doesn't necessarily  answer to a doctor-- she (or he) is the "doctor". a nurse is there to carry out the doctor's plan and has different training. I chose a midwife practice in a birthing center. they have a partnership with a doctor at the local hospital and he reviews charts/ files (required by my state's laws). That way if you become high risk or need emergency care, you can be transferred to the hospital with no delay. The midwife also has hospital privileges so I will never lose my provider I'm comfortable with. 

    I would just ask if your provider has a midwife if you are interested. Most regular OBs do not.

    In some areas it can be hard to access midwife care due to state laws restricting care, some insurances don't cover midwives and  some medical malpractice insurance won't cover midwives. That being said, the research shows that for a normal, low risk birth a birth center or home is just as safe as a hospital. And if you want a birth with few or no interventions, it is sometimes the best choice.
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    I don't want to hijack the appointment board so someone tell me to gtfo and post this somewhere else if need be but - dumb question: How do you know if your office has a midwife? And can you request one if they have that option? And....ready for this?.... what is the difference between the midwife and the nurses that are there for delivery? Sorry for being so FTM-y
    You can either call and ask or look at the list of providers, it should tell you if they have one or more. My practice is half midwives, half OB. The midwives cover the low risk pregnancies. I chose this practice specifically for the purposes of having a midwife but delivering in a hospital. In my area we have a few practices with multiple midwives but like @gretchypoo said, some places they can be hard to find. 

    Also like she said, midwife is closer to your OB in comparison than the nurses involved in delivery.
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    @Gretchypoo @homemake thanks for the info, very informative! I don't think my office has midwives as they are pretty clearly a regular OB. The hospital in the other direction of my house may have one so I might look into that. Thanks again :)
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    @Patience7150 YES thanks for checking! Baby's heart rate was again at a steady 155- it has been every single time. A/S next Friday. I was so relieved to hear that little washing machine last night. 

     <3 DD1- Aug11 <3o:) Angel Baby- June13, said goodbye Oct12 o:)<3 DD2- Aug13 <3<3 DD3- due Feb17 <3

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    @peachesnbean GOOD! I've had an irrational fear for you ever since I saw you had an appt yesterday and remembering your previous experience trying to find the hb. Glad everything is fine! 
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    Had our 16w check up today. Everything looked fine, pretty routine visit 
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    @peachesnbean GOOD! I've had an irrational fear for you ever since I saw you had an appt yesterday and remembering your previous experience trying to find the hb. Glad everything is fine! 
    This baby has been a stinker. The movement has been less than robust, if any at all. Finding the heartbeat has also been a total crap shoot. Yesterday it was really high up and last time we practically had to dig under my pelvis. I am so excited for the a/s and (God willing, and prayers up) find out baby is fine but just a lazy bones. We *are* having a sex reveal but I warned people that I have a feeling this baby might be shy, so it might simply be a healthy baby celebration. 

     <3 DD1- Aug11 <3o:) Angel Baby- June13, said goodbye Oct12 o:)<3 DD2- Aug13 <3<3 DD3- due Feb17 <3

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    @peachesnbean I'm only two days behind you (granted a ftm, but still). No movement here yet either and at my check up last week, they had to dig to find a hb too (solid upper 150s though). Hoping it's just a solid anterior placenta! It's people like you and a few others here that are keeping my PGAL mind away from an anxiety attack! Prayers for your a/s!
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    Hey yall! Just updating on my 17-week appointment today. Finallyyyyyyy got to check for a heartbeat, and the nurse found it in about a half a second. My belly is measuring really high up, so everyone guesses that my baby is huge. Did some blood work for spina bifeda screening due to family history, and I should find out about that in a few days. 

    Guess I'll go ahead and break the news at work tomorrow!
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    Anatomy scan today and baby girl looks great!  Measuring 68th percentile for growth.  
    Me: 1979 * Husband: 1976 * Little girl: 2010 * Little guy: 2013 * MMC: 2016 * Last baby: EDD 2/11/17!  
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    Had our check up this morning with the doctor.  He said everything looks healthy and the baby's heartbeat sounds good!  Also my weight gain is on point which is good cause my SIL was making me paranoid with her "You don't want to gain too much weight" at least one meal a day when we were on vacation together.

    Anatomy Scan in three weeks and then doctor the following week.
     Me: 27 | DH: 28
    TTC since January 2016

    BFP - 3/12/16 - MC 4/5/16
    BFP - 6/11/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Had our monthly check up with the OB yesterday - she said baby seemed healthy so far, HB was
    nice and strong and all genetic testing came back normal! 
    First BFP: 12/16/13
    EDD: 08/23/14
    Baby BOY born: 08/29/14
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    Ultrasound and checkin with doctor at 19 weeks on Friday. Baby boy is growing right on track (even though I'm hardly showing). Doctor thinks everything looks good! I also received a flu shot which has been sore all weekend. 
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    I just called my new Doctor's office to schedule my A/S and my old office hasn't even bothered to send in my records that I signed to be released last week. So now I can't make an appointment with the new people and I really don't want to have to call the old people. I just wish I could give birth in my house where no one will bother me like the crunchy moms on the internet do. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @LivingLaVidaGinger I LOL'd at "Crunchy mom's on the internet" that's totally me :-) I totally considered birthing at home but chose a birth center instead. I hope your old doctors office gets their sh*t together!
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    @LivingLaVidaGinger I LOL'd at "Crunchy mom's on the internet" that's totally me :-) I totally considered birthing at home but chose a birth center instead. I hope your old doctors office gets their sh*t together!
    I so would birth at home! I watched the Business of Being Born and literally cried because I wanted to do that. Unfortunately, it's illegal for midwife assisted home births here in NC without the consent of a OB. And no OB is going to sign off on that because there are too many potential legal issues and there's no independent midwives in my area. Fortunately, there's a really awesome birth center attached to a hospital about 30 minutes away that I'll be delivering at. I'll still have the comfort of a birth center, with the safety of the hospital being one floor away in case something goes wrong. :)
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @LivingLaVidaGinger I LOL'd at "Crunchy mom's on the internet" that's totally me :-) I totally considered birthing at home but chose a birth center instead. I hope your old doctors office gets their sh*t together!
    I so would birth at home! I watched the Business of Being Born and literally cried because I wanted to do that. Unfortunately, it's illegal for midwife assisted home births here in NC without the consent of a OB. And no OB is going to sign off on that because there are too many potential legal issues and there's no independent midwives in my area. Fortunately, there's a really awesome birth center attached to a hospital about 30 minutes away that I'll be delivering at. I'll still have the comfort of a birth center, with the safety of the hospital being one floor away in case something goes wrong. :)
    +1 for seriously having considered a homebirth. I chickened out. 
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    @homemake @LivingLaVidaGinger I just didn't want to clean everything up! birth center all the way ;-)

    Laws against midwives are ridiculous and against science. I'm reading "Pushed " by Jennifer Block right now. it is an investigative book looking at the history of medical childbirth. I'm facinated!
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    @homemake @LivingLaVidaGinger I just didn't want to clean everything up! birth center all the way ;-)

    Laws against midwives are ridiculous and against science. I'm reading "Pushed " by Jennifer Block right now. it is an investigative book looking at the history of medical childbirth. I'm facinated!
    I know! It's so sad that we've come to a day and age where the most natural human function is turned into a medical emergency. I totally understand and appreciate the medical care when necessary, if a woman were to be breech, high risk, or need a C-section for any reason. But for normal healthy births, I truly don't think there should be so many medical interventions. 

    I've never heard of that book! But I love that stuff, I'm going to have to look it up!

    I actually did my master's thesis on the women who chose to give birth using the twilight sleep method in the 1970's and the potential short and long-term psychological effects it may have had on children born from mothers who had the sleep because they were unable to breastfeed or have skin-to-skin contact for up to 72 hours after the birth. It was so fascinating! I've always loved birth stuff!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @homemake @LivingLaVidaGinger I just didn't want to clean everything up! birth center all the way ;-)

    Laws against midwives are ridiculous and against science. I'm reading "Pushed " by Jennifer Block right now. it is an investigative book looking at the history of medical childbirth. I'm facinated!
    I know! It's so sad that we've come to a day and age where the most natural human function is turned into a medical emergency. I totally understand and appreciate the medical care when necessary, if a woman were to be breech, high risk, or need a C-section for any reason. But for normal healthy births, I truly don't think there should be so many medical interventions. 

    I've never heard of that book! But I love that stuff, I'm going to have to look it up!

    I actually did my master's thesis on the women who chose to give birth using the twilight sleep method in the 1970's and the potential short and long-term psychological effects it may have had on children born from mothers who had the sleep because they were unable to breastfeed or have skin-to-skin contact for up to 72 hours after the birth. It was so fascinating! I've always loved birth stuff!
    That sounds so interesting! This book actually has a whole section on breech birth-- if you have an educated provider a breech birth is no less dangerous vaginally than anything else but medical mapractice linsurance companies won't let doctors preform them. Most OBs and doctors don't learn anything about breech vaginal birth, abortion or even unmedicated unhurried birth. it is sad.
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