January 2016 Moms

Breastmilk supply diminishing

For those of you breastfeeding, have you noticed a dip in your supply since starting solids? I work 3 nights a week and pump when I'm there and have gone from consistently getting 4-5oz during a pumping session to 2-2.5oz total. I've tried eating oatmeal, drinking more water, eating lactation cookies, and power pumping. Any other suggestions? 

Re: Breastmilk supply diminishing

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    How long has it been going on? I noticed a significant dip in what I could pump right before I got my period! 
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    I've only been noticing it for about 2-3 days so maybe that's it! How long did it last for you? Did your supply get back to normal?
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    The week before! And yes it returned to normal, I have also heard of a dip during your period too. Maybe that's it! 
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    I haven't noticed anything as a result of starting solids, but it does drop if I'm not getting enough sleep or am dehydrated
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    jrouge12jrouge12 member
    edited August 2016
    I had the stomach flu  and first pp AF about three weeks ago and DD has been doing 7 hour stretches at night. I've had a huge dip. I have to nurse and then supplement with frozen or pumped milk. Fortunately, I am at the end of my breastfeeding goal. DD gets her first taste of solids tonight and the doctor sent us home with formula samples today from her check-up. Back in January I doubted myself that I could ever make it to 6 months! 
    Edit: because I already forgot about AF...
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    Definitely haven't been getting enough sleep and have been stressed because we have been sleep training. Hopefully it's a combination of all these things and will pick back up. Thanks ladies!! 
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    I have definitely had a dip and actually had to supplement with formula a few times. DS suddenly is SO hungry now that he's 6 months old and he is just gobbling up solids and drinking more milk. I feel like I just can't satisfy him as much right now, but then again AF is coming and I definitely need to drink more water.
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    All of this. I too only get normally 4 maybe 5oz every 4 hours pumping for 20 minutes and the last few days it's been total 2-2.5oz ... I know I'm not sleeping enough, stressed at work and at home and not eating or drinking  well.  Trying to get back to oatmeal and more water. More sleep probably won't happen and stress at work won't die down until October. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I did have a pp AF a few weeks ago ... with my other 2 kiddos I never got AF while BFing. I hope it's just AF coming again and I get back to my "just enough" supply at 4oz total.  Good luck with yours, you are not alone!
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    @SuperherosMom I'm sorry you're going through it too! It's so stressful to only pump 2 oz at a time and my goal is to make it to a year with breastfeeding, so hopefully my output picks up soon. I'm using my freezer stash pretty quickly!
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    So the ONLY thing that helps my supply is mothers milk tea. It gross, but two cups a day and in about a day or two I have more milk then I know what to do with. I use it when I know need extra milk, if I'm leaving and my HD needs some. I just get it all Walmart 
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    l4rkl4rk member
    Lefty has always been a slacker but I noticed she was even less productive a few weeks ago, and I worried I was starting to dry up. I decided to use ye old "supply and demand" and got LO to nurse on it every couple hours during the day and now there's definitely more milk. Righty is still the powerhouse and primary source of milk, but I like having Lefty as a backup. 
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    @l4rk - lefty is my slacker as well!! Ironically it's also the side LO prefers. I'm taking a few days off of work next week, so will plan to nurse more often and see if that helps as well

    @kodariah - I have some of that tea and forgot about it! Will definitely try that as well. Thanks :)
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    My left boob is also the slacker! That's the one I had mastitis in so maybe that's why. I can't tell if it has less milk or if it's just that it comes out sooooooo much slower 
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    Same here with lefty being less! I have heard this is common for the right breast to make more milk. It's funny bc righty was always smaller  :p
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    My left is the producer. And my right I the slacker. Funny, it was the opposite with my first kid. I dip too before my cycle. The teas are awesome! It will take your body to realize oh I need to make more milk.
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