March 2017 Moms

Monday Bitchfest 8/1


Re: Monday Bitchfest 8/1

  • @vino831  I will give DH a big hug and some applause, you're right. It's easier to deal with when I know he feels the same.

     I totally agree w you when you say "you act excited, damnit!" -even if you are not outwardly thrilled over the moon for someone, you put it aside to share excitement about life's big moments. 
    Soo frustrating! Also, when you say you lose sleep and stew over it - you're not alone there either. I reallllly let her get to me when this happened (about a week and half ago), and for 3 or 4 days I woke up in the middle of the night with it on my mind and could not go back to sleep. Once I was fully awake though,I really had to convince myself of the "not my problem" mantra. I don't want to let her have that much control over my emotion. So, it's getting easier --- that and I am just steering clear for a while until I am ready to be around her or talk to her again. 

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  • I had my MIL watch DS today so I could to my first midwife appointment. As usual, she doesn't try to put him down for a nap so by the time I pick him up, he's so over tired that it takes over an hour of screaming and fighting before he falls asleep. He napped until 4:00 and if he doesn't go to bed on time without a fight I'm going to be so upset. DH is out of town until late Wednesday and I just want to lay on the couch and finish bingeing Gilmore Girls.
  • Ohh - I had that fantasy about hubby standing up to MIL. Turns out to be a double edged sward!

    Last xmas my MIL was complaining about my brother in law's wife's parenting (she's pretty amazing and so patient!). I was feeling uncomfortable so quipped if she didn't like her I'd hate to think what she thought of me. She replied - completely straight - she thought I was mean.

    Obvs I was upset, so my husband decided to send her an email saying she should treat me better. FIL intercepted it and sent hubby an email accusing me of actually sending it, and among other complaints, ruining the family with my 'politics'. My husband ended up feeling completely alienated from his family, and I felt resonsible so I ended up emailing MIL to try make it right. We've seen them once since then, when we had to tell them about baby. MIL made an effort but FIL barely responded.

    Although I'm so glad my husband stood up for me, it has changed our relationship with IL, and with the baby coming I worry about my hubby and baby's relationship, there is a feeling of burned bridges. And please please please, when my kids grow up, may I be able to cut the cord!
  • I don't have a MIL, but my SIL is nucking futs.  She has decided to banish all of her family from her life including her dad, my DH and their other brother because we are all just so mean to her.  She is one of those people who is always feuding with someone and doesn't seem to understand that when you don't talk to 25 out of 30 of your extended family the common denominator is you.  Anyway, in the middle of this family fight, she decided to tell my father in law that I was pregnant just to spite us.  I hate her freaking guts right now.  I could have forgiven her for being emotionally unstable and having a tantrum, which she often does, but I will never forgive her for spilling the beans.

    Me 28 DH 28 Married 2012

    TTC #1 since March 2015

    Metformin + Femara + Gonal F + Trigger = BFP 6/24/16 

    EDD 3/3/17

    Found out it's a girl! 9/23/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @kap1988 Aw hell naw!! F your SIL! I'm furious on your behalf. I'd want to claw her eyes out for that one. She sounds like a selfish brat. 
  • Pea in the Pod is making me ragey. First visit, the saleswoman was suuuuuper pushy and I was exhausted and feeling fat because I fit into almost nothing I own already (pregnancy + hormone issues from when I was TTC that were never addressed so I gained 25lbs because my current OBGYN refused to look at an ultrasound or take hormone levels and just said she didn't believe that I had PCOS... I've been diagnosed PCOS for something like 15 years now so). Wound up not buying what I needed because I got so frustrated that she would literally not leave me alone. 
    Went back today, super sweet saleslady gave me space but was helpful, I stocked up (pants + bra + shirt + yoga pants). Got home, went online to surf for more stuff and it turns out ALL OF IT IS 30% OFF ON THE WEBSITE. 
    ALL OF IT. 
    Side note, their in-house brands like LED denim is half the price of the designer denim they sell, take 30% off of that and :smiley:
    I called national customer service, I called the store, they don't do price match at all. So I have to buy the stuff online, pay for shipping, and go back to the store and return the things I bought - which I feel bad about because the woman who helped me (I assume) loses her commission, but 30% off that much stuff is a LOT of money for us, esp with a baby coming. 
    I just wanted this to be a fun pick-me-up after freaking out about having nothing that fits me JUST when I got a new job, and it's been the most stressful shopping experience ever. Blahhhhhh. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • kap1988kap1988 member
    edited August 2016
    @kiyamurph  I'm looking forward to a break from her. She acts like a perpetual teenager. In spite of the fact that she's a 37 year old grandmother lol She just makes bad life decision after bad life decision. She's had multiple cars repod, lost houses, cheated on her husband, started having kids at 19 because she just wanted a baby, her kids are all total weirdos who can't function. Honestly it will be nice to be rid of her.

    Me 28 DH 28 Married 2012

    TTC #1 since March 2015

    Metformin + Femara + Gonal F + Trigger = BFP 6/24/16 

    EDD 3/3/17

    Found out it's a girl! 9/23/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @sunshine507 I'm sorry you had a sucky shopping experience. :neutral: But at least when all is said and done, you'll have a bunch of maternity apparel that you bought at a sweet discount! And now I want to check out their online sale!
  • @dubcompanion #drwholove
    do itttttttttttttt 
    I had no idea their house brands were so affordable, and their work stuff is also so much better than what I've seen at other places around here (all the Motherhood Maternity things I tried on had threads hanging off them, uneven seams, etc - might be that was the last of their summer stuff tho). 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I forgot how much the first trimeseter wears on you. I am so tired and nauseous!! We are moving right now which sucks even more. I have no energy. My mom came over to watch DD so I could unpack but I just laid around. No one knows I'm pregnant so I told her I thought I was comin down with something :( 

    this sucks!! But I am so happy to be preggo ;)

  • @sunshine507 I think you're going to be a terrible influence on me -- I like you! :lol: Whovians unite!
  • Just when you think you could possibly have a day where you can eat and not want to vom and maybe just maybe feel good enough for some lovin' BAM after dinner morning sickness hits. FML. 
  • My MIL...seriously! DH and I haven't been married all that long so I'm trying SO hard to be nice but today I finally snapped and hung up on her. 6 wks pregnant and I'm already out of shits to give! She's one of those 'knows the right way to do EVERYTHING and always has something to complain about' types. Today's topic was daycare. I WFH so in her mind there is no need for childcare (it's not like I have a real job or anything). When I told her we'd found a great daycare she just lost it and started this long rant about everybody from daycare workers in the infant room (jaded, uneducated, mean, in her opinion) all the way up to nicu nurses who she actually accused of being spiteful toward the babies! WTF!?! By the end she was making up horror stories about daycares and preschools and saying things like "I'm just so sorry y'all don't live closer so I can keep the baby safe!" Aaaaand that's when I hung up on her. Luckily DH knows she's crazy and supports hanging up as a tactic for sanity. It's gonna be a long pregnancy! 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I just got home this afternoon from my Grandfather's funeral. I flew across the country last Thursday and had five emotional, tiring, sleepless and jam-packed days with extended family, the funeral and travel. All of my planes (4 of them were late departing or arriving), I feel like garbage due to all-day morning sickness and not getting more than 6 hours of sleep each night. 

    People are particularly awful around funerals...I can't believe all the drama that was going on around me. I just wanted to celebrate my grandfather's life...not talk about his will and who gets what. Goodness gracious, people!

    BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • My new gig starts Monday and my replacement has been hired. So dealing with my caseload right now is more painful than usual. Especially when I was being screamed at by a grown ass man because I had the nerve to have my government-mandated lunch break. 
    Also felt like smothering DH in his sleep because, well, he can effing sleep! And at the drop of a dime. Damn him.
    DH: 29
    Me: 27
    Married 9/20/14 
    BFP: 7/3/16
    EDD: 3/13/17

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • Someone keeps cooking fish in the microwave at work. FISH. Even if i weren't pregnant with awful morning sickness I would think that was nasty. 
  • vino831 said:
    TY, TY, TY!!!

    ::Deep Breath::

    My Mil man... I spent a lot of time talking about her on Tb last go round. When I told her that we decided that we didn't want any family in town for the birth of our son she said that I was being selfish and not considering their LOSS. That I will "crush" my FIL....  Further along in the last pregnancy though things got worse. She was talking behind my back (around my niece's which told me) She is the type of person to not say a word to my face but then ask my husband things when I'm not around. Ie when we bought our most recent house and they came over she asks my husband if we can afford this place?!

    Anywho... this weekend we told them were due with #2. It was the most underwhelming response ever. (We've announced pregnancy to them 4 times due to 3 mc and my son so I have several to compare it to lol)

    She said "Oh..." While lookig at the framed picture of our son we gave them. She then started talking about how she needs to paint so that she can hang more stuff?!?!? 

    The next thing she asks is are you still going to Hawaii? The family trip that we have planned in Nov. THAT'S whatyou are interested in?!? Will the fanily vacation be impacted? Not when are you due, how far along, how are you feeling!??!?!?!

    Turns out (after I wasn't around) she starts asking the hubs if he wanted to have them so close? Can we afford it? What about medical? (Which I have no idea where her comments or concerns about $ come from, my husband has been in the military 18 years and I make good money- not that it's ANY of thier business)

    Yestersay a dog licks my son. She says my son now needs a bath. I say no (seriously he'll be okay) as soon as I leave the room she insists to my husband that he bathes the lo.
    And everyone can assume what happens bc....well.... #husbands.

    When my son was about 4 weeks old she FOLLOWED ME into the restroom to take my son after I changed his diaper. He started screaming and she briskly walked away with him saying he was fine he's just being manipulative!?!?

    This is the type of MIL I have.

    I'm a strong believer in making sure that my kids have a great relationship with their grandparents. They are not going to be around forever and they do love their grandson but man I can not STAND being around her. She lives 5 hrs away so the only time we see them is when they stay at our house or us at theirs. Close quarters. Fun! ;-)

    Did I mention that we are driving right this minute to another state for a week long family vacation?!

    Okay ###endrant. Seriously yall are amazing for letting me get that all out. 
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one with MIL probs. I will write more about her...and hubs 5 siblings and his dad...Bc they are all sofa king awful, another time when I'm not mobile.

    however, over the weekend when we announced to his side of the family, not one of them asked my due date...and his oldest sister actually rolled her eyes and *humphed*! I just actually despise 6/8s of them (hubs and one SIL are the 2 I like). They all live within 20 minutes of us and yet haven't seen DS in MONTHS. Even though his parents drive by our house to go to church. 

    My my kid is awesome...and it's their loss. 

    Anyway, I'm sorry. I'll stop for now, but I will make a billeted list of the shiznit my mil has put me through. Shes an a$$hole. Again, sorry. 

    March 2017 August Siggy Challenge-  Summer Fails

    formerly known as theabels

    Married to DH since May 2009
    TTC Baby #1 since October 2012
    Dx with Stage 3 Endo December 2013
    IVF #1 Retrieval: February 27- 21 eggs retrieved, 16 fertilized via ICSI 
    March 4: 1 egg transferred. 10 embies on ice!
    March 17: BFP!!

    FET#1 Transfer: 6/30/16
    7/7/16 BFP
    Initial Beta 396! 
    Beta 2- 1007
    Beta 3- 2952

    Official Due Date 3/18/17!

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • mrsncmrsnc member
    edited August 2016
    Wow! I'm so sorry for everyone's MIL problems! I'm lukewarm about mine. She's an alcoholic who took a horrible, nearly life ending tumble down the stairs five years ago but still has no desire to change her lifestyle. It's a shame that I can't trust her with my children. But DH knows it and well she's a grown woman, if that's how she wants to live her life... 

    Its my FIL that's the problem. I really like him less everyday. They are divorced and have been for 25 years so they are each f'ed up on their own. Four things with him. 1. He didn't attend our wedding because "he didn't want us to spend money on a dinner for him," but then attended DH's twin brother's wedding 6 months later. But in the past I've,kinda, moved on. 2. Our DD is six months old and he has not made a single attempt to meet her. Hasn't even asked, but he asks every week for pictures. No way mister. Get off your big bum, drive the 10 minutes to our house, and meet her if you want to be a grandparent. 3. He goes behind DHs back and contacts H's ex wife to talk to my stepdaughter. FIL KNOWS that's they have a horrible relationship and that DH does not appreciate his communication with her. FIL called the ex to wish SD a happy birthday yesterday. Grrrr it's so disrespectful! Especially since he knows first hand what it's like to have a bad relationship with an ex wife. And 4. I'm not even bothered to say that he will be lucky to find out about this baby on Facebook. We will not make any attempt to tell him in a special manner. 

    Oh wow. Ranted longer than anticipated. I must have really needed that. Thanks ladies! 
  • I'm about to go hormonal on DH.  I wanted to go to bed at 7:30 because I'm pregnant and tired.  He's sitting out on the couch watching jazz videos on YouTube loud enough that I can hear them.  I just shut the door and I can still hear them *rage*. 
    Married: 7/9/15
    Me: 37, DH: 36
    Started TTC #1: 9/2015
    Preliminary labs/testing @ 6 months: TSH, A1c, progesterone, prolactin, SA, HSG all normal
    BFP: 5/19/2016, M/C: 5/29/2016
    BFP: 6/22/2016  EDD 3//6/2017

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @hope4rads I'm so sorry about your grandpa. And that people aren't being respectful. It's terrible how people will ruin relationships just for stuff.

    Me 28 DH 28 Married 2012

    TTC #1 since March 2015

    Metformin + Femara + Gonal F + Trigger = BFP 6/24/16 

    EDD 3/3/17

    Found out it's a girl! 9/23/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • briunitbriunit member
    edited August 2016
    @hope4rads So sorry to hear about your grandfather. I know I miss my Nana heaps, she passed away two years ago. And funerals .... it was hard enough then but try to imagine being pregnant! I feel for you!
  • @Kiki75 this is off the topic of the terrible behavior of grandpa and GF, but is your husband a pilot too? When you said he bids his schedule it made me think he might be.
  • I'm so sorry for your loss, @hope4rads.  

    I'm sure I'll chime in with b*tching about my ILs at some point.  But I'm actually not annoyed with them at this moment in time, so I'll wait until I have something new to complain about.  

    ** December BMB Siggy Challenge - Animals in Pools **

    Me: 31+ H: 32
    TTC Since 11/2015
    #1 - MMC 6.5 weeks (2/16); #2 - MC due to cystic hygroma at 20 weeks (10/16); #3 CP (2/17); #4 - Due 12.16.17
  • we told my MIL that I might be preggers before my 1st apt and she went on vacation. her response was.. "so its not real yet why bother telling me" (even though my pee stick was bfp)

    MIL is super superstitious, I get it. ok.... but she keeps saying stupid stuff that's more like sarcastic jinx. like "GOOD LUCK WITH THE PREGNANCY SINCE YALL ARE DOING THIS THIS AND THIS... " I actually almost cried afterwards

    she comes back from vaca this weekend.. we haven't told MIL or FIL that its nuggetS, not a nugget. wish us lucky yall!

  • We went camping last weekend! My husband's family has a huge party every summer at their cabin in northern PA. Beers are cracked around 10 AM every morning, immediate families sign up to cook one of the three meals per day, and everyone brings lawn games and tents/campers. I absolutely love the outdoors, but I am NOT a tenter. My husband works for the fed gov't and has access to rent campers. Because he loves me so much, he rented a two bed brand new camper with a full bathroom and kitchen. Heaven!  One of his childhood friends (who grinds my gears when I'm not preg) brought his gf (with a highly restrictive diet) and her 6 yo daughter. His gf ended up disappearing for almost 2 days out of the 4 because she ate grilled chicken that had a sauce on the skin that was made with garlic and onions. She didn't eat the skin, just the meat underneath, but "got sick" which was described to me as bloated and gassy. Are you freaking kidding me? Not only am I bloated and gassy, but so is every single person at this party. They're drinking up a storm and eating carbs all day long. Whatev.

    So- when it came time to start the triathlon (cornhole, holey board, and horseshoes tournament) which I didn't sign up to participate in because H was playing and I was going to look after our 1 year old Doberman (Bo), his friend asked me if I could fill in for his sick gf. I said sure, just let me get someone to look after Bo and I played cornhole. He proceeded to yell tips at me while I WAS SCORING ALL THE POINTS FOR OUR TEAM. After we barely won (and he didn't score one point), he of course proceeded to refer to me as his partner. Noooooo. One game, dear sir. I'm too competitive for his BS. Well, I got lured into helping him again and we lost that game because the pair we played against WERE BOTH GOOD. After that I said NO MORE. He had the nerve to walk by me and H and shout "I hope she doesn't trade you in as a partner as quickly as she did to me." :open_mouth: We just got married 3 months ago. I. ALMOST. LOST. IT.

    All the while, his gf's daughter had a smartarse mouth and serious attitude problem that needed adjusted. She would just walk into our camper and use/take stuff. She kept asking my H's aunts to get out the snacks and even told some people that they were lazy for not doing what she asked them to. She wrecked her bike several times and ended up bending the wheel which caused the chain to pop off. When H's friend couldn't get the chain back on, he blamed it on my H for taking the bike for a spin earlier that day when MY H was helping/showing the little girl how to ride a bike without training wheels. I could have body slammed both H's friend and the little girl.

    There was more, but these are the standouts. I can't let go of this trio. I literally have tried to reason with myself that this is over and not that big of a deal. But, I can't let. it. go. So annoying! Thanks for listening :) I appreciate "love its" and comments reassuring me of how annoying this is haha

  • ShaunaT25ShaunaT25 member
    edited August 2016
    Edited... Moved to twatwaffle Tuesday
  • I have pink eye.  Got it on Friday after visiting the in-laws for my nephew's first birthday.  He had it weekend before last, and I was around him and nothing.  BUT his SIL....ended up with BOTH eyes infected with pink eye.  Did she take the proper precautions of WASHING YOUR FREAKING HANDS! No, of course not...even though she is a smart woman.  I ended up getting pink eye from my SIL.  I got a text from my MIL and she has it now too.  

    So, basically since Sunday I've been cooped up in my house.

    Oh - they already know we're expecting too (we told immediate family last week), so you would think that she would have taken proper precautions to show some respect for me knowing I'm early in the pregnancy.  Not that pink eye is going to harm the baby, but it's a major inconvenience.  

    In-laws are fun.....
    ME: 34
    DH: 37
    DD: 03/17/17
    DS: 12/06/19
  • @rainafire77 congratulations on your engagement!!! Sorry your family is being a pain :(

    @Bradleerick That is super annoying! Congrats to you for keeping calm, I would have probably knocked him out after the comment about "trading in your partner"

    Me: 26 Hubs: 28

    Married: 6/6/15 <3

    Baby Girl: 3/22/2017

  • @smevan11 Yes! He is a pilot. Are you or is your H a pilot?
    Me: 34 DH: 38
    Married: June 2011
    TTC since Feb 2016
    BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16 
    BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
    BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
  • @Kiki75 my husband is. Love finding someone who understands the lifestyle (and struggles!).
  • @veeveemama59 first of all.... "sofa king awful" I'm DYING!! You're either a genius or you are simply awesome for spreading the hilarity! 

    Next... that is AWFUL that they dont see your DS! Seriously?!?!?!  Unacceptable. I would have a really hard time not being extremly resentful over that. 

    I'm sorry your announcement was received thay way. I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to control my daggers seeing that reaction from the older sister.

    WTH is wrong with ppl? It's FAMILY. You're supposed to treat them better than strangers. But I know people like this. They dont.  And it SUCKS to have them in your life. 

  • we told my MIL that I might be preggers before my 1st apt and she went on vacation. her response was.. "so its not real yet why bother telling me" (even though my pee stick was bfp)

    MIL is super superstitious, I get it. ok.... but she keeps saying stupid stuff that's more like sarcastic jinx. like "GOOD LUCK WITH THE PREGNANCY SINCE YALL ARE DOING THIS THIS AND THIS... " I actually almost cried afterwards

    she comes back from vaca this weekend.. we haven't told MIL or FIL that its nuggetS, not a nugget. wish us lucky yall!

    Okay this isn't something to WANT to win... but you've officially won wort MIL response ever. "It's not even real yet" WTH?!?!

    Congratulations on the multiples! How exciting! I don't know what she's like but I really hope there is a part of her that feels like a totally a $$hole once she finds out!
  • You shouldn't even tell her lol tell her that since it wasn't real you didn't feel like she needed to know
  • vino831 said:
    Okay this isn't something to WANT to win... but you've officially won wort MIL response ever. "It's not even real yet" WTH?!?!

    Congratulations on the multiples! How exciting! I don't know what she's like but I really hope there is a part of her that feels like a totally a $$hole once she finds out!

    >< she is a mean witch......... and hub's is the only son.

    We thought she was going to be excited about it! Guess not as much u know, with me being preggers and all..... but lol. not so much.

    And nuggets.. we will have to tell her bc they will be upset if we don't, so when they come back this weekend.... we will

  • @smevan11 yay! It is so nice to meet someone who gets it. People I know pretty well are still legit surprised when I tell much he's gone. The schedule made TTC um, interesting, and then you throw in the risk of him going somewhere with Zika and trying to hurry things along to try to avoid that made the whole thing super romantic. And MIL could never understand why we waited so long to have kids. I kept reminding her that it would just be me half the time and I wanted to be ready for that (plus what it does for my work travel). She just didn't understand.
    Me: 34 DH: 38
    Married: June 2011
    TTC since Feb 2016
    BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16 
    BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
    BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
  • @Kiki75 yes the Zika thing is terrifying. My husband is 99% sure he never got bitten so I'm just assuming everything is fine. TTC was very difficult when we started working with an RE and had no flexibility on when H had to be home. This is our second. I always said we would be one and done if I had to continue working because I couldn't handle two by myself half the time (so now I'm a sahm). It's really not terrible alone with one. Our schedule is very relaxed and dinners are simple when my H is working, especially when I was still working too. We had a brief period where my son would cry every night because he missed his dad but that's passed. I notice that even my family doesn't totally get the schedule, and friends too. Luckily I have one local friend whose husband is a Delta pilot, so even though it's a different airline she gets the struggle. 
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