August 2016 Moms

PGAL Check-in 7/18


What's next? (milestones, appointments, something you are looking forward to):

Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:


GTKY: Are you getting any sleep?  Any tricks to share?

BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016

Re: PGAL Check-in 7/18

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    @Fremdschamen and @Bookhousegirl - Yes, bedtime with the kids is hard. We try to do an every other night schedule (I do the oldest one night and he does the youngest and then the next night we switch kids).  I can't rock my 2 year old well anymore so DH has been helping a lot with his bedtime.  Plus like you said, I'm hoping to make sure he doesn't get a big mommy preference. 

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    Weeks:  36 

    What's next?: GBS test today and probably first cervical check.  

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  Feeling huge and I think Ive pulled some abdominal muscles and irritate the hernia I had last time.  Not looking forward to the next 4 weeks. 

    Questions?   Is anyone looking at natural induction methods for later on?  Ive been reading about acupressure and nipple stimulation being two of the least invasive but most effective.  Walking/sex/spicy foods have never helped me. 

    GTKY: Are you getting any sleep?  Any tricks to share?  14 million pillows is all that helps.  I'm actually really tired (physically) which I think is helping.  

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    We switched to alternating bedtime duties this spring for the same reason. It helps, but DD definitely prefers it when I put her to bed still.  And she gets up at 5:30 am wanting to snuggle for hours.  Today she nearly peed her pants because she refused DH's help in the bathroom while I was getting dressed.  We've been trying to talk to her about it, but I definitely think it is because of the impending changes.  I'm so worried about the meltdowns that we might have once this baby arrives. 

    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

    BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
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    Weeks: 38 weeks today!

    What's next? (milestones, appointments, something you are looking forward to): Next Monday, July 25th! Baby induction date!  I do have an appt this Friday, but that's not exciting lol.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I'm absolutely miserable. My whole lower half hurts incredibly. No relief unless I'm in the pool but getting out of
    the pool is worse because it all comes back instantly and no acclamation lol. I'm exhausted and in pain constantly. Tylenol doesn't work.


    GTKY: Are you getting any sleep?  Any tricks to share? Nope I've pretty much stopped sleeping through the night. I wake up once an hour to get readjusted and every other hour I usually have to pee. 
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    We should try alternating at bedtime; I hadn't thought of that! We have always both done it. However, I don't know if I could handle the screaming that would come from Mommy not tucking him in. DS is super, super, super clingy too. He keeps trying to sit and lay on my stomach. I tell him it hurts and within a few minutes, hes trying to climb right back on. Anyone else having that?


    What's next? (milestones, appointments, something you are looking forward to):
    Appointment on Thursday. We're going to do the first cervical check and start weekly appointments! We're so close!

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    Rant! The addition we've been talking about since January has finally started happening. DH had to take down part of our fence and walkway so they can bring the cement truck in. This morning I was walking the first of 4 dogs down to the new area of fenced in yard and twisted my ankle. I was standing in the rain crying for a good 2 minutes before I could move. It still hurts like hell!

    Anyone else getting really clumsy? Last Monday I fell in the grocery store and today I twisted my ankle. I might not make it to her c-section date!

    GTKY: Are you getting any sleep?  Any tricks to share?
    No sleep at all. DH tried to complain about not sleeping well and I wanted to punch him. 
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    @ashleybaker712 Ouch! DD has pretty much tried every form of climbing and clinging imaginable.  She somehow manages to jab her elbows and knees right in the place where my pelvis has separated at least once a day.  She climbs in my clothing, grabs my nipples, licks my face, scales my belly like it is a mountain to climb, rams her head into my chest... the list goes on.  It doesn't matter how much I ask her to stop or tell her it hurts.  This is probably a parenting fail, but on Saturday morning, after three hours of this, I broke down in tears because she wouldn't stop hurting me.  She started crying too and thankfully then we had to leave so I could strap her in her carseat (away from me!). 

    I'm really hoping (probably unrealistically) it will ease off after I give birth.  I don't know how I am going to last through another six weeks of this.

    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

    BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
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    @Fremdschamen @ashleybaker712 yes, absolutely. I swear he would climb back in the womb if I let him! He's always been a cuddler, but this is a whole new level. He wants to be held constantly (and he's not a small 2 year old!), or hold my hand, sit on my lap, kiss/poke my
    face... It's exhausting. I feel bad because I know it's only going to be worse for him once LO arrives, but I'm so uncomfortable and he's not helping! 

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    @Katienu We tried Dr. Browns with DD but found that we MUCH preferred the Avent bottles-- way less parts and less leaking.  However, DD was not a sensitive or gassy baby in general.

    Sorry so many of you are also experiencing the clingy toddler issues.  :(

    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

    BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
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    What's next? (milestones, appointments, something you are looking forward to):
    Weekly appointment on Thursday.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    I'm starting to really feel like he's going to be here so soon, it's making me quite emotional!

    I'm thinking of trying out the community pool --do you think it's worth it to check it out? I don't want to buy a maternity swimsuit for just a few weeks. Would it be inappropriate to just just wear a t-shirt and workout shorts?

    GTKY: Are you getting any sleep?  Any tricks to share?
    I get up once a night to go pee now (and feel fairly awake for a bit afterwards) and wake and roll over probably 4 times a night. It's not great but I fall asleep on the couch at 8-9:30pm most nights now (get up at 6) so I think I'm getting plenty of sleep. 

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    edited July 2016
    I had a big long response typed up and the app deleted. I don't have the energy to retype it. Just know, it was really funny, insightful, and supportive.  ;)

    @Fremdschamen Ok, I feel way better about him sitting on my stomach now! I'm sorry she's torturing you! 

    @Bookhousegirl I've joked that DS is trying to climb back in! 
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    Weeks: 35 W 5 D

    What's next? (milestones, appointments, something you are looking forward to): I see my OB Thursday morning as well as my High Risk OB who will do my growth scan as well. I am worried about my fluid being low.  I am scheduled for a C-Section on July 27th. Just have to make it to then!! 9 more days :) 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  I think DS dropped finally. I can finally breathe my easier, but holy crap there is alot of pelvic pressure. 

    Questions?  None. Can't even think of one. 

    GTKY: Are you getting any sleep?  Any tricks to share? What is this sleep you speak of? I think I got 2 hours last night. Thankfully bedrest helps. I can nap all I want. Which maybe why I can't sleep at night. I think Ive gotten myself in a bad habit. 
    34 Mother of 4 year old and 2 Labs. Happily Married to my Hubs of 6 years.
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    Weeks: 36

    What's next: Doctor's appointment on Friday. Nothing too exciting there. I can get another cervix check if I want but not sure I see the point.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I still haven't received the results of my echo from last week, but thankfully the ultrasound tech told me as I was leaving everything looked fine. She said she didn't think it was fair to leave a pregnant woman worrying since doctors take forever to call with the results and sometimes never do. Also, at my OB appointment, I got an ultrasound and my baby is no longer measuring two weeks ahead, but 4 days behind. I've been overly worrying about it but she said it's normal for them to have growth spurts then slow down, so I shouldn't worry. But at least she's head down finally. I got a cervix check too and it's still high and closed, but starting to soften. I thought the baby had dropped but turns out no! My OB told me I would be induced at 40 and a half weeks if I don't go by then, which is apparently very likely. 
    Starting yesterday and today, though, I've felt way less fetal movement. I'm on the verge of panicking. She's usually extremely active, pushing her limbs out and stretching all over the place to the point it hurts. But yesterday and today, nothing. She still moves every now and then but it's just soft little kicks and nothing else. It has me incredibly worried. I know they slow down as they run out of room but I feel like she should at least still be keeping up with her usual patterns.

    GTKY: Some days I sleep and some days I don't. But every night I do have to get up to pee at least once, if not twice. And I'm in pain, which can often keep me awake.
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    FremdschamenFremdschamen member
    edited July 2016
    @JournoGrl23 Glad everything with your heart looked normal.  I agree with @jacmkelley that movement just changes over time as they start to run out of room in there and stay head down.  If you are worried, drink or eat something cold and sugary and lie down-- I almost always get a burst of kicks 10-20 minutes after ice cream, orange juice, etc.

    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

    BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
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    @jacmkelley @Fremdschamen thank you so much! That makes me feel a lot better. I kept considering going to get monitored because I was so worried. She hasn't stopped moving, thankfully, they're just very subtle movements now like you are describing. I just got spoiled with all the big movements in the days before this. It gave me a lot of reassurance that everything was OK. 

    All of this started yesterday, which is the same time that I have actually been able to take full breaths again, my appetite has increased again and I'm feeling even more pelvic pressure. I'm hoping that means she's begun to drop finally. And maybe that can also account for the change in movement. I'll find out Friday at my appointment anyway.
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    allishally13allishally13 member
    edited July 2016
    Weeks: 37w2d

    What's next? (milestones, appointments, something you are looking forward to): NST tomorrow and another cervical check. I'm hoping dilation has started as I've been having tons of lightning crotch and my groin muscles feel like they're pulled most of the time. Looking forward to the next growth ultrasound to see if he's still looking like he's more average like they saw on Friday. I think the second growth spurt they saw was a false reading since the mouse had gel stuck in it and it looked like he shrunk this past Friday compared to the last ultrasound... hoping he's evening out so I can at least try labor!

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I wrote a long paragraph before TB deleted everything, but basically trying to stay positive even though I feel like these past few weeks have been really rough. My dh and I are both being open with each other about our fears and our feeling of lacking some connection to this baby after losing our first. It makes me feel like a terrible mother, even though I know I love this baby I just seem to feel more disconnected currently and I'm hoping when I finally meet him that'll all go away.

    Questions? Anyone else feel like they pulled groin muscles??
    GTKY: Are you getting any sleep?  Any tricks to share? Not much sleep, but a pillow between the knees and some insulin helps a little.
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    @lgem4 So excited for you, even though I know delivery holds some concerns with finding out what the plan will be for LO's tongue. 

    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

    BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
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    @lgem4 I'm glad you were able to go in to be safe! My doctor told me to go to L&D if I ever notice a change in movement. She said everything would probably be fine but it never hurts for peace of mind. That made me feel a little better in case I do decide to go. Since I am feeling movement regularly I'm just going to keep an eye on it for now and hope her change in pattern is just due to her getting too big. I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow!
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    @liljabee it makes me feel so much better to know a lot of you are in the same boat! I guess I just need to relax and realize as long as I'm still getting movement that everything should be fine.

    I hope everything goes well with your induction!
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    @lgem4 good luck tomorrow! 

    @liljabee hope the induction goes smoothly!

    @allishally13 yes, I definitely get that feeling, especially when rolling over in bed!

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    @lgem4, @liljabee  good luck this week!

    @jacmkelley that's exciting to have it scheduled!

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    @lgem4, @liljabee sending good thoughts your way this week!

    @journogrl23 I have been in the same boat for the past couple of weeks.  LO moves, but it's more subtle and I have to really concentrate and sort of push a little.  It's like rolling over and not so much kicking.  I feel like a tiny wiggle worm is in there!  I am so glad a lot of you responded about this, because I have been freaked out about the decreased movements too!

    Weeks: 35

    What's next? (milestones, appointments, something you are looking forward to):  Cervical check and strep test today.  Hoping LO has slowed down a little growth wise (he was measuring 1.5 weeks ahead).  But my husband's family has big babies... so there's that to look forward to.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  We had a family baby shower over the weekend and trying to get everything sorted and put away!  I feel like our house had a tornado go off, and my husband hasn't put the dresser in the LO's room yet..... UCK.

    Questions?   I too have lower back pain and pressure, which is new.

    GTKY: Are you getting any sleep?  Any tricks to share?   Benadryl... LOL :)

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    @lgem4 This is exciting! how do you feel about it?
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    Weeks: 37w3d

    What's next? (milestones, appointments, something you are looking forward to): 37 week appointment tomorrow! 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I was checked for progress at the 36 week appointment and was 1-2 cm, 50% effaced, -1 station... I'm not sure if they now will check every time, or just sometimes (I think I remember my MW saying they probably won't check at each visit unless I want them to). I kiiind of want to know if I'm progressing, because I've had SO MANY contractions and want to know they're actually doing something. But I also know that early progression means literally nothing lol. Decisions, decisions... I'm also noticing that baby isn't very active today, which is unlike him. Looks like a frozen lemonade is in my very near future (you know, to wake him up...and because they're delicious). 


    GTKY: Are you getting any sleep?  Any tricks to share?
    Surprisingly, I've been sleeping really well ever since he dropped lower a few weeks ago! I haven't had nearly as much heartburn, and I've managed to find comfy sleeping positions. The only time my sleep is interrupted is when I'm woken up by contractions (that has happened a few times) or when I've had to get up and pee. I wish I could share advice, but I honestly think his position is the ONLY reason I can get comfortable. My daughter was higher up and I was super uncomfortable trying to sleep at this point with her.
    Me: 25  DH: 28

    Hubby's little boy - my wonderful step-son - born 5/23/10
    BFP#1: 06/ beautiful baby girl born 3/7/2011
    BFP #2: 10/24/ on 10/31/15
    BFP #3: 11/27/15. EDD 8/6/16

    "Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill
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    lgem4 said:
    @Katienu I'm excited but at the same time nervous. I think once I'm in the hospital all set up I will relax more. I have everything ready in case. DH is definitely nervous, he keeps asking me if she is making her way out lol. I have no idea, she is moving but I don't know where she is going!
    I will be thinking about you.  I hope all goes well and keep us posted!!
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    1faceinacrowd1faceinacrowd member
    edited July 2016
    @JournoGrl23 I'm sorry for the cruddy news. :disappointed: Hopefully it's not too serious. My family has gone through a lot of bad luck related to poor health issues (my stepdad especially has had a TON of problems in the last few years) so I definitely know how stressful and frustrating that can be. When it rains, it pours, right? 
    I hope that once your LO arrives, it'll be just the stroke of happiness and luck that you guys need!
    Me: 25  DH: 28

    Hubby's little boy - my wonderful step-son - born 5/23/10
    BFP#1: 06/ beautiful baby girl born 3/7/2011
    BFP #2: 10/24/ on 10/31/15
    BFP #3: 11/27/15. EDD 8/6/16

    "Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill
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    @journogrl23 That is terrible.  I was really hoping that you were going to get good news and be able to focus on your LO.  The waiting is the worst worst part.  Please vent away.  We are all here for you and praying for good news next time.
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    @JournoGrl23 I'm sorry for the bad news, but I'm so glad you got checked out!! Hopefully it's an easy fix and/or not too serious, but you're in my thoughts and I'm sending tons of positive vibes for you and baby  <3
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    @JournoGrl23 sorry for the news. This is the last thing you need right now. I know anything related to the heart always sounds scary, but I'm hoping you get news that it's nothing major. 

    @lgem4 I'm so excited for you! I know you're nervous and I'm sending all kinds of good vibes!
    BFP #1 10/6/11 | EDD 6/15/12 | MMC 11/7/11 @ 8w3d | D&C 11/14/11

    BFP #2 8/22/12 | EDD 5/5/13 | DS1 born 5/9/13

    BFP #3 4/25/15 | EDD 1/7/16 | MMC 7/2/15 @ 13w1d | D&E 7/8/15

    BFP #4 12/9/15 | EDD 8/22/16 | DS2 born 5/18/16 at 26w2d

    Just keep swimming.
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    jacmkelleyjacmkelley member
    edited July 2016
    @JournoGrl23 I am so sorry, I can't imagine the stress you are feeling. I will say that I have had heart surgery and that was years ago! Today's medicine is incredibly advanced and I'm sure if it something major they will be able to handle it. Keep in mind if it was life threatening to you at this moment they would not have pushed your appointment to next week. So that is some positive news. 
    If you have it in you I would call the office and explain to them you are really concerned and if they get any cancellations will they please call you because you'd love to get in sooner. Especially this week of possible. I used to do scheduling at a Dr. Office and I would always sticky note the people who were desperate to get in. And when I had something open I would call them first. 
    Sending hugs and prayers. I know this is a scary time. 
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    @journogrl23 So sorry for your news!  Will be keeping you in my thoughts!
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    @JournoGrl23 so sorry you got stressful news. I would definitely call and see if they can squeeze you in earlier, play the pregnancy card! I hope that it's an easy fix, and that all turns out ok!

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    @JournoGrl23 sorry to hear it wasn't the news you expected. I hope you gdt clarity soon!
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    Thank you for the support ladies!

    I may try to call for an earlier appointment, but am not sure how possible that will be since I have an OB appointment on Friday and then it's the weekend. I'm going to assume, like @jacmkelley and my DH said, if it were life threatening, then they wouldn't have had me wait a week in the first place (I hope). I'm hoping the pregnancy is what's causing it and it'll be gone afterward, but since I have heart palpitations and other health problems, I'm worried it may just be related to all of that. I'll update all of you next week and hope for some better news! Also, @jacmkelley sorry you've had to have heart surgery for a condition. That had to be terrifying! But I'm glad it fixed the problem for you. My mom was born with a hole in her heart that she didn't show symptoms for until her late 50s. She just got surgery to fix it a few years ago and feels so much better now. I'm hoping whatever is going wrong with my heart has an easy fix like that and also isn't life threatening.

    @1faceinacrowd I'm sorry your stepdad has had a ton of health issues recently. It definitely seems like when it rains, it pours, especially when it comes to one's health.
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    @JournoGrl23 I'm sorry to hear that news isn't all clear and can't believe they aren't meeting with you earlier. I think it must be ok, perhaps just something they will want to monitor/watch or they would get you in earlier. 

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