October 2016 Moms

Twatwaffle Tuesday 07.05.2016

Re: Twatwaffle Tuesday 07.05.2016

  • Wow. As of right this second, nobody I can think of qualifies as a twatwaffle. I am astounded. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • *trigger warning for insensitive comments*

    Someone from my Ph.D. program is a twatwaffle. A while back she sent me messages on Facebook basically whining about how overqualified she was for all these jobs and how she had to tone her CV down. Recently she got a job in my area so messaged me about good places to live in town, which is absolutely fine. Then she asked about my pregnancy - how they are treating my advanced maternal age (nosy). Then she told me she was only asking because her daughter is 33 and lost a baby for that reason. (Right after I mentioned that I was 34 so they weren't really considering it AMA yet.) I don't want to engage her further so I'm trying to just assume that she has no idea what she's talking about/situation is not similar to mine whatsoever, but thanks lady! 

  • TW so far this week (today) is my coworker who is really pressuring me to tell clients this far ahead that I'll be on maternity leave. I almost lost it today in a meeting when I could tell he was steering the conversation making it so that I had to lie by omission since I refuse to be pressured into discussing it when I just had a conversation with him earlier about why I need to wait to find out more info from my supervisor about when I'll be pretty much on desk duty. And after getting home I was so pissed I was in tears bc I had kept my mouth shut and left in a hurry so I wouldn't blow up in front of everyone and look like a crazy bitch. I'd still be 100% furious if I wasn't more focused on fighting off sleep so I don't keep waking up at 3am.
  • you have more self control than I do @UponAStar16... we'd have left that meeting and he'd have been ripped a new one!

    @RainMira9e - what a jerk!
  • I don't have one because I didn't work today and my husband works until 9. lol
  • *trigger warning for insensitive comments*

    Someone from my Ph.D. program is a twatwaffle. A while back she sent me messages on Facebook basically whining about how overqualified she was for all these jobs and how she had to tone her CV down. Recently she got a job in my area so messaged me about good places to live in town, which is absolutely fine. Then she asked about my pregnancy - how they are treating my advanced maternal age (nosy). Then she told me she was only asking because her daughter is 33 and lost a baby for that reason. (Right after I mentioned that I was 34 so they weren't really considering it AMA yet.) I don't want to engage her further so I'm trying to just assume that she has no idea what she's talking about/situation is not similar to mine whatsoever, but thanks lady! 
    Uhm, no. You don't lose a baby because you're AMA. Not a cause of death, dumb Ph.D. lady. 
  • @RainMira9e What's her Ph.D. in? Anti-Sociology? 
    Twatwaffle Winner of the day.
  • wait wait you can lose babies bc of your age? is she the dumbest smart person ever??? 
  • My husband is a TW today. We got into a huge fight over something stupid/ trival. When I brought that up all of a sudden "that wasn't what the fight was about it was just the final straw..." What? I have no idea what the fight was/ is really
    about. But I'm pissed and I'm going to sit here and cry until he decides to actually
    talk to me.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Mine is people who keep "forgetting" to come to their music lessons, which means I sit here for a half hour in limbo waiting for them. It's not that hard to send a text ahead of time that they aren't coming. I get it, it's summer and you would rather do fun things, but just TELL me. I REALLY need to implement a contract during the fall session so I still get paid for sitting here. 
  • You definitely should get that contract going @ashleyp625! I'm sure that's a common thing.
  • ashleyp625ashleyp625 member
    edited July 2016
    @bnsmith85 Yeah, I know. I've needed it for a while, but I keep dragging my feet on setting it up. I know I need it for when the baby comes though- I can't ever count on how much I'm going to make in a week because people constantly flake. It constantly amazes me how inconsiderate of others' time people can be. 

    Edit cause I hit post too soon
  • Whoever is setting off fireworks in my neighborhood. Judging by the sound they must be within a block of our house. If the dog wakes up the baby again tonight I'm going to find them. 
  • @ingoscj... See the article posted earlier today about the lady who threw flaming dirty diapers at people lighting fireworks at all hours of the night. My vote is that you get the dirty diapers and a lighter lol
  • I can't think of any Twat Waffles in my life at this time maybe next week lol
  • Btw, I'm glad this thread is back. I've looked for it a few times, but thought I must have missed something and we weren't doing it anymore. 
  • I have a mystery twatwaffle. Someone has been anonymously sending me texts and emails for years. It's always the same thing: "Your husband is cheating. You should end it." And considering he has at least two exes that want to steal him away from me, I'm good at deleting and moving on. But my hormones are such a mess right now, I did NOT need to receive one of these texts today. I don't understand how people can be so bored with their lives that they feel the need to do this to someone.

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

  • @krzyriver WTH?! That's so messed up. People really don't have anything else better to do. I can see how this can affect you. Especially being pregnant. I'm sorry you have to deal with such bullshit. Keep your head up girl! 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 11-11-11
    TTC only since Dec 2015. I had some weight to get off. Been working hard in the gym for over a year.
    BFP 02-15-16 with our first
    IT'S A BOY!!! 

  • @krzyriver... That is crazy immature to me. I can't believe adults act like that. I'd call your provider and block their number and then mark their email address as spam so it auto filters to your spam folder.
  • @sportiegrl1213 Trying! I've had some issues with depression lately, so she really picked a winner of a time to send this one. Merg. 

    @AllyTheKid One time I got one that was basically like "He doesn't even love you" and I knew it was coming from a specific ex because she'd come out of nowhere and been texting my husband. So I sent her a picture from our wedding where my husband is kind of staring at me in awe and I said "You sure about that?" Lol

    @bnsmith85 Unfortunately it comes from a different source almost every time. I've gotten messages from multiple numbers, all with weird area codes, so it was probably coming from a texting app. I've gotten texts from email addresses, all slight variations from each other. And once it came from some anonymous texting website. I'm not sure how someone even has the time to create so many different accounts. It's pathetic.

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

  • @krzyriver it might be time to send your husband on a mission to cut ties with these exes and scare them off before they unleash the wrath of an irritated pregnant woman (and so he doesn't have to worry about these idiots stressing you out?). Good luck and I hope that ridiculous bs stops ASAP!
  • @UponAStar16 Oh he has long since cut ties with them. He cut ties with one the second he realized she had ulterior motives and the other he was friends with, but cut ties when she refused to behave appropriately. It might be time to change numbers, but I really don't want to go through that hassle and neither does he.  He both have clients that contact us on our personal cellphones. :#

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

  • @krzyriver Bitches be crazy! Haha But seriously, who does have the time for that kind of thing? It seems like something middle school girls would do. I changed my number just for convenience when I moved to be with DH (then boyfriend) and it was pretty annoying but at the same time, nobody had my new number that I didn't want to talk to anymore!

    I'm so glad the crazy ex finally got married and had pretty much disappeared. We never even see her anymore.  She never sent me messages but she told my friend that if it wasn't for me, they would definitely be together. Except they hadn't actually dated in YEARS when we started dating....
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
  • My Twatwaffle is my SIL.

    We had a pretty good group of us together for the city fireworks over the weekend, including SIL and her 2 kids (Liam, 4 and Ava, 9) and my coworker Bree, her brother Cody, and his boyfriend Jake. Cody and Jake are all over the kids, playing and hauling them all over the park on their shoulders. Problem is, Liam can a bit of a spitfire, especially if he thinks he's being ignored. He started to play a little rough, like shaking Cody and Jake's heads when they laid down on the blanket.

    After a few attempts at doing things like sitting on their heads and other ridiculous behavior, all the adults start to chime in for Liam to be nice, watch heads and necks because they're fragile, etc... Now if I heard people calling DD by her first and middle name all stern like, I'd drop what I was doing to see what in heavens she was doing that others had to correct her like that. Not one time did my SIL step in to help us correct her child. She just sat in her camp chair, mostly on her phone. Very annoying, but this is her pattern of behavior and I usually can get Liam to listen to me because I pay attention to him and do my best to make sure he doesn't feel ignored.

    Night is going ok despite Liam's little outbursts, and it's almost fireworks time. I take Ava and DD to the portapotties. Of course there is a massive line and there's only 2 stalls, so it's like a half hour until we actually go potty and get back to our seats. When we get back, Bree, Cody, and Jake are gone, SIL is packing her things and says she's taking Liam home. I look at DH confused, so he hugs me and whispers in my ear that Liam proceeded to climb on Cody's back and shove the end of a glow bracelet into his ear. Cody was bleeding like crazy so they left to get it checked out. I was in shock, and then immediately angry with SIL. I know this is related to the fact that she didn't step in, didn't pay attention to him, and when it escalates, he acts out and gets violent because he wants his mom's attention.

    Story ends with everything being ok. Cody has a hole in his eardrum that should heal up ok, and he's not even remotely angry. His stance is that Liam is a little kid and accidents happen. Normally I would agree, accept that this is a pattern for Liam and SIL, and she knows how gets if she isn't paying attention to him, and I feel that if she had stepped in and done something earlier, this would not have escalated into the crap shoot it became.

    TL/DR: SIL didn't pay attention or discipline her kid, and he kept playing rougher and rougher, and eventually jammed the end of a glow bracelet into the ear of the brother of a friend/co-worker of mine, puncturing his ear drum. Brother ended up with a hole in his eardrum that should heal up just fine.
     Countdown to Baby H!
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mommy to Elizabeth (6/18/09), preemie at 34 weeks
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    Wife to Dan (10/4/14), together since Dec 2010
    Working Mom
    BFP Feb 2016, Due Mid-October
    Team Blue!
  • @ibabyloveb87 Ugh, yeah. Maybe it's just time to bite the bullet and make the change. Isn't it nuts how some people like to rewrite history when they're bitter?! One of the mentioned exes was the one to end the relationship between her and my husband, but when she found out he proposed to me, she randomly went off on him for ruining what they had and blamed me. Which is ridiculous. She dumped him because she didn't have time for him. Lol. That was when he ended his friendship with her 

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

  • TW:

    One of my friends is a serious twatwaffle! She's in her 20s and always had success with the the pull out + time of the month method, and she loves sex so she is the definition of promiscuous.  I don't care about that, it's her life and even though she comes crying to me about why guys treat her so badly and I consistently tell her she needs to stop going to bars and hooking up with random guys, she continues to do so.  Again not the reason why she's a twatwaffle.

    She HAD a friend that (what do ya know!) works at one of the bars she frequents and she ended up hooking up with him (shocker!), but she got pregnant. She ended up having a shusmortion (Knocked Up reference) and of course her and the guy are on bad terms now even though they both agreed on the procedure.

    Of course she tells me about this and I told her that I probably would have lost my shits on her if she told me this and I wasn't pregnant considering it took hubby and me 5 years to get here.  I told her she needs to seriously protect herself! Condoms man! They're not that expensive and God only knows where the dicks have been!!  So she tells me she knows, learned her lesson, and will do better.

    Sunday she calls me all frantic because she took a pregnancy test and it's coming up positive.  Are you kidding me?!? You had an abortion 5 weeks ago and you're pregnant again?!? WTF!! She called the health clinic because she was hoping that maybe it was just lingering hormones and not the guy she hooked up with 2 weeks ago (whom is married and she had an affair with him last summer that ended in a mess).  The nurse felt it was a bit late to be having a positive test and told her to come in, so she's been trying to make an appointment but in the mean time keeps taking tests which some are saying are now saying no/negative and others are showing a really faint positive so she's starting to relax thinking she's not actually pregnant.  

    She told me she has bad luck, I said no, not bad luck, bad DECISIONS!!  

    *face palms* if I seriously charged this girl by the hour for all her problems and drama - I'd be having tea with Oprah!
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Mine is people who keep "forgetting" to come to their music lessons, which means I sit here for a half hour in limbo waiting for them. It's not that hard to send a text ahead of time that they aren't coming. I get it, it's summer and you would rather do fun things, but just TELL me. I REALLY need to implement a contract during the fall session so I still get paid for sitting here. 
    Every voice teacher I have ever had has charged for missed lessons. Draw up that contract girl!

    Me: 32 & DH: 37
    Married: November 2014
    TTC #1 Since: October 2015
    BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP
    BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
    IT'S A BOY!!!!
    DS Born 10/16/16

  • @LauraPCOS I'm going to keep my real feels about this all bottled up, and just say that your friend has a very broad range of emotional instabilities that need to be addressed promptly. I see nothing but psychological destruction in her future.
  • @AllyTheKid oh I 100% agree, but the problem is when someone doesn't want help, there is no helping them - she just wants to whine and cry about her life yet not make any changes to try and improve it.  In all honesty it's "friends" like this that I usually end up cutting out of my life because who needs that drama and negativity in their lives, but I know I'm the only stable one she can turn to, so I stand by because everyone needs someone they can turn to.
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Twatwaffle of the day: The lady who just came in to interview.....long story short, she called us freaks and walked out hahahahah

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • SpaceBurgerSpaceBurger member
    edited July 2016
    @TurtleMomma hahaha it was crazy! When we emailed her to come in, she asked us which advertisement we were since she "sent out so many resumes". First face palm. She came 40 minutes early and expected to be interviewed right away. Second face palm. We were asking really specific accounting questions because we need someone who can pick up the position right away, and she couldn't answer them. Instead of saying she doesn't have that experience but is willing to learn, etc. She gets mad at us and says, "Why are you asking me these questions? I know accounting." Third face palm. Things escalate between her and my coworker,  so I call it and say I think our time is over. Coworker walks out, interviewee grabs purse, says we have lots of problems, calls coworker a freak and storms out. 

    Later I send the automatic rejection letter from indeed that is super nice/professional, and she responds with, "Issues, awful, liver spot hag. Completely incompetent individual" which was meant for my coworker. :neutral: just so many facepalms 
  • @SpaceBurger Shocking that some other company hasn't snatched her up yet. She's a keeper. Lol

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

  • @SpaceBurger When interviews start going bad, ask if they are willing to participate in a brief hypnosis interview claiming that they tend to be more honest and thorough. 

    @LauraPCOS Ain't nobody gon' have the time or patience for that mess once the baby comes. 
  • @AllyTheKid lol is it bad that hubby and I joke that we will use her to teach our son about condoms and standards?
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • @LauraPCOS I would just show him a few episodes of teen mom and a picture of Tara Reid to get the point across.
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