September 2015 Moms

First Steps!

My little guy has been taking a few steps in the last week and tonight he took four whole steps and walked from me to his dad! How exciting! I'll be chasing this kid in no time, maybe I'll finally lose some weight! Any other babies walking or close to it?

Re: First Steps!

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    jen83mnjen83mn member
    My little dude turns 9 months in less than a week and he's super close! He can stand up on his own and balance for quite awhile, and can walk along couches, etc. I'm waiting for it to happen any day now! These babies are growing up WAY too fast! But it's so exciting watching all their milestones :)
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    We're right on the edge. It'll definitely be within the month. He's been pulling up on the couch and cruising the furniture for almost a month and often doesn't use his hands to balance anymore. He also often bends down to pick toys up, just bracing gently with one hand, and he walks while holding my hands (he's figured to locomotion part out, just needs the balance). He just wants to move so badly! I'm not really surprised, though. He's been weight bearing since almost the beginning and is definitely motor skills oriented. I also walked at 9 months, so it makes sense, if he's anything like me. He's a week over 8 months.
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
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    He's cruising and will let go and balance for a couple of seconds. Mostly he *thinks* he can really walk and would fall if I didn't catch him.


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    He cruises but no independent standing yet. Thank goodness because I had two stepping at 7 months and running at 8 months. The others didn't step until 9 months and running at 10 months. I have always hoped for a kiddo to wait to walk until 12+ months
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    Same here! It's crazy how quickly babies grow and learn! He loops around the coffee table over and over and thinks it's hilarious. He can bend down and pick things up off the ground. He can also let go and balance. If anyone tries to pick him up, he has a meltdown because walking is literally the only thing he's interested in. He wants to walk like its his J.O.B. 
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    That's so much fun! DS2 wants to walk but has absolutely horrible balance.  It's actually pretty hilarious.  I can remember how deliberate, thoughtful and careful DS1 was when he started walking and it is nothing like that. 

    DS2 just lets go of whatever he is holding on to at the time. leans in the general direction he wants to go and hopes for the best.  He does a lot of face planting but he is a tough kiddo so he just laughs and gets back up.  I love this stage of playing and learning.  

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    Not even trying yet, thank God!!!!!! Every time someone tries to stand him up so he can hold on to something I'm like STOOOOOP!!! I'm not ready for that!! 
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    Wow!! I think my LO will be soon too. He walks all over the living room while holding on to things and he can stand a few seconds by himself, he's so determined 
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    I've been baby sitting my friends 11mo that just started walking and Roo does nothing but cruise around trying to chase her all day, I think she'll be soon, she kept falling on a squeaky toy this morning and it looked like her butt was squeaking, I almost peed myself laughing 
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    It's official, we had full on walking today! He was walking from one end of the play yard to the other with no supports! Those chubby legs are meant for walking! 
    Awesome! We are getting closer. 
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    It's official, we had full on walking today! He was walking from one end of the play yard to the other with no supports! Those chubby legs are meant for walking! 
    Congrats to LO! Sympathies to Mama ;) I'm joking obviously, that is so, so awesome.  Your little guy is going to have so much fun running around the yard.  
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    DD just started standing recently so I thi!nj we're a few months from walking.  There's nothing for her cruise with - does she just start one day?  I don't remember my older two.  
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