October 2016 Moms

WTF Wednesday (May 25)


Re: WTF Wednesday (May 25)

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    Seriously WTF random dude named Owen! Last night at 2:33am, some guy comes screaming down my street yelling "F*** you, you little piece of shit!" Over and over again, and guys were chasing him calling him to come back (which is how I know his name is Owen).  Then he started AHHHHHHH'ing.  Ya I seriously wanted to go "F*** you too Owen, I'm trying to sleep here!"
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    kmtz89kmtz89 member
    WTF DH. He goes to night class and so I decided to be nice wife and cook awesome dinner for when he got home and then he went to straight to bed instead..... uhhhmm okay?
    Granted he said he didnt feel well but really he's a drama queen sometimes.
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024
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    WTF why do I keep thinking it's Thursday???? 

    I also second the clock @sportiegrl1213
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    WTF feels... I'm turning into an emo kid- an old, pregnant, emo kid.
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    @CopperBoom86 can you send some of those good vibes to me? I've been really negative lately. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Wtf dad, I bought a bundled package of parenting classes that include a grandparents class, and he says he doesn't want to go because it won't be fun on his own (he's single)
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    Wtf appliances?! Last night my husband's brand new $2000 lawn mower died in the middle of cutting a client's lawn. So he came home early, frustrated because it was a new client. To take his mind off it he starts working on laundry....only to discover our washer is broken! We knew it was coming so I tried to calm him down and we picked out a new set (thank god for tax returns!) and went upstairs to go to bed. Up there we found that one of our cats had coughed up a hairball....on our bed! Of course we couldn't strip it and wash it because the washer is broken. So we kind of curled up on one side of the bed together defeated.  :#

    None of it was a huge deal....just too much for one day after that fake cancer scare in the morning. We were done with Tuesday. Lol. On the upside, brand new washer and dryer will be here this weekend!

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

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    @krzyriver - What a stressful day! Hugs to you! 

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    LMNOBaby said:
    Aw, @kathleenkat - he should try the grandparents class! Maybe he'll meet a nice single grand-mom! ;)
    Yes this! =D
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    WTF mother in law. Ever year she forgets DH's birthday and brags about her anniversary(with dh s step dad) the day after. This year had to be the one year my husband called her on it early. So now im supposed to clear my whole evening tomorrow for a dinner she "might depending on her husband's getting off work on time" go to. AND IF she goes it will be her her husband (who always has some wise crack about me being lazy since he thinks I should do everything) my nephews(5with autism & 7) DH, DS1 DS2 and me. Which means I will become babysitter and my nephews are NOT easy at all. I know it's DH's family and it's his birthday , but she wouldn't have even remembered if DH did just outright tell her. My kids don't even like any of them. We only see them maybe twice a year. The kids will be up my butt and my nephews will be screaming and yelling and my oldest nephew will talk about being jewish and then it will get my father in law in a lecture about why my sons do catholic holidays and life events and not jewish (maybe since I know very little about them and the nearest temple is 2 hours away ran by my in laws) I feel like the worst wife hoping they can't go, but I don't know if my pacience can handle it at this stage of my pregnancy. I might just snap. 
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    @CopperBoom86 yes please to also sending me good vibes. I am an awful wreck this entire pregnancy. I mean, I have my good days, but then I have days like today. 

    SO wants to go to our old hometown (we just moved to a new city in December of 2015, so I guess not really "just moved") to see one of her friends after work one day for a few hours. *I* on the other hand, have basically all but lost my friends completely since I have been pregnant. I tried to explain that I am alone-feeling, and that she is all I have here (aside from family, but we all know that is different) and she proceeded to tell me I needed to find a hobby and meet new people. I thought, silly me, that when we got married - we would intertwine lives, friends, lives, etc. I didn't know that I would have to go meet new people when we moved and that she would be able to just drive an hour up the road to go back to her old friends. I thought we would meet new people and friends as a married couple. Nope, apparently not. Apparently I AM on my own, friendless, and it is up to me to meet anyone I want to be my friend, alone. I do not want to take her (or what I thought was our) friends away from her, and I'm really not trying to knock her time away and with them, but I'm jealous. And lonely. And I try to share my time as much as possible with her talking to her friends and now wanting to go see them, without feeling like I was left out of the cool kids club. It sucks. I regret moving. I regret saying anything to her because now I look like an idiot. And I regret working from home until this pregnancy is over. I tried to find a local moms group to meet new friends and, alas, there is none in this small f**king town. 

    Rant over. Thanks in advance, @CopperBoom86 for your sweet dust. :) 
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    @sjo&thetwins I understand completely =/ I would be your friend and hang out with you! 
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    @sjo&thetwins I understand completely =/ I would be your friend and hang out with you! 
    It sucks when you DO meet people but they don't live close! Lol
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    @sjo&amp;thetwins I'm so sorry that you're feeling lonely and without friends, that is a horrible feeling to have. Have you tried Meetup? I know you mentioned that you've tried to find people, just thought I'd mention it in case! Sending hugs from CA <3

    WTF PGAL brain and nightmares. I had the most realistic nightmare last night that woke me up and had me zombie-like on the couch using my doppler at the crack of dawn. Now all day I just can't shake the doom and gloom. 
    Me: 31 | DH: 43
    BFP #1: 7/15/15, SB: 11/14/15
    Rainbow baby DS born 9/29/16!!
    BFP #3 3/26/18 | Due 12/3/18
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    sjo_thetwinssjo_thetwins member
    edited May 2016
    @Julia70286 yes, meetup had an old group on there but they are inactive. That was literally the only one. I appreciate the hugs from CA, though. I wish we lived in CA. Totally. 

    I am not PGAL, but I have had horrid dreams that too make me worried and nervous about the bebes. Dopplers are wonderful. 

    ETA: I confused my theirs, there's, and theyres. *facepalm*
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    @sjo&amp;thetwins - Yes, all the sweet dust to you! 
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    TurtleMommaTurtleMomma member
    edited May 2016

    I feel you. I moved up to where we are now, an hour from my home town where my parents and friends live, to be with my husband. When I was pregnant with DS I wasn't working and taking online courses. I took an in-person class 2nd/3rd tri but I really didn't like my classmates, which made it worse. Being pregnant is lonely business. What got me through was, honestly, The Bump. After DS was born I signed up for every baby class I could find. 

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    @krzyriver - What a stressful day! Hugs to you! 

    @CopperBoom86 How cute! Thank you, you made me smile.  <3

    @sjo&amp;thetwins That sucks, I'm sorry. My hubby is kind of the same way, acting like its my fault that I'm lonely because I don't make the effort to hang out with friends, but their actually busy or far away. I finally had to sit him down and explain that life is different now that we're older/pregnant and I do depend on him more for the social aspect of my life, whether it's hi spending more time with me or taking me with when he hangs with friends. It's been an ongoing battle. I hope it gets better for you. *Hugs* 

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

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    @krzyriver exactly. Moving and being pregnant has distanced me from any friends that I DID have because if they are mothers, their children are older, so they have much more free time, and the others are children less and definitely not pregnant. Their hobbies are drinking, which is great, I like a good time! But um... Hi twins! 

    Its just stressful but it is somewhat nice to know that I'm not the only one who has gone through this. I'm sorry you have been as well. *hugs back*
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    samkinssamkins member
    Wtf bladder, why can't I tell when I have to pee anymore??? It's a problem. 

    Sometimes I can tell if I laugh but... ugh
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    Ditto on the lonely stuff. I checked Meetup and hope to figure out how it works soon. DH told me the same thing about finding a hobby or, even more unlike me, just talk to strangers (lol, I only do that on TB apparently). I'm realizing that I've had a lot of built-in friends during most stages of my life so this is really hard now.

    On another note, WTF at this heat. It's great weather in theory but all of a sudden I'm having hot flashes or something and can barely tolerate sweating my ass off in this house. Need an ice bath
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    uh wtf Taco Bell stopped carrying the QUESALUPA. now I have a sad chalupa :( 
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    edited May 2016
    WTF to myself... I just ate an entire frozen pizza by myself. I feel so gross. I guess I can feel a little better knowing I didnt eat much today up until that but still. Barf. 

    Me: 32 & DH: 37
    Married: November 2014
    TTC #1 Since: October 2015
    BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP
    BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
    IT'S A BOY!!!!
    DS Born 10/16/16

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    ibabyloveb87ibabyloveb87 member
    edited May 2016
    I used to always have leftovers after
    hibachi. Yeah not tonight. 

    Finally gave into the craving after @CopperBoom86's birthday. 

    Edited bc words. 
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    I just had frozen pizza for dinner too!!! Don't be sad!!! #shamelesspizzaclub
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    @sjo&amp;thetwins I SO feel you!! it's so weird how we'd love heaven and earth to be with the one we love, but then once we have, we realize we need more than just them!! I moved from home for work about 10 years ago, bounced around to a few cities and made friends in each...but always kind of thinking I'd wind up back home in good ol' upstate NY with my family and close friends. Well,  fate intervened and I fell in love, got married and now I'm stuck in NJ, six hours from home and hours upon hours from any other friends! Of course, I'm not "stuck," I love the hubs and our home and our life...but he is seriously my only friend down here! We have some "couple" friends, but he also has all of his buddies, not to mention his entire family... I tried to tell him I was lonely and he was like, "I'm here, my family loves you, how are you lonely?" I mean,  a girl needs a pal or two to shop with, watch dumb reality TV with, work out then eat junk food with...and it seems so much harder to meet new friends the older I get! I work all day, come home, do dinner, feed dogs, hang with my husband and go to bed...heading out to a club or group just sounds exhausting. I have to say though, after living here for about 5 years, it gets easier...you find a routine, you end up choosing to hang with each other over friends and you do fall into doing things with other married couples more... Hang in there...if anything, you'll have your hands too full with your little ladies to be lonely...and you can use them as an in to meet other moms! :)
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    @lmnobaby I'm jersey too! we can be buddies! (not a creepy internet creep right now...)
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    WTF self! Stop coming up with new and more projects! You're already behind! 
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    @mrszoess The Garden State sucked me in - I'm here to stay! :)  NJ buddies 4-eva!

    Um, WTF to horizontally striped maternity shirts?? The last thing I want to do right now is look wider...

    P.S. I do actually own one...but that's only cuz my mother bought it for me and it's actually pretty cute.
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    @LMNOBaby thank you for your response!! I am just in the biggest funk ever. I can't be sweet, I can't be lovey, I can't be anything but distant after yesterday. We both work from home, but I'm upstairs so we don't see each other unless I go downstairs for food or something. I'm trying to tell myself that I'm not depressed and that it'll pass, but I very well may be depressed and I don't want to think that way. Pregnancy is hard. 
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    LGW2015LGW2015 member
    @sjo&amp;thetwins I'm sorry you're struggling right now :( how come you can't go visit these friends with your SO? Does she not invite you or are you not close with them? If it's something you want to be included in I would say something. It's not cool to be excluded. On the other hand, I do think there is some merit in having your own hobby/friends/thing. While I hate putting myself out there (I have some level of social anxiety I've determined), it does make a big difference mentally if you have something that is yours outside of your spouse/family. I often find that when I do, it really helps my self-esteem and self-identity. Also, I know how you feel about the isolation. DH and I moved to a new city last July 6 hours away from my family so we could be closer to DH's family. I don't know anyone here. Just this week I started a part time job to get out the house a bit and meet people because I've been stuck in the house for almost the last year.

    I hope you feel better soon.
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    LGW2015LGW2015 member
    WTF Wednesday ticker change people! There can't just be 3-4 of us :( it makes me sad.
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    @LGW2015 usually, yes, I am included. But they were her friends yearssss before I came around so while they are my friends now, too, she wants time with only them sometimes too I guess. It wouldn't be a big deal if my old friends weren't such shitheads. 
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    @sjo&amp;thetwins I would continue to try and talk to your SO about how you feel.  Your feelings are justified and if they don't get out, it will make you feel worse.  I know how you feel though - it's so hard to be lovey and touchy with someone who has just irritated the hell out of you.  I hate any fighting or tension, and I always just want to let it go and move on, but then I think, no, my feelings are justified too - what happens next time?  I get madder and more hurt?  Maybe give it a day to two, let yourselves warm up to each other again then approach it like, "it's been harder than I thought adjusting after the move - I didn't expect to feel lonely, but I do.  And I don't want you to not have friends, but realize that it's hard to see you go off and have fun with others when I don't really have anyone but you."  (OR, "I just want you to justify my feelings and give me some extra love!!")  :)
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