September 2015 Moms

The whine thread- wish it were the wine thread

Im so tired of POOP. I'm tired of changing poopy clothes! Every poop that my son has had in the last week, he had leaked out because he's had diarrhea. Between a stomach bug and teething-  I need it to stop! I've washed his jumperoo more times this week then I have since I've had it.. And I've had it for 5yrs! 

I just needed to get to get that off my chest. Anyone else need to whine?

oh and one more thing- I. Hate. Baby alive dolls. Seriously who invented those things??? It's like having another child!  

Re: The whine thread- wish it were the wine thread

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    Ughhh yess please! I'm right there with you on the poop!! And it's like DS always saves them for the car seat ruining the outfit and the seat in the process. Every. Time. 
    Also feeling frustrated because my husband has been working nonstop 7 days a week 12-14-16 hour days depending on what's going on (sahm-100% baby care right now). I'm trying to clean house for my dad coming to visit and my LO will only nap on me so I tried to see if he would lay down in his crib for me--major fail. He goes down fine at bedtime?! I don't understand it.  And I can't figure out why he has started waking for the day at 3:30am for the last few weeks. teething, separation anxiety, shots, leap?!? Who even knows?! 
    Thanks for this, OP! Just need to whine sometimes :blush: 
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    All my whines lol: Vaccines have turned LO into a demon. Working full time, half those shifts are night shifts but I have to take care of LO all day the next day so I don't sleep. DH refuses to help get on board with baby proofing and it's causing me severe anxiety. I'm swamped at work, this house is a pig sty, there is NEVER enough time and I NEVER have enough sleep. Wah. 
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    I'm so sick again! LO is sick and cranky, DH isn't helping, waaaa!
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    Spit up. So fucking over it. 
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    Wine wine wine for us all!!!!!! 

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    I'm sick of being sick! Started with the most severe seasonal allergies I have ever experienced and has now turned into a sinus infection. It all started when LO went on a nap strike and started to be up every 2 hours during the night. I want to rip my sinuses out of my face and sleep for days! 
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    YES. We are still dealing with this insane stomach virus!  LO has been sick since Thursday and has vomited at least once a day, if not more! I have done more loads of laundry than I can even count.  I have stripped his sheets and mattress pad EVERY day to be washed, the car seat cover twice, and SO many outfits! I am LOSING MY MIND.  My husband and I both don't feel well either, he threw up yesterday....I was hoping that I was just going to have a mild case, but nope I threw up tonight!  When will this bug leave our house!!  I seriously feel like EVERYTHING is covered in vomit.  LO had his daily vomit right before bed tonight after I had just given him a bath, in clean pj's...ALL over himself.  Praying that was his only vomit for the day...last night he had one at 2:30 in the morning...JOY.

    Now back to sipping my gingerale.  UGH.  
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    I had wine last night! My whine is daycare keeps letting lo get diaper rashes. They put ointment on early yesterday and not again. I get there at 5 and change his diaper because he's sitting crying as soon as he sees me and it's poop and all red. Now I'll be working to fix this all weekend 
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    I am whining this morning. LO was up three times last night, once for an hour. My 4 year olds ok to wake clocK turned on at 545 so here we are awake while DH and DD are sleeping soundly. Soooo tired.... 
    I told DH that I am chasing sleep, like a drug addict chases drugs!

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    leeeahyo said:
    LO will only nap on me so I tried to see if he would lay down in his crib for me--major fail. He goes down fine at bedtime?! I don't understand it.  And I can't figure out why he has started waking for the day at 3:30am for the last few weeks. teething, separation anxiety, shots, leap?!? Who even knows?! 
    Thanks for this, OP! Just need to whine sometimes :blush: 
    All of this. Do we have the same baby?

    Me & DH: 32
    Married 2013
    Kiddo #1: Sept 2015
    BFP: 1/19, EDD: 9/30

    "I'm having fruit salad for dinner. Well, it's mostly just grapes, actually. Ok all grapes. Fermented grapes. Fine, I'm having wine for dinner."
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    edited April 2016
    I run my own home based business.  I got called out of important meetings twice this week to come home because 1.  my Mom had to pick up my nephew from school and 2. dd wouldn't stop crying for husband.  Not sure how I'm supposed to earn a living like this.  
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    Pumping.  FUCK PUMPING.  I EP (plus solids) and it is annoying, time consuming and exhausting. I cannot wait til he is a year old and I can have my life back! My whole life is arranged around pumping and storing and making sure whatever we do and wherever I go, I can pump. #owned 
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    @dmbfan46835Yes!!!!! I could have written the same exact thing! 
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    My LO favors my husband and it makes me really insecure and sad. I love their relationship but I can't help but be jealous. I don't exist when my hubby gets home from work. My husband is the only one who can calm him fast during an epic meltdown. His first word was "Dada" and he didn't let me put him to sleep tonight, he wanted daddy to do it. I've been the one to do it every night :'(
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    My LO favors my husband and it makes me really insecure and sad. I love their relationship but I can't help but be jealous. I don't exist when my hubby gets home from work. My husband is the only one who can calm him fast during an epic meltdown. His first word was "Dada" and he didn't let me put him to sleep tonight, he wanted daddy to do it. I've been the one to do it every night :'(
    Don't let the first word thing bother you mama. I read that most babies say dada first. The D sound is easier for them.  DS also said dada first. He says it ALL THE TIME.
    And he probably seems to favor dad cuz you are with him all day. Dad is a change of scenery. Guarantee if you were the one gone all day he would lose his shit. You are his favorite, I'm sure. 
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    My LO has been waking up every night for 2-3 hours and I'm losing my damn mind!! The one night my husband took night shift she slept 12 hours which she has never done before. I'm so tired of always being so f ing tired!!!! 
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    My LO favors my husband and it makes me really insecure and sad. I love their relationship but I can't help but be jealous. I don't exist when my hubby gets home from work. My husband is the only one who can calm him fast during an epic meltdown. His first word was "Dada" and he didn't let me put him to sleep tonight, he wanted daddy to do it. I've been the one to do it every night :'(
    Don't let the first word thing bother you mama. I read that most babies say dada first. The D sound is easier for them.  DS also said dada first. He says it ALL THE TIME.
    And he probably seems to favor dad cuz you are with him all day. Dad is a change of scenery. Guarantee if you were the one gone all day he would lose his shit. You are his favorite, I'm sure. 
    I feel better because my husband couldn't get him down, I walked in offering help and as soon as I cuddled him, he was out :)
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    I'm with you on the poop! But I figured out I was giving DD too much pear! As soon as I stopped that it rectified itself! 

    Now on to the next. This issue has literally got me to breaking point. It seems comical to say it but really, I actually don't know what I'm going to do if I have to keep dealing with this for much longer!
    so, my son has an ensemble to sleep on and basically has discovered he has the strength to slide the top mattress off the base and make a "slide/waterfall/ thorn in my F*ing side!! He pulls off all the bed sheets and there is a perfect baby sized "cave" my daughter just loooooves go crawl into WHILE HES JUMPING ON IT!! And basically scream bloody murder! I go in, rescue her, tell my son not to do it, Fix his bed, re make it, repeat myself then carry the baby down to the living area with me. I sit down, she crawls up the hall aaaaaaand repeat 726261749480192748910163589 times a day!!! Not even exaggerating lol 
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    mrsmctaggart6mrsmctaggart6 member
    edited May 2016
    Why do I live in Maine? I'm allergic to effing pine trees and I live in bloody Maine! I need a support group for living here, wtaf... Whine over...
    eta sorry not baby related, just wanted to whine cuz I can't sleep and everyone else is... Grr
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    My son has been fighting his sleep. I don't know why it has been challenging to put him to bed now. Last night he cried and wouldn't take the bottle. It seems to happen when I most the most tired!
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    My LO was just up from 2:25-4:15AM screaming like mad. Snot everywhere, and he hates the snot sucker but it works so great. Poor baby. He's never done this before. I wonder if he has an ear infection?! Any ways to tell besides pulling at the ears?!
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    I'm tired. Im tired of being tired, I'm tired of being so fat, I'm tired all day long.
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    My LO has been waking up every night for 2-3 hours and I'm losing my damn mind!! The one night my husband took night shift she slept 12 hours which she has never done before. I'm so tired of always being so f ing tired!!!! 
    Isn't that how it always goes? Whenever hubby takes over duty on something, that happens to be the one time baby is perfect. Then hubby doesn't get why I'm always such a grouch. He's all "I got him to sleep just fine" or "I just put him down with some toys and he played while I made dinner. Double task for the win." It drives me insane.

    Me & DH: 32
    Married 2013
    Kiddo #1: Sept 2015
    BFP: 1/19, EDD: 9/30

    "I'm having fruit salad for dinner. Well, it's mostly just grapes, actually. Ok all grapes. Fermented grapes. Fine, I'm having wine for dinner."
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    I've gained 40 pounds in 6 months while being more physically active than I've been in years. I feel fantastic, we've started eating clean, but the extra weight is killing my joints, and I have s joint condition to begin with. I think it's the Mirena I had put in (6 months ago...) but I can't find any real literature to back it up. Plus I've been bleeding or spotting almost the whole time so DH and I are barely having sex, but I got pregnant on the pill. I don't know what to do. 
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    Hot humid weather is here. And that means the bugs, beetles and spiders oh and my BFFs mr centipede are here! And I am constantly sweating. And hot 

    and did I mention bugs? I don't like them. I'm so scared of them. Yes, I know they're way smaller then me and more then likely harmless but they scare me. Especially when they're in my mailbox! 
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    Lice.... F'ing lice! All three of our older kids have it and I can't stop itching all over my whole body just thinking about it. Praying that the baby doesn't get it and that the treatment worked and I can get this out of my house!!!!
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    My sister lives in Seattle and we live in Portland. She's getting married this summer. The rehearsal dinner is Friday night, the wedding is Sunday, and my sons birthday is Monday!!! So I can't even do a party Friday or Saturday and go for the rehearsal Saturday night and wedding Sunday. I wasn't bothered at first because I wasn't really planning to do a party, but the closer it gets the more I want to! I know it's the first birthday and it doesn't matter if we do it the weekend before or after, it's just really aggravating that she picked THAT WEEKEND. She told me the chapel they're getting married at had a lot of open dates and that's still what they went with. My sister and I never get along so of course I'm taking it personally lol
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