June 2016 Moms

Non-permanent birth control options for breastfeeding

I'm searching for information from those that have tried BC options other than the IUD while breastfeeding.  We will be trying for #2 within 1-2 years and I do not want to get an IUD.  Has anyone had success or lack there-of with the minipill or Depo-Provera and did these negatively impact your milk supply?

We have also practiced natural family planning for BC in the past with success but I'm not sure how stable BBT,etc will be while breastfeeding. If anyone has had any experience with this please share!  Thanks!

Re: Non-permanent birth control options for breastfeeding

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    Personally I would go for the iud over the depo shot. 

    Iud can be taken out earlier. 

    Another option is the Nuva Ring 

    or good old fashioned condoms and or withdrawal (if your H has the control)

    we're also considering a second shortly after and I am looking at either the copper iud or just going back to condoms 

    i have been off hormonal birth control for a few years now and couldn't be happier. 
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    I never did the depo - but have many friends with negative stories with weight, skin, cycle etc
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    @gauge1234 thanks for the reminder about Nuva Ring...I had forgotten about that option.  Also, good to know about the Depo! I have friends that have had trouble getting pregnant quickly after IUD (though it did eventually happen). Looks like condoms may be the way to go for now :smile: 
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    Planning on condoms here since we would like to try for #2 fairly quickly (says the woman who hasn't seen life with a newborn yet....) However I am worried about breastfeeding and it's tendency to act as BC. I would like to breastfeed for a year and in some women BF led to no ovulation/cycles. Or very unpredictable ones. Which will be frustrating as I would like kids close in age and I'm getting quickly to "AMA"
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    I did the depo as a teenager and hated it. Lots of issues with weight gain and such. 

    I went on the mini pill when DD was just over 6 months. Didn't effect my supply but crazy things started happening with my period (got it all the time, like every two weeks, and it wasn't predictable at all. Sometimes once a month, sometimes twice, sometimes heavy, sometimes light). 

    Eventually gave up. Tried condoms but they're just so not comfortable for my husband or me... So went to the good old fashioned pullout technique. Worked too, we didn't get pregnant with this one until we were trying!
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    Pull out magic lol  :D
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    I've heard of people having issues getting pregnant after Depo, but it's all just what I've heard so I don't know how true it is.  My doctor did say its easier to get pregnant coming off the full pill (not breastfeeding friendly) than Depo when I went for a preconception appointment.  I was planning on either going with the mini-pill or a progesterone IUD but I also don't have a particular time frame that I want to have between kids, especially since I'm still young (I'm only 25) so bouncing back quickly isn't as big of a concern 
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    Just a warning from a family doctor

    1. The Depo Provera shot technically lasts 3 months, but some people take up to 18 months to regain fertility after ceasing it. Do NOT use it if you want to conceive fairly soon after your current pregnancy. 

    2. The Nuvaring is a combined contraceptive, which means it has oestrogen and progesterone and may/will affect BF supply. It's not recommended for BF mums for this reason. Only the progesterone only methods are BF friendly - POP, implanon, IUD. Otherwise non hormonal - copper IUD, condoms, diaphragm (if you can even get these anymore!)
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    I got an IUD after DS and will probably do that again. I got pregnant right away after having it removed. My SIL did the family planning method.... Never got her period and if she makes it to her due date her kids will be 16 months apart. No thank you! She did that method successfully for 4 years so she at least had an idea of what she was doing. 
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    Planning on condoms here since we would like to try for #2 fairly quickly (says the woman who hasn't seen life with a newborn yet....) However I am worried about breastfeeding and it's tendency to act as BC. I would like to breastfeed for a year and in some women BF led to no ovulation/cycles. Or very unpredictable ones. Which will be frustrating as I would like kids close in age and I'm getting quickly to "AMA"

    I got my period back at 8 and 6 months, respectively, with my first two, FWIW.  never used formula - breastfed when I was at home, pumped at work.  
    And don't worry too much about AMA...I'm "elderly," according to my ultrasound reports, and here I am cooking number three:)
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    I was on depo for 5 years and never experienced the negative side effects. I can't speak to its effects on breastfeeding. It did take us about 9 months to get pregnant after going off depo but we weren't really trying too hard for those first 5 months. That's just been my experience and I have heard that it can take longer than that to conceive after stopping depo.
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    NLewis1NLewis1 member
    edited April 2016
    There are progestin only BC pills that do not affect supply. I've been on them to control my endometriosis before (estrogen makes endo worse). However in between my first and this one I had the Mirena and loved it. Had it taken out in July, found out I was pregnant in September.
    Mrs. H
    Crohn's Dx: August 2008
    Endometriosis Dx: May 2010
    Married: 05/19/2012
    TTC #1: June 2013
    BFP: December 2013
    DS: Born 08/29/2014
    TTC #2: July 2015

    BFP #2: September 25, 2015

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    Talked to my OB about this, and she said that all the OBs pick Mirena for themselves!  That's a strong recommendation if I ever heard one. I also hadn't even finished with my question of which iud is best and she said Mirena. 
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    The mirena is great and comes highly recommended. 

    It is expensive though and depending on your insurance coverage that may effect the choice for short term use 

    In Canada the Mirena was around $500 and the copper around $60 (this was a few years ago) 

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    Lurker from July. :)  I took hormonal birth control starting after my 6 week appointment, and I never had any problems with my supply.  It was Kariva, the one I took before I got pregnant.
    Me: 32 DH: 32
    Married: 05/31/2008
    DS: 11/06/2012 at 38w 1d
    M/C: 06/11/2015
    DD: 06/14/2016 at 37w 3d
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    I had a mirena between DS1 and DS2. It was glorious. I nursed him for 14 months and had no supply issues, and no period or cramps. I had it taken out the end of September and was pregnant in early November. 

    After DS2 I used a mini combo pill with a very low dose of estrogen and i had a low milk supply and stopped nursing at 7 months. DS2 also wasn't as interested in nursing so I'm sure that contributed, but I never had extra milk to pump. 

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    KMW26KMW26 member
    I was on the "mini pill" progestin only while nursing.  I nursed for 2 years no problem and got pregnant with #2 3 months after stopping.
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    KMW26 said:
    I was on the "mini pill" progestin only while nursing.  I nursed for 2 years no problem and got pregnant with #2 3 months after stopping.
    This for me too but only nursed for one year my decision. It didn't affect my supply at all. 
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    I was on the mini pill when I got pregnant with this little one. Just saying :)

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    The mini pill requires perfect compliance to be effective - there's no "miss a day" grace period like the combined pill, and you really need to take it within an hour or so time period each day.  
    I'm going to second (third or fourth?) the Mirena.  I didn't tolerate the combination pill or depo, but the Mirena was a dream.  I was so sad to take it out to get pregnant.
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    gauge1234 said:
    The mirena is great and comes highly recommended. 

    It is expensive though and depending on your insurance coverage that may effect the choice for short term use 

    In Canada the Mirena was around $500 and the copper around $60 (this was a few years ago) 

    Lurking from August.

    I had the Mirena in and replaced and finally removed after 10 years in September, and after 1 cycle we were pregnant--I loved it! When I was talking to my doctor about needing it removed and wanting something as effective, but at a little less of a cost-she told me about Styla. Styla is made by the same company as Mirena, but is good for 2-3 years and costs a bit less. :smile: 
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    Thanks for the mention of the Styla. Haven't heard of it!
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    Birth control should be 100% covered by insurance in the US.  If you get an IUD, they won't pay for the actual appointment, but you shouldn't have to pay for the IUD. 

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    With hormonal birth control, it seems like it really varies from person to person (or really, I guess, couple to couple) how quickly you bounce back. I didn't have any trouble getting pregnant after Depo, but I also didn't have any trouble getting pregnant after coming off the pill, so it would seem my body just regulates itself pretty quickly after coming off hormonal BC. If you've taken longer to regain fertility after using hormonal methods, or if you're not sure how long your body will take to get back to normal but you know you want to try for another pregnancy soon, you're probably better off going with the IUD.
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    I know it's not one of the options you asked about, but after considering an IUD, we just ended up using condoms. I wasn't sure until shortly before we got pregnant this time whether or not we would try for another, and that allowed us a lot of flexibility and it seemed to work out for the best. Not scientific by any means, but just wanted to offer that anecdote. I know it's not practical or preferred for a lot of couples, but it worked well for us while I was breastfeeding and afterward. 
    TTC#1 since May 2011

    BFP #1 June 2011 m/c@6wks

    BFP #2 December 2011, EDD 8/21/12, born 7/21/12 at 35w4d

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    BFP #3 October 6, 2015. WHAT???

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    How much of a disaster would it be if you got pregnant before 1 year? If you're doing "ecological breastfeeding" (EBF first six months, on demand feedings) it really is a pretty effective method of birth control, particularly for the first six months. Personally I just decided to wing it until my period returned, banking on not getting pregnant the first time I ovulated, because I knew an accidental pregnancy wouldn't be a huge problem. And I didn't get pregnant the first time I ovulated again...I got pregnant the SECOND time because I didn't get my shit together and get birth control right away after my period came back, haha. But my period took a good 16 months to come back (I was still breastfeeding at that point) and I got pregnant when my daughter was 17 months.
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    How much of a disaster would it be if you got pregnant before 1 year? If you're doing "ecological breastfeeding" (EBF first six months, on demand feedings) it really is a pretty effective method of birth control, particularly for the first six months. Personally I just decided to wing it until my period returned, banking on not getting pregnant the first time I ovulated, because I knew an accidental pregnancy wouldn't be a huge problem. And I didn't get pregnant the first time I ovulated again...I got pregnant the SECOND time because I didn't get my shit together and get birth control right away after my period came back, haha. But my period took a good 16 months to come back (I was still breastfeeding at that point) and I got pregnant when my daughter was 17 months.
    My hubby's (oldest of 7) mother got pregnant at 6 months pp and breast feeding. She figured out she was pregnant because she took my BIL to the dr's because he was refusing to eat. One of the first questions they asked her was if she could be pregnant and she said of course not. Well they tested her and sure enough... Lol apparently he didn't like the new hormones in his BM.
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    My doc suggested the website bedsiders.org for info on breastfeeding friendly birth control. When I have time I'm gonna check it out.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    I don't like using condoms. So we used the over-the-counter VCF (vaginal contraceptive films) while I was breastfeeding last time. I liked using them.

    The failure rate for these is higher than an IUD or Depo, obviously. But that didn't bother me.
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    I used the mini pill beginning 6 weeks after I had my 1st.  You do have to be very careful about taking it at the exact same time every day (I put an alarm on my phone).  I switched to the combo pill when I was done breastfeeding around 9 months.  Didn't get my period until 2 months later.  Went off the combo pill after 6 months and got pregnant immediately (surprisingly because it took a year with the 1st!). 

    Haven't decided yet for what we will do after this baby is born, but it will be either the mini pill again or IUD, depending on what hubby and I decide for potential (maybe?) future children.
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    PS - the hormones from breast feeding completely dried me out. I had a Csection, and we probably waited 2 months before attempting sex... And when we did it was a disaster. Felt like a Sahara desert, sand paper, horrible!!! Even with trying several different types of lubricant, I would end up crying in pain whenever he'd try to insert. We ended up not successfully having sex until close to 6 months (with several failed attempts). By that point, DD was starting solids and my supply was pretty regulated. That's when I went on the mini pill. Can't even remember how long until my period came back. 
    Anyway, just wanted to share my experience - sometimes your body helps you out with that whole birth control thing! Even if you don't want it to
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    PS - the hormones from breast feeding completely dried me out. I had a Csection, and we probably waited 2 months before attempting sex... And when we did it was a disaster. Felt like a Sahara desert, sand paper, horrible!!! Even with trying several different types of lubricant, I would end up crying in pain whenever he'd try to insert. We ended up not successfully having sex until close to 6 months (with several failed attempts). By that point, DD was starting solids and my supply was pretty regulated. That's when I went on the mini pill. Can't even remember how long until my period came back. 
    Anyway, just wanted to share my experience - sometimes your body helps you out with that whole birth control thing! Even if you don't want it to
    We had the exact same
    problem! Soooo dry and it hurt so bad!
    Mrs. H
    Crohn's Dx: August 2008
    Endometriosis Dx: May 2010
    Married: 05/19/2012
    TTC #1: June 2013
    BFP: December 2013
    DS: Born 08/29/2014
    TTC #2: July 2015

    BFP #2: September 25, 2015

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    NLewis1 said:
    PS - the hormones from breast feeding completely dried me out. I had a Csection, and we probably waited 2 months before attempting sex... And when we did it was a disaster. Felt like a Sahara desert, sand paper, horrible!!! Even with trying several different types of lubricant, I would end up crying in pain whenever he'd try to insert. We ended up not successfully having sex until close to 6 months (with several failed attempts). By that point, DD was starting solids and my supply was pretty regulated. That's when I went on the mini pill. Can't even remember how long until my period came back. 
    Anyway, just wanted to share my experience - sometimes your body helps you out with that whole birth control thing! Even if you don't want it to
    We had the exact same
    problem! Soooo dry and it hurt so bad!
    I've been dry since the second I got pregnant...and the fun will continue
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    My husband and I use condoms between babies. This is number three for us, and we have never had a problem. If we decide this is our last then in maybe a year he will get snipped.
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