Trying to Get Pregnant

Saturday WTO


Re: Saturday WTO

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    * Question in R/R/CS*

    Month/ Cycle: 1/1

    CD: 1

    WAYDTGKU: Nothing at the moment.

    R/R/CS: Ugh, so I woke up to cramps and AF this morning. I had my IUD taken out April 8th, then started heavy bleeding on the 10th which I though was my period since it was due. I bled for 3 days with no cramps (unusual for me). I guess that was just removal bleeding? Has anyone else experience this? 

    GTKY: Running errands and a cookout later today. Tomorrow will be just whatever we feel like doing.
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    @hunnybunny17 I think your emotions are very normal and understandable. Hopefully you can heal even while moving forward. 
    Also, thanks for the information and it's good to know that there is something I can do if she doesn't seem to have a reasonable answer. I've been researching REs in the area to see if they accept Tricare so it makes me feel like I'm actually doing something. 

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    @LadyMillil I'm sorry that your family is so insensitive to your struggle and that your BSC is such a twatwaffle. :( My mother is a narcissist and can be incredibly insensitive and hard to deal with. I've found what works best with her to to set some non-negotiable boundaries with consequences. Like "I'll call you but if you talk about how I'll never have a child I'm getting off the phone. I also won't call you again for awhile." (my mother LOVES to talk about how my brother's child is the only grandchild she'll ever have.)  Then if she breaks the rules you enforce the consequence. It usually works OK with narcissists but even when it doesn't change their future behavior it at least makes it where you don't have to deal with it as much.

    Lots of hugs.

    Month/ Cycle: 9/9 

    CD: 7

    WAYDTGKU: OPKs, saliva microscope, checking CM/cervix, acupuncture, supplements to improve egg quality (CoQ10, R-lipoic acid, vitamin E along with my PNV), sex when possible, temping and charting. Plus whatever I forgot.

    R/R/CS: I had a lovely time visiting my family. Ya know, other than all the comments about how my niece is the only grandchild my parents will ever have. And other than my mother trying to tell me how I should feel about my TTC struggles. And other than some of the drama. But still! It was great to see everyone. I'm really happy to finally be back home though.

    GTKY: I'm planning to get started on my kitchen garden this weekend if it'll ever stop raining. Otherwise I'll probably work on picking out paint colors to repaint the house since it's definitely time. The people who lived here before us went crazy hanging things and there is spackle everywhere. I also need to wash the sheets and catch up on laundry and things after having been away from home for 2 weeks. My sheets are so dusty!

    Me: 28 Husband: 31
    TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
    Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
    Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017  ❤️

    Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Month/Cycle: 5 / 5

    CD: 6
    WAYDTGKU: hio, prenatals, folic acid, opk, CM, chart

    R/R/CS: I woke up starving. I feel like if I didn't control myself I'd eat all day. is it dinner time yet lol

    GTKY: What are your plans for the weekend? **tw child mentioned** My DS has a karate tournament tomorrow. but for today I'm just relaxing. 

    Me: 37
    DH: 36
    Married: 08-25-07
    DS: 11-20-09

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

    Name change alert: Formerly Lisswastaken

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    @hunnybunny17 you are totally normal in feeling that way. I felt that way too. just breathe through it. it'll all be okay 

    Me: 37
    DH: 36
    Married: 08-25-07
    DS: 11-20-09

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

    Name change alert: Formerly Lisswastaken

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    @allysondunn2 I had my IUD taken out on 3/29.  I had light bleeding for 2-3 days and then inconsistent menstural like cramps for a good week before finally starting my period on Tuesday.
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    Month/Cycle: 1/1

    CD: 9

    WAYDTGKU: Not too much for the first month. HIO and prenatal. Interested about the amount of people trying acupuncture, so will research h that. Also have a prescription for metformin I haven't started but should. 

    R/R/CS: Relearning the bump and the rules and stuff.

    GTKY: Lowkey weekend. H is golfing today and tomorrow we are headed into the nearby city to visit with friends. 
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    @Mokay19 I'm happy that you are moving forward with more testing. From the sounds of things I really think it's the right choice. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get some answers! My biggest frustration moving forward is Doctor's being stuck on "possible" vs "normal". For instance: Is it possible for me to go 6 months without a period and have it not mean anything? Yes. Is it normal? Absolutely not. Is it possible for you to have anovulatory cycles and no period? Yes. Is it normal? Absolutely not! That's great that you were able to also point out that it's not ALL about conceiving after her statistical response.

    @babymish Sorry about CD1. Fx things go well with your testing.

    @AliciaGoose Based on your temps only, it does look like CD 23. Not sure why you would have gotten a +ve OPK after that though and fertile CM. Sorry I'm not more help.

    @mrstruessy Welcome to WTO!

    @NamelessAria Glad you had a good tie with family, even while putting up with insensitive comments.

    Month/cycle: 5/1

    CD: 118

    WAYDTGKU: PNV, back to HIO because IDGAF anymore.

    R/R/CS: After last night's dinner stand off I still haven't found any motivation to meal plan. I really need to get into the habit of doing this. I know DH never will! But I just realized that I won't be home for dinner Mon-Thurs so not my problem next week!

    GTKY: I worked today and don't have any plans tomorrow...which really means I need to clean my house...but I don't want to. Also need to do some grocery shopping.

    Married: Sept'15
    TTC#1: Jan'16
    PCOS Dx: Apr'16
    BFP #1: Jul'16
    DS Born: Mar'17
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    @Lecool, H was surprisingly willing to go. I mentioned to him last month that if we're unsuccessful cycle 6, that this would be an option. The day I got AF he called his dr without me even prompting him. Hopefully your H is receptive!

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    TMI Rant in the comments. 

    Month/Cycle: 3/3

    CD: 21

    WAYDTGKU: temping, opks, sex... but

    R/R/CS: So, I've been slacking on posting because of work, but also because we hit an unexpected obstacle in our TTC journey. My SO has had depression for years, and while it's manageable for him most of the time, he and his doctor decided to start on a low dose of Prozac (20 mg) about two months ago. (He's been on it before but stopped.) 

    Everything was fine, but then it wasn't. We've never had any problems in our sex lives with performance anxiety or anything, but suddenly he lost his sex drive completely. Up until yesterday, we hadn't had sex in just over a month, and when we tried he just couldn't perform. To make a long story short, he's transitioned off the Prozac (he was only on it for a few weeks), and his sex drive is just starting to come back. But we basically lost this whole cycle while dealing with this. We were able to have sex today, but I expect to O this weekend, if not today.

    I've just been really upset with the way this month went, but I guess I should be happy with the fact that things are slowly turning around. And of course, I want my SO to be at his best, emotionally, but the way the medication was affecting our sex life and ability to TTC was really stressing out us both. He's going to meet with his doctor next week to discuss other options. 

    I know this isn't a question, but I just wanted to vent. If any of you have experience with this, I'd love to hear your stories.

    GTKY: What are your plans for the weekend? Rest and plenty of sunshine.
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    @writeress my H is on a low dose of Prozac too and the beginning the sex drive did drop but then it came back and  things are back to "normal" maybe sticking with it a bit longer and see if things even out? A couple weeks into long for meds to get adjusted in your body
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    TW*** loss

    Month/Cycle: 5

    CD: 3

    WAYDTGKU: still ignoring DH

    R/R/CS: DH had an incident years before I met
    him that basically resulted in him being not able to have kids, we thought that after DS the "surprise" that there actually mustn't be an issue, now after a miscarriage and a chemical that there might still be an issue, but I'm also worried that the issue is with me not him. Arrgh! It's doing my head in!

    GTKY: What are your plans for the weekend?
    Long weekend here, it's also Sunday.
    yesterday we lazed around at home, I'm at work this morning, and tomorrow is ANZAC day so we will be getting up to go to the dawn memorial service then likely just back home to laze around again.
    Me - 22  |   DH - 32   |  Married - 24 May 2014
    DS - January 2014 
    TTC#2 - December 2015
    BFP - 6 March 2016  |  MC Confirmed - 21 March 2016
    TTCAL  |  April 2016
    CP  |  June 2016
    CP  |  July 2016
    BFP - 25 August 2016  |  Due Date - 11 May 2017
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    @stardust317 thanks for the info!
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    @writeress my H is on a low dose of Prozac too and the beginning the sex drive did drop but then it came back and  things are back to "normal" maybe sticking with it a bit longer and see if things even out? A couple weeks into long for meds to get adjusted in your body
    He's off it now but maybe once he sees his doctor he'll try it again or something else. He's been on it in the past and had to pair it with Wellbutrin, but suffered negative side effects that completely turned him off. He decided to stop it this time because of the effects and is really reluctant to try something else, but we'll see. I've been lucky to never have to do the whole testing out a bunch of different meds thing (I'm on Prozac, but it was the first thing I was ever prescribed and has worked well for me without any adjustments), so I can only imagine how frustrating it is for him.

    How long was your H on the Prozac before things went back to normal, and did he have to pair it with anything else?
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    Month/Cycle: 1/1

    CD: 12

    WAYDTGKU: BBT, OPK, PNV+ DHA, CM, Pre-seed if needed

    R/R/CS: H randomly said he's going to quit smoking soon, I've been waiting for him to be ready to quit for years!! Month 2 off HBC so still waiting to see if I'll have to hold out until CD21 again, I have a feeling this may turn out to be my FW, but we'll see.

    GTKY: What are your plans for the weekend? Well, my weekend is over since I work Sundays. He and I only had one day off together this week so I've spent way too much time getting caught up on my shows. Watchathon week kicked ass and I got to finally watch season 2 of Younger. 

    @mrsstuessy Welcome! I'm new as well :)

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    Rottiemom86Rottiemom86 member
    edited April 2016
    @writeress I want to say it was a couple of weeks with low sex drive and then a couple weeks with trouble "finishing" Then things went back to normal. So 5-7 weeks total?
    He isn't on anything with it, he's pretty lucky and all side effects faded after a couple weeks. I hope you guys find something that helps to level off everything and get back on track!
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