June 2016 Moms


I was induced on 04/20/2016. I arrived at the hospital for checkin at 6:00 AM. I was sent to L&D and they began to give me an IV and the pictocin. When shift changed at 7:00 the attending doctor stated that I did not receive my second betamethasone booster shoot. I had an appointment on 4/13/2016 with the nurse for a shot after being released from the hospital. Nurse gave me a B12 shot. Had and appointment with my doctor on 4/14/2016 and verified if there was anything else I needed. I also stated that I did not receive the betamethasone booster shot and was getting induced on 4/20/2016. He stated I would be okay. At the hospital doctors come in and state that we can't go through with induction because I needed the additional steroird shot. They told me I would not be induced until late 04/21/2016. Well I was being induced due to severe pre-eclampsia and guess what blood pressure shot up to 184/110. They proceeded with the induction. They gave me magnesium at 9:00 AM and just monitored my blood pressure. At 1:00 PM they started pitocin. I forget to mention when I came in 4cm dialted. At 4:00 they broke my water and I was 6cm dialeted.  I got an epidural to help with pain and to keep my blood pressure down. Epidural did not help with contractions felt everything due to previously having Herrington rod surgery. Doctor came in and checked me at 6:30 because I felt a lot of pressure. She told me I was 9.5 cm dilated. I had to be moved to the OR for delivery due to all the teams needing to be there. By the time they dropped my bed and my feet were in the hold. One push and she was out. 7:06 PM 4/20/2016, weighing 3.12.

Re: Delivery

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