December 2015 Moms

Sudden interest in food

Overnight Henry seemed to realize that we eat real food. He was on my knee during breakfast watching me eat, just drooling and chewing his fists and would get so excited when I took a bite. He swiped a sausage link and sucked on it before I could get it away, I've never seen him so exited. I had to put him in his bouncer to keep him off my plate.  
I wanted to wait until 6 months, but I'm not so sure now. He's almost 5 months and seems ready to explore. I'm not ready for me baby to grow up  :|

Re: Sudden interest in food

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    We wanted to wait until 6 months too, but she seems interested, so we're going middle-path and letting her try less than pea-sized nibbles of fruit and veg (we just started with avocado) as "dessert" after nursing.  She is definitely excited but I don't want to rush her tiny gut. And I don't want her to grow so fast :)
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    Yes! Cole is just so fascinated with food. The Dr told me I can start him on rice cereal but I have zero interest in that as a food for my baby. 
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    The ped gave us the ok to start Nico on solids yesterday. I'm going to pretend I didn't hear her. I don't want him to grow up!
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    Colette's been super interested for a few weeks. I put some cold breastmilk in a baby cup that works like a regular open rim cup and she loves drinking from it. When we have dinner, I'll give her some slushy milk to eat with a spoon. She gets pretty satisfied that she is participating in dinner time. 
    She watches everyone eat. XD
    Married 05.19.07 | Together since 03.11.00 | Dom Born 02.06.12 
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    calbin00 said:
    The ped gave us the ok to start Nico on solids yesterday. I'm going to pretend I didn't hear her. I don't want him to grow up!
    I'm definitely waiting a few more weeks to give him foods because he's still a supported sitter, plus I'm not ready for the poop. Breastmilk poop has me spoiled. We were given the go-ahead because he is hitting milestones and gained weight so well. 
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    Funny. Olive is 4 months tomorrow and she's going through this thing where she DOES NOT like seeing me eat. Anything. She's even a little heiffy about water. She cries at me when i try to feed myself. So I eat at work and after she goes to bed. Sometimes I'll take clandestine Subway runs. I feel like I'm having some kind of weird affair.

    But we have started letting her taste food. I'll dab juices from fruit, sauces or other flavours on her tongue. Last night I let her try a dab of raitha and today she tried some marinara so we're getting more exotic with her. I figure pretty soon she'll start equating what i'm eating with what she's been tasting and then the fun will start. 

    I don't want Olive to grow up either. I love holding my little baby. I wish i could just hold her forever.
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    Funny. Olive is 4 months tomorrow and she's going through this thing where she DOES NOT like seeing me eat. Anything. She's even a little heiffy about water. She cries at me when i try to feed myself. So I eat at work and after she goes to bed. Sometimes I'll take clandestine Subway runs. I feel like I'm having some kind of weird affair.

    But we have started letting her taste food. I'll dab juices from fruit, sauces or other flavours on her tongue. Last night I let her try a dab of raitha and today she tried some marinara so we're getting more exotic with her. I figure pretty soon she'll start equating what i'm eating with what she's been tasting and then the fun will start. 

    I don't want Olive to grow up either. I love holding my little baby. I wish i could just hold her forever.
    I'm holding off on foods mainly because I want to wait until he can sit better. But also hugely because it's one more step towards him being independent from me. His ped told us she suspected he would develop an appetite sooner rather than later sense he has almost quadrupled his birthweight, I just am not prepared this. My teeny tiny baby isn't so teeny tiny anymore :/
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    Zachary loves watching people eat and tries to go for my food but when I eat he's not happy, probably because I'm not feeding him it! He's only 15 weeks so I'm not planning solids until he's at least 4 months even then it would be a small spoonful of banana a day
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    DD loves watching us eat. She loves watching us talk. Basically anything with our mouths she's a fan of. She'll definitely be excited to try food, but we're waiting until 6 months or if she's met all of the necessary milestones before that. I'm not in a big hurry though. Boobie juice is working well so far and I'm not ready to have to spend money on a food source! Haha.
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    My son also watches me eat in amazement but I don't think it's an interest in food- he just thinks it's funny to watch me chew.
    Anyways we are going to wait as long as possibly because I am not looking forward to the smelly diapers!
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    We started with parsnip yesterday. Jonathan would literally eat it likes there's no tomorrow. He was ever so angry when I stopped after five spoons :-)
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    DD watches us eat but we're waiting until she hits all the main points to start. She isn't sitting up yet and she still has the tongue thrust reflex. 
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    I actually can't wait until the girls can start trying solids! I think it is going to be so fun. We already have super smelly diapers because they are on a multivitamin (since they were preemies and a bit anemic) and the iron makes for naaaaaaasty poops. They do find our food very interesting, but don't watch us eat yet. I'm sure we're a ways off...still not great at sitting up and that tongue thrust doesn't show any sign of letting up.
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