Babies on the Brain

TTC on Honeymoon?

I will be getting married and going on my honeymoon in a week and my fiancé and I really want to start a family right away. We are 27 and 28, and have been together for two years. I find it ironic when people ask as soon as your married or right before, "When are you planning on having kids?" most couples will say a couple of years, leaving the asker disappointed. Yet, when we are asked and answer that we want to start a family right away, they are shocked and are more or less against it, saying you need to time to get to know each other. It feels like there's kind of a lose/lose mentality on the matter. We are both really mature, financially ready and ready to start that chapter in our lives. So is it so bad for wanting to start a family right away? 

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Re: TTC on Honeymoon?

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    micshi said:
    You're going to have to learn to stop caring about what other people think of your life choices  ;)

    Have fun on the honeymoon! 

    ETA: you're ready when you're both ready. Not when others say you're ready.

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    Some people like to poo-poo no matter what you say... you say black, they say white. That's just the way people are... when you guys are mentally ready, you're ready! Sounds like you know what you're doing! You know what they say- opinions are like ........ everyone's got one. ;)
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    besides the fabulous ladies here, only my closest confidants even know we're talking about TTC. Everyone else? Their 2 cents ain't paying my bills.
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