August 2016 Moms

Baby size at 20 weeks??

I am currently 22 weeks as of yesterday and have been thinking about posting this since my 20 week scan.  Our baby girl weighed 14 oz at 20 weeks. After that visit my doctor scheduled another scan at 33 weeks to check both the size of the baby and the Placenta to make sure that it moves.  My first DD was 10 days early weighing in at 6lbs 6oz.  I don't recall her 20 week weight but I know baby's size was not an issue before. After googling (I know I shouldn't but I did) it looks like baby girl is running in the 90%? I am rather petite and my DD was always little 7&8th % for height and weight until she turned 5. Has anyone else had a similar baby weight at 20 weeks? And if so do you remember the birth weight? 
I know this is early to think about but I was told when I had my daughter that I really couldn't have a much larger baby in the future and give birth naturally. Needless to say I am getting a little nervous. 

Re: Baby size at 20 weeks??

  • At our 20 week scan our baby was measuring that big also.The tech said he is at the 82nd percentile. Like you, I don't remember the other kids sizes at 20 weeks so I don't have anything to compare it to.
  • Mine was measuring 13 oz at 19w6d. My doctor wasn't concerned and said everything was normal. Perhaps our little ones had a growth spurt right before the ultrasound. 
    Married to DH 10/6/12
    TTC since 5/14
    Unexplained with (controlled) hypothyroidism and suspected ovulatory dysfunction (but, I do ovulate on my own)
    Clomid 50 mg 3/15 (unmonitored) - BFN
    Clomid 50 mg + metformin 4/15 (unmonitored) - BFN 
    First RE appt. 5/15; Natural cycle 5/15 monitored with 2 mature follicles and Pregnyl Trigger (full dose) + prometrium - BFN
    6/15 HSG - clear tubes & normal uterus; great PCT test results
    TI - 100 mg Clomid + prometrium (AM & PM) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 6-7/15 (monitored) --> no additional response and thinned lining - BFN
    TI - Injectables (follistim + Gonal-F, Ganirelix, & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 9/15 --> 3-7 mature follicles (3 definites and 4+ that could have matured due to trigger) @ O -->BFN + 5 large cysts
    BC for 2 weeks due to cysts
    TI - Injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & full dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 10/15 --> 1 mature follicle --> BFN 
    TI - Last attempt at injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + crinone (AM only) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 11/15 --> 3-4 mature follicles --> BFP!! 11/27/15 @ 13dpo (shockingly, actually waited until then to test)

    Beta #1 @ 16dpo (11/30/15) = 1,075
    Beta #2 @ 19dpo (12/3/15) = 3,150
    One baby: Saw heartbeat @ 5w5d (114 bpm; baby measuring 2.3mm)

    "Great Things are Happening"
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  • Our baby boy was already 1 lb at the 20 week 5 day ultrasound, measuring 10 days ahead and in the 97% percentile. 
  • Another thing to consider is that the weight they guess could be wrong. I don't know how accurate weight estimates are at 20 weeks, but I know as you approach delivery, their estimates can be +-1 pound, which means they basically mean nothing. 

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
  • At our anatomy scan he was weighing about 10oz and I was only 19 weeks. They said that baby was measuring 19w 2days but they didn't change my due date based off of that obviously. Did they say how far ahead baby was measuring?
  • Honestly I forgot to even ask about the weight at first because I was so happy that baby girl is healthy. When they called to schedule the other ultra sound at 33 weeks I asked about the weight and that is how I found out. 
    I am glad I am not alone with the larger baby. I am just not used to this since DD was so small. I know the weight can be off as well but this one has been measuring early since my 6 week ultrasound. I wonder if my due date is just off. 
  • At our 20 week scan, baby boy measured 14 oz. 85%. I won't be surprised if I have a big baby. They say if the mom or dad was big, baby could be big. Or vice versa. My husband was over 9 pounds at birth, and his brother was over 10 pounds...

    Hard to tell what I would have been because I was born 8 weeks premature due to mom having preeclampsia. Which brings in whole other worries. So, that's another story.
    Me: 32 | DH: 33
    Met: 2005 | Started Dating: 2009 | Married: 2013

    TTC#1: 06.2014;   BFP: 12.2015; DS Born: August 16, 2016
    TTC#2: 12.2017; BFP: 02.26.2018; CP 03.02.2018
                                BFP: 04.26.2018 DD Born: December 26, 2018
    Surprise Pregnancy #3; BFP: 01.11.2020; Due Date: September 19, 2021

  • Just had our anatomy scan at 21 weeks and baby was measuring at 13oz, doctor said this was perfect and not concerned at all. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • This is my first baby and she was 12 oz. at 20 weeks which was around the 45% percentile, if I remember correctly. Obviously don't know her birth weight yet but was told that size was completely healthy and normal by my midwife. She measured right on track at 20w2d. I'd follow up with a phone call to your doctor to clarify.
  • I had my anatomy scan at 21 weeks and baby was 1lb 1oz. I have a feeling that is pretty big but no one said anything so I'm not sure. DD was 9lbs 3oz at birth and was a week early so I bet this little guy won't be so little either.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary
  • Just had our 20 week scan today, baby girl was measuring at 12 oz.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • At 21 weeks my boy was already a pound. Ultrasound tech just laughed and said I was growing quite the baby. It's not a big deal and unless your doctor is concerned, you shouldn't be either. She may have just gone through a growth spurt and might not continue growing so fast. I wouldn't be worried about it just yet. And weight estimates are off all the time, it's just a rough estimate. 
    Married 6/20/2015
    Mirena removed 7/6/2015
    TTC#1 July 2015
    BFP 12/4/2015
    Sam born 8/4/2016

  • @AmandaG225  that is what scares me! You already had a 9lb baby the first time. my first was only 6lbs 6oz. My moms biggest was 7lbs 11oz (me and I was #3)
  • My baby was also 14oz at 20w and I could see on the screen all of his measurements (head, belly, limbs etc) were measuring a week ahead. I know the weights can be off though and my doc wasn't worried. So I wouldn't be too concerned!
  • Mine was 15oz at 21+3.. The tech said she measured 21+1, but didn't say a percentile.
  • @tinkerbell11210 I wouldn't worry, I truly believe your body knows what it can handle. If OB is concerned that baby is too big they may monitor you more closely but that is about it. I have already been told they don't want this one to get as big as DD so I will be monitored more closely toward the end and I may possibly have to be induced early. Not a fan of a possible induction but I will do whatever is best for baby. ☺
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary
  • Yup, my daughter has always been in the 95-110th percentile.  She was 8 days early and 9lbs13oz.  I had a c-section but not because of her size....failed induction.  Never again, I'll opt for c-section over being induced again in a heartbeat!  I'm not sure about this baby, but i have a feeling he's not as big as his sister, they haven't actually told me size with him yet so I don't know, it's just a gut feeling.
    DD  <3 6/15/2014
    Baby #2 due 8/11/2016

  • I was 20 weeks and 3 days and my baby boy weighed 14 oz and they told me that was good and was 72 or 75th percentile (can't remember which). They said everything was good and nothing was mentioned about him being too big or even big for that matter.
  • I don't know what the weight of this baby was at the Anatomy scan, (I forgot to ask) but I do remember that my first DS was 13oz at the 20 week Ultrasound, and he weighed 7lb 10oz at birth, and he was born 1 day past his due date.
  • Ultrasound estimates of size and weight have an error of 15%, that is plus or minus. I wouldn't panic yet, wa it and see how it goes.
  • I was 21 weeks exactly at anatomy scan and she was 1 pd exactly, which the mfm said was perfect. 
    I wouldn't worry at all ! 
  • I wouldn't worry.  Ultrasounds are known for being off when it comes to predicting size. I have know a few momma's to have c-sections or be induced because of predicted size only to have average to smaller babies.  
  • I had my anatomy scan at 19w6d and my lil boy was at 12oz's and she didnt say if that was a good weight or bad but I go b ack 4/19/16 for a 24w scan and I will be sure to ask more about weight and precential then. 
  • Just remember that weight measurements during ultrasounds are actually total guesses. They aren't usually accurate at all. And there's really almost no such thing as a baby too big for a natural birth. My step mom had an 11 pound baby, and she's 5 foot 1, maybe 110 pounds. There's honestly no need to worry, so long as baby is healthy! 
  • my guy was measuring 1lb 2oz at 22 w 3d
    Married - 4/7/07
    Son #1- 2/15/08
    Son #2- 8/18/10
    Baby 3 due 8/8/16
  • I am right there with you. At 20wk1day the LO was measuring 14oz, 21wk5days. At my Doc appt the next wk, my uterus was also measuring closer to 22wk. Kinda confusing...does that make me a wk ahead gestationally? 

    I don't recall the measurements in utero with DS; however, he was 7lb9oz and 21 3/4 long just after 37wks. It makes me nervous because we are planning on a tentative VBac. Tentative depending on this LOs final size. Good thing I guess is now we get extra ultrasounds in the end. DS was sunnyside up and a forced csection though. Doc doesn't know if he got stuck because I was too narrow... Or simply from his face up position. :/
  • Thank you everyone for the responses. I will just trust my doctor and wait for my 33 week scan to check her size. Good luck everyone. Big or small the most important thing is that they are healthy. 
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