February 2016 Moms

Stubborn Burper!

So my girl is almost 8 weeks old and we've been having tummy troubled from the beginning. I'm pretty sure it's mostly because this child won't burp after feeding. I try to burp her for a good 20 minutes after each feeding and most of the time, nothing. Until about an hour and half later when she's crying in pain til she lets out a man burp. Anyone else have a stubborn burper? I've tried different burping positions, patting and rubbing, even gas drops don't seem to help her anymore. Help!

Re: Stubborn Burper!

  • Mine can be the same way, especially because she falls asleep while eating at night and won't burp. Are you feeding her with her head elevated above her tummy? That would help has bubbles rise to the top and be easier to burp
  • My son does the same... He will not burp and then will get fussy later and let out a huge burp. Usually after that though, he's good to go. I try so hard to burp him. Sometimes I'll lay him on my legs on his tummy and pat his back and butt and that'll get him to burp. It all depends on the day
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  • We had problems early on with our little guy (now 8 weeks). We give him probiotics once a day and it has made a big difference.

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  • Same here. If he doesn't burp, he'll end up puking so he always wears a bib. For gas I've had no luck with bicycle legs but have been able to get gas out by bending his knees up to his chest so that his bum lifts up a bit. 

    Married to DH June 2013
    BFP #1 07/23/14 lost heartbeat @ 9w
    BFP #2 11/07/14 mmc @ 9w
    BFP #3 due February 2016!
  • I have a difficult burper too. However I (ok don't laugh) youtubed "how to burp " to get some more suggestions bc my way wasn't working well. I watched this one video (it was by a dad) where you sit baby sideways on your lap, and while supporting head move the baby in circular motions (both ways) It usually takes about three times around and I get a glorious burp. Check it out. It might help. Good luck! 
  • Yeah I try to feed her at an angle and I've tried the over the lap thing too. Sometimes she burps immediately, other times it just doesn't happen until she freaks out. I'll have to ask my doc about the probiotics when we go next week. Thanks for your help!
  • Same here. Sometimes I get no burp. She's gotten better at it as she gets bigger. I hold her steady and bounce her on my knee or I use the heel of my hand to rub up her back to straighten it out. Those usually work the best. I also sometime pick her up, lead her forward, support her chest and neck with one hand, the use the other hand to wiggle her butt. That usually works for me sometimes when nothing else will. 

    Are there actually actually babies who will burp when you pat them on the back? Or is that a myth from my childhood? Lol
  • Have you tried burping part way during feeding? My LO would the bubble buried deep and then throw everything back up. My mother said I had the same problem as we are overactive producers .
  • I give my LO to daddy for a burp, when ever I attempt to burp I get little bubble and gurgles. Hubby gets the big monster size ones out. If my LO don't burp he gets hysterical. 
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