November 2015 Moms

Spitting up a ton

wimamaof2wimamaof2 member
edited March 2016 in November 2015 Moms
LO is 19 weeks.  Little after he turned 4 months, he started spitting up a ton.  We started giving him rice cereal 1 to 2 times a day and solids (so far, we're going on day 4 with bananas).  He drinks about 15 oz of breast milk and about 15 to 20 oz of formula a day.  Also, it seems like he's always hungry.  We asked the pediatrician is not concerned.  He said we should call him if LO is crying after spitting up (which is not the case) or not gaining weight (gained 2 lbs in 1 month). 
Ladies, does your little one spit up a ton as well?  Have you tried anything different that helped with the amount of spit up?

Edit to add more.

Re: Spitting up a ton

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    I noticed my little man has begun spitting up more because he's teething. It seems like the extra saliva he's swallowing makes spitting up a more likely occurrence. 

    We had been given an amber teething necklace that I'd been pretty leery of using. It didn't seem like it should work and I'm not a fan of LO having something around his neck.  But since he's been super grumpy and chewing on everything I gave it a try. The amount of drool has decreased (which I didn't even consider being a bonus of using the necklace but it is!) and since he's drooling less he's spitting up less. 

    If you're going to try the amber teething necklace, be sure to only let your LO wear it when supervised and never for naps. Since it's under LO's shirt he has never tried to play with it but I don't want to take that for granted 
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    I think this is just normal for some babies. If your pedi isn't concerned and your lo has enough wet diapers and is gaining, then this is just one of those things for some people. 
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    Jane has been like this since day one. She spits up constantly, but isn't bothered by it and has at least tripled her birth weight at 20 weeks. We started solids 2 weeks ago. I regret to report that nothing helps reduce the amount, and several outfit changes for both me and her have become the daily norm. :-)
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    Like @rachswi my LO began spitting up more when she started teething. I try to burp her more frequently, but sometimes she just loses her mind because she doesn't want to stop eating to burp. So I just don't burp her then, at the advice of pedi, the crying will cause her to swallow more air and spit up more. I haven't found anything that helps.
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    I notice my little one will spit up a little more if he isn't properly burped. 
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    Cora spits up/pukes all day every day.  Her pedi says it's a laundry problem for me only.  It seems keeping her lying down makes it a little better.  If we sit her up or put her in the exersaucer she just spits up until we lay her back down.  I am starting to hate going places because both her and I end up covered in spit up (and it is a lot, and smells awful).  I love baby wearing but again, I end up covered in her puke and so does my wraps and carriers.  
    I am hoping she grows out of it soon!
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    @gipfish tripled birth weight! That's awesome. I can not imagine g tripling her birth weight by now but she was bigger baby. @lialetellier no advice but I won't worry too much if he is a happy spitter
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    wimamaof2wimamaof2 member
    edited March 2016
    Thank you ladies!  I feel much better.  DH and I bought silicone bibs and they have been a huuuge help.  Those bibs catch 99% of it.  We just add a couple of paper towels inside the bib.  

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    nmwheel1 said:
    Cora spits up/pukes all day every day.  Her pedi says it's a laundry problem for me only.  It seems keeping her lying down makes it a little better.  If we sit her up or put her in the exersaucer she just spits up until we lay her back down.  I am starting to hate going places because both her and I end up covered in spit up (and it is a lot, and smells awful).  I love baby wearing but again, I end up covered in her puke and so does my wraps and carriers.  
    I am hoping she grows out of it soon!
    Bridget is the same way.  She's a "happy spitter."  She will literally smile and sometimes even laugh before puking all over someone.  I feel like it's a little bit of a game to her.  It will almost always happen right after I've put the towels away thinking I'm safe. 

    Her sister had very bad acid reflux though and would projectile vomit and cry when she threw up.
    If there's something strange underneath the hood.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  If there's something weird and it don't look good.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  Immediately.  If it's new, painful, and possibly pregnancy related get your ass off the internet and call your doctor.  It's for your health and your child's. 

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    nmwheel1 said:
    Cora spits up/pukes all day every day.  Her pedi says it's a laundry problem for me only.  It seems keeping her lying down makes it a little better.  If we sit her up or put her in the exersaucer she just spits up until we lay her back down.  I am starting to hate going places because both her and I end up covered in spit up (and it is a lot, and smells awful).  I love baby wearing but again, I end up covered in her puke and so does my wraps and carriers.  
    I am hoping she grows out of it soon!
    Bridget is the same way.  She's a "happy spitter."  She will literally smile and sometimes even laugh before puking all over someone.  I feel like it's a little bit of a game to her.  It will almost always happen right after I've put the towels away thinking I'm safe. 

    Her sister had very bad acid reflux though and would projectile vomit and cry when she threw up.
    Agreed grayson will spit uo while smiling. With out fail he gets me everyday. My husband can hold him for 30 min or more, i take him and a min later i have spit up on me.
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    GoogleMD said:
    nmwheel1 said:
    Cora spits up/pukes all day every day.  Her pedi says it's a laundry problem for me only.  It seems keeping her lying down makes it a little better.  If we sit her up or put her in the exersaucer she just spits up until we lay her back down.  I am starting to hate going places because both her and I end up covered in spit up (and it is a lot, and smells awful).  I love baby wearing but again, I end up covered in her puke and so does my wraps and carriers.  
    I am hoping she grows out of it soon!
    Bridget is the same way.  She's a "happy spitter."  She will literally smile and sometimes even laugh before puking all over someone.  I feel like it's a little bit of a game to her.  It will almost always happen right after I've put the towels away thinking I'm safe. 

    Her sister had very bad acid reflux though and would projectile vomit and cry when she threw up.
    Agreed grayson will spit uo while smiling. With out fail he gets me everyday. My husband can hold him for 30 min or more, i take him and a min later i have spit up on me.
    Our children are either Slytherins or Gryffyndors in the vein of the Weasley twins.  I'm not sure which will end up being more exasperating.  Only puberty will tell I believe. 
    If there's something strange underneath the hood.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  If there's something weird and it don't look good.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  Immediately.  If it's new, painful, and possibly pregnancy related get your ass off the internet and call your doctor.  It's for your health and your child's. 

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    Ours is spitting up and drooling. He's teething now.
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    I have to give you moms with lo's that spit up all the time a lot of credit. My DD has spit up maybe 3x in her life until she got sick last week. She has now thrown up - and I mean a lot, smelly, all over her and me - 4-5 times in as many days. Luckily her cold is improving so I think we are out of the woods as far as puking goes. But man that was not fun. You guys are super moms for dealing with this all the time!
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    edited March 2016
    My daughter spits up a lot also. Sometimes she would cry after spitting up like it was hurting her, so her pedi put her on Zantac. It helps with the burning sensation and isn't supposed to help reduce spit up but she's spitting up a lot less now since being on the Zantac. I did notice teething makes the spit up worse. 2 of her teeth just popped through so she has a little break right now it seems. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Like PP's my LO has been a happy spitter since the day we brought him home from the hospital! My DH and I joke about how we wasted all our money on cute onesies/outfits when we should have just gotten a bunch of adorable bibs...seriously unless this kid is sleeping in his co-sleeper he is in a bib!
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    This girl never. stops. spitting. 3 bibs and 3 sleepers already and she's only been awake 2 hours. The laundry never stops. Pretty sure my left shoulder has a permanent sour milk smell to it. Good thing she's beautiful, happy, and an amazing sleeper. We all have our flaws right?
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    chein1 said:
    This girl never. stops. spitting. 3 bibs and 3 sleepers already and she's only been awake 2 hours. The laundry never stops. Pretty sure my left shoulder has a permanent sour milk smell to it. Good thing she's beautiful, happy, and an amazing sleeper. We all have our flaws right?
    Ha ha, I'm with you but usually let DD be naked for the morning if we aren't going anywhere. We are usually
    2-3bibs a feeding, 2-3 receiving blankets, 1 outfit(usually baby and mom). It's brutal. 
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    Is my baby the only one that's started choking on spit up and/or saliva? It's so freaking scary. I talked to the pediatrician and they weren't concerned at all and said there is nothing I can do :(
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    Is my baby the only one that's started choking on spit up and/or saliva? It's so freaking scary. I talked to the pediatrician and they weren't concerned at all and said there is nothing I can do :(
    Zeke chokes on his saliva all the time. I've stopped freaking out about it. I'll usually just sit him up and pat his back till he calms down. I think as he learns to swallow saliva he won't choke so bad. (And maybe won't drool as much - I can hope right?!)
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    Lots of spit up and drool here as well.  I try to burp several times during feeding, and keep her upright after a feed.  Bibs and a good lotion for her chin are helpful!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Is my baby the only one that's started choking on spit up and/or saliva? It's so freaking scary. I talked to the pediatrician and they weren't concerned at all and said there is nothing I can do :(
    I know I have a baby with different circumstances, but I just wanted to share this....
    Charlotte chokes on her saliva and was choking on her bottle/spit up since birth. What I learned was that she was aspirating-sucking it down into her lungs. The feeding tube into her intestines takes away the problem with formula and reflux, but we still have the saliva problem. We suction her often, like probably every 10-20 minutes when awake and playing. If it happens often, then it's a problem. There's something called aspiration pneumonia. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it if it's an often thing. As far as saliva goes, you just have to suction often. However, if the baby is choking on spit up often, I'd look into that. And I mean often such as that Charlotte choked/asirated on every bottle that was thin liquid(not thickened by rice cereal), and refluxed the rice cereal bottles followed by aspiration multiple times a day, until eventually her trachea collapsed(however, she has mild tracheomalacia). But just something to keep in mind. My first pediatrician blew me off. Love my new one!! I don't know how much or how often your baby is choking, but I always figure the more information I have, the better decisions I can make. 
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    My girl has GERD and we have to adjust meds about monthly or its puke city central throughout the day. It doesn't seem to bother her too much but every once in awhile it sends her into a decent coughing fit I'm none to fond of. It's more of a pain in the ass to advocate that to our Doctor and have her adjust doses frankly for various reasons that aren't here nor there. We've gotten pretty lazy with burping her though because she can mostly do so on her own, and sitting up a while after eating helps some.
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    I'm so glad to find this thread, it makes me feel less alone! My EBF guy is suuuuch the definition of a "happy spitter" - he'll look at us, smile wide, giggle, then up comes the milk. It can be so frustrating, particularly because he's such a small guy that I wish he'd keep more ounces down. (The worst is when he spits up his bottle of expressed breast milk mixed with the pricey probiotic powder that the lactation consultant recommended -- liquid gold and powdered gold all over his little onesie. Nooooo!) 

    One thing that's kinda odd is that he very rarely spits up during night feedings.

    I have found that those bandana bibs are a big mental help because they're sooo absorbent that they give me the illusion that there's less spitup. Plus then I don't have to change his outfit a million times - just a thousand.

    I thought maybe the pedi would recommend something at his 4mo appointment but she didn't seem concerned by anything. I go back and forth between contemplating supplementing with formula or cereal -- or just continuing to stick it out the way I have been. I don't think he's ready to try "real food" just yet. 
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