October 2016 Moms

What's In Your Belly...Boy or Girl?


Re: What's In Your Belly...Boy or Girl?

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    @Piperella I hope that mine comes back just as quickly!!
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    I'm doing the Harmony test next week but I feel like it's a boy!
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    edited March 2016
    I'm team finds out in June but I can't wait :)

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    @kateleap haha that's really interesting! I love that kind of stuff. My family is Italian and we have a bunch of superstitions too. I've had 2 dreams it's a boy. In the same week both my dad and I had a dream about the baby being a boy and around toddler-aged (my dream was first and I only told DH until my dad mentioned to me about his). It was pretty weird!

    It's also funny because I've been thinking it's a girl from the beginning so maybe your FIL is right
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    I made the mistake of telling DH I was *thinking* about changing my mind and wanting to know the sex, and now he's changed his mind and wants to know.  Not sure what to do now!  I can see many benefits to waiting, but I'm just so damn curious!  I have my next appointment on Tuesday and we'll be doing the Verifi testing, so I guess I'll think about it over the weekend...
    Me (28) & DH (29)
    Married: May 2015
    BFP 1/24/16 EDD 10/4/16
    It's a boy!

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    Tara0604Tara0604 member
    edited March 2016
    We're on the fence. My husband wants to know, i didn't originally but i'm starting to sway in my decision. We were team green for my son and so we had that wonderful surprise. Now my husband wants to clear out and purchase girl stuff ahead of time if we need to, make our son's room a little more "girl friendly", etc. My reasons for possibly finding out is so our son can say what he's going to have as a younger sibling. (I feel like we are prepared either way for early infancy). I'm also thinking that we will find out and not tell people, but i'm not sure if i could do that successfully.

    Anybody already a mom of two and did one team green and find out the other?

    ETA: we have already had the harmony test done, so we could find out whenever we want, but we will probably wait until our anatomy scan if possible.
    -=- Tara -=-

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    I've been team green since I can remember, but the suspense is killing me. I don't think it'll sway the nursery colors or anything because they're pretty neutral. Even if we do find out I still don't want to tell anyone. 
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    I have no idea. We were team green with DS and that was awesome. Gender neutral stuff is hard to find but all you need is a few things and once that baby shows up, somehow magically, the clothes show up too. I really liked being team green.......I loved that at my shower I got actual needed things, and not a bunch of clothes that baby would wear once!! It's so much easier for people to impulse buy when you know the gender and I appreciated getting the things I really needed. This time around though, we have a little one to prepare in addition to ourselves. We are very on the fence. Id love to get rid of DS's hand me downs if it's a girl, as this will be our last baby and the storage of 3 years of kid stuff takes up some serious real estate. But I also really loved the surprise after working so hard through a med free labor. We'll see. We may do a sealed envelope and have my grandmother tell us at her 100th birthday party this summer.....that would be special. For now, we are team ? and we'll see how I feel as those scans get closer!
    DS 5/10/13
    New Bundle of Joy- EDD 10/27/16
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    Has anyone successfully found out the sex but not revealed it to anyone else?  Or revealed at the shower?  My curiosity is tempting me away from team green, but selfishly, I don't want to get a bunch of cutesy, super gendered clothes at our shower.  I'd rather get things we really need, and I'd like toys, nursery decor, and some clothing to stay as gender neutral as possible.  
    Me (28) & DH (29)
    Married: May 2015
    BFP 1/24/16 EDD 10/4/16
    It's a boy!

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    Has anyone successfully found out the sex but not revealed it to anyone else?  Or revealed at the shower?  My curiosity is tempting me away from team green, but selfishly, I don't want to get a bunch of cutesy, super gendered clothes at our shower.  I'd rather get things we really need, and I'd like toys, nursery decor, and some clothing to stay as gender neutral as possible.  
    That's our plan. We can't wait, but we don't want anyone else to know. Not even our son. I'll probably tell people we're team green tho so they don't bug me

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

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    I agree - I don't have experience, but from what I've heard it's a lot easier to pretend you don't know than to let people know that you're just not telling. We'll find out as soon as we have our MaterniT21 results back, but I think I'll tell everyone else that we plan to find out just before the shower and announce at the shower.

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    I made the mistake of telling DH I was *thinking* about changing my mind and wanting to know the sex, and now he's changed his mind and wants to know.  Not sure what to do now!  I can see many benefits to waiting, but I'm just so damn curious!  I have my next appointment on Tuesday and we'll be doing the Verifi testing, so I guess I'll think about it over the weekend...
    @Blonde1817, the lab accidentally did NIPT instead of the sequential screening when I was pregnant with my son.  My husband and I had said we wanted to be team green and when I went into the OB for my 16w appt and my doc was like "do you want to know the sex" in that moment I wanted to know SO. BADLY. and even contemplated calling the office to ask several times.  But we found out in the delivery room.  It was an awesome surprise!!  I just kept telling myself that knowing wouldn't change anything and that we wanted neutral items.  I can see the benefits of finding out though too but we liked team green so much last time that we are doing it again.
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    TG here! Glad to see so many other TG moms too!

    Me: 29 DH: 30

    Aug 2012: Hyperprolactinemia & two prolactinomas discovered, started bromocriptine 2.5mg/day
    Nov 2012: BFP!! EDD Aug 2013
    Jul 2013: DS born at 35w5d in an emergency CS after maternal fetal hemorrhage and complete previa
    TTA BUT SURPRISE BFP 1/29/15 without medication m/c @ 6w5d
    TTC #2 starting Jul 2015: Back on bromocriptine 2.5mg/day
    Dec 2015: Endocrinologist refers to RE, DH's SA was perfect, my hysteroscopy was perfect
    Jan 2016: Femara cycle #1 - two follies on L, trigger CD 15, BFP, EDD 10/28/16
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    nlane0723nlane0723 member
    edited March 2016
    Our first appointment with our OB was today and she said we wouldn't have another ultrasound (even with twins) until our 18 week anatomy scan. So I gave her the finger (secretly of course) and set up a sex reveal at 14 weeks at the nice elective ultrasound place not far from us. If they can't tell by then, they have you come back later for free. We also can't get any bloodwork to tell us because of the twins. 

    I dont like my OB as of this first visit and I wish our RE could be my forever Doctor. 
    That is so bizarre.  How do they check for heartbeats? My OB said that they are hide to find with the doppler so I'll be scanned everytime?  Are you seeing a high risk?  Feel free to say GFYS if I'm invading your privacy, I just find it really bizarre that with twin pregnancy + IVF, you aren't having more monitoring.

    ETA: you aka your OB isn't monitoring you more.

    Me: 28  DH: 27
    TTC since 2011
    IVF #1 June 2013 DD born: 2/25/14
    IVF #2 January 2016 Double Transfer: 1/28/2016
    First Beta: 108 Second Beta: 360.3
    Twins EDD: 10/13/2016
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    @nlane0723 I'm not sure on the heartbeats. But she said we would hear them on my next appointment (14 weeks) which upsets me even more because that means I have the last 2 weeks of my first trimester to wonder about them. No scanning, no hearing of heartbeats. I'm not seeing a high risk OB, just a regular one who's been doing it for forever. It upset me too, that's why I wanted to ease my mind by going to a boutique place before then just to see that they are okay. She's not even doing an NT scan. Just the bloodwork.
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    @nlane0723 also, there are only two OBGYN offices in the town I live (I had to travel for my RE) and of I had picked the other office, I wouldn't have gotten in until 14 weeks either. So I feel like either way I'm screwed. 
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    I'm sorry, @samijrichards.  I'm upset for you.  :'(

    Me: 28  DH: 27
    TTC since 2011
    IVF #1 June 2013 DD born: 2/25/14
    IVF #2 January 2016 Double Transfer: 1/28/2016
    First Beta: 108 Second Beta: 360.3
    Twins EDD: 10/13/2016
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    Just took Harmony blood test yesterday... can't wait to get the results!! I'll be posting back here soon :) 
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    I wanted to be surprised but hubby really wants to know so I gave in. So I turned it into a gender reveal for April 23rd. We did the harmony testing last week so we could know sooner but my friend is a baker and will be making a cake because I figure if he needs to know, I need to make a party lol
    DS born 2016
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    LGW2015LGW2015 member
    edited March 2016
    Lots of boys here lately!
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    @samijrichards Your OB isn't planning to do an NT scan or is refusing to do an NT scan? I was told that anyone can have an NT scan if they want. My OB never mentioned it, but I asked about it yesterday and she said I could if I wanted. At that point I'd already been wrangled into going to a boutique and didn't want another scan. If you want one, I would ask cause I think anyone can get them. Someone correct me if I'm wrong....

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

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    @krzyriver I know you didn't ask me, but my OB office told me they no longer do NT Scans at all. If the patient wants down syndrome testing, they offer the Harmony DNA test instead. 
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    @krzyriver I think NT scan is pretty standard (based on this board) but my OB requires genetic counseling at the hospital first before ANY first trimester screenings are done.
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    LGW2015 said:
    @krzyriver I think NT scan is pretty standard (based on this board) but my OB requires genetic counseling at the hospital first before ANY first trimester screenings are done.
    My NT scan is next week and it's not at the OB office either. She referred me to the genetic counseling center at the same hospital where her office is. 

    Me: 32 & DH: 37
    Married: November 2014
    TTC #1 Since: October 2015
    BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP
    BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
    IT'S A BOY!!!!
    DS Born 10/16/16

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    Hi, quick question. Isit just in America that you can be told the sex of your baby around 12 week mark. In u.k we either have to wait till our mid term scan at 20 ish weeks or book a private sexing scan from 16 weeks onwards.. im 12wk and jus booked in for a private at 16 wk but saw on other posts ladies have fount out much earlier with blood tests and ultrasounds x
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    @momto3soonbe4 in the us there are several elective genetic blood tests that can be done depending if you're high risk or willing to pay for it. since the sex is part of genetics that comes with the testing :) 
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    Had blood drawn for Verifi on 3/24 and got a call 3/30 saying results were negative (WOOHOO!) nurse asked if I wanted to know gender results but since I was at work it felt wrong finding out before my husband so I had them mailed to me. Should hopefully arrive today! 4/2! 
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    @Mzamora123 I had a similar experience - got the call and couldn't hear it without my husband. I should have had her put it in an envelope for me to pick up on my way home (it's on the way), but I instead asked for a callback that afternoon, hoping my husband would be home. But he was late... luckily, just as they called back, he was pulling in the driveway, so I ran outside to share with him... and instead of hitting speakerphone, I hung up the call! I'm sure the poor nurse thinks we're insane. Thankfully she called right back and we got to hear. In my defense, I almost never use my phone to talk on, so I'm not super aware of where all the buttons are? 

    Looking forward to hearing your results!

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