September 2016 Moms

Am I crazy for wanting a natural birth?

I am currently 15 weeks pregnant. Yes I know I have a long way to go but I don’t think that you can ever prepare yourself too soon. Since before becoming pregnant I always wanted a water birth (I still have very high hopes for this). As my pregnancy is low risk I am midwife led therefore I have the option to deliver the baby in the birthing centre rather than the labour ward.


Am I crazy for wanting to keep the birth as natural as possible? I am not naive I know that I will be in pain, I do not by any means expect it to be a breeze but 1000s of women do it daily and then go on to do it again! How bad can it possibly be? I don’t want to be completely spaced out when my baby is born I want to be able to fully enjoy the first moment my baby is put on my chest. Everybody I have spoken to has really mocked me for this, saying I won’t be able to do it (WHICH IS NOT VERY REASSURING) and told me I am completely out of my mind, I didn’t think that having a natural birth was that unusual!?


Have you ladies got any stories of natural births? Good or bad?

Re: Am I crazy for wanting a natural birth?

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    Not crazy, at all. I went med-free with my daughter and am so happy I did. Yes it was painful but I felt so powerful during and after and my recovery was so easy. You're going to hear tons of stories, both good and bad, from women who have gone with and without meds. What's important is that this is your L&D and your baby and you need to choose what you are most comfortable with. Don't let the naysayers bring you down. You are so right that you can never be too prepared. I highly recommend Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. I also recommend taking a class. I took a Bradley Method class with my daughter which was great. I'm reading Hypnobirthing to help with this one. I have every intention of trying med-free again.
    Married 6/4/11
    Reese born 3/23/13
    Due 9/14/16

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    Not crazy! I went natural last time and hope to do it again this time. It can be hard definitely but I felt pretty bad ass after it was all over!
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    I had all three of mine med-free! It's definitely possible! There are tons of classes and methods to help you through labor. There's also a Natural Birth board on the Bump that is full of great stories and advice for med-free birthing! 

    Baby 1 - 10/2010 | Baby 2 - 8/2012 | Baby 3 - 6/2014 | Baby 4 - EDD 8/2016 - MC 12-27-2015 | Baby 5 - : 9/2016

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    Not crazy at all. There are lots of women who want and have a natural birth. I always deliver in a hospital, and I like it so that probably won't change. But this time I'd like to try it without an epidural. I really wanted to try it last time but had to have a c-section because baby was stubbornly breech. I haven't talked to the doctor about doing it without an epidural yet, nor have I talked to him about a VBAC. But I'm hoping it will be possible. 

    It's your baby and your birth experience, so you do it how you want to. If you know that somebody is going to give your grief about any part of it, just don't tell them. It's not anybody else's business anyways. 
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    I also went med-free last time around. Tell those people to shut their mouth if they're doubting you!! You can do this! It's great you're already thinking of this being 15w in. I recommend starting to read up on it now. Some helpful books from last time around were: Hypnobirthing (came with a cd to help relax and prepare you), Mindful Birthing, and The Big Book of Birth. I also found the film "The Business of Being Born" very enlightening.

    Currently I'm watching the sequel to The Business (both are on Netflix) and am reading "Birthing from Within". I have plans to order the newest edition of Hypnobirthing after this book.

    Before I had DS, I had the honor of watching my nephew being born. My poor sister was restricted to her bed after the epidural and had to lay there for 7 hours before she could start pushing. Because it was so long since it was administered, she ended up feeling a lot of the pain anyway. Plus, I'm not sure it totally numbed her to begin with.

    I knew I wanted to be mobile during labor (bouncing on labor ball, in the jacuzzi, and walking around the hospital). I feel as though my labor progressed more since I was able to move around and baby was able to get situated in birth canal via gravity. I listened to the hypno cd as it helped me envision everything that was happening. 

    Good luck and keep an open mind :)!!
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    I had all three of mine w/out epidural. Had a shot of Nubian w first at midwives recommendation. This was over 17 years ago so I don't remember how long it lasted or if it even helped.

    But after the first I knew I could make it w the others. I had a bad experience w a lumbar puncture as a child and epidurals freak me out. 
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    No, you are not crazy. Do what you want and ignore everyone who says you can't. Your birth, your baby, your choice. I didn't have a med free birth, but I wanted to. I let too many people control the whole experience for me with their doubts, opinions, and wrongful advice. I don't regret the epidural, but I still wonder what a med free water birth would be like. Go for it!
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    I second PP suggestion of anything written by Ina May. Your midwife will be an amazing source of information and provide you with resources to educate and help keep your confidence up. Doulas are also a great option. Definitely prepare yourself for the birth you want, it's never too early (I would also love a water birth, unfortunately being VBAC the best I can hope for is labouring in the water). But also educate yourself on different alternatives, so that you are able to make informed decisions should your plan go sideways. Being informed will help to take a lot of fear that goes along with 'the unknown' out of the equation.  
    Natural M/C 03.26.2012 at 10w2d
    Charlotte born at 28w3d due to severe IUGR on 12.24.2012 Merry Christmas!
    Missed M/C discovered 12.22.2014 at 8w1d measuring 6w3d
    2015 was a year to test strength of both body and character, but it led us to this... BFP 01.26.2016 EDD 9.30.2016
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    faeriemfaeriem member
    edited March 2016
    Not crazy at all. I had ds at home with a midwife. I did have some difficulty due to having an inverted heart shaped pelvis. This meant ds couldn't get his head out until I ended up with 3 hands pushing the spines in my birth canal outward to let his head through. It was a hard labor, but he came out perfect and healthy. His heartbeat was steady throughout the entire birth and I was up and about within a few hours. I plan to do the same with this one, though am considering using the birthing center this time just for clean up purposes. 
    Edit: I also had a lot of nay Sayers thinking I couldn't do it, but my mom was fully supportive having had two home births herself. 
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    eliza+gleaveeliza+gleave member
    edited March 2016
    What everyone else said. Not crazy at all! If you have the support of your SO and you make your goal for a natural birth known to your midwife you can totally do it. I had my birth preferences written out when I had my 1st and that was really helpful. One piece of advice that I have (and honestly, the only reason I was able to go med free with DD1) is to ask for pain medication not to be offered to you by the hospital staff and if you request an epidural during a contraction, have your midwife ask you if you still want medication once the contraction is over.

    That being said; after having natural births with each of my kids and this one likely being our last, I am proudly opting for an epidural this time! 

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    Brooklyn 2010
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    I am currently 15 weeks pregnant. Yes I know I have a long way to go but I don’t think that you can ever prepare yourself too soon. Since before becoming pregnant I always wanted a water birth (I still have very high hopes for this). As my pregnancy is low risk I am midwife led therefore I have the option to deliver the baby in the birthing centre rather than the labour ward.


    Am I crazy for wanting to keep the birth as natural as possible? I am not naive I know that I will be in pain, I do not by any means expect it to be a breeze but 1000s of women do it daily and then go on to do it again! How bad can it possibly be? I don’t want to be completely spaced out when my baby is born I want to be able to fully enjoy the first moment my baby is put on my chest. Everybody I have spoken to has really mocked me for this, saying I won’t be able to do it (WHICH IS NOT VERY REASSURING) and told me I am completely out of my mind, I didn’t think that having a natural birth was that unusual!?


    Have you ladies got any stories of natural births? Good or bad?

    You are not crazy for wanting a natural birth. Giving birth is an incredibly personal experience, and any way you want to have it is fine. You can do it, your body is capable. Don't let other people make you doubt yourself. But if you end up with medication or an epidural, don't beat yourself up. You aren't a "failure," and you aren't "less than." Good luck! 
    FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad

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    I had wanted a med-free birth after doing a lot of research.  Unfortunately after like 4 hours I gave in and took the epidural and then 8 hours after that I ended up with an emergency C-section.  So I went from one end of the spectrum to the next.  I say absolutely go for it, just be prepared for anything to happen!  Nothing went for me as I thought it would but in the end having the baby here safely was the most important thing.
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    I don't think it's at all crazy to want a med-free birth.  Do all the research and prep you can, BUT, my best advice is not to pigeonhole yourself into thinking that's the only way.  You are not a failure if you get halfway dilated and then opt to change course and get an epi.  
    I prepped for a med-free birth with my first, but the timing of my labor meant that I only got to 5 cms before I realized I had already been awake for 24 hours and likely had a long road ahead.  So I opted for an epi to get some rest and was so glad I did.
    When I had my son, I prepped the same way and still wound up with an epi halfway through.
    Both experiences were amazing and I remember everything along the way.  Recovery was also remarkably easy both times and each time I was up and walking within 2 hours of giving birth.
    This time around, I'll be trying med-free again.  We shall see how it goes.  Good luck to you!
    Piper, 4/10/10
    Connor, 3/16/15
    Morgan, EDD 9/22/16

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    It's awesome! Go for it!
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    I am doing a homebirth (hopefully water birth) with a midwife as a FTM. I am not seeing a doctor unless my pregnancy goes from low risk to high risk at some point. This means no ultrasounds for me or genetic testing or any of that. I am getting blood work done at least 3 times to make sure I maintain being low risk. 80% of the time I am so happy and confident with my decision. 20% of the time I think I'm crazy and I'm dying to see my baby on an ultrasound. My advice is to go with what you want deep down and look for support in your SO and midwife! I love my midwife! My mom is an obgyn nurse that helps doctors deliver babies and she is fully supportive of my decision. Also, my midwife will be visiting my home for mine and baby's appointments at least 4 times after the birth. Huge bonus.
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    izzetoot said:
    I was not med free but was pain free.  And I can't speak for other medicated mamas but I was 100% lucid the entire time.  The epidural only numbs your from the waist down, so it does not affect your mental state and you shouldn't be spaced out. I was induced a few weeks early (for medical reasons). It was a sunny beautiful spring morning, we had large windows shedding sunlight in the room, soft calming music playing in the backround, and it was very peaceful and beautiful.  Not at all scary, screaming, and bloody like you see in the movies.  I may have been lucky, but I plan to have this baby the same way.
    I had the same experience with my medicated birth. It wasn't what I had planned, but it was great. I was lucid, could move my legs, slept a bit, and dialated very quickly after the epi was placed. Before labor started, I wanted to be able to move around during it, but once it started I no longer wanted to move because it made the pain worse for me.

    That said, if you want to go med free, all the more power to you. I've never thought anyone was crazy for doing so and would never discourage another woman in her preferred birth method. Ignoring the negativity from others and preparing for a med free birth are the best things you can do now to get yourself ready to go med-free.

    Also, I agree with @Lindsayleigh1989 about the term natural. I don't think there was anything "unnatural" about my medicated birth.
    I agree with both of these ladies. Labor and delivery are a very personal thing and every woman has the right to chose what they think will be best for them and baby. That being said I did NOT have an unmediated birth. I knew from the start I have a very low pain tolerance and would be in hysterics if I couldn't deal with the pain. That is not how I wanted to start my journey of motherhood. I wanted to be calm and be able to enjoy the emotional aspect and not worry about the pain. I got an epidural at 4cm and when I finally got it I went from a 4 to a 10 in about 3 hours. It was around midnight and I was able to rest and relax and mentally regroup myself before having to push. I was in no pain and totally calm/aware. I didn't feel groggy or out of it in the slightest. It had no affect on baby when she was born, she was alert/awake and ready to eat! I'm planning to go the same route this time. I had no pain while pushing and felt ready to tackle the first few hours of motherhood and trying to breastfeed baby. Everyone is different. I know some women feel empowered and strong during labor, but I knew I would feel out of control and panicked. I just wanted to feel as calm as possible. 
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    Not reading all the comments here I'm sure they are similar to what I'm about to add.... But you are not crazy and you can never prepare too soon. I knew before I was pregnant I wanted natural birth too. And that's just what I got! I only surrounded my self with people who supported my decision and I just told the nay sayers "I guess we'll see" and it felt great to say "I told you so" afterwards! All you need to do is trust your body. I had a completely natural birth, aside from induction, in a hospital setting. My doctors and nurses were all super supportive! You can do it! 
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