July 2016 Moms

*Tuesday Ticker Change*

Haven't seen this yet, so here goes!

How many weeks & what size fruit/toy/animal?

What's going on with baby this week?


GTKY (stolen from the Monday mamas): with all our babies being born in summer, are you still taking any vacations/doing anything fun this year?

Re: *Tuesday Ticker Change*

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    How many weeks & what size fruit/toy/animal? 25w Napa Cabbage or Cauliflower! 

    What's going on with baby this week? Growth scan tomorrow afternoon. 

    Rants/raves/questions? Passed my GD test and ultra happy about it. My gall bladder tried to kill me with pain last night- this is nothing new. I can't believe how close we are to third trimester. 

    GTKY (stolen from the Monday mamas): with all our babies being born in summer, are you still taking any vacations/doing anything fun this year? No we're not doing any vacations, maybe late fall we will go down to our house in Delaware for a beach weekend, but as of right now we're just hanging out and learning how to have a baby- lame but I think a vacation would stress me out this summer. 
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    How many weeks & what size fruit/toy/animal?
    24 weeks; Eggplant, ear of corn, puffin

    What's going on with baby this week?
    Baby is flipping around in there and def feeling heavier against my bladder. 

    Hip pain and insomnia are a pain this week, but overall I feel great! I need to schedule my glucose test - what week were you ladies at when you took yours? Also, this week is spring break from school so I'm tackling the nursery and loving it!

    GTKY (stolen from the Monday mamas): with all our babies being born in summer, are you still taking any vacations/doing anything fun this year?
    No, not this year with the baby and how much of a hit maternity leave will put on our budget. Next summer we'll look forward to a seven year anniversary trip just the two of us to Napa if to Napa if I get my way, and the South if hubby gets his way! We'll see :)
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    How many weeks & what size fruit/toy/animal? 24w - cantaloupe!

    What's going on with baby this week? Nothing really this week. Next prenatal appointment is scheduled for next Wednesday.

    Rants/raves/questions? Rants: I swear my boobs have doubled in size again just in the course of the past 2-3 weeks. I bought several new bras toward the beginning of this pregnancy, and they're completely weighed down. I think I need 1-2 cups bigger, plus a 42 instead of a 40! Raves: I got my first ever prenatal massage last night, and it was absolutely amazing. When she was working the knots out of my hips with her elbow, I had to grip onto the body pillow and try not to yelp, but the rest of everything was completely relaxing.

    GTKY (stolen from the Monday mamas): with all our babies being born in summer, are you still taking any vacations/doing anything fun this year? We don't really have any plans, but maybe something will materialize. My parents typically take the whole family to Disney World every other year, but they haven't mentioned anything yet for this year. We usually go at the end of October. We took DS when he was 6, going on 7 months old, and he had a blast. I'm not sure how much a 3, going on 4-month-old would enjoy it, but I could see him still enjoying the complete sensory overload. DS will be 2-1/2 this October, and he LOVES Disney, so I would like to take him again - I think he'd go NUTS! Likely the trip will be postponed until next year, though, which makes finding vacation time away from work much easier!
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    How many weeks & what size fruit/toy/animal?
    22 weeks today! He is the size of a corn on the cob, a water bottle and a Guinea pig.
    What's going on with baby this week?
    Baby is doing well. Just had an appointment today and yesterday was the first day I saw him kick from the outside. 

    I've put on a little too much weight. Trying to watch what I eat but I am being such a picky eater. Any suggestions for healthy snacks? I've been loving chocolate. 

    GTKY (stolen from the Monday mamas): with all our babies being born in summer, are you still taking any vacations/doing anything fun this year? 
    I am not taking any vacations because I have to save up all the PTO I can because I only get 4 weeks paid, but I have to get 8 weeks PTO on my own. Currently I'm only at 12 days so I've got a long way to go. It looks like I'll be not receiving a pay check for a few weeks. My family vacation with my boyfriend is usually the second week of August, but with the baby due on July 26th we aren't sure if we want to tote a newborn 5 hours to Myrtle Beach. 

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    @jlmartinez517 - my glucose test is next Tuesday actually and we have the same due date...so 25 weeks. My doctor recommends them between 24-28 weeks and likes to schedule them on the same day as my appt so I can do both in one visit.

    @setosh - check out our thread "mamas who want to slow weight gain"....there are a ton of ideas for healthy snacks in there! Personally, I love fruit, string cheese, carrots w/light ranch, greek yogurt, hardboiled eggs. I still eat chocolate but am trying to limit it and just be aware of how much I'm eating. I'm up about 25 lbs so far, most of which is from the 1st trimester when I had to eat to prevent nausea!
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    How many weeks? 25w, prairie dog or baseball glove

    What's going on with baby this week?  Nothing this week, just packing as we move in April to a two bedroom and then it's nursery time!

    Rants/Raves:  I love feeling him move. This weekend I've been really achy and tired but I think it's from pushing myself too hard at work

    Gtky:  We keep planning then cancelling trips. I think we will end up just having day trips around us with the moving and mat leave 
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    thank you! I haven't gained but about 15 it's just that I'm already overweight. We recently moved and work has been stressful. We will blame it on that and not all the sweets I've been having. ;)@sboston06
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