June 2016 Moms

Experience measuring too much amniotic fluid

my doc says I have too much amniotic fluid but to not worry. Anyone else have experience with this? I'm measuring large at 25 weeks. I look 9 months :(

Re: Experience measuring too much amniotic fluid

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    Yes, and if you go back maybe a page to two, you can see where I posted about the same thing a few days ago and didn't receive a lot of feedback, since it's a fairly rare and often random occurrence. This is my second pregnancy and the second time I have had this condition. The first time, it caused my water to break at 35+ weeks (PPROM) and I had my son early. Did your doctor say it was due to known factors, such as gestational diabetes? Or did they recommend any course of action? 

    I know the way you look is concerning (trust me, I don't enjoy the comments about how big I appear), but that really should be the least of your worries. Talk to your doctor about how they will monitor your pregnancy, if they recommend a prescription or amniocentesis to reduce the level of fluid. If you are just slightly above or borderline, chances are they won't do anything but monitor the level, but being very far above can be an indication of a problem with your child. If your doctor says not to worry, then that's a great sign, but I would still make sure they keep closer tabs on it the rest of your pregnancy.
    TTC#1 since May 2011

    BFP #1 June 2011 m/c@6wks

    BFP #2 December 2011, EDD 8/21/12, born 7/21/12 at 35w4d

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    BFP #3 October 6, 2015. WHAT???

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    Yes, they are going to keep an eye on me. Thankfully it's not GD. If you don't mind me asking, was your first baby healthy? Also, when you gave birth did you just have a ton of water come out? Sorry if it's TMI. I appreciate your response. 
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    No, I am happy to share any and all information about it. 

    He is healthy now, but he had lots of issues when he was born, including breathing and even suspected brain/development issues. He was in the NICU for 10 days and failed the first car seat test (meaning he had breathing/heart rate issues that prevented him from being cleared to leave). He endured a lot of testing in those 10 days. He also ended up with torticollis, and then that affected his ability to develop physically and the shape of his head. He ended up in physical therapy and then with a cranial band. That part turned out to be the least scary, because by that time, the doctors were confirming that he didn't have developmental (mental) challenges. He is a super smart and funny three year old now, but that first year was rough. 

    When my water broke -- yes, it was a TON of fluid! Your fluid level peaks normally around 35 weeks and then goes down a lot prior to 40 weeks, and by different estimates I was around 35w2d (doctor's estimate) to 35w4d (based on LMP). Couple that with having too much to begin with, and yes, it was wave after wave of fluid. When it first broke (in my car), it was like a very large full water balloon popping and it soaked my dress and my car seat. More kept coming out as I was being checked in to the hospital through the ER and triage. I actually mopped up a puddle that I made in the bathroom getting changed into my gown because I didn't want another woman in labor slipping and falling on it. The triage bed was also soaked. I know this is FAR too much TMI, but that was my experience. 
    TTC#1 since May 2011

    BFP #1 June 2011 m/c@6wks

    BFP #2 December 2011, EDD 8/21/12, born 7/21/12 at 35w4d

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP #3 October 6, 2015. WHAT???

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    Thank you! I needed to know. I appreciate you being an open book. Best of luck to you!
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