January 2016 Moms

Baby fell out of the bouncer!!

mbud926mbud926 member
edited March 2016 in January 2016 Moms
Last night I was BF baby and put him in his bouncer so I could pee (for the first time in probably 12 hours). I came out of the bathroom to find him passed out! I was THRILLED!!  I decided to leave him in there since he was so peaceful and I slept on the couch next to him (mommy guilt- I didn't buckle him in--he's 8 weeks and has only ever used it to calmly hang out or nap). A few hours later, I heard him rustling so I wake up to feed him and he's lying on the floor in front of the bouncer!! No cries, acting totally fine, but I am still freaked out!! Poor thing will be buckled in everything every time from now on...I feel so awful!!

So warning to anyone else who may use it for the same purpose...definitely use that buckle--these babies are little ninjas! Anyone else have A mommy guilt moment?!

Re: Baby fell out of the bouncer!!

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    I have fallen asleep many times in the glider with him. Ugh. Always with the boopy so there is no way he could get stuck between me and the chair. But still, I always feel awful. 
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    I fall asleep on the sofa with DD but I make sure she is on the inside now. She has only fallen off once but we have carpet and there were some pillows on the floor. Thank god. 
    DD#1 born 12/30/2015
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    DS#1 born 02/19/2013
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    LO is fascinated by the TV. I can leave him in his bouncer for a good 10 minutes while he stares at it. I never wanted to be the mum who let the TV babysit, but my goodness it's good to get a chance to grab a snack or use the bathroom. Makes me feel so guilty though! 
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    I ALWAYS fall asleep during nighttime feedings. I sit up in bed with the boppy around me, so baby is totally secure. But I still seem to fall asleep during at least one nighttime feeding per night. I feel awful every time. LO seems to prefer it that way because she loves sleeping in my arms...but still. When I think about what could go wrong, it freaks me out! All of my mommy friends say I'm over-reacting, and it's no big deal, but it still scares me! 
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    @cyanope me too! Lately I've been so out of it I flop forwards and headbutt the poor little guy! Not hard and it doesn't hurt, but I feel so bad! DH has started waking up and poking me on a regular basis to keep me awake. 
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    BarrettJ89BarrettJ89 member
    edited March 2016
    All of your mom fails make me feel a zillion times worse about mine! 
    For instance, yesterday the baby was having an all day colic episode, so toddler watched cartoons way more than he should have. I also realized when he squatted in front of me that he needed a diaper change, like half an hour ago. He was squatting and pee was coming not only through his diaper, but dripping out of his sweat pants on to my living room floor... He's 15 months and was only in the diaper 3 hours for the record. Still felt AWFUL that I didn't change it sooner. 

    Then I went to change him, picked him up off the changing table in a hurry because of the screaming baby and knocked his head on the shelf above his changing table. 

    Bring on the wine...
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    kaym6kaym6 member
    I should def start to utilize the buckles on things before I get a first hand reminder of why they are there in the first place ugh lol 
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    Ebiejay said:
    @cyanope me too! Lately I've been so out of it I flop forwards and headbutt the poor little guy! Not hard and it doesn't hurt, but I feel so bad! DH has started waking up and poking me on a regular basis to keep me awake. 
    I have to bottle feed, and I startled awake while trying to reinsert the nipple into my daughter's eye. Thank goodness she had fallen asleep, too, and her eye was closed.

    The lactation consultant told me that it is normal to nod off when you're breastfeeding. The hormone level shifts and puts you into a state of deep relaxation--leading to sleep often.

    Our girl normally sleeps in a boppy in her crib--thanks to reflux issues. She apparently got too much traction the other night, and managed to shove herself backward off of it. Luckily, she just slid the 4-5 inches onto the mattress, but my husband found her with her legs in the air. He said she just grinned when he found her, so I don't think she was too distressed!
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    MssyMmmy said:
    My first night home from the hospital I fell asleep holding my LO and I drooled so much he had a giant puddle on his head and his hair was soaked...
    I do this all the time! Glad I'm not the only one! 
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    Totally not done on purpose but I felt SO awful for DS a few weeks ago. I was changing his diaper and also his clothes for the day, so he was totally naked for a quick minute while I grabbed the new diaper. I'm pretty good about being quick and covering him up, so he doesn't pee on himself. Well, not this time I wasn't. He peed right in his eye. The way it was aimed went straight to the face. I felt so bad, because I did laugh a little. He on the other hand felt otherwise  :o
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    Totally not done on purpose but I felt SO awful for DS a few weeks ago. I was changing his diaper and also his clothes for the day, so he was totally naked for a quick minute while I grabbed the new diaper. I'm pretty good about being quick and covering him up, so he doesn't pee on himself. Well, not this time I wasn't. He peed right in his eye. The way it was aimed went straight to the face. I felt so bad, because I did laugh a little. He on the other hand felt otherwise  :o
    Haha my son peed in his own mouth once, it happens.
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    mbud926mbud926 member
    edited March 2016
    This has happened to my son too @teachmegs817
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    My DS has peed on his face multple times.  Usually when we're trying to clean him up after a poopy diaper
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    Just got finished bathing my son after he peed on his face for the millionth time. Lol. I'm seemed to get the hang of changing him fast, hubby hasn't gotten it down though. :lol: 
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