January 2016 Moms


awetherheadawetherhead member
edited June 2015 in January 2016 Moms
any other runner moms out there? Was training for a half marathon and have continued running. It feels fine so far, actually when I'm running is the only time I'm not nauseous. Definitely slowed down a little though. Anyone else planning to run as long as possible? Oh. I'm about 7 weeks with my second.

Re: Runners?

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    I used to be. But when I found out I was pregnant I stopped all exercise out of fear of a m/c which I know isn't likely to occur if you are smart about working out. I sure miss running though! Can't wait to do it again while pushing the jogger ;)
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    I'm planning on running as long as possible, but with fatigue and nausea I'm only going once a week atm, and I'm so slow. I'm hoping to pick it up, especially through the second trimester (currently 8w1d), and I'm signing up for a half marathon for early Fall to keep me working out, though I only plan to finish this one, no time goal!

    When is your half? Have you changed your goal for it?
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    I found it too uncomfortable to keep running...mostly because I've been pretty ill. I walked a 5k though and I know many women who run through their 2nd trimester! I got a book called Running while Pregnant. It's by Runner's World I think. It's kind of dated but I'm sure they have the same information online if you ever have questions.
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    I wish I still could run. The running doesn't bother me, it's the heat and humidity that kills me. I'm still working out about 4 times a week at my gym where do we crossfit type workouts. I loved my long, relaxing weekend runs, but 95 degrees at 100% humidity makes it impossible. I'm hoping in the fall I can pick up on some short, slow jogs or maybe attempt a 5K. 
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    My sister ran a half marathon at 3 months and continud running 5Ks til 6 months. I'm not that motivated...a few miles several times a week is all I can do! I have noticed that I get tired a lot faster.

    DD 12/20/99, DS 12/14/12, M/C 9/2014, M/C 1/2015

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    I am still running, but not as often or as far as I'd like. I'm in FL and it's super hot and humid, and during the week I push our 2 yo DS in the jogger (about 55lbs between him & the Bob), so I'm extra slow too. I hope to keep running as long as possible though. When I was pregnant with DS I ran a half at 20 weeks and kept running until around 26 weeks. :)
    BFP #1 - EDD 4/18/13 | DS born 5/1/13. 9 lbs. 14 oz., 22 inches long.

    BFP #2 - EDD 1/25/16
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    I am 8w, and haven't ran since 5.5w, mostly because of fatigue and conflicting engagements. I hope to get back on the path once or twice a week moving forward. Not training for anything.
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    I ran through two pregnancies in the Marines, my fastest PFT times were when pregnant, it's like blood doping. The biggest inconvenience was having to pee every 1/4 mile if I was properly hydrated. Round ligament pain took me out of the game around 6mos though.

    I'm starting from scratch this time so just walking for now, though tempted to attempt C25K since I took the first 7 weeks off and I'm finally feeling better.

    I say if as long as you feel fine, run with it :)
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    Thanks everyone! Okayed it with my midwife this week and my half is still on for around 12 weeks (I'm just over 8 now). Definitely not going to PR it but pretty glad I can still run it! I have definitely started napping on days I run though. :)
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    Yes! I did a half marathon a few weeks before finding out about baby but I have stopped since becoming pregnant because like a PP said, exercise just makes me nervous...even if it's irrational, I just can't handle the worry it causes! I'll probably pick up the exercise in general during 2nd tri but I'm not sure if I'll be brave enough to run!
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    I did a half marathon last weekend, at 10 weeks. I was nervous be I had some MS that morning. My time was slower than normal but I felt great most of the run. I did have to stop and pee, which I never do! I'm glad I didn't let my worries hold me back. Great experience!
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    I am so inspired by runners. I wish I was a runner. I tried to start 2 years ago before getting pregnant with my first. I ended up getting severe debilitating hip pain in my first trimester and I went from the best shape of my life to the worst! My hip was just starting to feel better until I got pregnant again. So far it's not as awful but definitely feels sore by the end of the day. I hope I can get into running after this pregnancy.

    You go girls!!!
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    I'm a triathlete. I still run a little, but I've dialed it back in favor of swimming more.
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    I've run as long as I could with my first 2 and plan to do the same this time. Last time I had to go to walking at about 7 months b/c I could not breathe- I'm 5' 3'' and my LO was 10 pounds so she was getting BIG by then and there was little room for deep breaths! ;)

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    I try to get two or three miles a day in...but the Midwest humidity (I'm in Missouri) and all the rain that been coming has made that difficult. I plan to keep running as much as I can
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    I talked to my midwife and she said as long as my heart rate stays low enough where I can carry on a comfortable conversation I'm okay. I am registered for a marathon early October. I'll be 24 weeks by then. She said I could walk/jog it as long as everything is going smoothly.
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    I found out I have low blood pressure so whenever my body heats up, my blood vessels dilate. This happens in the shower and while exercising. Sadly enough I can't even run a mile without stopping 4 times from shortness of breath. It's terrible!
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    With my first child I ran two half marathons while pregnant (one at three months along and the last at 5 months).  The only advise I have is to listen to your body.  I found as the baby grew, my ability to breath while running was challenging (less room in the lungs for air).  If you're doctor tells you it's okay, I would keep on going.
    *YCSWU July Siggy" 

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    I run & do boot camp, spinning, as well as other group classes. Just did a 5k at 11 weeks, but am just being smart & not running AS hard as the normal me would. I actually feel better when I work out, but it does make me a lot more tired than usual since I'm pregnant. My doctor gave me the OK to continue these classes, but said to wear a heart rate monitor to make sure the rate doesn't increase to any higher than 150-160. That's what I've been going by. I have been giving it 75% effort through the classes, even though the super competitive me usually always goes 100% all the time! Trying to play it safe & listen to my body since this is my 1st. :-)
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    SovvySovvy member
    Go girl! Especially if it helps you with the nausea.

    pregnancy #1 :: daughter lost to chromosomal abnormality at 18 weeks
    pregnancy #2 :: son, born Aug 2011
    pregnancy #3 :: due Jan 2016
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    I'm not a marathon runner but could do 6-7 km easily enough before i got pregnant... Unfortunately after that I've really struggled with running due to o shortness of breath, dizziness and just the feeling I'm going to do a knee or something. Also the nausea and fatigue have made it tough to get my ass out for a walk. But I'm feeling gross as a consequence. I am hoping to pick it up in the next few weeks and see how I go... Come on tri 2!! I think it's great that you have been able to keep it up as you have- I'm a teensy bit jealous actually!
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    I was big into distance running before #1... I ran all through that pregnancy, although not fast or far. It felt so good to get the exercise endorphins!! Such a stress reliever. I'm hoping to do the same with #2.


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    I usually do a couple of half marathons a year but haven't run since before my transfer 6 weeks ago. Oops. Hah. I'm still kind of nervous.
    1.0&2.0 7-29-11

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    mg137mg137 member
    Running was the best thing for my morning sickness too! I'm running but cut it from 5-6 m hilly runs to 3-4.5 mostly flat because of first trimester exhaustion. Hoping to pick it back up soon. I'm also biking but will stop when my belly get bigger and doing a boot camp twice a week.

    I had to stop exercising very early during my twin pregnancy so I'm excited to keep it up this time.
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    apinkpelicanapinkpelican member
    edited June 2015
    I'm a longtime runner but got lazy over the winter between work and a baby. I've gone down to part time at work which has given me more time to squeeze it in but I can barely do dishes lately, let alone run. I'm worried that because I wasn't running much the few months before I got pregnant that it will be harder on my body to start up now. I'm going to make it my goal to get in one jog over the weekend and I'll see how that goes. I'm definitely a nicer person when I'm running off my stress!

    ETA: I should get my running in now with my single jogging stroller before I have to buy a double!!
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    Reviving this thread! Now that most of us have been cleared for running again or will be cleared in the coming weeks, what's everyone's plan to get back into running shape?
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    I have my 6 week check up tomorrow, and I'm planning on running in the afternoon! I don't know if I'll get to run any long races for quite a while though. But I can't wait to get back out there. 
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    I kept running throughout my pregnancy(much shorter distances and slower). Did 2 miles the day before I delivered & had an easy vaginal delivery so my dr told me I was fine to get back running whenever I felt comfortable. I did my first jog at 1.5 weeks postpartum. I'm using the couch to 5k app to make sure I'm taking plenty of walking breaks and not overdoing it. I've felt better with each subsequent run but wowzers the double Bob stroller with both boys in it is heavy!  Hoping to run a 5k around Easter. 
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    I'm signed up for a 5k in 2 weeks but I have zero plans of running it. I just want to get back into the environment and I plan to work on intervals or hills first before I work on speed. I can't wait for the weather to get nicer to make the runs more enjoyable for LO and myself. 
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    Is anyone else having terrible hip pain when running that they never had before?
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    I am from D15 but I had a J16 baby, and I want to join in on this running mom conversation.

    I was an avid runner before pregnancy. I ran throughout my pregnancy until 8 months when I got bad pelvic pain while running. I ended up having an emergency c section so I am still not back running yet, although I am hoping to be cleared at my 8 week post partum visit. 

    I signed up for my annual marathon in October as a goal to work towards for the year. I am focusing first on shoring up my abs and hips with strength training because I don't want to get back to running just to be sidelined by an injury. I have lost a lot of strength, and all those muscles and tendons are stretched out from carrying my giant baby. 
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    I'm so anxious to get back out there. I was sidelined all the way back to June because of complications. I was sure I would be cleared at my 6 week appointment but I wasn't and need to wait another few weeks. My husband and I signed up for a 5k mid April. Certainly not looking for a PR or anything close but I can't wait to get back out there in the community I adore. 
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    I didn't run at all during pregnancy because I had a really rough first trimester, then it was harder than I thought it would be to pick it up again around week 14.  However, I'd love to get back into running 5ks asap!  But I'm thinking I'll have to start really slowly and do some walk/jog intervals at the beginning.  Any STMs on this thread to give me an idea of when your body starts feeling normal after delivery?  I'll be three weeks postpartum on Monday and I still feel pelvic pain when walking more than a mile or mile an a half.  :/  I'm waiting until my six week exam to do anything other than gentle walking, but I was just curious when you started to feel normal again?  Especially pelvis wise and stamina wise?  It's shocking how reduced my stamina is at the moment!
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    I ran a half at 24 weeks, then stopped running and kept to walking. I'm 5 weeks pp now, today I did a half hour fast walk on the treadmill and I think it was my limit for now as I was starting to feel a lot of discomfort and pressure. I want to wait for my check up to start running again but I think it will be a while before I'm running any kind of distance. My aim is to run a half in the Fall, with no time goal. 

    Well done to those of you who are already out on the road! And good luck to those who are still waiting, we'll get there soon enough!
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    I stopped running about 5 months into my pregnancy just because it felt like my body couldn't handle the extra weight. FINALLY started running after my csection now that my LO is 8 weeks old. I probably could have started earlier physically but it's hard to find the time nowadays. How are ya'll balancing a new baby and starting to rub again? I eventually want to get jogging stroller but as I understand it, you can't use those for running with LO until they're around 6 months old.
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    Holy jiggling boobs Batman! When I considered running again, I thought the hardest part would be the loss of muscle/stamina. But my post partum boobs are going to take getting used to.
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    I thought jogging strollers were fine for younger babies if you used the car seat for them, as the movement is just like riding in a car. But I'm not sure so I'm going to ask my pediatrician at his next appointment before I take him out. 
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    I think jogging before 6 months (with the car seat) is one of those controversial topics like bed sharing. I've heard if you're on a flat, paved surface like a nice road/paved trail/track it should be fine for the LO to be in the stroller provided you aren't doing anything much more than a jog or light run. 
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    012016 said:
    I think jogging before 6 months (with the car seat) is one of those controversial topics like bed sharing. I've heard if you're on a flat, paved surface like a nice road/paved trail/track it should be fine for the LO to be in the stroller provided you aren't doing anything much more than a jog or light run. 
    I have a BOB revolution flex with the car seat attachment and i couldn't imagine jogging with LO in it yet (he's 5 weeks) His poor little head already bobbles around like crazy when I am just walking with him! I think even if I padded it to support his head it would still be questionable. 
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    kvacmak said:
    012016 said:
    I think jogging before 6 months (with the car seat) is one of those controversial topics like bed sharing. I've heard if you're on a flat, paved surface like a nice road/paved trail/track it should be fine for the LO to be in the stroller provided you aren't doing anything much more than a jog or light run. 
    I have a BOB revolution flex with the car seat attachment and i couldn't imagine jogging with LO in it yet (he's 5 weeks) His poor little head already bobbles around like crazy when I am just walking with him! I think even if I padded it to support his head it would still be questionable. 
    I wouldn't personally run until LO had much better head control but I have heard of other moms running sooner. I'm assuming they pad around the baby and help control head movement that way. But still... I think it's just one of those many personal judgement calls we each get to make as moms :) 
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