TTC after 35

Weekly check-in Feb 24

This check in is for anyone on this board to participate in and will occur every Wednesday. If you are new here and haven't made a separate intro on the main board please do so before checking in so we can "meet" you! It's easy to do just click the new discussion button in the top right and post away. 

1. Your Name or Screen Name (not full names) and State you are from. 

 2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.? 

 3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE? 

 4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? 

 5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc) 

 QOTW: Planning any exciting vacations? If not dream one up you would love to take!
Me (42) w/ partner for 16+ years
TTC #1: 11/2012 - 9/2013; 6/2014 - present
Follistim + TI (3x): All BFNs
Follistim + IUI (1x): BFN 
IVF #1: 17 retrieved,15 fertilized, Day 3: 15, Day 5/6: 3 biopsied
Result; 1 frozen blast (inconclusive PGS results)
IVF #2; ER: 6/22 16 retrieved, 6/25: 5 transferred (CP), 2 frozen
FET 9/17: BFN
Current FET -- Transferred 2 day-3 embryos - BFN

Re: Weekly check-in Feb 24

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    Anna from Maine.

    TTC #2 (first is 5.5 yrs old), on CD 2-3 now and this will be second cycle trying.  

    I am taking prenatal (whole-foods cheap bottle...will spring for Rainbow Light if and when I'm finally preg!); 3000-ish IUs vitamin D3; 200 mg Co-Q 10 (maybe this should be doubled or trying to find out about dosage in another thread); magnesium powder.  

    I am not charting, temping, or using OPKs...I totally forget how to temp/chart (which I did the first time I tried for a baby, but it worked so quickly then that I only did it for a month, argh) and must look that up asap.  I do not want to squander $ on OPKs after my insane and totally unwarranted purchase of several pregnancy tests last cycle (and by several I mean, oh, I don't know, 15?  Don't worry, most were 99 cents from Reny's).  My hope is that I can guess the time of O based on a generally 27-ish day cycle.  Okay, now that I wrote that down it seems insane so I guess I have to actually figure out how temping works.  

    How do I feel about this cycle.  Not great.  DP is not super interested, I am starting to get cold feet about essentially wrecking my art career, and I am just not sure about a lot of things.  However, I have noticed that my brain always gets crazy at O time and these hesitations kind of fade away (for me, not for him), I will probably be more into it in a couple of weeks.  Also, after last cycle, I am no longer under the impression that conceiving will be quick or easy.  I am grateful for the support found here...seriously.  Thank you!

    I added the above to the previous check-in too late, so my situation is essentially the same (hence the cut-and-paste).  I did want to add that I am feeling not very optimistic since my period has come and gone in less than 2 days.  Now it is CD3 for me but there is no more bleeding, at all (as of last night).  It has always been more like 5 days and very regular in the past.  I have also noticed that the length of cycles has recently become somewhat varied...or maybe it's been like that for years and I never bothered to pay attention.  I know I haven't been trying very long, but I feel like I am learning a lot about my body, and not all of it is so great.  I have no interest in/cannot afford any medical intervention should things be not working as expected for me, and I am wondering if this resistance will change or just continue.  Sorry about this grouchy rant; I'm not in a great emotional place in terms of TTC so it is nice to have a place where I can write these unspeakable thoughts.

    thank you!  Anna
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    Slgill from KS

    TTC #2 off/on since August 2015

    This cycle  using fertility apps to track my period and if/when I should be ovulating and ovulation kits.

    Still waiting for my cycle. It's a couple days late, but I not pregnant. 

    Lol.. I'll have to answer how I feel if we actually manage to try while I am ovulating this time around. 

    **We are wanting to take a "cousins" vacation this summer with a lot of my first cousins. We want to take a cruise somewhere. I hope we can make it, just depends on logistics, cost, finding someone to care for the toddler, etc. 
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    jennh75bjennh75b member
    edited February 2016
    Jenn from PA

    TTC#1 on and off since 9/2014.

    Just using fertility app to track cycle, taking prenatals.

    AF arrived a day early today to put me out of my misery, I suppose.  I was hopeful but now am pretty deflated.  I feel like for a year and a half now my life revolves around AF and small glimmers of hope and a lot of disillusionment. I'm feeling like my life is being infiltrated by baby talk...someone's pregnant, someone just had a baby, etc.  I want a vacation from myself and my body and this never ending cycle of disappointment!!!  How's that for a dream vacation?

    As for a vacation - we probably won't do anything grand but just a local weekend trip here or there.  We bought a house last year and have a ton of projects we will be shelling out $$ for, so a vacation probably isn't in the cards.  But if we do one, we want to go to Colorado.  I used to go there every summer to visit my aunt until I could no longer fly for free (dad worked for airline), so I haven't been there in 20 years.  H has never been there and he's really interested.  I now have two cousins, an aunt, and a friend from high school who all live there, so it would be nice to visit with them all.  
    Me: 41
    Husband: 40
    TTC#1 since 9/2014
    Unexplained Infertility - Trying naturally
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    @ferlanna My RE has me on 200 mg Co-Q 10 twice daily (taken with fatty food like nuts). Amazon is a good place to price shop for vitamins, OPKs, and HPTs - I've tried them all and even though the digital tests are easier to read, the cheap dip tests work and don't feel like I'm wasting money if I overtest. But temping is cheaper and reliable if you are consistent. GL!
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    MntnGirl, CA

    TTC #1 ~1.5 yrs

    OTC Supplements: Prenatal, NAC, Vit D, DHA, DHEA, CoQ10. Seed cycling.
    Prescriptions: levothyroxine, folate, leuprolide, follistim, menopur.

    We're in our first IVF cycle - ER later this week. BW and US all look good, so our only concern is egg quality/quantity due to AMA. 

    Two shots twice a day and BW every day is not fun. Insurance is actually not covering anything, which was a disappointment. But I am grateful for DH's active participation and that everything seems to be going really well (and I don't feel bad or emotional).

    QOTW: All vacations are on hold until shots are done and we get a BFP. We're looking forward to spending more time on the beach with family as the weather warms up.
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    PoeMasquePoeMasque member
    edited February 2016
    @ferlanna my OB told me getting pregnant is really simple "you need an egg and sperm and they need to connect. That's it". He also said that if you have a period roughly once a month you are pretty much ovulating just fine. I often have periods that are two days, with some 3-4 day bleeding every once in a while. I think as long as you are having some bleeding once a month you are fine :) 

    @MntnGirl good luck with the IVF! So glad to hear you are feeling good so far! 

    Jen from Oregon

    TTC#1 since Nov 2015 (this is our 4th cycle)

    not doing anything this month! I am selling my house and we are in the process of looking for a new one, plus I have a huge project at work, so I decided to lay off the baby-making-tracking this month. 

    According to my app (and knowing that I had ovulated very recently according to my US on the 16th) I am 10-11 DPO with zero symptoms other than being suuuuper gassy for a week. I always feel super excited and hopefull at this point, but end up disappointed. This month I am hopeful, but with no symptoms it's easier to not be going loopy over every twinge and sore boob! It's kind of nice. Haha. 

    Our friends want want to do a group trip to Maui for a college basketball tournament in November, which we can't commit to if I'm pregnant in the next 2-3 mos, but will be a silver lining if I'm not :) we have a few small getaways planned (bday trip to the coast, family meet up in Wisconsin, and a long weekend to either the Grand Canyon or arches) which I am really looking forward to so I won't be super bummed if Hawaii doesn't work out ;) 

    *edited for autocorrect grammatical errors! 
    Me: 39 SO: 36

    Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

    TTC#1 since November 2015
    9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
    10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
    1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
    March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

    TTC #2 since July 2018
    May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @MntnGirl Good luck with your IVF!!! Fingers crossed!

    1. Rita from Santa Cruz CA

     2. TTC #2 for a year and a half, 1 CP and 2 MC's

     3. I just had my first RE appointment but am looking into other options closer to home since this one is quite a drive for my husband and I. We are thinking of doing IVF based on my AMA. The RE's opinion yesterday was that my previous MC's were probably related to chromosomal abnormalities since the rest of my blood work came back fine. So IVF would al least allow for genetic testing to be done before selecting the embryos to implant. I started taking COQ10 this month along with my prenatal. Doing fertility tea and adding Maca to my morning shake. Drinking pomegranate juice because someone told me it helps with the lining of your uterus (who knows really). Started temping also but I wake up at random times and have to get up to check on my DD at night so who knows if its going to help or not.

     4. CD10 and waiting to O

     5. Well I had an HSG done this last Monday which was normal (tubes open, uterus lining looked smooth) so Im somewhat hopeful for this month since I have heard some people get pregnant after an HSG. Fingers crossed!

     QOTW: No exciting vacations for me :-( boo. If I could go anywhere I think Id go to Greece and soak up the sun on a boat or on the beach.
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    happyktmom from VA
    TTC#2 for almost 2 years
    Currently getting another work up from new RE, may do bloodwork this weekend.  Gearing up for first and only IUI in April. Taking Metformin, Levothyroxine, PNV's, Vit D.  I did take 5mg Femara this cycle without monitoring or temping. 
    CD19  2dpo (I think) and am cramping up a storm! I am visualizing all the giant follicles I produced because of the Femara.  Let's hope one of them takes!!

    We are taking a trip to Europe in May!  I can't wait! Zurich, Munich and Venice!
    **child mentioned**
    Me(38)PCOS/Hypothyroid   DH(43)Low T/ED
    MMC at 10 weeks 03/2011 DD born 01/2012   TTC #2 since 04/2014
    BFP 8/26/2016

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    @rspalding001 GL with the post HSG BD!
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    1.  Molly from CA
    2.  We are on cycle #3 trying for #3
    3.  I am temping and charting.  
    4.  I am on CD 12.  I usually O around CD 16, so we are getting into the trying part.
    5.  I am always hopeful during this part.  I like having something go do.  It makes me feel like I have control.  I am terrible at the waiting parts.  

    QOTW : We are supposed to go back to the east coast to see family this summer, but I don't know if we'll be able to swing the plane tickets.  We need a new car, and I think we are going to owe on taxes rather than get $ back :-(

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


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