Natural Birth


Hi All! I'm Krystal and I'm currently 12 weeks pregnant with our first baby! We have decided to go for a natural birth and (provided we remain low risk), we'll be delivering at a stand alone birthing center. We had our first visit on 1/15 and we are very please with our decision to use a birthing center so far. I'm so excited, but also very nervous, about going all natural. Almost all my friends and family have done traditional hospital births with an epi, so I don't have very much exposure. I look forward to hearing about everyone's experiences with natural birth!!!
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: Intro

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    Welcome and congratulations on your pregnancy.
    I've had 3 straight forward "easy" natural births, and can truly say I love giving birth.
    Best wishes to you.
    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

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    I had my first baby at a stand-alone birth center too and it was absolutely WONDERFUL. You're totally making the right decision.
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